This is the complete list of members for TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission, including all inherited members.
AddTestCase(TestCase *testCase, TestDuration duration=QUICK) | ns3::TestCase | protected |
AID enum value | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
CHANNEL_WIDTH enum value | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
CheckNonOfdmaRxPower(Ptr< OfdmaSpectrumWifiPhy > phy, WifiSpectrumBand band, double expectedRxPower) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
CheckOfdmaRxPower(Ptr< OfdmaSpectrumWifiPhy > phy, WifiSpectrumBand band, double expectedRxPower) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
CheckPhyState(Ptr< OfdmaSpectrumWifiPhy > phy, WifiPhyState expectedState) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
CheckRxFromSta1(uint32_t expectedSuccess, uint32_t expectedFailures, uint32_t expectedBytes) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
CheckRxFromSta2(uint32_t expectedSuccess, uint32_t expectedFailures, uint32_t expectedBytes) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
CreateDataDirFilename(std::string filename) | ns3::TestCase | protected |
CreateTempDirFilename(std::string filename) | ns3::TestCase | protected |
DoCheckPhyState(Ptr< OfdmaSpectrumWifiPhy > phy, WifiPhyState expectedState) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
DoRun(void) override | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | privatevirtual |
DoSetup(void) override | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | privatevirtual |
DoTeardown(void) override | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | privatevirtual |
EXTENSIVE enum value | ns3::TestCase | |
GenerateInterference(Ptr< SpectrumValue > interferencePsd, Time duration) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
GetName(void) const | ns3::TestCase | |
GetParent() const | ns3::TestCase | protected |
GetTxVectorForHeTbPpdu(uint16_t txStaId, std::size_t index, uint8_t bssColor) const | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
IsFailed(void) const | ns3::TestCase | private |
IsStatusFailure(void) const | ns3::TestCase | protected |
IsStatusSuccess(void) const | ns3::TestCase | protected |
LogScenario(std::string log) const | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_channelWidth | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_children | ns3::TestCase | private |
m_countRxBytesFromSta1 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_countRxBytesFromSta2 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_countRxFailureFromSta1 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_countRxFailureFromSta2 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_countRxSuccessFromSta1 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_countRxSuccessFromSta2 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_dataDir | ns3::TestCase | private |
m_duration | ns3::TestCase | private |
m_expectedPpduDuration | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_frequency | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_name | ns3::TestCase | private |
m_parent | ns3::TestCase | private |
m_phyAp | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_phyInterferer | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_phySta1 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_phySta2 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_phySta3 | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
m_result | ns3::TestCase | private |
m_runner | ns3::TestCase | private |
MCS enum value | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
MustAssertOnFailure(void) const | ns3::TestCase | protected |
MustContinueOnFailure(void) const | ns3::TestCase | protected |
NONE enum value | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
operator=(const TestCase &)=delete | ns3::TestCase | |
QUICK enum value | ns3::TestCase | |
ReportTestFailure(std::string cond, std::string actual, std::string limit, std::string message, std::string file, int32_t line) | ns3::TestCase | protected |
Reset() | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
RU_TYPE enum value | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
Run(TestRunnerImpl *runner) | ns3::TestCase | private |
RunOne() | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
RxFailure(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
RxSuccess(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector< bool > statusPerMpdu) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
SchedulePowerMeasurementChecks(Time delay, double rxPowerNonOfdmaRu1, double rxPowerNonOfdmaRu2, double rxPowerOfdmaRu1, double rxPowerOfdmaRu2) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
ScheduleTest(Time delay, bool solicited, WifiPhyState expectedStateAtEnd, uint32_t expectedSuccessFromSta1, uint32_t expectedFailuresFromSta1, uint32_t expectedBytesFromSta1, uint32_t expectedSuccessFromSta2, uint32_t expectedFailuresFromSta2, uint32_t expectedBytesFromSta2, bool scheduleTxSta1=true, WifiPhyState expectedStateBeforeEnd=WifiPhyState::RX, TrigVectorInfo error=NONE) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
SendHeSuPpdu(uint16_t txStaId, std::size_t payloadSize, uint64_t uid, uint8_t bssColor) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
SendHeTbPpdu(uint16_t txStaId, std::size_t index, std::size_t payloadSize, uint64_t uid, uint8_t bssColor) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
SetBssColor(Ptr< WifiPhy > phy, uint8_t bssColor) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
SetDataDir(std::string directory) | ns3::TestCase | protected |
SetPsdLimit(Ptr< WifiPhy > phy, double psdLimit) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
SetTrigVector(uint8_t bssColor, TrigVectorInfo error) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
StopInterference(void) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
TAKES_FOREVER enum value | ns3::TestCase | |
TestCase(const TestCase &)=delete | ns3::TestCase | |
TestCase(std::string name) | ns3::TestCase | protected |
TestDuration enum name | ns3::TestCase | |
TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission() | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
TrigVectorInfo enum name | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
UL_LENGTH enum value | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | |
VerifyEventsCleared(void) | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | private |
~TestCase() | ns3::TestCase | virtual |
~TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission() | TestUlOfdmaPhyTransmission | virtual |