30 #include "ns3/object.h"
32 #include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
679 typedef std::map<Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA*>
680 typedef std::pair<Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA*>
A Candidate Queue used in routing calculations.
A global router implementation.
void SPFCalculate(Ipv4Address root)
Calculate the shortest path first (SPF) tree.
void SPFAddASExternal(GlobalRoutingLSA *extlsa, SPFVertex *v)
Add an external route to the routing tables.
virtual ~GlobalRouteManagerImpl()
void ProcessASExternals(SPFVertex *v, GlobalRoutingLSA *extlsa)
Process Autonomous Systems (AS) External LSA.
virtual void InitializeRoutes()
Compute routes using a Dijkstra SPF computation and populate per-node forwarding tables.
void SPFProcessStubs(SPFVertex *v)
Process Stub nodes.
virtual void BuildGlobalRoutingDatabase()
Build the routing database by gathering Link State Advertisements from each node exporting a GlobalRo...
GlobalRoutingLinkRecord * SPFGetNextLink(SPFVertex *v, SPFVertex *w, GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *prev_link)
Search for a link between two vertices.
int32_t FindOutgoingInterfaceId(Ipv4Address a, Ipv4Mask amask=Ipv4Mask(""))
Return the interface number corresponding to a given IP address and mask.
virtual void DeleteGlobalRoutes()
Delete all static routes on all nodes that have a GlobalRouterInterface.
GlobalRouteManagerImpl(GlobalRouteManagerImpl &srmi)
GlobalRouteManagerImpl copy construction is disallowed.
GlobalRouteManagerLSDB * m_lsdb
the Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager
bool CheckForStubNode(Ipv4Address root)
Test if a node is a stub, from an OSPF sense.
void DebugUseLsdb(GlobalRouteManagerLSDB *lsdb)
Debugging routine; allow client code to supply a pre-built LSDB.
SPFVertex * m_spfroot
the root node
void SPFNext(SPFVertex *v, CandidateQueue &candidate)
Examine the links in v's LSA and update the list of candidates with any vertices not already on the l...
void DebugSPFCalculate(Ipv4Address root)
Debugging routine; call the core SPF from the unit tests.
void SPFIntraAddTransit(SPFVertex *v)
Add a transit to the routing tables.
int SPFNexthopCalculation(SPFVertex *v, SPFVertex *w, GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *l, uint32_t distance)
Calculate nexthop from root through V (parent) to vertex W (destination) with given distance from roo...
void SPFIntraAddStub(GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *l, SPFVertex *v)
Add a stub to the routing tables.
void SPFIntraAddRouter(SPFVertex *v)
Add a host route to the routing tables.
void SPFVertexAddParent(SPFVertex *v)
Adds a vertex to the list of children in each of its parents.
GlobalRouteManagerImpl & operator=(GlobalRouteManagerImpl &srmi)
Global Route Manager Implementation assignment operator is disallowed.
The Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager.
std::map< Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA * > LSDBMap_t
container of IPv4 addresses / Link State Advertisements
void Initialize()
Set all LSA flags to an initialized state, for SPF computation.
GlobalRouteManagerLSDB & operator=(GlobalRouteManagerLSDB &lsdb)
The SPFVertex copy assignment operator is disallowed.
std::pair< Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA * > LSDBPair_t
pair of IPv4 addresses / Link State Advertisements
Destroy an empty Global Router Manager Link State Database.
uint32_t GetNumExtLSAs() const
Get the number of External Link State Advertisements.
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetLSA(Ipv4Address addr) const
Look up the Link State Advertisement associated with the given link state ID (address).
std::vector< GlobalRoutingLSA * > m_extdatabase
database of External Link State Advertisements
void Insert(Ipv4Address addr, GlobalRoutingLSA *lsa)
Insert an IP address / Link State Advertisement pair into the Link State Database.
GlobalRouteManagerLSDB(GlobalRouteManagerLSDB &lsdb)
GlobalRouteManagerLSDB copy construction is disallowed.
LSDBMap_t m_database
database of IPv4 addresses / Link State Advertisements
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetExtLSA(uint32_t index) const
Look up the External Link State Advertisement associated with the given index.
Construct an empty Global Router Manager Link State Database.
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetLSAByLinkData(Ipv4Address addr) const
Look up the Link State Advertisement associated with the given link state ID (address).
a Link State Advertisement (LSA) for a router, used in global routing.
