A Discrete-Event Network Simulator

Forwarding LAyer for MEshing protocol. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for FLAME:


class  ns3::flame::FlameHeader
 Flame header. More...
class  ns3::flame::FlameProtocol
 FLAME routing protocol. More...
class  ns3::flame::FlameProtocolMac
 Interface MAC plugin for FLAME routing protocol. More...
class  ns3::flame::FlameRtable
 Routing table for FLAME. More...
class  ns3::FlameStack
 Helper class used to install FLAME mesh stack (actually single protocol in this stack) More...
class  ns3::flame::FlameTag
 Transmitter and receiver addresses. More...

Detailed Description

Forwarding LAyer for MEshing protocol.

Simple L2.5 mesh routing protocol developed by Herman Elfrink herma.nosp@m.n.el.nosp@m.frink.nosp@m.@ti-.nosp@m.wmc.n.nosp@m.l and presented in "Easy Wireless: broadband ad-hoc networking for emergency services" by Maurits de Graaf et. al. at The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007

see also Linux kernel mailing list discussion at http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/5/23/82