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ns3::HeCapabilities Class Reference

The IEEE 802.11ax HE Capabilities. More...

#include "he-capabilities.h"

+ Inheritance diagram for ns3::HeCapabilities:
+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::HeCapabilities:

Public Member Functions

 HeCapabilities ()
uint8_t DeserializeInformationField (Buffer::Iterator start, uint8_t length) override
 Deserialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets) More...
WifiInformationElementId ElementId () const override
WifiInformationElementId ElementIdExt () const override
uint8_t GetChannelWidthSet (void) const
 Get channel width set. More...
uint32_t GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1 () const
 Return the 4 first octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
uint16_t GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2 () const
 Return the last 2 octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
uint64_t GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1 () const
 Return the 8 first octets of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
uint16_t GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2 () const
 Return the octets 9-10 of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
uint8_t GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo3 () const
 Return the last octet of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
bool GetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi (void) const
 Get 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support. More...
bool GetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi (void) const
 Get 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support. More...
uint8_t GetHighestMcsSupported (void) const
 Get highest MCS supported. More...
uint8_t GetHighestNssSupported (void) const
 Get highest NSS supported. More...
uint8_t GetInformationFieldSize () const override
 Length of serialized information (i.e., the length of the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets. More...
uint8_t GetLdpcCodingInPayload (void) const
 Indicates support for the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets. More...
uint32_t GetMaxAmpduLength (void) const
 Return the maximum A-MPDU length. More...
uint16_t GetSerializedSize () const override
 Get the size of the serialized IE including Element ID and length fields. More...
uint16_t GetSupportedMcsAndNss () const
 Return the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
bool IsSupportedRxMcs (uint8_t mcs) const
 Is RX MCS supported. More...
bool IsSupportedTxMcs (uint8_t mcs) const
 Is RX MCS supported. More...
Buffer::Iterator Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const override
 Serialize entire IE including Element ID and length fields. More...
void SerializeInformationField (Buffer::Iterator start) const override
 Serialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets) More...
void SetChannelWidthSet (uint8_t channelWidthSet)
 Set channel width set. More...
void SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo (uint32_t ctrl1, uint16_t ctrl2)
 Set the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
void SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo (uint64_t ctrl1, uint16_t ctrl2, uint8_t ctrl3)
 Set the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
void SetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi (bool heSuPpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi)
 Set 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support. More...
void SetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi (bool heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi)
 Set 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support. More...
void SetHeSupported (uint8_t heSupported)
 Set HE supported. More...
void SetHighestMcsSupported (uint8_t mcs)
 Set highest MCS supported. More...
void SetHighestNssSupported (uint8_t nss)
 Set highest NSS supported. More...
void SetLdpcCodingInPayload (uint8_t ldpcCodingInPayload)
 Set indication whether the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets is supported. More...
void SetMaxAmpduLength (uint32_t maxAmpduLength)
 Set the maximum AMPDU length. More...
void SetSupportedMcsAndNss (uint16_t ctrl)
 Set the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::WifiInformationElement
virtual ~WifiInformationElement ()
Buffer::Iterator Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator i)
 Deserialize entire IE, which must be present. More...
Buffer::Iterator DeserializeIfPresent (Buffer::Iterator i)
 Deserialize entire IE if it is present. More...
virtual bool operator== (WifiInformationElement const &a) const
 Compare two IEs for equality by ID & Length, and then through memcmp of serialised version. More...
virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const
 Generate human-readable form of IE. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::SimpleRefCount< WifiInformationElement >
 SimpleRefCount ()
 Default constructor. More...
 SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o[[maybe_unused]])
 Copy constructor. More...
uint32_t GetReferenceCount (void) const
 Get the reference count of the object. More...
SimpleRefCountoperator= ([[maybe_unused]] const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Assignment operator. More...
void Ref (void) const
 Increment the reference count. More...
void Unref (void) const
 Decrement the reference count. More...

