A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
5  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
6  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.
11  *
12  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
14  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
15  */
17 // Network topology
18 //
19 // +----------+
20 // | external |
21 // | Linux |
22 // | Host |
23 // | |
24 // | "mytap" |
25 // +----------+
26 // | n0 n3 n4
27 // | +--------+ +------------+ +------------+
28 // +-------| tap | | | | |
29 // | bridge | ... | | | |
30 // +--------+ +------------+ +------------+
31 // | Wifi | | Wifi | P2P |-----| P2P | CSMA |
32 // +--------+ +------+-----+ +-----+------+
33 // | | ^ |
34 // ((*)) ((*)) | |
35 // P2P 10.1.2 |
36 // ((*)) ((*)) | n5 n6 n7
37 // | | | | | |
38 // n1 n2 ================
39 // Wifi 10.1.1 CSMA LAN 10.1.3
40 //
41 // The Wifi device on node zero is:
42 // The Wifi device on node one is:
43 // The Wifi device on node two is:
44 // The Wifi device on node three is:
45 // The P2P device on node three is:
46 // The P2P device on node four is:
47 // The CSMA device on node four is:
48 // The CSMA device on node five is:
49 // The CSMA device on node six is:
50 // The CSMA device on node seven is:
51 //
52 // Some simple things to do:
53 //
54 // 1) Ping one of the simulated nodes on the left side of the topology.
55 //
56 // ./ns3 run tap-wifi-dumbbell&
57 // ping
58 //
59 // 2) Configure a route in the linux host and ping once of the nodes on the
60 // right, across the point-to-point link. You will see relatively large
61 // delays due to CBR background traffic on the point-to-point (see next
62 // item).
63 //
64 // ./ns3 run tap-wifi-dumbbell&
65 // sudo route add -net netmask dev thetap gw
66 // ping
67 //
68 // Take a look at the pcap traces and note that the timing reflects the
69 // addition of the significant delay and low bandwidth configured on the
70 // point-to-point link along with the high traffic.
71 //
72 // 3) Fiddle with the background CBR traffic across the point-to-point
73 // link and watch the ping timing change. The OnOffApplication "DataRate"
74 // attribute defaults to 500kb/s and the "PacketSize" Attribute defaults
75 // to 512. The point-to-point "DataRate" is set to 512kb/s in the script,
76 // so in the default case, the link is pretty full. This should be
77 // reflected in large delays seen by ping. You can crank down the CBR
78 // traffic data rate and watch the ping timing change dramatically.
79 //
80 // ./ns3 run "tap-wifi-dumbbell --ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate=100kb/s"&
81 // sudo route add -net netmask dev thetap gw
82 // ping
83 //
84 // 4) Try to run this in UseBridge mode. This allows you to bridge an ns-3
85 // simulation to an existing pre-configured bridge. This uses tap devices
86 // just for illustration, you can create your own bridge if you want.
87 //
88 // sudo tunctl -t mytap1
89 // sudo ifconfig mytap1 promisc up
90 // sudo tunctl -t mytap2
91 // sudo ifconfig mytap2 promisc up
92 // sudo brctl addbr mybridge
93 // sudo brctl addif mybridge mytap1
94 // sudo brctl addif mybridge mytap2
95 // sudo ifconfig mybridge netmask up
96 // ./ns3 run "tap-wifi-dumbbell --mode=UseBridge --tapName=mytap2"&
97 // ping
99 #include <iostream>
100 #include <fstream>
102 #include "ns3/core-module.h"
103 #include "ns3/network-module.h"
104 #include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
105 #include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
106 #include "ns3/wifi-module.h"
107 #include "ns3/internet-module.h"
108 #include "ns3/csma-module.h"
109 #include "ns3/applications-module.h"
110 #include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
111 #include "ns3/tap-bridge-module.h"
113 using namespace ns3;
115 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TapDumbbellExample");
117 int
118 main (int argc, char *argv[])
119 {
120  std::string mode = "ConfigureLocal";
121  std::string tapName = "thetap";
123  CommandLine cmd (__FILE__);
124  cmd.AddValue ("mode", "Mode setting of TapBridge", mode);
125  cmd.AddValue ("tapName", "Name of the OS tap device", tapName);
126  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
128  GlobalValue::Bind ("SimulatorImplementationType", StringValue ("ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl"));
129  GlobalValue::Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", BooleanValue (true));
131  //
132  // The topology has a Wifi network of four nodes on the left side. We'll make
133  // node zero the AP and have the other three will be the STAs.
134  //
135  NodeContainer nodesLeft;
136  nodesLeft.Create (4);
138  YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy;
140  wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
142  Ssid ssid = Ssid ("left");
144  WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
145  wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ArfWifiManager");
147  wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac",
148  "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid));
149  NetDeviceContainer devicesLeft = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, nodesLeft.Get (0));
152  wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
153  "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
154  "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));
155  devicesLeft.Add (wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, NodeContainer (nodesLeft.Get (1), nodesLeft.Get (2), nodesLeft.Get (3))));
158  mobility.Install (nodesLeft);
160  InternetStackHelper internetLeft;
161  internetLeft.Install (nodesLeft);
163  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4Left;
164  ipv4Left.SetBase ("", "");
165  Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfacesLeft = ipv4Left.Assign (devicesLeft);
167  TapBridgeHelper tapBridge (interfacesLeft.GetAddress (1));
168  tapBridge.SetAttribute ("Mode", StringValue (mode));
169  tapBridge.SetAttribute ("DeviceName", StringValue (tapName));
170  tapBridge.Install (nodesLeft.Get (0), devicesLeft.Get (0));
172  //
173  // Now, create the right side.