A single link record for a link state advertisement.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Global routing protocol for IPv4 stacks.
a class to represent an Ipv4 address mask
Vertex used in shortest path first (SPF) computations.
std::pair< Ipv4Address, int32_t > NodeExit_t
IPv4 / interface container for exit nodes.
Ipv4Address m_nextHop
next hop
SPFVertex & operator=(SPFVertex &v)
The SPFVertex copy assignment operator is disallowed.
void SetVertexId(Ipv4Address id)
Set the Vertex ID field of a SPFVertex object.
void MergeParent(const SPFVertex *v)
Merge the Parent list from the v into this vertex.
Enumeration of the possible types of SPFVertex objects.
@ VertexNetwork
Vertex representing a network in the topology.
@ VertexRouter
Vertex representing a router in the topology.
@ VertexUnknown
Uninitialized Link Record.
void InheritAllRootExitDirections(const SPFVertex *vertex)
Inherit all root exit directions from a given vertex to 'this' vertex.
void SetDistanceFromRoot(uint32_t distance)
Set the distance from the root vertex to "this" SPFVertex object.
SPFVertex * GetChild(uint32_t n) const
Get a borrowed SPFVertex pointer to the specified child of "this" SPFVertex.
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetLSA(void) const
Get the Global Router Link State Advertisement returned by the Global Router represented by this SPFV...
void SetParent(SPFVertex *parent)
Set the pointer to the SPFVector that is the parent of "this" SPFVertex.
void MergeRootExitDirections(const SPFVertex *vertex)
Merge into 'this' vertex the list of exit directions from another vertex.
std::list< SPFVertex * > ListOfSPFVertex_t
container of SPFVertexes
std::list< NodeExit_t > ListOfNodeExit_t
container of Exit nodes
GlobalRoutingLSA * m_lsa
Link State Advertisement.
Destroy an SPFVertex (Shortest Path First Vertex).
VertexType GetVertexType(void) const
Get the Vertex Type field of a SPFVertex object.
void SetRootExitDirection(Ipv4Address nextHop, int32_t id=SPF_INFINITY)
Set the IP address and outgoing interface index that should be used to begin forwarding packets from ...
void SetVertexProcessed(bool value)
Set the value of the VertexProcessed flag.
uint32_t GetNChildren(void) const
Get the number of children of "this" SPFVertex.
void SetVertexType(VertexType type)
Set the Vertex Type field of a SPFVertex object.
void SetLSA(GlobalRoutingLSA *lsa)
Set the Global Router Link State Advertisement returned by the Global Router represented by this SPFV...
SPFVertex(SPFVertex &v)
The SPFVertex copy construction is disallowed.
uint32_t GetNRootExitDirections() const
Get the number of exit directions from root for reaching 'this' vertex.
int32_t m_rootOif
root Output Interface
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SPFVertex::ListOfSPFVertex_t &vs)
Stream insertion operator.
uint32_t m_distanceFromRoot
Distance from root node.
uint32_t GetDistanceFromRoot(void) const
Get the distance from the root vertex to "this" SPFVertex object.
bool IsVertexProcessed(void) const
Check the value of the VertexProcessed flag.
bool m_vertexProcessed
Flag to note whether vertex has been processed in stage two of SPF computation.
Ipv4Address m_vertexId
Vertex ID.
void ClearVertexProcessed(void)
Clear the value of the VertexProcessed flag.
uint32_t AddChild(SPFVertex *child)
Get a borrowed SPFVertex pointer to the specified child of "this" SPFVertex.
NodeExit_t GetRootExitDirection() const
Obtain a pair indicating the exit direction from the root.
Ipv4Address GetVertexId(void) const
Get the Vertex ID field of a SPFVertex object.
ListOfNodeExit_t m_ecmpRootExits
store the multiple root's exits for supporting ECMP
SPFVertex * GetParent(uint32_t i=0) const
Get a pointer to the SPFVector that is the parent of "this" SPFVertex.
ListOfSPFVertex_t m_children
Children list.
VertexType m_vertexType
Vertex type.
ListOfSPFVertex_t m_parents
parent list
Construct an empty ("uninitialized") SPFVertex (Shortest Path First Vertex).
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
const uint32_t SPF_INFINITY
"infinite" distance between nodes