A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Nanonymous_namespace{length.cc}Unnamed namespace
 NMRG32k3aNamespace for MRG32k3a implementation details
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 Nns3Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace
 NstdSTL namespace
 CAbstractAnimationInterfaceTestCaseAbstract Animation Interface Test Case
 CAcousticModemEnergyDepletionTestCaseAcoustic Modem Energy Depletion Test Case
 CAcousticModemEnergyTestCaseAcoustic Modem Energy Test Case
 CAddressAllocator6TestCaseIPv6 address allocator Test
 CAddressAllocatorHelperTestCaseIPv4 address allocator helper Test
 CAddressAllocatorTestCaseIPv4 address allocator Test
 CAddressCollision6TestCaseIPv6 address collision Test
 CAddressCollisionTestCaseIPv4 address collision Test
 CAmpduAggregationTestAmpdu Aggregation Test
 CAnglesTestSuiteAngles TestSuite
 CAnimationInterfaceTestCaseAnimation Interface Test Case
 CAnimationInterfaceTestSuiteAnimation Interface Test Suite
 CAnimationRemainingEnergyTestCaseAnimation Remaining Energy Test Case
 CAnnexC_TestCaseThe Annex C of IEEE 1609.4 : "Avoiding transmission at scheduled guard intervals" This feature is implemented in WaveMacLow::StartTransmission method
 CAodvExampleTest script
 CAodvRegressionTestSuiteAODV regression test suite
 CAredQueueDiscTestCaseAred Queue Disc Test Case
 CAredQueueDiscTestItemAred Queue Disc Test Item
 CAredQueueDiscTestSuiteAred Queue Disc Test Suite
 CArray2D2D array used in nix-vector-routing example "nms-p2p-nix.cc"
 CArray3D3D array used in nix-vector-routing example "nms-p2p-nix.cc"
 CAsn1EncodingSuiteAsn1Encoding Test Suite
 CAttributeContainerObjectAttribute container object
 CAttributeContainerSerializationTestCaseAttribute serialization and deserialization TestCase
 CAttributeContainerSetGetTestCaseAttribute set and get TestCase
 CAttributeContainerTestCaseTest AttributeContainer instantiation, initialization, access
 CAttributeContainerTestSuiteAttribute attribute container TestCase
 CAttributeDescriptorDescriptor for an AttributeValue
 CAttributeObjectTestClass used to check attributes
 CAttributesTestSuiteThe attributes Test Suite
 CAttributeTestCaseTest case template used for generic Attribute Value types – used to make sure that Attributes work as expected
 CAverageTestSuiteAverage class TestSuite
 CBasicCallbackTestCaseTest the basic Callback mechanism
 CBasicDataCalculatorsTestSuiteMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator class TestSuite
 CBasicEnergyDepletionTestTest case of energy depletion handling for BasicEnergySource and WifiRadioEnergyModel
 CBasicEnergyHarvesterTestCaseEnergy Harvester Test
 CBasicEnergyHarvesterTestSuiteEnergy harvester TestSuite
 CBasicEnergyUpdateTestTest case of update remaining energy for BasicEnergySource and WifiRadioEnergyModel
 CBasicTracedCallbackTestCaseTracedCallback Test case, check basic TracedCallback operation
 CBatteryLifetimeTestThis example was originally devised as a test, then it was converted to an example
 CBenchBench class
 CBenchHeaderBenchHeader class used for benchmarking packet serialization/deserialization
 CBenchTagBenchTag class used for benchmarking packet serialization/deserialization
 CBitDeserializerTestBit deserialization test
 CBitSerializerTestBit serialization test
 CBitSerializerTestSuitePacket Metadata TestSuite
 CBlockAckAggregationDisabledTestTest for Block Ack Policy with aggregation disabled
 CBlockAckRecipientBufferTestTest for recipient reordering buffer operations
 CBlockAckTestSuiteBlock Ack Test Suite
 CBoxLineIntersectionTestCaseTestCase to check the box line intersection
 CBoxLineIntersectionTestSuiteTest suite for
 CBridgeTestIPv4 GlobalRouting Bridge test
 CBriteTestSuiteBRITE TestSuite
 CBriteTopologyFunctionTestCaseBRITE topology function Test
 CBriteTopologyStructureTestCaseBRITE topology structure Test
 CBufferTestBuffer unit tests
 CBufferTestSuiteBuffer TestSuite
 CBug2222TestCaseMake sure that when virtual collision occurs the wifi remote station manager is triggered and the retry counter is increased
 CBug2470TestCaseMake sure that the ADDBA handshake process is protected
 CBug2831TestCaseMake sure that the channel width and the channel number can be changed at runtime
 CBug2843TestCaseMake sure that the correct channel width and center frequency have been set for OFDM basic rate transmissions and BSS channel widths larger than 20 MHz
 CBug730TestCaseMake sure that when changing the fragmentation threshold during the simulation, the TCP transmission does not unexpectedly stop
 CBug772ChainTestAODV deferred route lookup test case (see Bug 772)
 CBuildingDataData to construct a Building object
 CBuildingPositionAllocatorTestSuiteRandomRoomPositionAllocator TestSuite
 CBuildingsChannelConditionModelsTestSuiteTest suite for the buildings channel condition model
 CBuildingsChannelConditionModelTestCaseTest case for the class BuildingsChannelConditionModel
 CBuildingsHelperOneTestCaseBuildingsHelper test
 CBuildingsHelperTestSuiteBuildingsHelper TestSuite
 CBuildingsPathlossTestCaseTest 1.1 BuildingsPathlossModel Pathloss test
 CBuildingsPathlossTestSuiteTest 1.1 BuildingsPathlossModel Pathloss compound test
 CBuildingsShadowingTestCaseShadowing test
 CBuildingsShadowingTestSuiteShadowing compound test
 CBulkSendBasicTestCaseBasic test, checks that the right quantity of packets are sent and received
 CBulkSendSeqTsSizeTestCaseThis test checks that the sequence number is sent and received in sequence despite the sending application having to pause and restart its sending due to a temporarily full transmit buffer
 CBulkSendTestSuiteBulkSend TestSuite
 CBurstErrorModelSimpleBurstErrorModel unit tests
 CCallbackTestClassDerived class used to check the capability of callbacks to call public, protected, and private functions
 CCallbackTestParentClass used to check the capability of callbacks to call public, protected, and private functions
 CCallbackTestSuiteThe callback Test Suite
 CCallbackValueTestCaseTest the Attributes of type CallbackValue
 CCarrierAggregationConfigTestCaseCarrier aggregation configuration test case
 CCarrierAggregationConfigTestSuiteCarrier aggregation configuration test suite
 CCarrierAggregationTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CCartesianToGeoTestCaseCartesian to Geo Test Case
 CChainRegressionTestAODV chain regression test
 CChannelAccessManagerStubChannelAccessManager Stub
 CChannelAccessManagerTestChannel Access Manager Test
 CChannelAccessTestCaseThis test case tests channel access assignments which is done by StartSch and StopSch method of WaveNetDevice
 CChannelConditionModelsTestSuiteTest suite for the channel condition models
 CChannelCoordinationTestCaseThis test case tests the channel coordination
 CChannelRoutingTestCaseRoute packets or frames in different approaches see 1609.4-2010 chapter 5.3.4
 CCheckLongTermUpdateParamsA structure that holds the parameters for the function CheckLongTermUpdate
 CCheckPointEventCheckPointEvent structure
 CClassicRecoveryTestClassic Recovery algorithm test
 CClassicRecoveryTestSuiteClassic Recovery TestSuite
 CCobaltQueueDiscBasicEnqueueDequeueTest 1: simple enqueue/dequeue with no drops
 CCobaltQueueDiscCeThresholdTestTest 4: Cobalt Queue Disc CE Threshold marking Test Item
 CCobaltQueueDiscDropTestTest 2: Cobalt Queue Disc Drop Test Item
 CCobaltQueueDiscEnhancedBlueTestTest 5: Cobalt Queue Disc Enhanced Blue Test Item This test checks that the Blue Enhancement is working correctly
 CCobaltQueueDiscMarkTestTest 3: Cobalt Queue Disc ECN marking Test Item
 CCobaltQueueDiscTestItemCobalt Queue Disc Test Item
 CCobaltQueueDiscTestSuiteThe COBALT queue disc test suite
 CCoDelQueueDiscBasicDropTest 5: enqueue/dequeue with drops according to CoDel algorithm
 CCoDelQueueDiscBasicEnqueueDequeueTest 1: simple enqueue/dequeue with no drops
 CCoDelQueueDiscBasicMarkTest 6: enqueue/dequeue with marks according to CoDel algorithm
 CCoDelQueueDiscBasicOverflowTest 2: enqueue with drops due to queue overflow
 CCoDelQueueDiscControlLawTestTest 4: ControlLaw unit test - test against explicit port of Linux implementation
 CCoDelQueueDiscNewtonStepTestTest 3: NewtonStep unit test - test against explicit port of Linux implementation
 CCodelQueueDiscTestItemCodel Queue Disc Test Item
 CCoDelQueueDiscTestSuiteCoDel Queue Disc Test Suite
 CCollisionTestCaseCollision test
 CComputeSnrParamsA structure that holds the parameters for the ComputeSnr function
 CConfigExampleExample class to demonstrate use of the ns-3 Config Store
 CConfigStoreHelperSimplifies config-store raw text load and save
 CConfigToCheckThis test suite verifies following two things:
 CCoordinationTestListenerCoordinationTestListener is used to test channel coordination events
 CCosineAntennaModelTestCaseCosineAntennaModel Test
 CCosineAntennaModelTestSuiteCosineAntennaModel TestSuite
