A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm Class Reference

Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation. More...

#include "lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h"

+ Inheritance diagram for ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm:
+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm:


class  UeMeasure
 Measurements reported by a UE for a cell ID. More...

Public Member Functions

 LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm ()
virtual ~LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm ()
virtual LteFfrRrcSapProviderGetLteFfrRrcSapProvider ()
 Export the "provider" part of the LteFfrRrcSap interface. More...
virtual LteFfrSapProviderGetLteFfrSapProvider ()
 Export the "provider" part of the LteFfrSap interface. More...
virtual void SetLteFfrRrcSapUser (LteFfrRrcSapUser *s)
 Set the "user" part of the LteFfrRrcSap interface that this frequency reuse algorithm instance will interact with. More...
virtual void SetLteFfrSapUser (LteFfrSapUser *s)
 Set the "user" part of the LteFfrSap interface that this frequency reuse algorithm instance will interact with. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm
 LteFfrAlgorithm ()
virtual ~LteFfrAlgorithm ()
uint16_t GetDlBandwidth () const
uint8_t GetFrCellTypeId () const
uint16_t GetUlBandwidth () const
void SetDlBandwidth (uint16_t bw)
void SetFrCellTypeId (uint8_t cellTypeId)
void SetUlBandwidth (uint16_t bw)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Object ()
 Destructor. More...
void AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other)
 Aggregate two Objects together. More...
void Dispose (void)
 Dispose of this Object. More...
AggregateIterator GetAggregateIterator (void) const
 Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one. More...
virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const
 Get the most derived TypeId for this Object. More...
Ptr< ObjectGetObject () const
 Specialization of () for objects of type ns3::Object. More...
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId. More...
Ptr< ObjectGetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Specialization of (TypeId tid) for objects of type ns3::Object. More...
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject (void) const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object. More...
void Initialize (void)
 Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one. More...
bool IsInitialized (void) const
 Check if the object has been initialized. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter >
 SimpleRefCount ()
 Default constructor. More...
 SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o[[maybe_unused]])
 Copy constructor. More...
uint32_t GetReferenceCount (void) const
 Get the reference count of the object. More...
SimpleRefCountoperator= ([[maybe_unused]] const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Assignment operator. More...
void Ref (void) const
 Increment the reference count. More...
void Unref (void) const
 Decrement the reference count. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
virtual ~ObjectBase ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
void GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More...
bool GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute without raising erros. More...
void SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More...
bool SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute without raising errors. More...
bool TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context. More...
bool TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context. More...
bool TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context. More...
bool TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm
static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
 Register this type. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
 Get the type ID. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void DoDispose ()
 Destructor implementation. More...
virtual std::vector< bool > DoGetAvailableDlRbg ()
 Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::GetAvailableDlRbg. More...
virtual std::vector< bool > DoGetAvailableUlRbg ()
 Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::GetAvailableUlRbg. More...
virtual uint16_t DoGetMinContinuousUlBandwidth ()
 DoGetMinContinuousUlBandwidth in number of RB. More...
virtual uint8_t DoGetTpc (uint16_t rnti)
 DoGetTpc for UE. More...
virtual void DoInitialize ()
 Initialize() implementation. More...
virtual bool DoIsDlRbgAvailableForUe (int i, uint16_t rnti)
 Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::IsDlRbgAvailableForUe. More...
virtual bool DoIsUlRbgAvailableForUe (int i, uint16_t rnti)
 Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::IsUlRbgAvailableForUe. More...
virtual void DoRecvLoadInformation (EpcX2Sap::LoadInformationParams params)
 DoRecvLoadInformation. More...
virtual void DoReportDlCqiInfo (const struct FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlCqiInfoReqParameters &params)
 DoReportDlCqiInfo. More...
virtual void DoReportUeMeas (uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::MeasResults measResults)
 Implementation of LteFfrRrcSapProvider::ReportUeMeas. More...
virtual void DoReportUlCqiInfo (const struct FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters &params)
 DoReportUlCqiInfo. More...
virtual void DoReportUlCqiInfo (std::map< uint16_t, std::vector< double > > ulCqiMap)
 DoReportUlCqiInfo. More...
virtual void Reconfigure ()
 Automatic FR reconfiguration. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm
virtual void DoSetBandwidth (uint16_t ulBandwidth, uint16_t dlBandwidth)
 Implementation of LteFfrRrcSapProvider::SetBandwidth. More...
virtual void DoSetCellId (uint16_t cellId)
 SetCellId. More...
int GetRbgSize (int dlbandwidth)
 Get RBG size for DL Bandwidth according to table of 36.213. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object (const Object &o)
 Copy an Object. More...
virtual void NotifyNewAggregate (void)
 Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
void ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes)
 Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes. More...
virtual void NotifyConstructionCompleted (void)
 Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed. More...