Private Attributes

uint8_t m_32bitBaBitmapSupport
 32-bit BA bitmap support More...
uint8_t m_ackEnabledAggregationSupport
 ack enabled aggregation support More...
uint8_t m_allAckSupport
 all Ack support More...
uint8_t m_amsduFragmentationSupport
 A-MSDU fragmentation support. More...
uint8_t m_amsduNotUnderBaInAmpduSupport
 AMSDU not under BA in Ack enabled A-MPDU support. More...
uint8_t m_beamformeeStsForLargerThan80Mhz
 beamformee STS for > 80MHz More...
uint8_t m_beamformeeStsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz
 beam formee STS for < 80 MHz More...
uint8_t m_bqrSupport
 BQR support. More...
uint8_t m_broadcastTwtSupport
 broadcast TXT support More...
uint8_t m_bsrpBqrpAmpduAggregation
 BSRP BQRP A-MPDU aggregation. More...
uint8_t m_bsrSupport
 BSR support. More...
uint8_t m_channelWidthSet
 channel width set More...
uint8_t m_codebookSize42SuFeedback
 Codebook Size = {4, 2} SU feedback. More...
uint8_t m_codebookSize75MuFeedback
 Codebook Size = {7, 5} MU feedback. More...
uint8_t m_dcmMaxConstellationRx
 DCM Max Constellation Rx. More...
uint8_t m_dcmMaxConstellationTx
 DCM Max Constellation Tx. More...
uint8_t m_dcmMaxNssRx
 DCM Max NSS Rx. More...
uint8_t m_dcmMaxNssTx
 DCM Max NSS Tx. More...
uint8_t m_dcmMaxRu
 DCM Max RU. More...
uint8_t m_deviceClass
 device class More...
uint8_t m_dlMuMimoOnPartialBandwidth
 DL MU-MIMO on partial bandwidth. More...
uint8_t m_dopplerRx
 Doppler Rx. More...
uint8_t m_dopplerTx
 Doppler Tx. More...
uint8_t m_erPartialBandwidth
 Extended range partial bandwidth. More...
uint8_t m_flexibleTwtScheduleSupport
 flexible TWT schedule support More...
uint8_t m_fragmentationSupport
 fragmentation support More...
uint8_t m_fullBwUlMuMimo
 Full Bandwidth UL MU-MIMO. More...
uint8_t m_heDynamicSmPowerSave
 HE dynamic SM power save. More...
uint8_t m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi
 HE ER SU PPDU with 1x HE LTF and 0.8us GI. More...
uint8_t m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi
 HE ER SU PPDU with 4x HE LTF and 0.8us GI. More...
uint8_t m_heLinkAdaptation
 HE link adaptation. More...
uint8_t m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz
 20MHz in 160/80+80MHz HE PPDU More...
uint8_t m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz
 20MHz in 40MHz HE PPDU in 2.4GHz band More...
uint8_t m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi
 4 times HE-LFT and 800ns GI support for HE-PPDUs More...
uint8_t m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz
 80MHz in 160/80+80MHz HE PPDU More...
uint8_t m_heSubchannelSelectiveTxSupport
 HE subchannel selective transmission support. More...
uint8_t m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi
 HE SU PPDU with 1x HE LTF and 0.8us GI. More...
uint8_t m_heSupported
 This is used to decide if this element should be added to the frame or not. More...
uint8_t m_heVhtTriggerFrameRxSupport
 HE and VHT trigger frame RX support. More...
uint8_t m_highestMcsSupported
 highest MCS support More...
uint8_t m_highestNssSupportedM1
 highest NSS support M1 More...
uint8_t m_ldpcCodingInPayload
 LDPC coding in payload. More...
uint8_t m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm
 Longer than 16 HE SIG-=B OFDM symbols support. More...
uint8_t m_maxAmpduLengthExponent
 maximum A-MPDU length exponent extension More...
uint8_t m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu
 max HE-LTF symbols STA can Rx in HE MU PPDU with more than one RU More...
uint8_t m_maximumNumberOfFragmentedMsdus
 maximum number of fragmentation MSDUs More...
uint8_t m_maxNc
 Max Nc for HE compressed beamforming/CQI report. More...
uint8_t m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf
 Midamble TX/RX 2x and 1x HE-LTF. More...
uint8_t m_midambleRxMaxNsts
 Midamble TX/RX max NSTS. More...
uint8_t m_minimumFragmentSize
 minimum fragment size More...
uint8_t m_muBeamformer
 MU beamformer. More...
uint8_t m_muCascadeSupport
 MU cascade support. More...
uint8_t m_multiTidAggregationRxSupport
 multi-TID aggregation Rx support More...
uint8_t m_multiTidAggregationTxSupport
 Multi-TID aggregation TX support. More...
uint8_t m_ndp4xHeLtfAnd32msGi
 NDP with 4x HE-LTF and 3.2us GI. More...
uint8_t m_ndpFeedbackReportSupport
 NDP feedback report support. More...
uint8_t m_ngEqual16ForMuFeedbackSupport
 equal 16 for MU feedback More...
uint8_t m_ngEqual16ForSuFeedbackSupport
 equal 16 for SU feedback More...
uint8_t m_nominalPacketPadding
 Nominal packet padding. More...
uint8_t m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback
 Non-Triggered CQI feedback. More...
uint8_t m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForLargerThan80Mhz
uint8_t m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz
uint8_t m_ofdmaRaSupport
 OFDMA RA support. More...
uint8_t m_omControlSupport
 operation mode control support More...
uint8_t m_omControlUlMuDataDisableRxSupport
 OM control UL MU data disable RX support. More...
uint8_t m_opsSupport
 OPS support. More...
uint8_t m_partialBwUlMuMimo
 Partial Bandwidth UL MU-MIMO. More...
uint8_t m_plusHtcHeSupport
 HTC HE support. More...
uint8_t m_powerBoostFactorAlphaSupport
 power boost factor alpha support More...
uint8_t m_ppeThresholdPresent
 PPE threshold present. More...
uint8_t m_psrBasedSrSupport
 PSR based SR support. More...
uint8_t m_psrResponder
 PSR responder. More...
uint8_t m_puncturedPreambleRx
 Punctured preamble Rx. More...
uint8_t m_puncturedSoundingSupport
 punctured sounding support More...
uint8_t m_qtpSupport
 QTP support. More...
uint8_t m_rx1024QamLt242Ru
 TX 1024 QAM < 242 =-tone RU support. More...
std::vector< uint8_t > m_rxBwMap
 receive BW map More...
uint8_t m_rxControlFrameToMultiBss
 receive control frame to multi-BSS More...
uint8_t m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB
 RX full BW SU using HE MU PPDU with compressed SIGB. More...
uint8_t m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB
 RX full BW SU using HE MU PPDU with non-compressed SIGB. More...
uint8_t m_rxPartialBwSuInHeMu
 Rx Partial BW SU in 20 MHz HE MU PPDU. More...
uint8_t m_stbcRxGt80MHz
 STBC RX > 80MHz. More...
uint8_t m_stbcRxLeq80MHz
 STBC RX <= 80Mhz. More...
uint8_t m_stbcTxGt80MHz
 STBC Tx > 80MHz. More...
uint8_t m_stbcTxLeq80MHz
 STBC TX <= 80MHz. More...
uint8_t m_suBeamformee
 SU beamformee. More...
uint8_t m_suBeamformer
 SU beamformer. More...
uint8_t m_triggeredCqiFeedback
 Triggered CQI feedback. More...
uint8_t m_triggeredMuBfFeedback
 Triggered MU beamforming feedback. More...
uint8_t m_triggeredSuBfFeedback
 Triggered SU beamforming feedback. More...
uint8_t m_triggerFrameMacPaddingDuration
 trigger frame MAC padding duration More...
uint8_t m_trsSupport
 TRS support. More...
uint8_t m_twtRequesterSupport
 TWT requester support. More...
uint8_t m_twtResponderSupport
 TWT responder support. More...
uint8_t m_tx1024QamLt242Ru
 TX 1024 QAM < 242 =-tone RU support. More...
std::vector< uint8_t > m_txBwMap
 transmit BW map More...
uint8_t m_ul2x996ToneRuSupport
 UL 2x996 tone RU support. More...

Detailed Description

The IEEE 802.11ax HE Capabilities.

Definition at line 33 of file he-capabilities.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HeCapabilities()

ns3::HeCapabilities::HeCapabilities ( )

Definition at line 26 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_rxBwMap, and m_txBwMap.

Member Function Documentation

◆ DeserializeInformationField()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::DeserializeInformationField ( Buffer::Iterator  start,
uint8_t  length 

Deserialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)

startan iterator which points to where the information should be written.
the number of bytes read

Implements ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 196 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References ns3::Buffer::Iterator::ReadLsbtohU16(), ns3::Buffer::Iterator::ReadLsbtohU32(), ns3::Buffer::Iterator::ReadLsbtohU64(), ns3::Buffer::Iterator::ReadU32(), ns3::Buffer::Iterator::ReadU8(), SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo(), SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo(), SetSupportedMcsAndNss(), and visualizer.core::start().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ElementId()

WifiInformationElementId ns3::HeCapabilities::ElementId ( ) const
Own unique Element ID

Implements ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 128 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References IE_EXTENSION.

◆ ElementIdExt()

WifiInformationElementId ns3::HeCapabilities::ElementIdExt ( ) const
Own unique Element ID Extension

Reimplemented from ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 134 of file he-capabilities.cc.


◆ GetChannelWidthSet()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetChannelWidthSet ( void  ) const

Get channel width set.

the channel width set

Definition at line 601 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_channelWidthSet.

Referenced by ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1()

uint32_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1 ( ) const

Return the 4 first octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.

the 4 first octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 257 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_32bitBaBitmapSupport, m_ackEnabledAggregationSupport, m_allAckSupport, m_amsduFragmentationSupport, m_broadcastTwtSupport, m_bsrSupport, m_flexibleTwtScheduleSupport, m_fragmentationSupport, m_heLinkAdaptation, m_maxAmpduLengthExponent, m_maximumNumberOfFragmentedMsdus, m_minimumFragmentSize, m_muCascadeSupport, m_multiTidAggregationRxSupport, m_ofdmaRaSupport, m_omControlSupport, m_plusHtcHeSupport, m_rxControlFrameToMultiBss, m_triggerFrameMacPaddingDuration, m_trsSupport, m_twtRequesterSupport, and m_twtResponderSupport.

Referenced by ns3::operator<<(), and SerializeInformationField().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2()

uint16_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2 ( ) const

Return the last 2 octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.

the last 2 octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 288 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_amsduNotUnderBaInAmpduSupport, m_bqrSupport, m_bsrpBqrpAmpduAggregation, m_heDynamicSmPowerSave, m_heSubchannelSelectiveTxSupport, m_heVhtTriggerFrameRxSupport, m_multiTidAggregationTxSupport, m_ndpFeedbackReportSupport, m_omControlUlMuDataDisableRxSupport, m_opsSupport, m_psrResponder, m_puncturedSoundingSupport, m_qtpSupport, and m_ul2x996ToneRuSupport.

Referenced by ns3::operator<<(), and SerializeInformationField().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1()

◆ GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2()

uint16_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2 ( ) const

Return the octets 9-10 of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.

the octets 9-10 of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 424 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_dcmMaxRu, m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi, m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi, m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz, m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz, m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz, m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm, m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf, m_nominalPacketPadding, m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback, m_rx1024QamLt242Ru, m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB, m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB, and m_tx1024QamLt242Ru.

Referenced by ns3::operator<<(), and SerializeInformationField().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo3()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo3 ( ) const

Return the last octet of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.

the last octet of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 445 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu.

Referenced by ns3::operator<<(), and SerializeInformationField().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi()

bool ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi ( void  ) const

Get 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support.

true if 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception is supported, false otherwise

Definition at line 619 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi.

◆ GetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi()

bool ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi ( void  ) const

Get 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support.

true if 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception is supported, false otherwise

Definition at line 613 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi.

Referenced by ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHighestMcsSupported()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHighestMcsSupported ( void  ) const

Get highest MCS supported.

the highest MCS is supported

Definition at line 626 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestMcsSupported.

Referenced by ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHighestNssSupported()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHighestNssSupported ( void  ) const

Get highest NSS supported.

the highest supported NSS

Definition at line 632 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestNssSupportedM1.

Referenced by ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetInformationFieldSize()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetInformationFieldSize ( ) const

Length of serialized information (i.e., the length of the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets.

This is the value that will appear in the second octet of the entire IE - the length field)

the length of serialized information

Implements ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 146 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_heSupported, and NS_ASSERT.

◆ GetLdpcCodingInPayload()

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetLdpcCodingInPayload ( void  ) const

Indicates support for the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets.

indication whether the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets is supported

Definition at line 607 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_ldpcCodingInPayload.

◆ GetMaxAmpduLength()

uint32_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetMaxAmpduLength ( void  ) const

Return the maximum A-MPDU length.

the maximum A-MPDU length

Definition at line 638 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_maxAmpduLengthExponent.

◆ GetSerializedSize()

uint16_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetSerializedSize ( void  ) const

Get the size of the serialized IE including Element ID and length fields.

the size of the serialized IE in bytes

Reimplemented from ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 169 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References ns3::WifiInformationElement::GetSerializedSize(), and m_heSupported.