174  //
175  NodeContainer nodesRight;
176  nodesRight.Create (4);
178  CsmaHelper csmaRight;
179  csmaRight.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (5000000));
180  csmaRight.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (2)));
182  NetDeviceContainer devicesRight = csmaRight.Install (nodesRight);
184  InternetStackHelper internetRight;
185  internetRight.Install (nodesRight);
187  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4Right;
188  ipv4Right.SetBase ("", "");
189  Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfacesRight = ipv4Right.Assign (devicesRight);
191  //
192  // Stick in the point-to-point line between the sides.
193  //
194  PointToPointHelper p2p;
195  p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("512kbps"));
196  p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("10ms"));
198  NodeContainer nodes = NodeContainer (nodesLeft.Get (3), nodesRight.Get (0));
201  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;
202  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
205  //
206  // Simulate some CBR traffic over the point-to-point link
207  //
208  uint16_t port = 9; // Discard port (RFC 863)
209  OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress (interfaces.GetAddress (1), port));
210  onoff.SetConstantRate (DataRate ("500kb/s"));
212  ApplicationContainer apps = onoff.Install (nodesLeft.Get (3));
213  apps.Start (Seconds (1.0));
215  // Create a packet sink to receive these packets
216  PacketSinkHelper sink ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port));
218  apps = sink.Install (nodesRight.Get (0));
219  apps.Start (Seconds (1.0));
221  wifiPhy.EnablePcapAll ("tap-wifi-dumbbell");
223  csmaRight.EnablePcapAll ("tap-wifi-dumbbell", false);
226  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (60.));
227  Simulator::Run ();
229 }
holds a vector of ns3::Application pointers.
void Start(Time start)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Start() at the Time given as a parameter.
AttributeValue implementation for Boolean.
Definition: boolean.h:37
Parse command-line arguments.
Definition: command-line.h:229
build a set of CsmaNetDevice objects
Definition: csma-helper.h:47
void SetChannelAttribute(std::string n1, const AttributeValue &v1)
Definition: csma-helper.cc:73
NetDeviceContainer Install(Ptr< Node > node) const
This method creates an ns3::CsmaChannel with the attributes configured by CsmaHelper::SetChannelAttri...
Definition: csma-helper.cc:225
Class for representing data rates.
Definition: data-rate.h:89
AttributeValue implementation for DataRate.
Definition: data-rate.h:298
static void Bind(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Iterate over the set of GlobalValues until a matching name is found and then set its value with Globa...
an Inet address class
aggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes.
void Install(std::string nodeName) const
Aggregate implementations of the ns3::Ipv4, ns3::Ipv6, ns3::Udp, and ns3::Tcp classes onto the provid...
A helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts.
void SetBase(Ipv4Address network, Ipv4Mask mask, Ipv4Address base="")
Set the base network number, network mask and base address.
Ipv4InterfaceContainer Assign(const NetDeviceContainer &c)
Assign IP addresses to the net devices specified in the container based on the current network prefix...
static Ipv4Address GetAny(void)
static void PopulateRoutingTables(void)
Build a routing database and initialize the routing tables of the nodes in the simulation.
holds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index.
Ipv4Address GetAddress(uint32_t i, uint32_t j=0) const
Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes.
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
void Add(NetDeviceContainer other)
Append the contents of another NetDeviceContainer to the end of this container.
Ptr< NetDevice > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<NetDevice> stored in this container at a given index.
keep track of a set of node pointers.
void Create(uint32_t n)
Create n nodes and append pointers to them to the end of this NodeContainer.
Ptr< Node > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Node> stored in this container at a given index.
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes.
Definition: on-off-helper.h:43
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on a set of nodes.
void EnablePcapAll(std::string prefix, bool promiscuous=false)
Enable pcap output on each device (which is of the appropriate type) in the set of all nodes created ...
Build a set of PointToPointNetDevice objects.
void SetDeviceAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set an attribute value to be propagated to each NetDevice created by the helper.
void SetChannelAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set an attribute value to be propagated to each Channel created by the helper.
NetDeviceContainer Install(NodeContainer c)
static void Stop(void)
Tell the Simulator the calling event should be the last one executed.
Definition: simulator.cc:180
static void Destroy(void)
Execute the events scheduled with ScheduleDestroy().
Definition: simulator.cc:136
static void Run(void)
Run the simulation.
Definition: simulator.cc:172
The IEEE 802.11 SSID Information Element.
Definition: ssid.h:36
AttributeValue implementation for Ssid.
Definition: ssid.h:105
Hold variables of type string.
Definition: string.h:41
build TapBridge to allow ns-3 simulations to interact with Linux tap devices and processes on the Lin...
AttributeValue implementation for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:1308
helps to create WifiNetDevice objects
Definition: wifi-helper.h:274
create MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice.
void SetType(std::string type, Args &&... args)
manage and create wifi channel objects for the YANS model.
Ptr< YansWifiChannel > Create(void) const
static YansWifiChannelHelper Default(void)
Create a channel helper in a default working state.
Make it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the YANS model.
void SetChannel(Ptr< YansWifiChannel > channel)
uint16_t port
Definition: dsdv-manet.cc:45
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1244
Time MilliSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1252
Definition: first.py:39
Definition: first.py:32
Definition: first.py:48
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Definition: second.py:35
Definition: third.py:100
Definition: third.py:96
Definition: third.py:108
Ptr< PacketSink > sink
Definition: wifi-tcp.cc:56