Private Types

typedef std::map< uint16_t, Ptr< UeMeasure > > MeasurementRow_t
 Cell Id is used as the key for the following map. More...
typedef std::map< uint16_t, MeasurementRow_tMeasurementTable_t
 RNTI is used as the key for the following map. More...
enum  UePosition { AreaUnset , CenterArea , EdgeArea }
 UePosition enumeration. More...

Private Member Functions

void Calculate ()
 Calculate function. More...
void InitializeDownlinkRbgMaps ()
 Initialize down link RGB maps function. More...
void InitializeUplinkRbgMaps ()
 Initialize up link RGB maps function. More...
void SendLoadInformation (uint16_t targetCellId)
 Send load information function. More...
void SetDownlinkConfiguration (uint16_t cellId, uint8_t bandwidth)
 Set down link configuration function. More...
void SetUplinkConfiguration (uint16_t cellId, uint8_t bandwidth)
 Set up link configuration function. More...
void UpdateNeighbourMeasurements (uint16_t rnti, uint16_t cellId, uint8_t rsrp, uint8_t rsrq)
 Initialize up link RGB maps function. More...

Private Attributes

EventId m_calculationEvent
 calculation event More...
Time m_calculationInterval
 calculation interval More...
std::map< uint16_t, uint32_t > m_cellWeightMap
 cell weight map More...
uint8_t m_centerAreaTpc
 center area TPC More...
uint8_t m_centerPowerOffset
 center power offset More...
std::vector< bool > m_dlEdgeRbgMap
 DL edge RBG map. More...
std::vector< bool > m_dlRbgMap
 DL RBG map. More...
uint8_t m_edgeAreaTpc
 edge area TCP More...
uint8_t m_edgePowerOffset
 edge power offset More...
uint8_t m_edgeRbNum
 edge RB number More...
uint8_t m_edgeSubBandRsrqThreshold
 edge sub band RSRQ threshold More...
 FFR RRC SAP Provider. More...
 FFR RRC SAP User. More...
 FFR SAP Provider. More...
 FFR SAP User. More...
std::vector< uint16_t > m_neigborCell
 neighbor cell More...
std::map< uint16_t, std::vector< bool > > m_rntp
 RNTP. More...
uint8_t m_rsrpDifferenceThreshold
 RSRP difference threshold. More...
uint8_t m_rsrpMeasId
 RSRP measurement ID. More...
uint8_t m_rsrqMeasId
 RSRQ measurement ID. More...
MeasurementTable_t m_ueMeasures
 UE measures. More...
std::map< uint16_t, uint8_t > m_ues
 UEs map. More...
std::vector< bool > m_ulEdgeRbgMap
 UL edge RBG map. More...
std::vector< bool > m_ulRbgMap
 UL RBG map. More...


class MemberLteFfrRrcSapProvider< LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm >
 let the forwarder class access the protected and private members More...
class MemberLteFfrSapProvider< LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm >
 let the forwarder class access the protected and private members More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm
uint16_t m_cellId
 cell ID More...
uint8_t m_dlBandwidth
 downlink bandwidth in RBs More...
bool m_enabledInUplink
 If true FR algorithm will also work in Uplink. More...
uint8_t m_frCellTypeId
 FFR cell type ID for automatic configuration. More...
bool m_needReconfiguration
 If true FR algorithm will be reconfigured. More...
uint8_t m_ulBandwidth
 uplink bandwidth in RBs More...

Detailed Description

Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation.

Config Paths

ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:

  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::LteEnbNetDevice/LteFfrAlgorithm/$ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm"
  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::LteEnbNetDevice/ComponentCarrierMap/[i]/LteFfrAlgorithm/$ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm"
  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::LteNetDevice/$ns3::LteEnbNetDevice/LteFfrAlgorithm/$ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm"
  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::LteNetDevice/$ns3::LteEnbNetDevice/ComponentCarrierMap/[i]/LteFfrAlgorithm/$ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm"