 CCsmaBridgeTestCaseCSMA Bridge mode test
 CCsmaBroadcastTestCaseCSMA Broadcast mode test
 CCsmaMulticastTestCaseCSMA Multicast mode test
 CCsmaOneSubnetTestCaseCSMA One Subnet mode test
 CCsmaPacketSocketTestCaseCSMA PacketSocket test
 CCsmaPingTestCaseCSMA PING test
 CCsmaRawIpSocketTestCaseCSMA Raw IP test
 CCsmaStarTestCaseCSMA star mode test
 CCsmaSystemTestSuiteCSMA TestSuite
 CCtrlBAckResponseHeaderTestTest for block ack header
 CDataRateTestCaseTest Data rate
 CDataRateTestCase1Test Data rate
 CDataRateTestCase2Test Data rate
 CDataRateTestSuiteDataRate TestSuite
 CDcfImmediateAccessBroadcastTestCaseMake sure that when multiple broadcast packets are queued on the same device in a short succession, that: 1) no backoff occurs if the frame arrives and the idle time >= DIFS or AIFSn (this is 'DCF immediate access', Figure 9-3 of IEEE 802.11-2012) 2) a backoff occurs for the second frame that arrives (this is clearly stated in Sec
 CDegreesRadiansTestSuiteTestSuite: degree to radians (and viceversa) conversions
 CDegreesToRadiansTestCaseTest degree to radians conversion
 CDeprecatedAttributeClass used to test deprecated Attributes
 CDeprecatedAttributeTestCaseCheck deprecated Attributes and TraceSources
 CDerivedSimple class derived from ns3::Object, used to check attribute constructors
 CDhcpTestCaseDHCP basic tests
 CDhcpTestSuiteDHCP TestSuite
 CDiffTestCaseTest case to make sure that the Pcap::Diff method works as expected
 CDot11sRegressionSuiteDot11s Regression Suite
 CDot11sTestSuiteDot11s Test Suite
 CDoubleCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for DoubleValue
 CDropTailQueue< Packet >
 CDropTailQueue< QueueDiscItem >Introspection did not find any typical Config paths
 CDropTailQueueTestCaseDropTailQueue unit tests
 CDropTailQueueTestSuiteDropTail Queue TestSuite
 CDsaRequestTestCaseTest the DSA request message
 CDsdvHeaderTestCaseDSDV test case to verify the DSDV header
 CDsdvManetExampleDSDV Manet example
 CDsdvTableTestCaseDSDV routing table tests (adding and looking up routes)
 CDsdvTestSuiteDSDV test suite
 CDsrAckHeaderTestUnit test for ACK
 CDsrAckReqHeaderTestUnit test for ACK-REQ
 CDsrCacheEntryTestUnit test for DSR route cache entry
 CDsrFsHeaderTestUnit test for DSR Fixed Size Header
 CDsrHeaderHeader for Dsr Routing
 CDsrOptionRouteRequestHeaderHeader of Dsr Option Route Request
 CDsrRerrHeaderTestUnit test for RERR
 CDsrRoutingHeaderIntrospection did not find any typical Config paths
 CDsrRrepHeaderTestUnit test for RREP
 CDsrRreqHeaderTestUnit test for RREQ
 CDsrRreqTableTestUnit test for DSR routing table entry
 CDsrSendBuffTestUnit test for Send Buffer
 CDsrSRHeaderTestUnit test for Source Route
 CDsrTestSuiteDSR test suite
 CDualStackTestCaseIPv6 dual stack Test
 CDummyCongControlBehaves as NewReno, except that each time PktsAcked is called, a notification is sent to TcpPktsAckedOpenTest
 CEmitterThis is our test object, an object that increments counters at various times and emits one of them as a trace source
 CEnbDlTestDataCustom structure for testing eNodeB downlink data, contains the list of data structures for UEs
 CEnbTestDataEnbTestData structure
 CEnbUlTestDataCustom structure containing information about data sent in the uplink of eNodeB
 CEpcS1uDlTestCaseEpcS1uDlTestCase class
 CEpcS1uDlTestSuiteTest that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly
 CEpcS1uUlTestCaseEpcS1uUlTestCase class
 CEpcS1uUlTestSuiteTest that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly
 CEpcTftClassifierTestCaseTest case to check the functionality of the Tft Classifier
 CEpcTftClassifierTestSuiteEpc Tft Classifier Test Suite
 CEpsBearerTagUdpClientA Udp client
 CEpsGtpuHeaderTestCaseTest 1.Check header coding and decoding
 CEpsGtpuTestSuiteTest suite for testing GPRS tunnelling protocol header coding and decoding
 CErrorModelSimpleErrorModel unit tests
 CErrorModelTestSuiteErrorModel TestSuite
 CExampleAddress6GeneratorTestCaseIPv6 example of an address generator Test
 CExampleAddressGeneratorTestCaseIPv4 AddressGenerator example (sort of) Test
 CExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
 CFemtocellBlockAllocatorClass that takes care of installing blocks of the buildings in a given area
 CFifoQueueDiscTestCaseFifo Queue Disc Test Case
 CFifoQueueDiscTestItemFifo Queue Disc Test Item
 CFifoQueueDiscTestSuiteFifo Queue Disc Test Suite
 CFileHeaderTestCaseTest case to make sure that the Pcap File Object can write out correct pcap file headers in both endian cases, and then read them in correctly
 CFiveDoublesAverageTestCaseAverage class - Test case for five double values
 CFiveDoublesTestCaseMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator class - Test case for five double values
 CFiveIntegersAverageTestCaseAverage class - Test case for five integers
 CFiveIntegersTestCaseMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator class - Test case for five integers
 CFlameHeaderTestBuilt-in self test for FlameHeader
 CFlameRegressionSuiteFlame Regression Suite
 CFlameRegressionTestFLAME protocol regression test of three stations:
 CFlameRtableTestUnit test for FlameRtable
 CFlameTestSuiteFlame Test Suite
 Cfn_parametersFn_parameter_t structure
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscDeficitThis class tests the deficit per flow
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscEcnMarkingThis class tests ECN marking
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscIPFlowsSeparationAndPacketLimitThis class tests the IP flows separation and the packet limit
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscL4sModeThis class tests L4S mode
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscNoSuitableFilterThis class tests packets for which there is no suitable filter
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscSetLinearProbingThis class tests linear probing, collision response, and set creation capability of set associative hashing in FqCobalt
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscTCPFlowsSeparationThis class tests the TCP flows separation
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscTestSuiteFQ-COBALT queue disc test suite
 CFqCobaltQueueDiscUDPFlowsSeparationThis class tests the UDP flows separation
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscDeficitThis class tests the deficit per flow
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscECNMarkingThis class tests ECN marking
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscIPFlowsSeparationAndPacketLimitThis class tests the IP flows separation and the packet limit
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscL4sModeThis class tests L4S mode
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscNoSuitableFilterThis class tests packets for which there is no suitable filter
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscSetLinearProbingThis class tests linear probing, collision response, and set creation capability of set associative hashing in FqCodel
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscTCPFlowsSeparationThis class tests the TCP flows separation
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscTestSuiteFQ-CoDel queue disc test suite
 CFqCoDelQueueDiscUDPFlowsSeparationThis class tests the UDP flows separation
 CFqPieQueueDiscDeficitThis class tests the deficit per flow
 CFqPieQueueDiscIPFlowsSeparationAndPacketLimitThis class tests the IP flows separation and the packet limit
 CFqPieQueueDiscL4sModeThis class tests L4S mode
 CFqPieQueueDiscNoSuitableFilterThis class tests packets for which there is no suitable filter
 CFqPieQueueDiscSetLinearProbingThis class tests linear probing, collision response, and set creation capability of set associative hashing in FqPIE
 CFqPieQueueDiscTCPFlowsSeparationThis class tests the TCP flows separation
 CFqPieQueueDiscTestSuiteFQ-PIE queue disc test suite
 CFqPieQueueDiscUDPFlowsSeparationThis class tests the UDP flows separation
 CFrameExchangeManagerStubFrame Exchange Manager Stub
 CFriisPropagationLossModelTestCaseFriisPropagationLossModel Test
 CGeoToCartesianTestCaseGeo To Cartesian Test Case
 CGeoToCartesianTestSuiteGeo To Cartesian Test Suite
 CGlobalPathlossDatabaseStore the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair
 CGlobalRouteManagerImplTestCaseGlobal Route Manager Test
 CGlobalRouteManagerImplTestSuiteGlobal Route Manager TestSuite
 CHandoverEventHandoverEvent structure
 CHandoverPreparationInfoTestCaseHandover Preparation Info Test Case
 CHeAggregationTest802.11ax aggregation test which permits 64 or 256 MPDUs in A-MPDU according to the negociated buffer size
 CHeRuMcsDataRateTestCaseData rate verification test for MCSs of different RU sizes
 CHeSigBDurationTestHE-SIG-B duration test
 CHighSpeedImportantValuesTcpHighSpeed Congestion window values to test
 CHistogramTestCaseHistogram Test
 CHistogramTestSuiteHistogram TestSuite
