27 : m_plusHtcHeSupport (0),
28 m_twtRequesterSupport (0),
29 m_twtResponderSupport (0),
30 m_fragmentationSupport (0),
31 m_maximumNumberOfFragmentedMsdus (0),
32 m_minimumFragmentSize (0),
33 m_triggerFrameMacPaddingDuration (0),
34 m_multiTidAggregationRxSupport (0),
35 m_heLinkAdaptation (0),
39 m_broadcastTwtSupport (0),
40 m_32bitBaBitmapSupport (0),
41 m_muCascadeSupport (0),
42 m_ackEnabledAggregationSupport (0),
43 m_omControlSupport (0),
45 m_maxAmpduLengthExponent (0),
46 m_amsduFragmentationSupport (0),
47 m_flexibleTwtScheduleSupport (0),
48 m_rxControlFrameToMultiBss (0),
49 m_bsrpBqrpAmpduAggregation (0),
53 m_ndpFeedbackReportSupport (0),
55 m_amsduNotUnderBaInAmpduSupport (0),
56 m_multiTidAggregationTxSupport (0),
57 m_heSubchannelSelectiveTxSupport (0),
58 m_ul2x996ToneRuSupport (0),
59 m_omControlUlMuDataDisableRxSupport (0),
60 m_heDynamicSmPowerSave (0),
61 m_puncturedSoundingSupport (0),
62 m_heVhtTriggerFrameRxSupport (0),
63 m_channelWidthSet (0),
64 m_puncturedPreambleRx (0),
66 m_ldpcCodingInPayload (0),
67 m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi (0),
68 m_midambleRxMaxNsts (0),
69 m_ndp4xHeLtfAnd32msGi (0),
75 m_partialBwUlMuMimo (0),
76 m_dcmMaxConstellationTx (0),
78 m_dcmMaxConstellationRx (0),
80 m_rxPartialBwSuInHeMu (0),
84 m_beamformeeStsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz (0),
85 m_beamformeeStsForLargerThan80Mhz (0),
86 m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz (0),
87 m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForLargerThan80Mhz (0),
88 m_ngEqual16ForSuFeedbackSupport (0),
89 m_ngEqual16ForMuFeedbackSupport (0),
90 m_codebookSize42SuFeedback (0),
91 m_codebookSize75MuFeedback (0),
92 m_triggeredSuBfFeedback (0),
93 m_triggeredMuBfFeedback (0),
94 m_triggeredCqiFeedback (0),
95 m_erPartialBandwidth (0),
96 m_dlMuMimoOnPartialBandwidth (0),
97 m_ppeThresholdPresent (0),
98 m_psrBasedSrSupport (0),
99 m_powerBoostFactorAlphaSupport (0),
100 m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi (0),
104 m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi (0),
105 m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz (0),
106 m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz (0),
107 m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz (0),
108 m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi (0),
109 m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf (0),
111 m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm (0),
112 m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback (0),
113 m_tx1024QamLt242Ru (0),
114 m_rx1024QamLt242Ru (0),
115 m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB (0),
116 m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB (0),
117 m_nominalPacketPadding (0),
118 m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu (0),
119 m_highestNssSupportedM1 (0),
120 m_highestMcsSupported (0),
203 uint8_t phyCapabilities3 = i.
ReadU8 ();
204 uint32_t mcsset = i.
ReadU32 ();
351 m_maxNc = (ctrl1 >> 59) & 0x07;
417 val |= (
> (
m_maxNc) & 0x07) << 59;
461 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
465 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
467 m_rxBwMap[i] = (ctrl >> (11 + i)) & 0x01;
479 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
483 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
485 val |= (
m_rxBwMap[i] & 0x01) << (11 + 1);
575 for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
577 if ((1ul << (20 + i)) - 1 == maxAmpduLength)
iterator in a Buffer instance
uint32_t ReadLsbtohU32(void)
uint16_t ReadLsbtohU16(void)
uint64_t ReadLsbtohU64(void)
The IEEE 802.11ax HE Capabilities.
bool IsSupportedTxMcs(uint8_t mcs) const
Is RX MCS supported.
Buffer::Iterator Serialize(Buffer::Iterator start) const override
Serialize entire IE including Element ID and length fields.
uint8_t m_maximumNumberOfFragmentedMsdus
maximum number of fragmentation MSDUs
uint8_t GetInformationFieldSize() const override
Length of serialized information (i.e., the length of the body of the IE, not including the Element I...
uint8_t m_rxControlFrameToMultiBss
receive control frame to multi-BSS
uint8_t m_codebookSize75MuFeedback
Codebook Size = {7, 5} MU feedback.
uint8_t m_beamformeeStsForLargerThan80Mhz
beamformee STS for > 80MHz
bool IsSupportedRxMcs(uint8_t mcs) const
Is RX MCS supported.
uint8_t m_dcmMaxRu
uint8_t m_erPartialBandwidth
Extended range partial bandwidth.
uint8_t m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuCompressedSigB
RX full BW SU using HE MU PPDU with compressed SIGB.