  • CalculationInterval: Time interval between calculation of Edge sub-band, Default value 1 second
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time +9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +1e+09ns
    • Flags: construct write read
  • RsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Edge sub-band
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 20
    • Flags: construct write read
  • RsrpDifferenceThreshold: If the difference between the power of the signal received by UE from the serving cell and the power of the signal received from the adjacent cell is less than a RsrpDifferenceThreshold value, the cell weight is incremented
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 20
    • Flags: construct write read
  • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 5
    • Flags: construct write read
  • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 5
    • Flags: construct write read
  • EdgeRbNum: Number of RB that can be used in edge Sub-band
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 8
    • Flags: construct write read
  • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 1
    • Flags: construct write read
  • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 1
    • Flags: construct write read

Attributes defined in parent class ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm

  • FrCellTypeId: Downlink FR cell type ID for automatic configuration,default value is 0 and it means that user needs to configure FR algorithm manually,if it is set to 1,2 or 3 FR algorithm will be configured automatically
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 0
    • Flags: construct write read
  • EnabledInUplink: If FR algorithm will also work in Uplink, default value true
    • Set with class: BooleanValue
    • Underlying type: bool
    • Initial value: true
    • Flags: construct write read

No TraceSources are defined for this type.
Size of this type is 512 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).

Definition at line 35 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ MeasurementRow_t

typedef std::map<uint16_t, Ptr<UeMeasure> > ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::MeasurementRow_t

Cell Id is used as the key for the following map.

Definition at line 178 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

◆ MeasurementTable_t

RNTI is used as the key for the following map.

Definition at line 180 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ UePosition

UePosition enumeration.


Definition at line 140 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm()

◆ ~LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm()

ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::~LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm ( )

Definition at line 42 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.


Member Function Documentation

◆ Calculate()

◆ DoDispose()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoDispose ( void  )

Destructor implementation.

This method is called by Dispose() or by the Object's destructor, whichever comes first.

Subclasses are expected to implement their real destruction code in an overridden version of this method and chain up to their parent's implementation once they are done. i.e, for simplicity, the destructor of every subclass should be empty and its content should be moved to the associated DoDispose() method.

It is safe to call GetObject() from within this method.

Reimplemented from ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 49 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_ffrRrcSapProvider, m_ffrSapProvider, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ DoGetAvailableDlRbg()

std::vector< bool > ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoGetAvailableDlRbg ( )

Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::GetAvailableDlRbg.

vector of size (m_dlBandwidth/RbgSize); false indicates that RBG is free to use, true otherwise

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 228 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References InitializeDownlinkRbgMaps(), m_dlRbgMap, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_needReconfiguration, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and Reconfigure().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DoGetAvailableUlRbg()

std::vector< bool > ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoGetAvailableUlRbg ( )

Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::GetAvailableUlRbg.

vector of size m_ulBandwidth; false indicates that RB is free to use, true otherwise

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 269 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References InitializeUplinkRbgMaps(), m_ulRbgMap, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DoGetMinContinuousUlBandwidth()

uint16_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoGetMinContinuousUlBandwidth ( )

DoGetMinContinuousUlBandwidth in number of RB.

number of RB in min continuous UL Bandwidth

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 369 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_edgeRbNum, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_enabledInUplink, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_ulBandwidth, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ DoGetTpc()

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoGetTpc ( uint16_t  rnti)

DoGetTpc for UE.

TPC value

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 331 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References EdgeArea, m_centerAreaTpc, m_edgeAreaTpc, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_enabledInUplink, m_ues, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ DoInitialize()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoInitialize ( void  )

Initialize() implementation.

This method is called only once by Initialize(). If the user calls Initialize() multiple times, DoInitialize() is called only the first time.

Subclasses are expected to override this method and chain up to their parent's implementation once they are done. It is safe to call GetObject() and AggregateObject() from within this method.

Reimplemented from ns3::Object.

Definition at line 148 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References ns3::LteFfrRrcSapUser::AddUeMeasReportConfigForFfr(), Calculate(), ns3::LteRrcSap::ThresholdEutra::choice, ns3::Object::DoInitialize(), ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::EVENT_A1, ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::EVENT_A4, ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::eventId, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::GetRbgSize(), m_calculationEvent, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_dlBandwidth, m_dlEdgeRbgMap, m_ffrRrcSapUser, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_frCellTypeId, m_rsrpMeasId, m_rsrqMeasId, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_ulBandwidth, m_ulEdgeRbgMap, ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::MS120, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, NS_LOG_LOGIC, ns3::LteRrcSap::ThresholdEutra::range, ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::reportInterval, ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::RSRP, ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::RSRQ, ns3::Simulator::ScheduleNow(), SetDownlinkConfiguration(), SetUplinkConfiguration(), ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::threshold1, ns3::LteRrcSap::ThresholdEutra::THRESHOLD_RSRP, ns3::LteRrcSap::ThresholdEutra::THRESHOLD_RSRQ, and ns3::LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::triggerQuantity.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DoIsDlRbgAvailableForUe()

bool ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoIsDlRbgAvailableForUe ( int  rbId,
uint16_t  rnti 

Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::IsDlRbgAvailableForUe.

rntiRadio Network Temporary Identity, an integer identifying the UE where the report originates from
true if UE can be served on i-th RB, false otherwise

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 246 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References AreaUnset, EdgeArea, m_dlEdgeRbgMap, m_ues, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ DoIsUlRbgAvailableForUe()

bool ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoIsUlRbgAvailableForUe ( int  rbId,
uint16_t  rnti 

Implementation of LteFfrSapProvider::IsUlRbgAvailableForUe.

rntiRadio Network Temporary Identity, an integer identifying the UE where the report originates from
true if UE can be served on i-th RB, false otherwise

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 282 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References AreaUnset, EdgeArea, ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_enabledInUplink, m_ues, m_ulEdgeRbgMap, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ DoRecvLoadInformation()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoRecvLoadInformation ( EpcX2Sap::LoadInformationParams  params)

◆ DoReportDlCqiInfo()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoReportDlCqiInfo ( const struct FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedDlCqiInfoReqParameters params)



Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 310 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.


◆ DoReportUeMeas()

◆ DoReportUlCqiInfo() [1/2]

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoReportUlCqiInfo ( const struct FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters params)



Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 317 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.


◆ DoReportUlCqiInfo() [2/2]

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::DoReportUlCqiInfo ( std::map< uint16_t, std::vector< double > >  ulCqiMap)



Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 324 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.


◆ GetLteFfrRrcSapProvider()

LteFfrRrcSapProvider * ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::GetLteFfrRrcSapProvider ( )

Export the "provider" part of the LteFfrRrcSap interface.

the reference to the "provider" part of the interface, typically to be kept by an LteEnbRrc instance

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 140 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_ffrRrcSapProvider, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ GetLteFfrSapProvider()

LteFfrSapProvider * ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::GetLteFfrSapProvider ( )

Export the "provider" part of the LteFfrSap interface.

the reference to the "provider" part of the interface, typically to be kept by an Scheduler instance

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 125 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_ffrSapProvider, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ GetTypeId()

TypeId ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::GetTypeId ( void  )

◆ InitializeDownlinkRbgMaps()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::InitializeDownlinkRbgMaps ( )

Initialize down link RGB maps function.

Definition at line 211 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::GetRbgSize(), ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_dlBandwidth, m_dlRbgMap, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by DoGetAvailableDlRbg(), and Reconfigure().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InitializeUplinkRbgMaps()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::InitializeUplinkRbgMaps ( )

Initialize up link RGB maps function.

Definition at line 220 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm::m_ulBandwidth, m_ulRbgMap, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by DoGetAvailableUlRbg(), and Reconfigure().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Reconfigure()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::Reconfigure ( )

◆ SendLoadInformation()

◆ SetDownlinkConfiguration()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::SetDownlinkConfiguration ( uint16_t  cellId,
uint8_t  bandwidth 

Set down link configuration function.

cellIdcell ID
bandwidththe bandwidth

Definition at line 199 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.


Referenced by DoInitialize(), and Reconfigure().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetLteFfrRrcSapUser()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::SetLteFfrRrcSapUser ( LteFfrRrcSapUser s)

Set the "user" part of the LteFfrRrcSap interface that this frequency reuse algorithm instance will interact with.

sa reference to the "user" part of the interface, typically a member of an LteEnbRrc instance

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 132 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_ffrRrcSapUser, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ SetLteFfrSapUser()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::SetLteFfrSapUser ( LteFfrSapUser s)

Set the "user" part of the LteFfrSap interface that this frequency reuse algorithm instance will interact with.

sa reference to the "user" part of the interface, typically a member of an Scheduler instance

Implements ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.

Definition at line 117 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_ffrSapUser, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ SetUplinkConfiguration()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::SetUplinkConfiguration ( uint16_t  cellId,
uint8_t  bandwidth 

Set up link configuration function.

cellIdcell ID
bandwidththe bandwidth

Definition at line 205 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.


