A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2010 CTTC
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Nicola Baldo <nbaldo@cttc.es>
19  */
23 #include <iostream>
25 #include <ns3/core-module.h>
26 #include <ns3/network-module.h>
27 #include <ns3/spectrum-model-ism2400MHz-res1MHz.h>
28 #include <ns3/spectrum-model-300kHz-300GHz-log.h>
29 #include <ns3/wifi-spectrum-value-helper.h>
30 #include <ns3/single-model-spectrum-channel.h>
31 #include <ns3/waveform-generator.h>
32 #include <ns3/spectrum-analyzer.h>
33 #include <ns3/log.h>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <iomanip>
36 #include <ns3/friis-spectrum-propagation-loss.h>
37 #include <ns3/propagation-delay-model.h>
38 #include <ns3/mobility-module.h>
39 #include <ns3/spectrum-helper.h>
40 #include <ns3/applications-module.h>
41 #include <ns3/adhoc-aloha-noack-ideal-phy-helper.h>
44 using namespace ns3;
46 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TestAdhocOfdmAloha");
48 static bool g_verbose = false;
49 static uint64_t g_rxBytes;
51 void
52 PhyRxEndOkTrace (std::string context, Ptr<const Packet> p)
53 {
54  if (g_verbose)
55  {
56  std::cout << context << " PHY RX END OK p:" << p << std::endl;
57  }
58  g_rxBytes += p->GetSize ();
59 }
72 {
73 public:
83  void UpdatePathloss (std::string context, Ptr<const SpectrumPhy> txPhy, Ptr<const SpectrumPhy> rxPhy, double lossDb);
89  void Print ();
91 private:
92  std::map<uint32_t, std::map<uint32_t, double> > m_pathlossMap;
93 };
95 void
97  Ptr<const SpectrumPhy> txPhyConst,
98  Ptr<const SpectrumPhy> rxPhyConst,
99  double lossDb)
100 {
101  Ptr<SpectrumPhy> txPhy = ConstCast<SpectrumPhy> (txPhyConst);
102  Ptr<SpectrumPhy> rxPhy = ConstCast<SpectrumPhy> (rxPhyConst);
103  uint32_t txNodeId = txPhy->GetMobility ()->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
104  uint32_t rxNodeId = rxPhy->GetMobility ()->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
105  m_pathlossMap[txNodeId][rxNodeId] = lossDb;
106 }
108 void
110 {
111  for (std::map<uint32_t, std::map<uint32_t, double> >::const_iterator txit = m_pathlossMap.begin ();
112  txit != m_pathlossMap.end ();
113  ++txit)
114  {
115  for (std::map<uint32_t, double>::const_iterator rxit = txit->second.begin ();
116  rxit != txit->second.end ();
117  ++rxit)
118  {
119  std::cout << txit->first << " --> " << rxit->first << " : " << rxit->second << " dB" << std::endl;
120  }
121  }
122 }
126 int main (int argc, char** argv)
127 {
128  CommandLine cmd (__FILE__);
129  double lossDb = 130;
130  double txPowerW = 0.1;
131  uint64_t phyRate = 500000;
132  uint32_t pktSize = 1000;
133  double simDuration = 0.5;
134  std::string channelType ("ns3::SingleModelSpectrumChannel");
135  cmd.AddValue ("verbose", "Print trace information if true", g_verbose);
136  cmd.AddValue ("lossDb", "link loss in dB", lossDb);
137  cmd.AddValue ("txPowerW", "txPower in Watts", txPowerW);
138  cmd.AddValue ("phyRate", "PHY rate in bps", phyRate);
139  cmd.AddValue ("pktSize", "packet size in bytes", pktSize);
140  cmd.AddValue ("simDuration", "duration of the simulation in seconds", simDuration);
141  cmd.AddValue ("channelType", "which SpectrumChannel implementation to be used", channelType);
142  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
144  NodeContainer c;
145  c.Create (2);
148  mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
149  mobility.Install (c);
150  // the actual positions are irrelevant, since we use MatrixPropagationLossModel
153  SpectrumChannelHelper channelHelper;
154  channelHelper.SetChannel (channelType);
155  channelHelper.SetPropagationDelay ("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel");
156  Ptr<MatrixPropagationLossModel> propLoss = CreateObject<MatrixPropagationLossModel> ();
157  propLoss->SetLoss (c.Get (0)->GetObject<MobilityModel> (), c.Get (1)->GetObject<MobilityModel> (), lossDb, true);
158  channelHelper.AddPropagationLoss (propLoss);
159  Ptr<SpectrumChannel> channel = channelHelper.Create ();
164  uint32_t channelNumber = 1;
165  Ptr<SpectrumValue> txPsd = sf.CreateTxPowerSpectralDensity (txPowerW, channelNumber);
167  // for the noise, we use the Power Spectral Density of thermal noise
168  // at room temperature. The value of the PSD will be constant over the band of interest.