 CHwmpDoRfRegressionTestThis is a test for intermediate reply and saving routing information about neighbour
 CHwmpProactiveRegressionTestThere are 5 stations set into a row, the center station is root
 CHwmpReactiveRegressionTestTest for multihop path establishing and path error procedures Initiate scenario with 6 stations
 CHwmpRtableTestUnit test for HwmpRtable
 CHwmpSimplestRegressionTestPeering Management & HWM Protocol regression test Initiate scenario with 2 stations
 CIcmpEchoReplyTestCaseICMP Echo Reply Test
 CIcmpTestSuiteICMP TestSuite
 CIcmpTimeExceedTestCaseICMP Time Exceed Reply Test
 CIcmpV6EchoReplyTestCaseICMPV6 Echo Reply Test
 CIcmpV6TimeExceedTestCaseICMPV6 Time Exceed response test
 CIdealRateManagerChannelWidthTestMake sure that Ideal rate manager properly selects MCS based on the configured channel width
 CIdealRateManagerMimoTestTest to validate that Ideal rate manager properly selects TXVECTOR in scenarios where MIMO is used
 CIeMeshIdCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for IeMeshIdValue
 CIeMeshIdValueAttributeValue implementation for IeMeshId
 Cin6_ifreqStruct holding IPv6 address data
 CIntegerCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for IntegerValue
 CIntegerTraceSourceAttributeTestCaseTrace sources with value semantics can be used like Attributes, make sure we can use them that way
 CIntegerTraceSourceTestCaseTrace sources used like Attributes must also work as trace sources, make sure we can use them that way
 CInterBssTestSuiteInter BSS Test Suite
 CInterferenceHelperSequenceTestSee Bug 991
 CIpAddressHelperHelper to print a node's IP addresses
 CIpAddressHelperTestCasev4IPv4 address helper Test
 CIpAddressHelperTestCasev6IPv6 AddressHelper Test
 CIpv4AddressGeneratorTestSuiteIPv4 Address Generator TestSuite
 CIpv4AddressHelperTestSuiteIPv4 Address Helper TestSuite
 CIpv4ARoutingIPv4 dummy routing class (A)
 CIpv4BRoutingIPv4 dummy routing class (B)
 CIpv4DeduplicationPerformanceTestIPv4 Deduplication Performance Test
 CIpv4DeduplicationPerformanceTestSuiteIPv4 Deduplication Performance TestSuite
 CIpv4DeduplicationTestIPv4 Deduplication Test
 CIpv4DeduplicationTestSuiteIPv4 Deduplication TestSuite
 CIpv4DynamicGlobalRoutingTestCaseIPv4 Dynamic GlobalRouting test
 CIpv4ForwardingTestIPv4 Forwarding Test
 CIpv4ForwardingTestSuiteIPv4 Forwarding TestSuite
 CIpv4FqCobaltTestPacketFilterSimple test packet filter able to classify IPv4 packets
 CIpv4FqPieTestPacketFilterSimple test packet filter able to classify IPv4 packets
 CIpv4FragmentationTestIPv4 Fragmentation Test
 CIpv4FragmentationTestSuiteIPv4 Fragmentation TestSuite
 CIpv4GlobalRoutingSlash32TestCaseIPv4 Dynamic GlobalRouting /32 test
 CIpv4GlobalRoutingTestSuiteIPv4 GlobalRouting TestSuite
 CIpv4HeaderTestIPv4 Header Test
 CIpv4HeaderTestSuiteIPv4 Header TestSuite
 CIpv4L3ProtocolTestCaseIPv4 Test
 CIPv4L3ProtocolTestSuiteIPv4 TestSuite
 CIpv4ListRoutingNegativeTestCaseIPv4 ListRouting negative test
 CIpv4ListRoutingPositiveTestCaseIPv4 ListRouting positive test
 CIpv4ListRoutingTestSuiteIPv4 ListRouting TestSuite
 CIpv4PacketInfoTagTestIPv4 PacketInfoTag Test
 CIpv4PacketInfoTagTestSuiteIPv4 PacketInfoTag TestSuite
 CIpv4RawSocketImplTestIPv4 RAW Socket Test
 CIpv4RawTestSuiteIPv4 RAW Socket TestSuite
 CIpv4RipCountToInfinityTestIPv4 RIP count to infinity Test
 CIpv4RipSplitHorizonStrategyTestIPv4 RIP SplitHorizon strategy Test
 CIpv4RipTestIPv4 RIP Test
 CIpv4RipTestSuiteIPv4 RIP TestSuite
 CIpv4StaticRoutingSlash32TestCaseIPv4 StaticRouting /32 Test
 CIpv4StaticRoutingTestSuiteIPv4 StaticRouting /32 TestSuite
 CIpv4TestPacketFilterSimple test packet filter able to classify IPv4 packets
 CIPv4TestTagTag used in IPv4 Fragmentation Test
 CIpv6AddressGeneratorTestSuiteIPv6 address generator TestSuite
 CIpv6AddressHelperTestSuiteIPv6 AddressHelper TestSuite
 CIpv6AddressTestCaseIpv6Address unit tests
 CIpv6AddressTestSuiteIpv6Address TestSuite
 CIpv6ARoutingIPv6 dummy routing class (A)
 CIpv6BRoutingIPv6 dummy routing class (B)
 CIpv6DadTestIPv6 Duplicate Address Detection Test
 CIpv6DadTestSuiteIPv6 Duplicate Address Detection TestSuite
 CIpv6DualStackTestSuiteIPv6 dual stack TestSuite
 CIpv6ExtensionHeaderTestSuiteIPv6 extensions TestSuite
 CIpv6ForwardingTestIPv6 Forwarding Test
 CIpv6ForwardingTestSuiteIPv6 Forwarding TestSuite
 CIpv6FragmentationTestIPv6 Fragmentation Test
 CIpv6FragmentationTestSuiteIPv6 Fragmentation TestSuite
 CIpv6L3ProtocolTestCaseIPv6 Test
 CIPv6L3ProtocolTestSuiteIPv6 TestSuite
 CIpv6ListRoutingNegativeTestCaseIPv6 ListRouting negative test
 CIpv6ListRoutingPositiveTestCaseIPv6 ListRouting positive test
 CIpv6ListRoutingTestSuiteIPv6 ListRouting TestSuite
 CIpv6NixVectorRoutingIntrospection did not find any typical Config paths
 CIpv6PacketInfoTagTestIPv6 PacketInfoTag Test
 CIpv6PacketInfoTagTestSuiteIPv6 PacketInfoTag TestSuite
 CIpv6RawSocketImplTestIPv6 RAW Socket Test
 CIpv6RawTestSuiteIPv6 RAW Socket TestSuite
 CIpv6RipngCountToInfinityTestIPv6 RIPng count to infinity Test
 CIpv6RipngSplitHorizonStrategyTestIPv6 RIPng SplitHorizon strategy Test
 CIpv6RipngTestIPv6 RIPng Test
 CIpv6RipngTestSuiteIPv6 RIPng TestSuite
 CIPv6TestTagTag used in IPv6 Fragmentation Test
 CIsotropicAntennaModelTestCaseIsotropicAntennaModel Test
 CIsotropicAntennaModelTestSuiteIsotropicAntennaModel TestSuite
 CIssue169TestCaseMake sure that Ideal rate manager is able to handle non best-effort traffic
 CIssue211TestTest for issue 211 (https://gitlab.com/nsnam/ns-3-dev/-/issues/211)
 CIssue211TestSuiteBlock Ack Test Suite
 CIssue40TestCaseMake sure that Ideal rate manager recovers when the station is moving away from the access point
 CItuR1411LosPropagationLossModelTestCaseItuR1411LosPropagationLossModel Test Case
 CItuR1411LosPropagationLossModelTestSuiteItuR1411LosPropagationLossModel TestSuite
 CItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModelTestCaseItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModel Test Case
 CItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModelTestSuiteItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModel TestSuite
 CJakesPropagationExampleConstructs a JakesPropagationlossModel and print the loss value as a function of time into std::cout
 CKun2600MhzPropagationLossModelTestCaseKun2600MhzPropagationLossModel Test Case
 CKun2600MhzPropagationLossModelTestSuiteKun2600MhzPropagationLossModel TestSuite
 CLanTestIPv4 GlobalRouting LAN test
 CLenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This is a system test program
 CLenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase2This is a system test program
 CLenaDataPhyErrorModelTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaDlCtrlPhyErrorModelTestCaseLena Dl Ctrl Phy Error Model Test Case
 CLenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase2Test case is simillar to the one defined in LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1, with the difference that UEs are placed in such a way to experience different SINRs from eNodeB
 CLenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase2Test case is simillar to the one defined in LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1, with the difference that UEs are placed in such a way to experience different SINRs from eNodeB
 CLenaHarqTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaMimoTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and single UE
 CLenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase2Lena PfFf Mac Scheduler Test Case 2
 CLenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase2Simillar to the LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 with the difference that UEs are places in such a way to experience different SINRs
 CLenaRrFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase2Lena TdBet Ff Mac Scheduler Test Case
 CLenaTdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase2Lena TdTbfq Ff Mac Scheduler Test Case 2
 CLenaTestCqaFfMacSchedulerSuiteThe test suite for testing CQA scheduler functionality
 CLenaTestFdBetFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suite for FDBetFfMacScheduler test case
 CLenaTestFdMtFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suite for LenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase test case
 CLenaTestFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suit for FdTbfqFfMacScheduler test
 CLenaTestHarqSuiteTest suite for harq test
 CLenaTestMimoSuiteLena Test Mimo Suite
 CLenaTestPfFfMacSchedulerSuitePfFfMacScheduler test suite
 CLenaTestPhyErrorModelSuiteLena Test Phy Error Model Suite
 CLenaTestPssFfMacSchedulerSuiteLena Pss Ff Mac Scheduler Test Suite
 CLenaTestRrFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suite for RrFfMacScheduler test
 CLenaTestTdBetFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suite for TdBetFfMacScheduler tests
 CLenaTestTdMtFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suite for TdMtFfMacScheduler tests
 CLenaTestTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerSuiteTest suite for TdTbfqFfMacScheduler test
 CLenaTestTtaFfMacSchedulerSuiteLena Test Tta Ff Mac Scheduler Suite
 CLenaTtaFfMacSchedulerTestCaseThis system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification
 CLengthTestCaseImplements tests for the Length class
 CLengthTestSuiteThe Test Suite that runs the test case
 CLengthValueTestCaseTest case for LengthValue attribute
 CLiIonEnergySourceTestSuiteLiIon battery TestSuite
 CLiIonEnergyTestCaseLiIon battery Test
 CLinkTestIPv4 GlobalRouting Link test
 CLoadProfileLoad profile of the battery
 CLogDistancePropagationLossModelTestCaseLogDistancePropagationLossModel Test
 CLolipopCounterTestSuiteLollipop Counter TestSuite
 CLollipopCounterTestLollipop Counter Test
 CLookupTimeTestCasePerformance test: measure average lookup time
 CLrWpanAckTestCaseLrWpan ACK Test
 CLrWpanAckTestSuiteLrWpan ACK TestSuite
 CLrWpanCcaTestCaseLrWpan CCA Test
 CLrWpanCcaTestSuiteLrWpan ACK TestSuite
 CLrWpanCollisionTestCaseLrWpan Collision Test
 CLrWpanCollisionTestSuiteLrWpan Collision TestSuite
 CLrWpanDataIfsTestCaseLrWpan Dataframe transmission with Interframe Space
 CLrWpanEdTestCaseLrWpan Energy Detection Test
 CLrWpanEdTestSuiteLrWpan Energy Detection TestSuite
 CLrWpanErrorDistanceTestCaseLrWpan Error Vs Distance Test
 CLrWpanErrorModelTestCaseLrWpan Error model Test
 CLrWpanErrorModelTestSuiteLrWpan Error model TestSuite
 CLrWpanIfsTestSuiteLrWpan IFS TestSuite
 CLrWpanPacketTestCaseLrWpan header and trailer Test
 CLrWpanPacketTestSuiteLrWpan header and trailer TestSuite
 CLrWpanPlmeAndPdInterfaceTestCaseLrWpan PLME and PD Interfaces Test
 CLrWpanPlmeAndPdInterfaceTestSuiteLrWpan PLME and PD Interfaces TestSuite
 CLrWpanSlottedCsmacaTestCaseTest the correct allocation of DIRECT transmissions in the contention access period (CAP) of the superframe (Slotted CSMA-CA algorithm)
 CLrWpanSlottedCsmacaTestSuiteLrWpan Slotted CSMA-CA TestSuite
 CLrWpanSpectrumValueHelperTestCaseLrWpan SpectrumValue Helper TestSuite
 CLrWpanSpectrumValueHelperTestSuiteLrWpan SpectrumValue Helper TestSuite
 CLteAggregationThroughputScaleTestCaseTesting that UE throughput scales linearly with number of component carriers
 CLteAggregationThroughputScaleTestSuiteTest suite for executing carrier aggregation throughput scaling test case
 CLteAntennaTestSuiteLte Enb Antenna Test Suite
 CLteCellSelectionTestCaseTesting the initial cell selection procedure by UE at IDLE state in the beginning of simulation
 CLteCellSelectionTestSuiteTest suite for executing the cell selection test cases in without-EPC and with-EPC scenarios
 CLteCqiGenerationDlPowerControlTestCaseThis test is very similar to LteCqiGenerationTestCase
 CLteCqiGenerationTestCaseThis is the test case for testing different configuration of CQI generation
 CLteCqiGenerationTestSuiteLte Cqi Generation Test Suite
 CLteDistributedFfrAreaTestCaseLte Distributed Ffr Area Test Case
Test compares if the generated SINR is equal to estimated SINR value
 CLteDownlinkDataSinrTestCaseTest compares if the generated SINR is equal to estimated SINR value
 CLteDownlinkPowerControlRrcConnectionReconfigurationTestCaseTest if RRC connection reconfiguration messages are properly generated upon the change in the downlink power
 CLteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValueTestCaseTest SINR calculation in the downlink when power control is used
 CLteDownlinkPowerControlTestCaseTest SINR calculation in the downlink when the power control is used
 CLteDownlinkPowerControlTestSuiteTest suite for the LteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValueTestCase
 CLteDownlinkSinrTestSuiteTest 1.1 SINR calculation in downlink
 CLteEarfcnDlTestCaseTest case that is testing if the downlink frequency is properly converted from provided downlink EARFCN frequency value
 CLteEarfcnTestCaseTest case that is testing if the frequency is properly generated from provided EARFCN frequency
 CLteEarfcnTestSuiteTest suite for testing correct conversion of frequencies in the downlink and the uplink, and general EARFCN frequencies
 CLteEarfcnUlTestCaseTest case that is testing if the uplink frequency is properly converted from provided uplink EARFCN frequency value
 CLteEnbAntennaTestCaseTests that the propagation model and the antenna parameters are generate the correct values
 CLteEnhancedFfrAreaTestCaseLte Enhanced Ffr Area Test Case
 CLteEpcE2eDataTestCaseTest that e2e packet flow is correct
 CLteEpcE2eDataTestSuiteTest that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly
 CLteFrAreaTestCaseTest frequency reuse algorithm by teleporing UEs to different parts of area and checking if the frequency is used according to the frequency pattern for different parts of area
 CLteFrequencyReuseTestSuiteTest the fractional frequency reuse algorithms
 CLteFrTestCaseTest frequency reuse algorithm
 CLteHandoverDelayTestCaseVerifying that the time needed for handover is under a specified threshold
 CLteHandoverDelayTestSuiteLte Handover Delay Test Suite
 CLteHandoverTargetTestCaseTesting a handover algorithm, verifying that it selects the right target cell when more than one options available
 CLteHandoverTargetTestSuiteTest suite lte-handover-target, verifying that handover algorithms are able to select the right target cell
 CLteHardFrTestCaseTest hard frequency reuse algorithm
 CLteInterferenceFrTestSuiteTest suite for the interference test when using different frequency reuse algorithms.Check if the interfence values correspond to theoretical values
 CLteInterferenceHardFrTestCaseLte interference test when using hard frequency reuse algorithm
 CLteInterferenceStrictFrTestCaseLte interference test when using strict frequency reuse algorithm
 CLteInterferenceTestCaseTest that SINR calculation and MCS selection works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario
 CLteInterferenceTestSuiteTest suite for interference test
 CLteIpv6RoutingTestCaseLte Ipv6 routing test case
 CLteIpv6RoutingTestSuiteTest suite 1
 CLteLinkAdaptationTestCaseTest that LTE link adaptation works according to the theoretical model
 CLteLinkAdaptationTestSuiteTest 1.3 Link adaptation
 CLteNoisePsdTestCaseTest that the function for creation of LTE noise power spectral density is working properly
 CLtePathlossModelSystemTestCaseTests that the BuildingPathlossModel works according to the expected theoretical values
 CLtePathlossModelTestSuiteTest 1.1 pathloss calculation
 CLtePrimaryCellChangeTestCaseTesting the handover procedure with multiple component carriers
 CLtePrimaryCellChangeTestSuiteTest suite for executing the primary cell change test cases
 CLteRadioLinkFailureTestCaseTesting the cell reselection procedure by UE at IDLE state
 CLteRadioLinkFailureTestSuiteTest suite for
 CLteRlcAmE2eTestCaseTest cases used for the test suite lte-rlc-am-e2e
 CLteRlcAmE2eTestSuiteTest suite for RlcAmE2e test case
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterConcatenationTestCaseTest Test that concatenation functionality works properly
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCaseTest Test that SDU transmitted at PDCP corresponds to PDU received by MAC
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCaseTest Test checks functionality of Report Buffer Status by testing primitive parameters
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterSegmentationTestCaseTest Test the correct functionality of the Segmentation
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterTestCaseTest case used by LteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCase to create topology and to implement functionalities and check if data received corresponds to data sent
 CLteRlcAmTransmitterTestSuiteTestSuite 4.1.1 RLC AM: Only transmitter functionality
 CLteRlcUmE2eTestCaseTest end-to-end flow when RLC UM is being used
 CLteRlcUmE2eTestSuiteTest suite for RlcUmE2eTestCase
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterConcatenationTestCaseTest Concatenation (n SDUs => One PDU)
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCaseTest One SDU, One PDU
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCaseTest Report Buffer Status (test primitive parameters)
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterSegmentationTestCaseTest Segmentation (One SDU => n PDUs)
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterTestCaseTest case used by LteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCase to create topology and to implement functionalities and check if data received corresponds to data sent
 CLteRlcUmTransmitterTestSuiteTestSuite 4.1.1 for RLC UM: Only transmitter part
 CLteRrcConnectionEstablishmentErrorTestCaseLte Rrc Connection Establishment Error Test Case