Referenced by DoInitialize(), and Reconfigure().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateNeighbourMeasurements()

void ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::UpdateNeighbourMeasurements ( uint16_t  rnti,
uint16_t  cellId,
uint8_t  rsrp,
uint8_t  rsrq 

Initialize up link RGB maps function.

rntithe RNTI
cellIdthe cell ID
rsrpthe RSRP
rsrqthe RSRQ

Definition at line 668 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.cc.

References m_ueMeasures, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by DoReportUeMeas().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ MemberLteFfrRrcSapProvider< LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm >

let the forwarder class access the protected and private members

Definition at line 52 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm().

◆ MemberLteFfrSapProvider< LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm >

let the forwarder class access the protected and private members

Definition at line 52 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_calculationEvent

EventId ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_calculationEvent

calculation event

Definition at line 158 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), and DoInitialize().

◆ m_calculationInterval

Time ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_calculationInterval

calculation interval

Definition at line 157 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_cellWeightMap

std::map<uint16_t, uint32_t> ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_cellWeightMap

cell weight map

Definition at line 187 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate().

◆ m_centerAreaTpc

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_centerAreaTpc

center area TPC

Definition at line 154 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoGetTpc(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_centerPowerOffset

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_centerPowerOffset

center power offset

Definition at line 151 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoReportUeMeas(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_dlEdgeRbgMap

std::vector<bool> ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_dlEdgeRbgMap

DL edge RBG map.

Definition at line 136 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), DoInitialize(), DoIsDlRbgAvailableForUe(), and SendLoadInformation().

◆ m_dlRbgMap

std::vector<bool> ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_dlRbgMap

DL RBG map.

Definition at line 132 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoGetAvailableDlRbg(), and InitializeDownlinkRbgMaps().

◆ m_edgeAreaTpc

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_edgeAreaTpc

edge area TCP

Definition at line 155 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoGetTpc(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_edgePowerOffset

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_edgePowerOffset

edge power offset

Definition at line 152 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoReportUeMeas(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_edgeRbNum

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_edgeRbNum

edge RB number

Definition at line 135 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), DoGetMinContinuousUlBandwidth(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_edgeSubBandRsrqThreshold

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_edgeSubBandRsrqThreshold

edge sub band RSRQ threshold

Definition at line 149 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoReportUeMeas(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_ffrRrcSapProvider

LteFfrRrcSapProvider* ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ffrRrcSapProvider

FFR RRC SAP Provider.

Definition at line 130 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm(), DoDispose(), and GetLteFfrRrcSapProvider().

◆ m_ffrRrcSapUser

LteFfrRrcSapUser* ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ffrRrcSapUser


Definition at line 129 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoInitialize(), DoReportUeMeas(), SendLoadInformation(), and SetLteFfrRrcSapUser().

◆ m_ffrSapProvider

LteFfrSapProvider* ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ffrSapProvider

FFR SAP Provider.

Definition at line 126 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm(), DoDispose(), and GetLteFfrSapProvider().

◆ m_ffrSapUser

LteFfrSapUser* ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ffrSapUser


Definition at line 125 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by SetLteFfrSapUser().

◆ m_neigborCell

std::vector<uint16_t> ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_neigborCell

neighbor cell

Definition at line 183 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), and DoReportUeMeas().

◆ m_rntp

std::map<uint16_t, std::vector <bool> > ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_rntp


Definition at line 189 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), and DoRecvLoadInformation().

◆ m_rsrpDifferenceThreshold

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_rsrpDifferenceThreshold

RSRP difference threshold.

Definition at line 185 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_rsrpMeasId

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_rsrpMeasId

RSRP measurement ID.

Definition at line 162 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoInitialize(), and DoReportUeMeas().

◆ m_rsrqMeasId

uint8_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_rsrqMeasId

RSRQ measurement ID.

Definition at line 161 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoInitialize(), and DoReportUeMeas().

◆ m_ueMeasures

MeasurementTable_t ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ueMeasures

UE measures.

Definition at line 181 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), and UpdateNeighbourMeasurements().

◆ m_ues

std::map< uint16_t, uint8_t > ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ues

◆ m_ulEdgeRbgMap

std::vector<bool> ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ulEdgeRbgMap

UL edge RBG map.

Definition at line 137 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by Calculate(), DoInitialize(), and DoIsUlRbgAvailableForUe().

◆ m_ulRbgMap

std::vector<bool> ns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm::m_ulRbgMap

UL RBG map.

Definition at line 133 of file lte-ffr-distributed-algorithm.h.

Referenced by DoGetAvailableUlRbg(), and InitializeUplinkRbgMaps().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: