44 void Print(std::ostream& os)
const override;
iterator in a Buffer instance
The Extended Capabilities Information Element.
uint8_t m_tdlsWiderBandwidth
TDLS Wider Bandwidth.
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte7() const
Return the seventh byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
void SerializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start) const override
Serialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte8() const
Return the eighth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint16_t DeserializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start, uint16_t length) override
Deserialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
uint8_t m_wnmNotification
WNM Notification.
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte1() const
Return the first byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_utcTsfOffset
UTC TSF Offset.
uint8_t m_ssidList
SSID List.
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte3() const
Return the third byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_utf8Ssid
uint8_t m_unprotectedTxopNegotiation
Unprotected TXOP Negotiation.
void SetHtSupported(uint8_t htSupported)
Set the HT Supported flag.
uint8_t m_identifierLocation
Identifier Location.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte3(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the third byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
void SetVhtSupported(uint8_t vhtSupported)
Set the VHT Supported flag.
uint8_t m_diagnostics
uint8_t m_multicastDiagnostics
Multicast Diagnostics.
uint8_t m_alternateEdca
Alternate EDCA.
uint8_t m_vhtSupported
Flag to indicate VHT is supported in order to decide whether this element should be added to the fram...
uint8_t m_meshGcr
Mesh GCR.
uint8_t m_qmfActivated
uint8_t m_operatingModeNotification
Operating Mode Notification.
uint8_t m_extendedChannelSwitching
Extended Channel Switching.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte8(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the eighth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_wnmSleepMode
WNM Sleep Mode.
uint16_t GetInformationFieldSize() const override
Length of serialized information (i.e., the length of the body of the IE, not including the Element I...
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte1(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the first byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_proxyArpService
Proxy ARP Service.
uint8_t m_acStationCount
AC Station Count.
uint8_t m_msgcfCapability
MSGCF Capability.
uint8_t m_geospatialLocation
Geospatial Location.
uint8_t m_serviceIntervalGranularity
Service Interval Granularity.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte2(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the second byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_qosTrafficCapability
QoS Traffic Capability.
WifiInformationElementId ElementId() const override
Get the wifi information element ID.
uint8_t m_timingMeasurement
Timing Measurement.
uint8_t m_tdlsProhibited
TDLS Prohibited.
uint8_t m_channelUsage
Channel Usage.
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte4() const
Return the fourth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_qloadReport
QLoad Report.
uint8_t m_bssTransition
BSS Transition.
uint8_t m_multipleBssid
Multiple BSSID.
uint8_t m_tdlsPeerPsmSupport
TDLS Peer PSM Support.
uint8_t m_interworking
uint8_t m_tdlsChannelSwitching
TDLS Channel Switching.
uint8_t m_timBroadcast
TIM Broadcast.
uint8_t m_protectedQloadReport
Protected QLoad Report.
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte5() const
Return the fifth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte6(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the sixth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_tdlsChannelSwitchingProhibited
TDLS Channel Switching Prohibited.
uint8_t m_advancedGcr
Advanced GCR.
uint8_t m_locationTracking
Location Tracking.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte4(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the fourth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_htSupported
Flag to indicate HT is supported in order to decide whether this element should be added to the frame...
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte6() const
Return the sixth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte7(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the seventh byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_tdlsSupport
TDLS Support.
uint8_t m_psmpCapability
PSMP Capability.
uint8_t GetExtendedCapabilitiesByte2() const
Return the second byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_tpuBufferStaSupport
TPU Buffer STA Support.
uint8_t m_qmfReconfigurationActivated
uint8_t m_qabCapability
QAB Capability.
void SetExtendedCapabilitiesByte5(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the fifth byte in the Extended Capabilities information element.
void Print(std::ostream &os) const override
Generate human-readable form of IE.
uint8_t m_protectedTxopNegotiation
Protected TXOP Negotiation.
uint8_t m_rejectUnadmittedFrame
Reject Unadmitted Frame.
uint8_t m_sspnInterface
SSPN Interface.
uint8_t m_robustAvStreaming
Robust AV Streaming.
uint8_t m_spsmpSupport
S-PSMP Support.
uint8_t m_collocatedInterferenceReporting
Collocated Interference Reporting.
uint8_t m_maxNumberOfMsdusInAmsdu
Max Number Of MSDUs In A-MSDU.
uint8_t m_20_40_bssCoexistenceManagementSupport
20/40 BSS Coexistence Management Support
uint8_t m_civicLocation
Civic Location.
uint8_t m_uapsdCoexistence
U-APSD Coexistence.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
uint8_t WifiInformationElementId
This type is used to represent an Information Element ID.