Referenced by ns3::MgtReassocRequestHeader::GetSerializedSize(), ns3::MgtAssocResponseHeader::GetSerializedSize(), ns3::MgtProbeRequestHeader::GetSerializedSize(), ns3::MgtProbeResponseHeader::GetSerializedSize(), and ns3::MgtAssocRequestHeader::GetSerializedSize().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSupportedMcsAndNss()

uint16_t ns3::HeCapabilities::GetSupportedMcsAndNss ( ) const

Return the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element.

the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 473 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestMcsSupported, m_highestNssSupportedM1, m_rxBwMap, and m_txBwMap.

Referenced by ns3::operator<<(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), SerializeInformationField(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsSupportedRxMcs()

bool ns3::HeCapabilities::IsSupportedRxMcs ( uint8_t  mcs) const

Is RX MCS supported.

mcsthe MCS
true if MCS receive supported

Definition at line 521 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestMcsSupported, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsSupportedTxMcs()

bool ns3::HeCapabilities::IsSupportedTxMcs ( uint8_t  mcs) const

Is RX MCS supported.

mcsthe MCS
true if MCS transmit supported

Definition at line 494 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestMcsSupported, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Serialize()

Buffer::Iterator ns3::HeCapabilities::Serialize ( Buffer::Iterator  i) const

Serialize entire IE including Element ID and length fields.

ian iterator which points to where the IE should be written.
an iterator

Reimplemented from ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 159 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_heSupported, and ns3::WifiInformationElement::Serialize().

Referenced by ns3::MgtReassocRequestHeader::Serialize(), ns3::MgtAssocResponseHeader::Serialize(), ns3::MgtProbeRequestHeader::Serialize(), ns3::MgtProbeResponseHeader::Serialize(), and ns3::MgtAssocRequestHeader::Serialize().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SerializeInformationField()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SerializeInformationField ( Buffer::Iterator  start) const

Serialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)

startan iterator which points to where the information should be written.

Implements ns3::WifiInformationElement.

Definition at line 179 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo3(), GetSupportedMcsAndNss(), m_heSupported, and visualizer.core::start().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetChannelWidthSet()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetChannelWidthSet ( uint8_t  channelWidthSet)

Set channel width set.

channelWidthSetthe channel width set

Definition at line 548 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_channelWidthSet, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo()

◆ SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo ( uint64_t  ctrl1,
uint16_t  ctrl2,
uint8_t  ctrl3 

Set the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.

ctrl1the HE PHY Capabilities Info field 1 in the HE Capabilities information element
ctrl2the HE PHY Capabilities Info field 2 in the HE Capabilities information element
ctrl3the HE PHY Capabilities Info field 3 in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 309 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_beamformeeStsForLargerThan80Mhz, m_beamformeeStsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz, m_channelWidthSet, m_codebookSize42SuFeedback, m_codebookSize75MuFeedback, m_dcmMaxConstellationRx, m_dcmMaxConstellationTx, m_dcmMaxNssRx, m_dcmMaxNssTx, m_dcmMaxRu, m_deviceClass, m_dlMuMimoOnPartialBandwidth, m_dopplerRx, m_dopplerTx, m_erPartialBandwidth, m_fullBwUlMuMimo, m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi, m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi, m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz, m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz, m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi, m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz, m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi, m_ldpcCodingInPayload, m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm, m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu, m_maxNc, m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf, m_midambleRxMaxNsts, m_muBeamformer, m_ndp4xHeLtfAnd32msGi, m_ngEqual16ForMuFeedbackSupport, m_ngEqual16ForSuFeedbackSupport, m_nominalPacketPadding, m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback, m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForLargerThan80Mhz, m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz, m_partialBwUlMuMimo, m_powerBoostFactorAlphaSupport, m_ppeThresholdPresent, m_psrBasedSrSupport, m_puncturedPreambleRx, m_rx1024QamLt242Ru, m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB, m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB, m_rxPartialBwSuInHeMu, m_stbcRxGt80MHz, m_stbcRxLeq80MHz, m_stbcTxGt80MHz, m_stbcTxLeq80MHz, m_suBeamformee, m_suBeamformer, m_triggeredCqiFeedback, m_triggeredMuBfFeedback, m_triggeredSuBfFeedback, and m_tx1024QamLt242Ru.