uint8_t m_stbcRxLeq80MHz
STBC RX <= 80Mhz.
uint8_t m_amsduFragmentationSupport
A-MSDU fragmentation support.
uint8_t m_bqrSupport
BQR support.
bool GetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi(void) const
Get 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support.
uint8_t m_midambleRxMaxNsts
Midamble TX/RX max NSTS.
uint8_t m_heSubchannelSelectiveTxSupport
HE subchannel selective transmission support.
void SetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo(uint64_t ctrl1, uint16_t ctrl2, uint8_t ctrl3)
Set the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_partialBwUlMuMimo
Partial Bandwidth UL MU-MIMO.
uint8_t m_qtpSupport
QTP support.
uint8_t m_triggerFrameMacPaddingDuration
trigger frame MAC padding duration
void SetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi(bool heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi)
Set 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support.
uint8_t GetHighestMcsSupported(void) const
Get highest MCS supported.
uint8_t m_heVhtTriggerFrameRxSupport
HE and VHT trigger frame RX support.
uint8_t m_dopplerRx
Doppler Rx.
uint8_t m_codebookSize42SuFeedback
Codebook Size = {4, 2} SU feedback.
uint8_t m_puncturedPreambleRx
Punctured preamble Rx.
uint8_t m_allAckSupport
all Ack support
void SetLdpcCodingInPayload(uint8_t ldpcCodingInPayload)
Set indication whether the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets is supported.
uint8_t m_twtRequesterSupport
TWT requester support.
uint8_t m_ackEnabledAggregationSupport
ack enabled aggregation support
void SetSupportedMcsAndNss(uint16_t ctrl)
Set the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element.
uint16_t GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo2() const
Return the octets 9-10 of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information eleme...
uint8_t m_bsrSupport
BSR support.
uint8_t m_hePpdu20MHzIn160MHz
20MHz in 160/80+80MHz HE PPDU
uint8_t m_multiTidAggregationRxSupport
multi-TID aggregation Rx support
uint8_t m_heSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi
HE SU PPDU with 1x HE LTF and 0.8us GI.
uint8_t GetLdpcCodingInPayload(void) const
Indicates support for the transmission and reception of LDPC encoded packets.
void SetHePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi(bool heSuPpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi)
Set 4xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU and HE MU PPDU reception support.
uint8_t m_broadcastTwtSupport
broadcast TXT support
uint8_t m_hePpdu20MHzIn40MHz24GHz
20MHz in 40MHz HE PPDU in 2.4GHz band
uint8_t m_nominalPacketPadding
Nominal packet padding.
void SetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo(uint32_t ctrl1, uint16_t ctrl2)
Set the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information element.
uint8_t m_ldpcCodingInPayload
LDPC coding in payload.
uint8_t m_psrBasedSrSupport
PSR based SR support.
uint8_t DeserializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start, uint8_t length) override
Deserialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
std::vector< uint8_t > m_rxBwMap
receive BW map
uint8_t m_muCascadeSupport
MU cascade support.
void SetHeSupported(uint8_t heSupported)
Set HE supported.
uint8_t m_ofdmaRaSupport
OFDMA RA support.
uint8_t m_psrResponder
PSR responder.
uint8_t m_nonTriggeredCqiFeedback
Non-Triggered CQI feedback.
uint8_t m_suBeamformee
SU beamformee.
uint8_t m_maxNc
Max Nc for HE compressed beamforming/CQI report.
uint8_t GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo3() const
Return the last octet of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information elemen...
uint8_t m_heErSuPpdu1xHeLtf08Gi
HE ER SU PPDU with 1x HE LTF and 0.8us GI.
uint32_t GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo1() const
Return the 4 first octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information el...
uint8_t m_stbcRxGt80MHz
STBC RX > 80MHz.
uint8_t m_rx1024QamLt242Ru
TX 1024 QAM < 242 =-tone RU support.
uint8_t m_amsduNotUnderBaInAmpduSupport
AMSDU not under BA in Ack enabled A-MPDU support.
uint8_t m_32bitBaBitmapSupport
32-bit BA bitmap support
void SetHighestNssSupported(uint8_t nss)
Set highest NSS supported.
uint8_t m_rxFullBwSuInHeMuNonCompressedSigB
RX full BW SU using HE MU PPDU with non-compressed SIGB.
uint8_t m_opsSupport
OPS support.
uint32_t GetMaxAmpduLength(void) const
Return the maximum A-MPDU length.
uint8_t m_hePpdu4xHeLtf800nsGi
4 times HE-LFT and 800ns GI support for HE-PPDUs
uint8_t m_hePpdu80MHzIn160MHz
80MHz in 160/80+80MHz HE PPDU
uint8_t m_fragmentationSupport
fragmentation support
uint8_t m_highestMcsSupported
highest MCS support
uint8_t m_ngEqual16ForSuFeedbackSupport
equal 16 for SU feedback
uint8_t m_suBeamformer
SU beamformer.
uint8_t m_minimumFragmentSize
minimum fragment size
uint8_t m_twtResponderSupport
TWT responder support.
