A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 6LoWPANPerforms 6LoWPAN compression of IPv6 packets as specified by RFC 4944 and RFC 6282
 AODV RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 AODV module
 Antenna moduleThis module contains several antenna radiation pattern models
 ApplicationsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 applications module
 BRITE Topology GeneratorCreate topologies with BRITE
 Bridge Network DeviceVirtual net device that bridges multiple LAN segments
 CSMA Layout Helpers
 CSMA Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 csma module
 Click RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 click module
 Configuration Store/LoadStore and load simulation attribute configuration
 CoreThe "core" module contains:
 Core example: Empirical random variables use.Example program illustrating use of ns3::EmpiricalRandomVariable
 DSDV RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 DSDV module
 DSDV module tests
 DSR RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 DSR module
 Energy Models
 Example programsAll example programs
 File Descriptor Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 fd-net-device module
 Flow MonitorCollect and store performance data from a simulation
 InternetThis section documents the API of the ns-3 internet module
 Internet ApplicationsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 Internet-specific applications module
 LR-WPAN modelsThis section documents the API of the IEEE 802.15.4-related models
 LTE Models
 MPI Distributed Simulation
 Mesh DeviceMAC-layer mobile mesh networking
 MobilityThe mobility support includes:
 NetworkThis section documents the API of the ns-3 network module
 Network AnimationThis section documents the API of the ns-3 netanim module
 Nix-Vector RoutingNix-vector routing is a simulation specific routing protocol and is intended for large network topologies
 Nix-Vector Routing Tests
 OLSR RoutingThis section documents the API of the ns-3 OLSR module
 OpenFlow Switch DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 OpenFlow module
 Point-To-Point Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 point-to-point module
 Point-to-Point Layout Helpers
 Propagation Models
 Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)This section documents the API of the ns-3 QKD Network Simulation Module (QKDNetSim)
 Spectrum Models
 StatisticsThe statistics module includes some useful features to ease data collection from experiments
 String-value-formattingCheck that StringValue parses complex values correctly
 Tap Bridge Network DeviceThis section documents the API of the ns-3 tap-bridge module
 Test suitesAll test suites
 Topology Input Readers
 Traffic-controlThe Traffic Control layer aims at introducing an equivalent of the Linux Traffic Control infrastructure into ns-3
 UAN ModelsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 UAN module
 UtilsThe utils directory is for various programs and scripts related to code coverage, test suites, style checking, and benchmarking
 Virtual Device
 WAVE module
 WiMAX ModelsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 wimax module
 Wifi ModelsThis section documents the API of the ns-3 Wifi module