Referenced by DeserializeInformationField().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi ( bool  heSuPpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi)

Set 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support.

heSuPpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support

Definition at line 567 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi ( bool  heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi)

Set 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support.

heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support

Definition at line 561 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetHeSupported()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetHeSupported ( uint8_t  heSupported)

Set HE supported.

heSupportedthe HE supported indicator

Definition at line 140 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_heSupported.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetHighestMcsSupported()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetHighestMcsSupported ( uint8_t  mcs)

Set highest MCS supported.

mcsthe MCS

Definition at line 587 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestMcsSupported, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetHighestNssSupported()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetHighestNssSupported ( uint8_t  nss)

Set highest NSS supported.

nssthe NSS

Definition at line 594 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestNssSupportedM1, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetLdpcCodingInPayload()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetLdpcCodingInPayload ( uint8_t  ldpcCodingInPayload)

Set indication whether the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets is supported.

ldpcCodingInPayloadindication whether the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets is supported

Definition at line 555 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_ldpcCodingInPayload.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetMaxAmpduLength()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetMaxAmpduLength ( uint32_t  maxAmpduLength)

Set the maximum AMPDU length.

maxAmpduLength2^(20 + x) - 1, x in the range 0 to 3

Definition at line 573 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_maxAmpduLengthExponent, and NS_ABORT_MSG.

Referenced by ns3::WifiMac::GetHeCapabilities().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSupportedMcsAndNss()

void ns3::HeCapabilities::SetSupportedMcsAndNss ( uint16_t  ctrl)

Set the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element.

ctrlthe MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element

Definition at line 455 of file he-capabilities.cc.

References m_highestMcsSupported, m_highestNssSupportedM1, m_rxBwMap, m_txBwMap, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by DeserializeInformationField().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_32bitBaBitmapSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_32bitBaBitmapSupport

32-bit BA bitmap support

Definition at line 240 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ackEnabledAggregationSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ackEnabledAggregationSupport

ack enabled aggregation support

Definition at line 242 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_allAckSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_allAckSupport

all Ack support

Definition at line 236 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_amsduFragmentationSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_amsduFragmentationSupport

A-MSDU fragmentation support.

Definition at line 246 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_amsduNotUnderBaInAmpduSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_amsduNotUnderBaInAmpduSupport

AMSDU not under BA in Ack enabled A-MPDU support.

Definition at line 255 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_beamformeeStsForLargerThan80Mhz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_beamformeeStsForLargerThan80Mhz

beamformee STS for > 80MHz

Definition at line 288 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_beamformeeStsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_beamformeeStsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz

beam formee STS for < 80 MHz

Definition at line 287 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_bqrSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_bqrSupport

BQR support.

Definition at line 251 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_broadcastTwtSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_broadcastTwtSupport

broadcast TXT support

Definition at line 239 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_bsrpBqrpAmpduAggregation

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_bsrpBqrpAmpduAggregation

BSRP BQRP A-MPDU aggregation.

Definition at line 249 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_bsrSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_bsrSupport

BSR support.

Definition at line 238 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_channelWidthSet

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_channelWidthSet

◆ m_codebookSize42SuFeedback

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_codebookSize42SuFeedback

Codebook Size = {4, 2} SU feedback.

Definition at line 293 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_codebookSize75MuFeedback

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_codebookSize75MuFeedback

Codebook Size = {7, 5} MU feedback.

Definition at line 294 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dcmMaxConstellationRx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dcmMaxConstellationRx

DCM Max Constellation Rx.

Definition at line 281 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dcmMaxConstellationTx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dcmMaxConstellationTx

DCM Max Constellation Tx.

Definition at line 279 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dcmMaxNssRx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dcmMaxNssRx


Definition at line 282 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dcmMaxNssTx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dcmMaxNssTx


Definition at line 280 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dcmMaxRu

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dcmMaxRu


Definition at line 313 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_deviceClass

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_deviceClass

device class

Definition at line 268 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dlMuMimoOnPartialBandwidth

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dlMuMimoOnPartialBandwidth

DL MU-MIMO on partial bandwidth.

Definition at line 299 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dopplerRx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dopplerRx

Doppler Rx.

Definition at line 276 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_dopplerTx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_dopplerTx

Doppler Tx.

Definition at line 275 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_erPartialBandwidth

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_erPartialBandwidth

Extended range partial bandwidth.

Definition at line 298 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_flexibleTwtScheduleSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_flexibleTwtScheduleSupport

flexible TWT schedule support

Definition at line 247 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_fragmentationSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_fragmentationSupport

fragmentation support

Definition at line 230 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_fullBwUlMuMimo

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_fullBwUlMuMimo

Full Bandwidth UL MU-MIMO.