 CLteRrcConnectionEstablishmentTestCaseTest rrc connection establishment
 CLteRrcTestSuiteLte Rrc Test Suite
 CLteSecondaryCellHandoverTestCaseTest measurement-based handover to secondary cell
 CLteSecondaryCellHandoverTestSuiteLTE measurement-based handover to secondary cell test suite
 CLteSecondaryCellSelectionTestCaseTesting the initial cell selection procedure by UE at IDLE state in the beginning of simulation with multiple component carriers
 CLteSecondaryCellSelectionTestSuiteTest suite for executing the secondary cell selection test cases
 CLteSoftFfrAreaTestCaseLte Soft Ffr Area Test Case
 CLteSoftFrAreaTestCaseLte Soft Fr Area Test Case
 CLteSpectrumModelTestCaseTest checks if lte spectrum model is generated properly
 CLteSpectrumValueHelperTestSuiteTest suite for LteSpectrumValueHelper
 CLteStrictFrAreaTestCaseLte Fr Area Test Case
 CLteStrictFrTestCaseTest stric frequency reuse algorithm
 CLteTxPsdTestCaseTest that the funtcion for the creation of the Lte transmission power spectral density is working as expected
 CLteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCaseTesting UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in a handover configuration
 CLteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestSuiteTest suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 1 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 120 ms report interval
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 3 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite1Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite2Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2
 CLteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite3Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3
 CLteUeMeasurementsTestCaseTest that UE measurements calculation works properly in a scenario with 2 eNodeBs and 2UEs
 CLteUeMeasurementsTestSuiteTest that UE Measurements (see 36.214) calculation works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario
 CLteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAbsoluteModeTestCaseLte Uplink Closed Loop Power Control Absolute Mode Test Case
 CLteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAccumulatedModeTestCaseLte Uplink Closed Loop Power Control Accumulated Mode Test Case
 CLteUplinkDataSinrTestCaseTest generation of SINR in the uplink
 CLteUplinkOpenLoopPowerControlTestCaseLte Uplink Open Loop Power Control Test Case
 CLteUplinkPowerControlTestCaseLte Uplink Power Control Test Case
 CLteUplinkPowerControlTestSuiteTest 1.1 Uplink Power Control
 CLteUplinkSinrTestSuiteTest 1.2 SINR calculation in uplink
 CLteUplinkSrsSinrTestCaseIn this test one signal will be of interest, i.e., the SRS of the first signal will have the same CellId of the receiving PHY; the others will have a different CellId and hence will be the interfering signals
 CLteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCaseTest different X2 handover measures and algorithms, e.g
 CLteX2HandoverMeasuresTestSuiteLte X2 Handover Measures Test Suite
 CLteX2HandoverTestCaseTest X2 Handover
 CLteX2HandoverTestSuiteLTE X2 Handover Test Suite
 CMakeBoundCallbackTestCaseTest the MakeBoundCallback mechanism
 CMakeCallbackTemplatesTestCaseMake sure that various MakeCallback template functions compile and execute; doesn't check an results of the execution
 CMakeCallbackTestCaseTest the MakeCallback mechanism
 CMatrixPropagationLossModelTestCaseMatrixPropagationLossModel Test
 CMeasurementReportTestCaseMeasurement Report Test Case
 CMeshHeaderTestBuilt-in self test for MeshHeader
 CMeshInformationElementVectorBistBuilt-in self test for MeshInformationElementVector and all IE
 CMeshTestMeshTest class
 CMeshTestSuiteMesh Test Suite
 CMimicCongControlBehaves as NewReno except HasCongControl returns true
 CMobilityTestSuiteMobility Test Suite
 CMobilityTraceTestCaseMobility Trace Test Case
 CMobilityTraceTestSuiteMobility Trace Test Suite
 CMpiTestCaseThis version of ns3::ExampleTestCase is specialized for MPI by accepting the number of ranks as a parameter, then building a --command-template string which invokes mpiexec correctly to execute MPI examples
 CMpiTestSuiteMPI specialization of ns3::ExampleTestSuite
 CMultiStaCtrlBAckResponseHeaderTestTest for Multi-STA block ack header
 CMyHeaderA simple example of an Header implementation
 CMyTagA simple example of an Tag implementation
 CNetAnimExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
 CNetworkAllocatorHelperTestCaseIPv4 network allocator helper Test
 CNetworkAndAddress6TestCaseIPv6 network number and address allocator Test
 CNetworkAndAddressTestCaseIPv4 network and address allocator Test
 CNetworkNumber6AllocatorTestCaseIPv6 network number allocator Test
 CNetworkNumberAllocatorTestCaseIPv4 network number Test
 CNixVectorRoutingTestThe topology is of the form:
 CNixVectorRoutingTestSuiteIPv4 Nix-Vector Routing TestSuite
 CNs2MobilityHelperTestEvery test case is supposed to:
 CNs2MobilityHelperTestSuiteThe test suite
 CNs3TcpLossTestCaseTests of TCP implementation loss behavior
 CNs3TcpLossTestSuiteTCP implementation loss behavior TestSuite
 CNs3TcpNoDelayTestCaseTests of Nagle's algorithm and the TCP no delay option
 CNs3TcpNoDelayTestSuiteTCP Nagle's algorithm and the TCP no delay option TestSuite
 CNs3TcpSocketTestCaseCsmaTests of TCP implementations from the application/socket perspective using CSMA links
 CNs3TcpSocketTestCaseP2PTests of TCP implementations from the application/socket perspective using point-to-point links
 CNs3TcpSocketTestSuiteTCP implementations from the application/socket perspective TestSuite
 CNs3TcpStateTestCaseTests of TCP implementation state machine behavior
 CNs3TcpStateTestSuiteTCP implementation state machine behavior TestSuite
 CNs3WimaxCsParamTlvTestCaseTest the wimax tlv implementation
 CNs3WimaxFragmentationTestCaseTest the wimax packet fragmentation
 CNs3WimaxFragmentationTestSuiteNs3 Wimax Fragmentation Test Suite
 CNs3WimaxMacMessagesTestSuiteNs3 Wimax Mac Messages Test Suite
 CNs3WimaxManagementConnectionsTestCaseTest if the management connections are correctly setup
 CNs3WimaxNetworkEntryTestCaseTest the network entry procedure
 CNs3WimaxPhyTestSuiteThe test suite
 CNs3WimaxQoSTestSuiteNs3 Wimax QoS Test Suite
 CNs3WimaxSchedulingTestCaseNs3 Wimax Scheduling Test Case
 CNs3WimaxServiceFlowTestSuiteNs3 Wimax Service Flow Test Suite
 CNs3WimaxSfCreationTestCaseTest the service flow creation
 CNs3WimaxSfTlvTestCaseTest the service flow tlv implementation
 CNs3WimaxSFTypeTestCaseNs3 Wimax SF Type Test Case
 CNs3WimaxSimpleOFDMTestCaseNs3 Wimax Simple OFDM Test Case
 CNs3WimaxSNRtoBLERTestCaseTest the SNr tom block error rate module
 CNs3WimaxSSMacTestSuiteNs3 Wimax SS Mac Test Suite
 CNs3WimaxTlvTestSuiteNs3 Wimax Tlv Test Suite
 CNullifyCallbackTestCaseTest the Nullify mechanism
 CObjectMapAttributeTestCaseTest case for Object Map Attributes
 CObjectMapCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for ObjectMapValue
 CObjectVectorAttributeTestCaseTest case for Object Vector Attributes
 CObjectVectorCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for ObjectVectorValue
 COcbTestSuiteOcb Test Suite
 COcbWifiMacTestCaseOcb Wifi Mac Test Case
 COfdmaAckSequenceTestTest OFDMA acknowledgment sequences
 COfdmaSpectrumWifiPhySpectrumWifiPhy used for testing OFDMA
 COfdmaTestHePhyHE PHY slightly modified so as to return a given STA-ID in case of DL MU for OfdmaSpectrumWifiPhy
 COkumuraHataPropagationLossModelTestCaseOkumuraHataPropagationLossModel Test Case
 COkumuraHataPropagationLossModelTestSuiteOkumuraHataPropagationLossModel TestSuite
 COlsrEmfTestCaseCheck Emf olsr time conversion
 COlsrHelloTestCaseCheck Hello olsr messages
 COlsrHnaTestCaseCheck Hna olsr messages
 COlsrMidTestCaseCheck Mid olsr messages
 COlsrMprTestCaseTestcase for MPR computation mechanism
 COlsrProtocolTestSuiteOLSR protocol test suite
 COlsrTcTestCaseCheck Tc olsr messages
 COlsrTestSuiteCheck olsr header messages
 COneIntegerAverageTestCaseAverage class - Test case for a single integer
 COneIntegerTestCaseMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator class - Test case for a single integer
 COneVectorConstructorTestCaseAngles Test using one vector for initialization
 COptionWithAlignmentHeaderIPv6 extensions Test: Option with alignment
 COptionWithoutAlignmentHeaderIPv6 extensions Test: Option without alignment
 COriginatorBlockAckWindowTestTest for the originator block ack window
 COutdoorRandomWalkTestCaseTest case for the class OutdoorRandomWalkTestCase
 COutdoorRandomWalkTestSuiteTest suite for the buildings channel condition model
 CPacketBufferingCaseAPacket Buffering Case A
 CPacketBufferingCaseBPacket Buffering Case B
 CPacketEntryPCAP Packet structure
 CPacketLossCounterTestCaseTest that all the PacketLossCounter class checks loss correctly in different cases
 CPacketMetadataTestPacket Metadata unit tests