169  const double k = 1.381e-23; //Boltzmann's constant
170  const double T = 290; // temperature in Kelvin
171  double noisePsdValue = k * T; // watts per hertz
172  Ptr<SpectrumValue> noisePsd = sf.CreateConstant (noisePsdValue);
174  AdhocAlohaNoackIdealPhyHelper deviceHelper;
175  deviceHelper.SetChannel (channel);
176  deviceHelper.SetTxPowerSpectralDensity (txPsd);
177  deviceHelper.SetNoisePowerSpectralDensity (noisePsd);
178  deviceHelper.SetPhyAttribute ("Rate", DataRateValue (DataRate (phyRate)));
179  NetDeviceContainer devices = deviceHelper.Install (c);
181  PacketSocketHelper packetSocket;
182  packetSocket.Install (c);
184  PacketSocketAddress socket;
185  socket.SetSingleDevice (devices.Get (0)->GetIfIndex ());
186  socket.SetPhysicalAddress (devices.Get (1)->GetAddress ());
187  socket.SetProtocol (1);
189  OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::PacketSocketFactory", Address (socket));
190  onoff.SetConstantRate (DataRate (2*phyRate));
191  onoff.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (pktSize));
193  ApplicationContainer apps = onoff.Install (c.Get (0));
194  apps.Start (Seconds (0.0));
195  apps.Stop (Seconds (simDuration));
197  Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/Phy/RxEndOk", MakeCallback (&PhyRxEndOkTrace));
199  GlobalPathlossDatabase globalPathlossDatabase;
200  Config::Connect ("/ChannelList/*/$ns3::SpectrumChannel/PathLoss",
201  MakeCallback (&GlobalPathlossDatabase::UpdatePathloss, &globalPathlossDatabase));
203  g_rxBytes = 0;
204  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (simDuration + 0.000001));
205  Simulator::Run ();
207  if (g_verbose)
208  {
209  globalPathlossDatabase.Print ();
211  double throughputBps = (g_rxBytes * 8.0) / simDuration;
212  std::cout << "throughput: " << throughputBps << std::endl;
213  std::cout << "throughput: " << std::setw (20) << std::fixed << throughputBps << " bps" << std::endl;
214  std::cout << "phy rate : " << std::setw (20) << std::fixed << phyRate*1.0 << " bps" << std::endl;
215  double rxPowerW = txPowerW / (std::pow (10.0, lossDb/10.0));
216  double capacity = 20e6*log2 (1.0 + (rxPowerW/20.0e6)/noisePsdValue);
217  std::cout << "shannon capacity: " << std::setw (20) << std::fixed << capacity << " bps" << std::endl;
219  }
224  return 0;
225 }
void PhyRxEndOkTrace(std::string context, Ptr< const Packet > p)
Store the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair.
void Print()
print the stored pathloss values to standard output
void UpdatePathloss(std::string context, Ptr< const SpectrumPhy > txPhy, Ptr< const SpectrumPhy > rxPhy, double lossDb)
update the pathloss value
std::map< uint32_t, std::map< uint32_t, double > > m_pathlossMap
Path loss map.
a polymophic address class
Definition: address.h:91
void SetPhyAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &v)
void SetTxPowerSpectralDensity(Ptr< SpectrumValue > txPsd)
void SetNoisePowerSpectralDensity(Ptr< SpectrumValue > noisePsd)
void SetChannel(Ptr< SpectrumChannel > channel)
set the SpectrumChannel that will be used by SpectrumPhy instances created by this helper
NetDeviceContainer Install(NodeContainer c) const
holds a vector of ns3::Application pointers.
void Start(Time start)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Start() at the Time given as a parameter.
void Stop(Time stop)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Stop() at the Time given as a parameter.
Parse command-line arguments.
Definition: command-line.h:229
Class for representing data rates.
Definition: data-rate.h:89
AttributeValue implementation for DataRate.
Definition: data-rate.h:298
Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes.
Keep track of the current position and velocity of an object.
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
keep track of a set of node pointers.
void Create(uint32_t n)
Create n nodes and append pointers to them to the end of this NodeContainer.
Ptr< Node > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Node> stored in this container at a given index.
A network Node.
Definition: node.h:57
Ptr< T > GetObject(void) const
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object.
Definition: object.h:470
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes.
Definition: on-off-helper.h:43
uint32_t GetSize(void) const
Returns the the size in bytes of the packet (including the zero-filled initial payload).
Definition: packet.h:856
an address for a packet socket
void SetProtocol(uint16_t protocol)
Set the protocol.
void SetPhysicalAddress(const Address address)
Set the destination address.
void SetSingleDevice(uint32_t device)
Set the address to match only a specified NetDevice.
Give ns3::PacketSocket powers to ns3::Node.
void Install(Ptr< Node > node) const
Aggregate an instance of a ns3::PacketSocketFactory onto the provided node.
static void Stop(void)
Tell the Simulator the calling event should be the last one executed.
Definition: simulator.cc:180
static void Destroy(void)
Execute the events scheduled with ScheduleDestroy().
Definition: simulator.cc:136
static void Run(void)
Run the simulation.
Definition: simulator.cc:172
Setup a SpectrumChannel.
void SetChannel(std::string type, std::string n0="", const AttributeValue &v0=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue())
void SetPropagationDelay(std::string name, std::string n0="", const AttributeValue &v0=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue())
void AddPropagationLoss(std::string name, std::string n0="", const AttributeValue &v0=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue())
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > Create(void) const
virtual Ptr< MobilityModel > GetMobility() const =0
Get the associated MobilityModel instance.
Hold an unsigned integer type.
Definition: uinteger.h:44
Implements Wifi SpectrumValue for the 2.4 GHz ISM band only, with a 5 MHz spectrum resolution.
virtual Ptr< SpectrumValue > CreateConstant(double psd)
Creates a SpectrumValue instance with a constant value for all frequencies.
virtual Ptr< SpectrumValue > CreateTxPowerSpectralDensity(double txPower, uint8_t channel)
Creates a SpectrumValue instance that represents the TX Power Spectral Density of a wifi device corre...
void Connect(std::string path, const CallbackBase &cb)
Definition: config.cc:920
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1244
void Print(ComponentCarrier cc)
Definition: first.py:39
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Callback< R, Ts... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Ts...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Definition: callback.h:1648
Definition: second.py:35
Definition: third.py:92
Definition: third.py:108
uint32_t pktSize
packet size used for the simulation (in bytes)
Definition: wifi-bianchi.cc:89