Definition at line 277 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_heDynamicSmPowerSave

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heDynamicSmPowerSave

HE dynamic SM power save.

Definition at line 260 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi

HE ER SU PPDU with 1x HE LTF and 0.8us GI.

Definition at line 311 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi

HE ER SU PPDU with 4x HE LTF and 0.8us GI.

Definition at line 307 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_heLinkAdaptation

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heLinkAdaptation

HE link adaptation.

Definition at line 235 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz

20MHz in 160/80+80MHz HE PPDU

Definition at line 309 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz

20MHz in 40MHz HE PPDU in 2.4GHz band

Definition at line 308 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi

4 times HE-LFT and 800ns GI support for HE-PPDUs

Definition at line 303 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), GetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi(), SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo(), and SetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi().

◆ m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz

80MHz in 160/80+80MHz HE PPDU

Definition at line 310 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_heSubchannelSelectiveTxSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heSubchannelSelectiveTxSupport

HE subchannel selective transmission support.

Definition at line 257 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi

HE SU PPDU with 1x HE LTF and 0.8us GI.

Definition at line 270 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), GetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi(), SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo(), and SetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi().

◆ m_heSupported

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heSupported

This is used to decide if this element should be added to the frame or not.

Definition at line 330 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetInformationFieldSize(), GetSerializedSize(), Serialize(), SerializeInformationField(), and SetHeSupported().

◆ m_heVhtTriggerFrameRxSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_heVhtTriggerFrameRxSupport

HE and VHT trigger frame RX support.

Definition at line 262 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_highestMcsSupported

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_highestMcsSupported

◆ m_highestNssSupportedM1

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_highestNssSupportedM1

highest NSS support M1

Definition at line 324 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHighestNssSupported(), GetSupportedMcsAndNss(), SetHighestNssSupported(), and SetSupportedMcsAndNss().

◆ m_ldpcCodingInPayload

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ldpcCodingInPayload

LDPC coding in payload.

Definition at line 269 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), GetLdpcCodingInPayload(), SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo(), and SetLdpcCodingInPayload().

◆ m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm

Longer than 16 HE SIG-=B OFDM symbols support.

Definition at line 314 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_maxAmpduLengthExponent

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_maxAmpduLengthExponent

maximum A-MPDU length exponent extension

Definition at line 245 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), GetMaxAmpduLength(), SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo(), and SetMaxAmpduLength().

◆ m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu

max HE-LTF symbols STA can Rx in HE MU PPDU with more than one RU

Definition at line 321 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo3(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_maximumNumberOfFragmentedMsdus

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_maximumNumberOfFragmentedMsdus

maximum number of fragmentation MSDUs

Definition at line 231 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_maxNc

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_maxNc

Max Nc for HE compressed beamforming/CQI report.

Definition at line 304 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf

Midamble TX/RX 2x and 1x HE-LTF.

Definition at line 312 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_midambleRxMaxNsts

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_midambleRxMaxNsts

Midamble TX/RX max NSTS.

Definition at line 271 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_minimumFragmentSize

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_minimumFragmentSize

minimum fragment size

Definition at line 232 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_muBeamformer

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_muBeamformer

MU beamformer.

Definition at line 286 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_muCascadeSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_muCascadeSupport

MU cascade support.

Definition at line 241 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_multiTidAggregationRxSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_multiTidAggregationRxSupport

multi-TID aggregation Rx support

Definition at line 234 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_multiTidAggregationTxSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_multiTidAggregationTxSupport

Multi-TID aggregation TX support.

Definition at line 256 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ndp4xHeLtfAnd32msGi

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ndp4xHeLtfAnd32msGi

NDP with 4x HE-LTF and 3.2us GI.

Definition at line 272 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ndpFeedbackReportSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ndpFeedbackReportSupport

NDP feedback report support.

Definition at line 253 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ngEqual16ForMuFeedbackSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ngEqual16ForMuFeedbackSupport

equal 16 for MU feedback

Definition at line 292 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ngEqual16ForSuFeedbackSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ngEqual16ForSuFeedbackSupport

equal 16 for SU feedback

Definition at line 291 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_nominalPacketPadding

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_nominalPacketPadding

Nominal packet padding.

Definition at line 320 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback

Non-Triggered CQI feedback.