uint8_t m_flexibleTwtScheduleSupport
flexible TWT schedule support
uint8_t m_bsrpBqrpAmpduAggregation
BSRP BQRP A-MPDU aggregation.
uint8_t m_ngEqual16ForMuFeedbackSupport
equal 16 for MU feedback
uint8_t m_puncturedSoundingSupport
punctured sounding support
uint8_t m_rxPartialBwSuInHeMu
Rx Partial BW SU in 20 MHz HE MU PPDU.
uint8_t m_omControlSupport
operation mode control support
uint8_t m_ndp4xHeLtfAnd32msGi
NDP with 4x HE-LTF and 3.2us GI.
uint8_t m_stbcTxGt80MHz
STBC Tx > 80MHz.
uint16_t GetHeMacCapabilitiesInfo2() const
Return the last 2 octets of the HE MAC Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information ele...
bool GetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi(void) const
Get 1xHE-LTF and 800ns GI in HE SU PPDU reception support.
uint8_t m_midamble2xAnd1xHeLtf
Midamble TX/RX 2x and 1x HE-LTF.
uint8_t m_heSupported
This is used to decide if this element should be added to the frame or not.
WifiInformationElementId ElementIdExt() const override
uint8_t m_beamformeeStsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz
beam formee STS for < 80 MHz
uint8_t m_plusHtcHeSupport
HTC HE support.
void SetMaxAmpduLength(uint32_t maxAmpduLength)
Set the maximum AMPDU length.
uint8_t m_channelWidthSet
channel width set
uint8_t m_fullBwUlMuMimo
Full Bandwidth UL MU-MIMO.
uint8_t m_maxAmpduLengthExponent
maximum A-MPDU length exponent extension
void SerializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start) const override
Serialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
uint8_t m_deviceClass
device class
uint8_t m_dlMuMimoOnPartialBandwidth
DL MU-MIMO on partial bandwidth.
uint64_t GetHePhyCapabilitiesInfo1() const
Return the 8 first octets of the HE PHY Capabilities Info field in the HE Capabilities information el...
uint8_t m_powerBoostFactorAlphaSupport
power boost factor alpha support
WifiInformationElementId ElementId() const override
uint8_t m_ppeThresholdPresent
PPE threshold present.
uint8_t m_muBeamformer
MU beamformer.
uint8_t m_ndpFeedbackReportSupport
NDP feedback report support.
uint16_t GetSerializedSize() const override
Get the size of the serialized IE including Element ID and length fields.
uint8_t m_trsSupport
TRS support.
uint8_t m_longerThan16HeSigbOfdm
Longer than 16 HE SIG-=B OFDM symbols support.
uint16_t GetSupportedMcsAndNss() const
Return the MCS and NSS field in the HE Capabilities information element.
uint8_t GetChannelWidthSet(void) const
Get channel width set.
uint8_t m_dcmMaxConstellationRx
DCM Max Constellation Rx.
uint8_t m_triggeredMuBfFeedback
Triggered MU beamforming feedback.
uint8_t m_dcmMaxNssTx
uint8_t GetHighestNssSupported(void) const
Get highest NSS supported.
void SetChannelWidthSet(uint8_t channelWidthSet)
Set channel width set.
uint8_t m_omControlUlMuDataDisableRxSupport
OM control UL MU data disable RX support.
uint8_t m_heErSuPpdu4xHeLtf08sGi
HE ER SU PPDU with 4x HE LTF and 0.8us GI.
uint8_t m_triggeredSuBfFeedback
Triggered SU beamforming feedback.
uint8_t m_ul2x996ToneRuSupport
UL 2x996 tone RU support.
uint8_t m_multiTidAggregationTxSupport
Multi-TID aggregation TX support.
std::vector< uint8_t > m_txBwMap
transmit BW map
uint8_t m_tx1024QamLt242Ru
TX 1024 QAM < 242 =-tone RU support.
uint8_t m_dopplerTx
Doppler Tx.
uint8_t m_stbcTxLeq80MHz
STBC TX <= 80MHz.
uint8_t m_maxHeLtfRxInHeMuMoreThanOneRu
max HE-LTF symbols STA can Rx in HE MU PPDU with more than one RU
uint8_t m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForLargerThan80Mhz
void SetHighestMcsSupported(uint8_t mcs)
Set highest MCS supported.
uint8_t m_heLinkAdaptation
HE link adaptation.
uint8_t m_highestNssSupportedM1
highest NSS support M1
uint8_t m_triggeredCqiFeedback
Triggered CQI feedback.
uint8_t m_numberOfSoundingDimensionsForSmallerOrEqualThan80Mhz
uint8_t m_dcmMaxNssRx
uint8_t m_dcmMaxConstellationTx
DCM Max Constellation Tx.
uint8_t m_heDynamicSmPowerSave
HE dynamic SM power save.
#define NS_ASSERT(condition)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the source file,...
#define NS_ABORT_MSG(msg)
Unconditional abnormal program termination with a message.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Angles &a)
uint8_t WifiInformationElementId
This type is used to represent an Information Element ID.