 CPacketMetadataTestSuitePacket Metadata TestSuite
 CPacketSocketAppsTestPacketSocket apps Unit Test
 CPacketSocketAppsTestSuitePacketSocket apps TestSuite
 CPacketTagListTestPacket Tag list unit tests
 CPacketTestPacket unit tests
 CPacketTestSuitePacket TestSuite
 CPairObjectObject holding pairs of values
 CPairValueSettingsTestCasePair test - test setting through attribute interface
 CPairValueTestCasePair test - Test instantiation, initialization, access
 CPairValueTestSuiteThe pair-value Test Suite
 CParabolicAntennaModelTestCaseParabolicAntennaModel Test
 CParabolicAntennaModelTestSuiteParabolicAntennaModel TestSuite
 CPbbTestCasePacketBb TestCase
 CPbbTestSuitePacketBb TestSuite
 CPcapFileTestSuitePCAP file utils TestSuite
 CPeerLinkFrameStartTestBuilt-in self test for PeerLinkFrameStart
 CPeerManagementProtocolRegressionTestPeering Management Protocol regression test
 CPfifoFastQueueDiscDscpPrioritizationThis class tests that each possible DSCP is enqueued in the right band
 CPfifoFastQueueDiscNoPriorityThis class tests that packets without a priority tag are handled by placing them into band 1
 CPfifoFastQueueDiscOverflowThis class tests that each band is txqueuelen deep
 CPfifoFastQueueDiscTestSuitePfifoFast queue disc test suite
 CPfifoFastQueueDiscTosPrioritizationThis class tests that each possible TOS is enqueued in the right band
 CPhyHeaderSectionsTestPHY header sections consistency test
 CPieQueueDiscTestCasePie Queue Disc Test Case
 CPieQueueDiscTestItemPie Queue Disc Test Item
 CPieQueueDiscTestSuitePie Queue Disc Test Suite
 CPointerAttributeTestCaseSmart pointers (Ptr) are central to our architecture, so they must work as attributes
 CPointToPointTestTest class for PointToPoint model
 CPointToPointTestSuiteTestSuite for PointToPoint module
 CPositionInBuildingStruct representing a position in a building
 CPowerRateAdaptationTestPower Rate Adaptation Test
 CPowerRateAdaptationTestSuitePower Rate Adaptation Test Suite
 CPreservePacketsInAmpdusTest for A-MSDU and A-MPDU aggregation
 CPrioQueueDiscTestCasePrio Queue Disc Test Case
 CPrioQueueDiscTestFilterPrio Queue Disc Test Packet Filter
 CPrioQueueDiscTestItemPrio Queue Disc Test Item
 CPrioQueueDiscTestSuitePrio Queue Disc Test Suite
 CProbabilisticV2vChCondModelsTestSuiteTest suite for the probabilistic V2V channel condition model
 CProbeTestCase1DoubleProbe class - Test case for connecting and receiving data
 CProbeTestSuiteDoubleProbe class TestSuite
 CPropagationLossModelsTestSuitePropagation models TestSuite
 CPrrRecoveryTestPRR Recovery algorithm test
 CPrrRecoveryTestSuitePRR Recovery TestSuite
 CPtrExampleExample class illustrating use of Ptr
 CqdTestItemQueue Disc Test Item
 CQKDQKD QKDKeyManagerSystemApplication is a class used to serve requests for cryptographic keys from user's applications
 CQosFragmentationTestCaseMake sure that fragmentation works with QoS stations
 CQosTxopTestSuiteQosTxop Test Suite
 CQosUtilsIsOldPacketTestQos Utils Is Old Packet Test
 CQueue< Packet >
 CQueue< QueueDiscItem >Introspection did not find any typical Config paths
 CQueue< WifiMacQueueItem >Introspection did not find any typical Config paths
 CQueueDiscTestItemQueue Disc Test Item
 CQueueDiscTracesTestCaseQueue Disc Traces Test Case
 CQueueDiscTracesTestSuiteQueue Disc Traces Test Suite
 CRadiansToDegreesTestCaseTest radians to degree conversion
 CRadvdTestCaseRadvd basic tests
 CRadvdTestSuiteRadvd TestSuite
 CRandCartAroundGeoTestCaseRand Cart Around Geo Test Case
 CRandCartAroundGeoTestSuiteRand Cart Around Geo Test Suite
 CRandomRoomPositionAllocatorTestCaseRandomRoomPositionAllocator test
 CRandomVariableStreamAttributeTestCaseTest the Attributes of type RandomVariableStream
 CRangePropagationLossModelTestCaseRangePropagationLossModel Test
 CReadFileTestCaseTest case to make sure that the Pcap File Object can read out the contents of a known good pcap file
 CReadModeCreateTestCaseTest case to make sure that the Pcap File Object can open an existing pcap file
 CRecordHeaderTestCaseTest case to make sure that the Pcap File Object can write pcap packet records in both endian cases, and then read them in correctly
 CRedQueueDiscTestCaseRed Queue Disc Test Case
 CRedQueueDiscTestItemRed Queue Disc Test Item
 CRedQueueDiscTestSuiteRed Queue Disc Test Suite
 CRegressionTestSuiteVarious olsr regression tests
 CResetAllocatorHelperTestCaseIPv4 reset allocator helper Test
 CrgbRGB structure
 CRngExponentialTestCaseTest case for exponential distribution random number generator
 CRngNormalTestCaseTest case for normal distribution random number generator
 CRngParetoTestCaseTest case for pareto distribution random number generator
 CRngTestSuiteThe random number generators Test Suite
 CRngUniformTestCaseTest case for uniform distribution random number generator
 CRocketfuelTopologyReaderTestRocketfuel Topology Reader Test
 CRocketfuelTopologyReaderTestSuiteRocketfuel Topology Reader TestSuite
 CRoomRoom coordinates
 CRoutingHelperGenerates routing data between nodes (vehicles) and uses the RoutingStats class to collect statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts)
 CRoutingStatsManages collects statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts) for the vehicular network
 CRrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleteTestCaseRrc Connection Reconfiguration Complete Test Case
 CRrcConnectionReconfigurationTestCaseRrc Connection Reconfiguration Test Case
 CRrcConnectionReestablishmentCompleteTestCaseRrc Connection Reestablishment Complete Test Case
 CRrcConnectionReestablishmentRequestTestCaseRrc Connection Reestablishment Request Test Case
 CRrcConnectionReestablishmentTestCaseRrc Connection Reestablishment Test Case
 CRrcConnectionRejectTestCaseRrc Connection Reject Test Case
 CRrcConnectionRequestTestCaseRrc Connection Request Test Case
 CRrcConnectionSetupCompleteTestCaseRrc Connection Setup Complete Test Case
 CRrcConnectionSetupTestCaseRrc Connection Setup Test Case
 CRrcHeaderTestCaseThis class provides common functions to be inherited by the children TestCases
 CRttEstimatorTestCaseRTT estimator Test
 CRttEstimatorTestSuiteRTT estimator TestSuite
 CSackPermittedTestCaseTest case for checking the SACK-PERMITTED option
 CSameRoomPositionAllocatorTestCaseSameRoomPositionAllocator test
 CSampleEmitterSimple data emitter to check that a probe receives data
 CSequenceNumberTestCaseSequence Number Unit Test
 CSequenceNumberTestSuiteSequence Number TestSuite
 CSetChannelFrequencyTestSet Channel Frequency Test
 CSimulatorEventsTestCaseCheck that basic event handling is working with different Simulator implementations
 CSimulatorTemplateTestCaseCheck that all templates are instantiated correctly
 CSimulatorTestSuiteThe simulator Test Suite
 CSixlowpanFragmentationTest6LoWPAN Fragmentation Test
 CSixlowpanFragmentationTestSuite6LoWPAN Fragmentation TestSuite
 CSixlowpanHc1ImplTest6LoWPAN HC1 Test
 CSixlowpanHc1TestSuite6LoWPAN HC1 TestSuite
 CSixlowpanIphcImplTest6LoWPAN IPHC Test
 CSixlowpanIphcStatefulImplTest6LoWPAN IPHC stateful compression Test
 CSixlowpanIphcStatefulTestSuite6LoWPAN IPHC TestSuite
 CSixlowpanIphcTestSuite6LoWPAN IPHC TestSuite
 CSpectrumConverterTestSuiteSpectrum Converter TestSuite
 CSpectrumIdealPhyTestCaseIdeal Spectrum PHY Test
 CSpectrumIdealPhyTestSuiteIdeal Spectrum PHY TestSuite
 CSpectrumInterferenceTestCaseSpectrum Interference Test
 CSpectrumInterferenceTestSuiteSpectrum Interference TestSuite
 CSpectrumValueTestCaseSpectrum Value Test
 CSpectrumValueTestSuiteSpectrum Value TestSuite
 CSpectrumWifiPhyBasicTestSpectrum Wifi Phy Basic Test
 CSpectrumWifiPhyFilterTestSpectrum Wifi Phy Filter Test
 CSpectrumWifiPhyListenerTestSpectrum Wifi Phy Listener Test
 CSpectrumWifiPhyTestSuiteSpectrum Wifi Phy Test Suite
 CStackHelperHelper to set or get some IPv6 information about nodes
 CStandardInfoStandardInfo structure
 CStaticInformationGather aggregation and configuration path information from registered types
 CStaWifiMacScanningTestCaseMake sure that Wifi STA is correctly associating to the best AP (i.e., nearest from STA)
 CSteadyStateRandomWaypointTestSteady State Random Waypoint Test
 CSteadyStateRandomWaypointTestSuiteSteady State Random Waypoint Test Suite
 CStepStep structure
 CSwitchFlowTableTestCaseOpenFlow Test
 CSwitchTestSuiteOpenFlow TestSuite
 CTableBasedErrorRateTestCaseWifi Table-based Error Rate Models Test Case
 CTbfQueueDiscTestCaseTbf Queue Disc Test Case
 CTbfQueueDiscTestItemTbf Queue Disc Test Item
 CTbfQueueDiscTestSuiteTbf Queue Disc Test Suite
 CTcFlowControlTestCaseTraffic Control Flow Control Test Case
 CTcFlowControlTestSuiteTraffic Control Flow Control Test Suite
 CTcpAdvertisedWindowTestTest the new formula for calculating TCP's advertised window size
 CTcpAdvertisedWindowTestSuiteTest Suite for TCP adv window
 CTcpAdvWindowOnLossTestTest the TCP's advertised window size when there is a loss of specific packets
 CTcpBicDecrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance decrement on TcpBic
 CTcpBicIncrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance increment on TcpBic
 CTcpBicTestSuiteTCP Bic TestSuite
 CTcpBytesInFlightTestCheck the value of BytesInFlight against a home-made guess
 CTcpBytesInFlightTestSuiteTestSuite: Check the value of BytesInFlight against a home-made guess
 CTcpDataSentCbTestCaseData Sent callback test
 CTcpDataSentCbTestSuiteTestSuite: Data Sent callback
 CTcpDctcpCodePointsTestValidates the setting of ECT and ECE codepoints for DCTCP enabled traffic
 CTcpDctcpCongestedRouterA TCP socket which sends a data packet with CE flags set for test 3
 CTcpDctcpTestSuiteTCP DCTCP TestSuite
 CTcpDctcpToLinuxRenoDCTCP should be same as Linux during slow start
 CTcpDropRatioErrorModelAn error model that randomly drops a given rátio of TCP segments
 CTcpEndPointBug2211TestTest for bug 2211
 CTcpEndpointBug2211TestSuiteTestSuite for bug 2211 - It must be used with valgrind
 CTcpFastRetrTestTest the fast retransmission
 CTcpFastRetrTestSuiteTestsuite for the fast retransmission
 CTcpHeaderFlagsToStringTCP header Flags to Striing test
 CTcpHeaderGetSetTestCaseTCP header Get/Set test
 CTcpHeaderTestSuiteTCP header TestSuite
 CTcpHeaderWithRFC793OptionTestCaseTCP header with RFC793 Options test
 CTcpHighSpeedDecrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance decrement on TcpHighSpeed
 CTcpHighSpeedIncrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance increment on TcpHighSpeed
 CTcpHighSpeedTestSuiteTCP HighSpeed TestSuite
 CTcpHtcpIncrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance increment on TcpHtcp
 CTcpHtcpTestSuiteTCP Htcp TestSuite
 CTcpHyblaIncrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance increment on TcpHybla
 CTcpHyblaTestSuiteTCP Hybla TestSuite
 CTcpIllinoisTestTcpIllinois C-AIMD algorithm tests
 CTcpIllinoisTestSuiteTCP Illinois TestSuite
 CTcpLargeTransferLossTestCheck rollover of sequence number and how that affects loss recovery
 CTcpLedbatDecrementTestTest to validate cWnd decrement in LEDBAT
 CTcpLedbatIncrementTestTest to validate cWnd increment in LEDBAT
 CTcpLedbatTestSuiteTCP Ledbat TestSuite
 CTcpLedbatToNewRenoLEDBAT should be same as NewReno during slow start, and when timestamps are disabled
 CTcpLinuxRenoCongAvoidTestThis unit test checks that the slow start and congestion avoidance behavior matches Linux behavior as follows: 1) in both slow start and congestion avoidance phases, presence or absence of delayed acks does not alter the window growth 2) in congestion avoidance phase, the arithmetic for counting the number of segments acked and deciding when to increment the congestion window (i.e
 CTcpLinuxRenoSSTestThis unit test checks that the slow start and congestion avoidance behavior matches Linux behavior as follows: 1) in both slow start and congestion avoidance phases, presence or absence of delayed acks does not alter the window growth 2) in congestion avoidance phase, the arithmetic for counting the number of segments acked and deciding when to increment the congestion window (i.e
 CTcpLinuxRenoTestSuiteTestSuite for the behavior of Linux Reno
 CTcpLossTestSuiteTest various packet losses
 CTcpNewRenoCongAvoidNormalTestTest the behavior of RFC congestion avoidance
 CTcpOptionTestSuiteTCP options TestSuite
 CTcpOptionTSTestCaseTCP TimeStamp option Test
 CTcpOptionWSTestCaseTCP Window Scaling option Test
 CTcpPacingTestTest the behavior of TCP pacing
 CTcpPacingTestSuiteTestSuite for the behavior of TCP pacing
 CTcpPktsAckedOpenTestCheck the number of times that PktsAcked is called
 CTcpPktsAckedTestSuitePktsAcked is calls TestSuite
 CTcpRateLinuxBasicTestThe TcpRateLinux Basic Test
 CTcpRateLinuxWithBufferTestThe TcpRateLinuxWithBufferTest tests rate sample functionality with arbitary SACK scenario
 CTcpRateLinuxWithSocketsTestThe TcpRateLinux Test uses sender-receiver model to test its functionality
 CTcpRateOpsTestSuiteTestSuite for the TcpRateLinux test case
 CTcpRenoCongAvoidTestSuiteTestSuite for the behavior of RFC congestion avoidance
 CTcpRtoTestTesting the moments after an RTO expiration
 CTcpRtoTestSuiteTCP RTO TestSuite
 CTcpRttEstimationTestCheck Rtt calculations
 CTcpRttEstimationTestSuiteTCP RTT estimation TestSuite
 CTcpRttEstimationWithLossTestCheck Rtt calculations with packet losses
 CTcpRxBufferTestCaseThe TcpRxBuffer Test
 CTcpRxBufferTestSuiteTestSuite for the TcpRxBuffer test case
 CTcpSackPermittedTestSuiteThe test case for testing the TCP SACK PERMITTED option
 CTcpScalableDecrementTestTesting the multiplicative decrease on TcpScalable
 CTcpScalableIncrementTestTesting the congestion avoidance increment on TcpScalable
 CTcpScalableTestSuiteTcpScalable TestSuite
 CTcpSlowStartAttackerTestA slow start test using a socket which sends smaller ACKs
 CTcpSlowStartNormalTestTest the normal behavior for slow start
 CTcpSlowStartTestSuiteTCP Slow Start TestSuite
 CTcpSocketAdvertisedWindowProxySocket that wraps every call to AdvertisedWindowSize ()
 CTcpSocketHalfAckSocket that the 50% of the times saves the entire packet in the buffer, while in the other 50% saves only half the packet
 CTcpSsThreshRtoTestTesting the ssthresh behavior after the RTO expires
 CTcpSynConnectionFailedTestTest that connection failed callback is called when SYN retransmission number is exceeded
 CTcpTestCaseTCP Test - send string data from client to server and back
 CTcpTestSuiteTCP TestSuite - send string data from client to server and back
 CTcpTimeRtoTestTesting the timing of RTO
 CTcpTimestampTestSuiteTCP TimeStamp TestSuite
 CTcpTxBufferTestCaseThe TcpTxBuffer Test
 CTcpTxBufferTestSuiteTestSuite for the TcpTxBuffer test case
 CTcpVegasTestTcpVegas congestion control algorithm test
 CTcpVegasTestSuiteTCP Vegas TestSuite
 CTcpVenoTestTesting the additive increase and multiplicative decrease of TcpVeno
 CTcpVenoTestSuiteTCP Veno TestSuite
 CTcpWScalingTestSuiteTCP Window Scaling TestSuite
 CTcpYeahDecrementTestTesting TcpYeah multiplicative decrease algorithm
 CTcpYeahIncrementTestTesting TcpYeah additive increase algorithm
 CTcpYeahTestSuiteTCP Yeah TestSuite
 CTcpZeroWindowTestTesting the congestion avoidance increment on TCP ZeroWindow
 CTcpZeroWindowTestSuiteTCP ZeroWindow TestSuite
 CTestAmpduReceptionA-MPDU reception test
 CTestCarrierAggregationSuiteTest Carrier Aggregation Suite
 CTestCaseHelperTest Case Helper
 CTestChildQueueDiscTest Child Queue Disc that may drop packets before enqueue or after dequeue
 CTestCounterKeep statistics based on traces
 CTestDlOfdmaPhyTransmissionDL-OFDMA PHY test
 CTestEmptyOptionFieldIPv6 extensions Test: Empty option field
 CTestFulfilledAlignmentIPv6 extensions Test: Test an option already aligned
 CTestInterBssConstantObssPdAlgoWifi Test
 CTestMultipleHeTbPreamblesUL-OFDMA multiple RX events test
 CTestMultiUserSchedulerDummy Multi User Scheduler used to test OFDMA ack sequences
 CTestOptionWithAlignmentIPv6 extensions Test: Test the option with alignment
 CTestOptionWithoutAlignmentIPv6 extensions Test: Test the option without alignment
 CTestParentQueueDiscTest Parent Queue Disc having a child of type TestChildQueueDisc
 CTestPhyHeadersReceptionTest PHY state upon success or failure of L-SIG and SIG-A
 CTestPhyListenerTest Phy Listener
 CTestPhyPaddingExclusionPHY padding exclusion test
 CTestSimpleFrameCaptureModelSimple frame capture model test
 CTestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithFrameCapturePreamble detection test w/o frame capture
 CTestThresholdPreambleDetectionWithoutFrameCapturePreamble detection test w/o frame capture
 CTestUlOfdmaPhyTransmissionUL-OFDMA PHY test
 CTestUlOfdmaPowerControlUL-OFDMA power control test
 CTestUlOfdmaPpduUidUL-OFDMA PPDU UID attribution test
 CTestUnsupportedModulationReceptionUnsupported Modulation Reception Test This test creates a mixed network, in which an HE STA and a VHT STA are associated to an HE AP and send uplink traffic
 CTestUtilsContains ASN encoding test utility functions
 CThreadedSimulatorEventsTestCaseCheck threaded event handling with various thread number, schedulers, and simulator types
 CThreadedSimulatorTestSuiteThe threaded simulator Test Suite
 CThreeGppChannelConditionModelTestCaseTest case for the 3GPP channel condition models
 CThreeGppChannelMatrixComputationTestTest case for the ThreeGppChannelModel class
 CThreeGppChannelMatrixUpdateTestTest case for the ThreeGppChannelModel class
 CThreeGppChannelTestSuiteTest suite for the ThreeGppChannelModel class
 CThreeGppHttpClientServerTestSuiteA test class for running several system tests which validate the web browsing traffic model
 CThreeGppHttpObjectTestCaseA test class which verifies that each HTTP object sent is also received the same size
 CThreeGppIndoorOfficePropagationLossModelTestCaseTest case for the class ThreeGppIndoorOfficePropagationLossModel
 CThreeGppPropagationLossModelsTestSuite3GPP Propagation models TestSuite
 CThreeGppRmaPropagationLossModelTestCaseTest case for the class ThreeGppRmaPropagationLossModel
 CThreeGppShadowingTestCaseTest to check if the shadowing fading is correctly computed
 CThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModelTestTest case for the ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModelTest class
 CThreeGppUmaPropagationLossModelTestCaseTest case for the class ThreeGppUmaPropagationLossModel
 CThreeGppUmiPropagationLossModelTestCaseTest case for the class ThreeGppUmiStreetCanyonPropagationLossModel
 CThreeGppV2vBuildingsChCondModelTestCaseTest case for the classes ThreeGppV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel, and ThreeGppV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel to test their code to deterministically determine NLOS state
 CThreeGppV2vChCondModelsTestSuiteTest suite for the 3GPP V2V channel condition model
 CThreeGppV2vHighwayLosNlosvChCondModelTestCaseTest case for the 3GPP V2V Highway channel condition models (probabilistic model for LOS/NLOSv states)
 CThreeGppV2vHighwayPropagationLossModelTestCaseTest case for the class ThreeGppV2vHighwayPropagationLossModel
 CThreeGppV2vUrbanLosNlosvChCondModelTestCaseTest case for the 3GPP V2V Urban channel condition models (probabilistic model for LOS/NLOSv states)
 CThreeGppV2vUrbanPropagationLossModelTestCaseTest case for the class ThreeGppV2vUrbanPropagationLossModel
 CTimeCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for TimeValue
 CTimeInputOutputTestCaseInput output Test Case for Time
 CTimerStateTestCaseCheck correct state transitions
 CTimerTemplateTestCaseCheck that Timer template magic is working
 CTimerTestSuiteThe timer Test Suite
 CTimeSimpleTestCaseTime simple test case, Checks the basic operations on time
 CTimestampTestCaseTCP TimeStamp enabling Test
 CTimestampValueTestCaseTCP TimeStamp values Test
 CTimeTestSuiteTime test Suite
 CTimeWithSignTestCaseTime-tests Time with Sign test case
 CTracedCallbackTestCaseTrace sources used like Attributes must also work as trace sources, make sure we can use them that way
 CTracedCallbackTestSuiteThe traced callback Test Suite
 CTracedCallbackTypedefTestCaseTracedCallback Testcase
 CTracedCallbackTypedefTestSuiteTracedCallback typedef TestSuite
 CTracedValueCallbackTestCaseTracedValueCallback Test Case
 CTracedValueCallbackTestSuiteTracedValueCallback TestSuite
 CTracerouteExampleTest script
 CTunnelTunnel class - its goal is to create and manage the tunnels between endpoints
 CTupleObjectObject with attribute values storing tuples
 CTupleValueTestCaseTest instantiation, initialization, access
 CTupleValueTestSuiteTest suite
 CTvHelperDistributionTestCaseThis test verifies the accuracy of the private GetRandomNumTransmitters()
method in the TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper class
 CTvHelperDistributionTestSuiteTest suite for the TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper class
 CTvSpectrumTransmitterTestCaseThis test verifies the accuracy of the spectrum/PSD model in the TvSpectrumTransmitter class
 CTvSpectrumTransmitterTestSuiteTest suite for the TvSpectrumTransmitter class
 CTwoBridgeTestIPv4 GlobalRouting Two bridges test
 CTwoLanTestIPv4 GlobalRouting Two LAN test
 CTwoLevelAggregationTestTwo Level Aggregation Test
 CTwoLinkTestIPv4 GlobalRouting Two Link test
 CTwoRayGroundPropagationLossModelTestCaseTwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel Test
 CTwoVectorsConstructorTestCaseAngles Test using two vectors for initialization
 CTxDurationTestTx Duration Test
 CTxDurationTestSuiteTx Duration Test Suite
 CTxopDurationTracerKeeps the maximum duration among all TXOPs
 CTxopTestTxopTest Txop Test
 CTxopTestSuiteTxop Test Suite
 CTypeIdPerformanceSuiteTypeId performance test suites
 CTypeIdTestSuiteTypeId test suites
 CUanEnergyModelTestSuiteUnit test suite for underwater energy model
 CUanExperimentThis example shows the usage of UDP over 6LoWPAN to transfer data
 CUanTestUan Test
 CUanTestSuiteUan Test Suite
 CUdp6SocketImplTestUDP Socket over IPv6 Test
 CUdp6SocketLoopbackTestUDP Socket Loopback over IPv6 Test
 CUdpClientServerTestCaseTest that all the UDP packets generated by an UdpClient application are correctly received by an UdpServer application
 CUdpClientServerTestSuiteUDP client and server TestSuite
 CUdpEchoClientSetFillTestCaseTest fix for Bug 1378
 CUdpSocketImplTestUDP Socket over IPv4 Test
 CUdpSocketLoopbackTestUDP Socket Loopback over IPv4 Test
 CUdpTestSuiteUDP TestSuite
 CUdpTraceClientServerTestCaseTest that all the udp packets generated by an udpTraceClient application are correctly received by an udpServer application
 CUeDlTestDataCustom structure for testing UE downlink data
 CUeTestDataUeTestData structure
 CUeUlTestDataCustom test structure to hold information of data transmitted in the uplink per UE
 CUintegerCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for UintegerValue
 CUniformPlanarArrayTestCaseUniformPlanarArray Test Case
 CUniformPlanarArrayTestSuiteUniformPlanarArray Test Suite
 CUniqueTypeIdTestCaseTest for uniqueness of all TypeIds
 CV2vHighwayProbChCondModelTestCaseTest case for the V2V Highway channel condition models using a fully probabilistic model to determine LOS, NLOS and NLOSv states
 CV2vUrbanProbChCondModelTestCaseTest case for the V2V Urban channel condition models using a fully probabilistic model to determine LOS, NLOS and NLOSv states
 CVanetRoutingExperimentImplements a wifi app that allows VANET routing experiments to be simulated
 CVectorCheckerAttributeChecker implementation for VectorValue
 CVectorValueAttributeValue implementation for Vector
 CWaveformGeneratorTestCaseWaveform generator Test
 CWaveformGeneratorTestSuiteWaveform generator TestSuite
 CWaveMacTestSuiteWave Mac Test Suite
 CWaveNetDeviceExampleThis simulation is to show the routing service of WaveNetDevice described in IEEE 09.4
 CWaypointInitialPositionIsWaypointWaypoint Initial Position Is Waypoint Test
 CWaypointLazyNotifyFalseTest whether course change notifications occur regardless of calls to Update() position (which are triggered by calls to GetPosition())
 CWaypointLazyNotifyTrueWaypoint Lazy Notify True
 CWaypointMobilityModelAddWaypointTestWaypoint Mobility Model Add Waypoint Test
 CWaypointMobilityModelNotifyTestWaypoint Mobility Model Notify Test
 CWaypointMobilityModelTestSuiteWaypoint Mobility Model Test Suite
 CWaypointMobilityModelViaHelperWaypoint Mobility Model Via Helper Test
 CWifiAcMappingTestTest for User priority to Access Category mapping
 CWifiAcMappingTestSuiteAccess category mapping Test Suite
 CWifiAggregationTestSuiteWifi Aggregation Test Suite
 CWifiAppEnforces program flow for ns-3 wifi applications
 CWifiChannelSwitchingTestThis test verifies that communication between an AP and a STA resumes after that both switch channel and PHY band
 CWifiChannelSwitchingTestSuiteBlock Ack Test Suite
 CWifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseDsssWifi Error Rate Models Test Case Dsss
 CWifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseMimoWifi Error Rate Models Test Case MIMO
 CWifiErrorRateModelsTestCaseNistWifi Error Rate Models Test Case Nist
 CWifiErrorRateModelsTestSuiteWifi Error Rate Models Test Suite
 CWifiMacOfdmaTestSuiteWifi MAC OFDMA Test Suite
 CWifiMacQueueDropOldestTestTest DROP_OLDEST setting
 CWifiMacQueueTestSuiteWifi MAC Queue Test Suite
 CWifiMsduAggregatorTestSuiteMsduAggregator Test Suite
 CWifiMsduAggregatorThroughputTestThroughput test for MsduAggregator
 CWifiOfdmMaskSlopesTestCaseTest checks if Wifi spectrum values for OFDM are generated properly
 CWifiPhyOfdmaTestSuiteWifi PHY OFDMA Test Suite
 CWifiPhyReceptionTestSuiteWifi PHY reception Test Suite
 CWifiPhyStatsCollects Wifi MAC/PHY statistics
 CWifiPhyThresholdsStrongForeignSignalTestWifi Phy Threshold Strong Foreign Signal Test
 CWifiPhyThresholdsStrongWifiSignalTestWifi Phy Threshold Strong Wifi Signal Test
 CWifiPhyThresholdsTestWifi Phy Threshold Test base class
 CWifiPhyThresholdsTestSuiteWifi Phy Thresholds Test Suite
 CWifiPhyThresholdsWeakForeignSignalTestWifi Phy Threshold Weak Foreign Signal Test
 CWifiPhyThresholdsWeakWifiSignalTestWifi Phy Threshold Weak Wifi Signal Test
 CWifiPrimaryChannelsTestTest transmissions under different primary channel settings
 CWifiPrimaryChannelsTestSuiteWifi primary channels test suite
 CWifiTestWifi Test
 CWifiTestSuiteWifi Test Suite
 CWifiTransmitMaskTestSuiteTest suite for checking the consistency of different OFDM-based transmit masks
 CWifiTxopTestTest TXOP rules
 CWifiTxopTestSuiteWifi TXOP Test Suite
 CWriteModeCreateTestCaseTest case to make sure that the Pcap File Object can do its most basic job and create an empty pcap file
 CWScalingTestCaseTCP Window Scaling enabling Test