This is the complete list of members for ns3::InterferenceHelper, including all inherited members.
Add(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector, Time duration, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPower, bool isStartOfdmaRxing=false) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
AddBand(WifiSpectrumBand band) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
AddForeignSignal(Time duration, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPower) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
AddNiChangeEvent(Time moment, NiChange change, NiChangesPerBand::iterator niIt) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
AggregateObject(Ptr< Object > other) | ns3::Object | |
AppendEvent(Ptr< Event > event, bool isStartOfdmaRxing) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
CalculateChunkSuccessRate(double snir, Time duration, WifiMode mode, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPpduField field) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | protected |
CalculateNoiseInterferenceW(Ptr< Event > event, NiChangesPerBand *nis, WifiSpectrumBand band) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
CalculatePayloadChunkSuccessRate(double snir, Time duration, const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | protected |
CalculatePayloadPer(Ptr< const Event > event, uint16_t channelWidth, NiChangesPerBand *nis, WifiSpectrumBand band, uint16_t staId, std::pair< Time, Time > window) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
CalculatePayloadSnrPer(Ptr< Event > event, uint16_t channelWidth, WifiSpectrumBand band, uint16_t staId, std::pair< Time, Time > relativeMpduStartStop) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
CalculatePhyHeaderPer(Ptr< const Event > event, NiChangesPerBand *nis, uint16_t channelWidth, WifiSpectrumBand band, WifiPpduField header) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
CalculatePhyHeaderSectionPsr(Ptr< const Event > event, NiChangesPerBand *nis, uint16_t channelWidth, WifiSpectrumBand band, PhyEntity::PhyHeaderSections phyHeaderSections) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
CalculatePhyHeaderSnrPer(Ptr< Event > event, uint16_t channelWidth, WifiSpectrumBand band, WifiPpduField header) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
CalculateSnr(Ptr< Event > event, uint16_t channelWidth, uint8_t nss, WifiSpectrumBand band) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
CalculateSnr(double signal, double noiseInterference, uint16_t channelWidth, uint8_t nss) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | protected |
Check(void) const | ns3::Object | private |
CheckLoose(void) const | ns3::Object | private |
Construct(const AttributeConstructionList &attributes) | ns3::Object | private |
ConstructSelf(const AttributeConstructionList &attributes) | ns3::ObjectBase | protected |
Dispose(void) | ns3::Object | |
DoDelete(void) | ns3::Object | private |
DoDispose(void) override | ns3::InterferenceHelper | protectedvirtual |
DoGetObject(TypeId tid) const | ns3::Object | private |
DoInitialize(void) | ns3::Object | protectedvirtual |
DoSet(Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > spec, Ptr< const AttributeChecker > checker, const AttributeValue &value) | ns3::ObjectBase | private |
EraseEvents(void) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
GetAggregateIterator(void) const | ns3::Object | |
GetAttribute(std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const | ns3::ObjectBase | |
GetAttributeFailSafe(std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const | ns3::ObjectBase | |
GetEnergyDuration(double energyW, WifiSpectrumBand band) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
GetErrorRateModel(void) const | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
GetInstanceTypeId(void) const | ns3::Object | virtual |
GetNextPosition(Time moment, NiChangesPerBand::iterator niIt) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
GetObject(void) const | ns3::Object | inline |
GetObject(TypeId tid) const | ns3::Object | |
GetObject() const | ns3::Object | inline |
GetObject(TypeId tid) const | ns3::Object | inline |
GetObjectIid(void) | ns3::ObjectBase | related |
GetPreviousPosition(Time moment, NiChangesPerBand::iterator niIt) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
GetReferenceCount(void) const | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | inline |
GetTypeId(void) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | static |
Initialize(void) | ns3::Object | |
InterferenceHelper() | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
IsInitialized(void) const | ns3::Object | |
m_aggregates | ns3::Object | private |
m_count | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | mutableprivate |
m_disposed | ns3::Object | private |
m_errorRateModel | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
m_firstPowerPerBand | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
m_getObjectCount | ns3::Object | private |
m_initialized | ns3::Object | private |
m_niChangesPerBand | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
m_noiseFigure | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
m_numRxAntennas | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
m_rxing | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
m_tid | ns3::Object | private |
NiChanges typedef | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
NiChangesPerBand typedef | ns3::InterferenceHelper | private |
NotifyConstructionCompleted(void) | ns3::ObjectBase | protectedvirtual |
NotifyNewAggregate(void) | ns3::Object | protectedvirtual |
NotifyRxEnd(Time endTime) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
NotifyRxStart() | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
Object() | ns3::Object | |
Object(const Object &o) | ns3::Object | protected |
operator=([[maybe_unused]] const SimpleRefCount &o) | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | inline |
Ref(void) const | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | inline |
RemoveBands(void) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) | ns3::ObjectBase | |
SetAttributeFailSafe(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) | ns3::ObjectBase | |
SetErrorRateModel(const Ptr< ErrorRateModel > rate) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
SetNoiseFigure(double value) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
SetNumberOfReceiveAntennas(uint8_t rx) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
SetTypeId(TypeId tid) | ns3::Object | private |
SimpleRefCount() | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | inline |
SimpleRefCount(const SimpleRefCount &o[[maybe_unused]]) | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | inline |
TraceConnect(std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) | ns3::ObjectBase | |
TraceConnectWithoutContext(std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) | ns3::ObjectBase | |
TraceDisconnect(std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) | ns3::ObjectBase | |
TraceDisconnectWithoutContext(std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) | ns3::ObjectBase | |
Unref(void) const | ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter > | inline |
UpdateEvent(Ptr< Event > event, const RxPowerWattPerChannelBand &rxPower) | ns3::InterferenceHelper | |
UpdateSortedArray(struct Aggregates *aggregates, uint32_t i) const | ns3::Object | private |
~InterferenceHelper() | ns3::InterferenceHelper | virtual |
~Object() | ns3::Object | virtual |
~ObjectBase() | ns3::ObjectBase | virtual |