Definition at line 315 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForLargerThan80Mhz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForLargerThan80Mhz

of sounding dimensions for > 80 MHz

Definition at line 290 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz

of sounding dimensions for < 80 MHz

Definition at line 289 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ofdmaRaSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ofdmaRaSupport

OFDMA RA support.

Definition at line 244 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_omControlSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_omControlSupport

operation mode control support

Definition at line 243 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_omControlUlMuDataDisableRxSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_omControlUlMuDataDisableRxSupport

OM control UL MU data disable RX support.

Definition at line 259 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_opsSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_opsSupport

OPS support.

Definition at line 254 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_partialBwUlMuMimo

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_partialBwUlMuMimo

Partial Bandwidth UL MU-MIMO.

Definition at line 278 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_plusHtcHeSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_plusHtcHeSupport

HTC HE support.

Definition at line 227 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_powerBoostFactorAlphaSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_powerBoostFactorAlphaSupport

power boost factor alpha support

Definition at line 302 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_ppeThresholdPresent

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ppeThresholdPresent

PPE threshold present.

Definition at line 300 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_psrBasedSrSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_psrBasedSrSupport

PSR based SR support.

Definition at line 301 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_psrResponder

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_psrResponder

PSR responder.

Definition at line 252 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_puncturedPreambleRx

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_puncturedPreambleRx

Punctured preamble Rx.

Definition at line 267 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_puncturedSoundingSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_puncturedSoundingSupport

punctured sounding support

Definition at line 261 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_qtpSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_qtpSupport

QTP support.

Definition at line 250 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_rx1024QamLt242Ru

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_rx1024QamLt242Ru

TX 1024 QAM < 242 =-tone RU support.

Definition at line 317 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_rxBwMap

std::vector<uint8_t> ns3::HeCapabilities::m_rxBwMap

receive BW map

Definition at line 327 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by HeCapabilities(), GetSupportedMcsAndNss(), and SetSupportedMcsAndNss().

◆ m_rxControlFrameToMultiBss

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_rxControlFrameToMultiBss

receive control frame to multi-BSS

Definition at line 248 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB

RX full BW SU using HE MU PPDU with compressed SIGB.

Definition at line 318 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB

RX full BW SU using HE MU PPDU with non-compressed SIGB.

Definition at line 319 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_rxPartialBwSuInHeMu

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_rxPartialBwSuInHeMu

Rx Partial BW SU in 20 MHz HE MU PPDU.

Definition at line 283 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_stbcRxGt80MHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_stbcRxGt80MHz

STBC RX > 80MHz.

Definition at line 306 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_stbcRxLeq80MHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_stbcRxLeq80MHz

STBC RX <= 80Mhz.

Definition at line 274 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_stbcTxGt80MHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_stbcTxGt80MHz

STBC Tx > 80MHz.

Definition at line 305 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_stbcTxLeq80MHz

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_stbcTxLeq80MHz

STBC TX <= 80MHz.

Definition at line 273 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_suBeamformee

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_suBeamformee

SU beamformee.

Definition at line 285 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_suBeamformer

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_suBeamformer

SU beamformer.

Definition at line 284 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_triggeredCqiFeedback

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_triggeredCqiFeedback

Triggered CQI feedback.

Definition at line 297 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_triggeredMuBfFeedback

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_triggeredMuBfFeedback

Triggered MU beamforming feedback.

Definition at line 296 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_triggeredSuBfFeedback

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_triggeredSuBfFeedback

Triggered SU beamforming feedback.

Definition at line 295 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_triggerFrameMacPaddingDuration

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_triggerFrameMacPaddingDuration

trigger frame MAC padding duration

Definition at line 233 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_trsSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_trsSupport

TRS support.

Definition at line 237 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_twtRequesterSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_twtRequesterSupport

TWT requester support.

Definition at line 228 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_twtResponderSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_twtResponderSupport

TWT responder support.

Definition at line 229 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_tx1024QamLt242Ru

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_tx1024QamLt242Ru

TX 1024 QAM < 242 =-tone RU support.

Definition at line 316 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo().

◆ m_txBwMap

std::vector<uint8_t> ns3::HeCapabilities::m_txBwMap

transmit BW map

Definition at line 326 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by HeCapabilities(), GetSupportedMcsAndNss(), and SetSupportedMcsAndNss().

◆ m_ul2x996ToneRuSupport

uint8_t ns3::HeCapabilities::m_ul2x996ToneRuSupport

UL 2x996 tone RU support.

Definition at line 258 of file he-capabilities.h.

Referenced by GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2(), and SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: