A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2021 Universita' degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
7  *
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  * GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16  *
17  * Author: Stefano Avallone <stavallo@unina.it>
18  */
22 #include "ctrl-headers.h"
23 #include "wifi-mpdu.h"
25 #include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
26 #include "ns3/simulator.h"
28 namespace ns3
29 {
31 void
33 {
34  m_queues.clear();
35  m_expiredQueue.clear();
36  m_nBytesPerQueue.clear();
37 }
41 {
42  WifiContainerQueueId queueId = GetQueueId(item);
44  NS_ABORT_MSG_UNLESS(pos == m_queues[queueId].cend() || GetQueueId(pos->mpdu) == queueId,
45  "pos iterator does not point to the correct container queue");
46  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(!item->IsOriginal(), "Only the original copy of an MPDU can be inserted");
48  auto [it, ret] = m_nBytesPerQueue.insert({queueId, 0});
49  it->second += item->GetSize();
51  return m_queues[queueId].emplace(pos, item);
52 }
56 {
57  if (pos->expired)
58  {
59  return m_expiredQueue.erase(pos);
60  }
62  WifiContainerQueueId queueId = GetQueueId(pos->mpdu);
63  auto it = m_nBytesPerQueue.find(queueId);
64  NS_ASSERT(it != m_nBytesPerQueue.end());
65  NS_ASSERT(it->second >= pos->mpdu->GetSize());
66  it->second -= pos->mpdu->GetSize();
68  return m_queues[queueId].erase(pos);
69 }
73 {
74  return it->mpdu;
75 }
79 {
80  const WifiMacHeader& hdr = mpdu->GetHeader();
82  auto addrType = hdr.GetAddr1().IsGroup() ? WIFI_BROADCAST : WIFI_UNICAST;
83  auto address = hdr.GetAddr1().IsGroup() ? hdr.GetAddr2() : hdr.GetAddr1();
85  if (hdr.IsCtl())
86  {
87  return {WIFI_CTL_QUEUE, addrType, address, std::nullopt};
88  }
89  if (hdr.IsMgt())
90  {
91  return {WIFI_MGT_QUEUE, addrType, address, std::nullopt};
92  }
93  if (hdr.IsQosData())
94  {
95  return {WIFI_QOSDATA_QUEUE, addrType, address, hdr.GetQosTid()};
96  }
97  return {WIFI_DATA_QUEUE, addrType, address, std::nullopt};
98 }
102 {
103  return m_queues[queueId];
104 }
106 uint32_t
108 {
109  if (auto it = m_queues.find(queueId); it == m_queues.end() || it->second.empty())
110  {
111  return 0;
112  }
113  return m_nBytesPerQueue.at(queueId);
114 }
116 std::pair<WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator, WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator>
118 {
119  return DoExtractExpiredMpdus(m_queues[queueId]);
120 }
122 std::pair<WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator, WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator>
124 {
125  std::optional<std::pair<WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator, WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator>> ret;
126  auto firstExpiredIt = queue.begin();
127  auto lastExpiredIt = firstExpiredIt;
128  Time now = Simulator::Now();
130  do
131  {
132  // advance firstExpiredIt and lastExpiredIt to skip all inflight MPDUs
133  for (firstExpiredIt = lastExpiredIt;
134  firstExpiredIt != queue.end() && !firstExpiredIt->inflights.empty();
135  ++firstExpiredIt, ++lastExpiredIt)
136  {
137  }
139  if (!ret)
140  {
141  // we get here in the first iteration only
142  ret = std::make_pair(firstExpiredIt, lastExpiredIt);
143  }
145  // advance lastExpiredIt as we encounter MPDUs with expired lifetime that are not inflight
146  while (lastExpiredIt != queue.end() && lastExpiredIt->expiryTime <= now &&
147  lastExpiredIt->inflights.empty())
148  {
149  lastExpiredIt->expired = true;
150  // this MPDU is no longer queued
151  lastExpiredIt->ac = AC_UNDEF;
152  lastExpiredIt->deleter(lastExpiredIt->mpdu);
154  WifiContainerQueueId queueId = GetQueueId(lastExpiredIt->mpdu);
155  auto it = m_nBytesPerQueue.find(queueId);
156  NS_ASSERT(it != m_nBytesPerQueue.end());
157  NS_ASSERT(it->second >= lastExpiredIt->mpdu->GetSize());
158  it->second -= lastExpiredIt->mpdu->GetSize();
160  ++lastExpiredIt;
161  }
163  if (lastExpiredIt != firstExpiredIt)
164  {
165  // transfer non-inflight MPDUs with expired lifetime to the tail of m_expiredQueue
166  m_expiredQueue.splice(m_expiredQueue.end(), queue, firstExpiredIt, lastExpiredIt);
167  ret->second = m_expiredQueue.end();
168  }
170  } while (lastExpiredIt != firstExpiredIt);
172  return *ret;
173 }
175 std::pair<WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator, WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator>
177 {
178  std::optional<WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator> firstExpiredIt;
180  for (auto& queue : m_queues)
181  {
182  auto [firstIt, lastIt] = DoExtractExpiredMpdus(queue.second);
184  if (firstIt != lastIt && !firstExpiredIt)
185  {
186  // this is the first queue with MPDUs with expired lifetime
187  firstExpiredIt = firstIt;
188  }
189  }
190  return std::make_pair(firstExpiredIt ? *firstExpiredIt : m_expiredQueue.end(),
191  m_expiredQueue.end());
192 }
194 std::pair<WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator, WifiMacQueueContainer::iterator>
196 {
197  return {m_expiredQueue.begin(), m_expiredQueue.end()};
198 }
200 } // namespace ns3
202 /****************************************************
203  * Global Functions (outside namespace ns3)
204  ***************************************************/
206 std::size_t
208 {
209  auto [type, addrType, address, tid] = queueId;
210  const std::size_t size = tid.has_value() ? 8 : 7;
212  uint8_t buffer[size];
213  buffer[0] = type;
214  address.CopyTo(buffer + 1);
215  if (tid.has_value())
216  {
217  buffer[7] = *tid;
218  }
220  std::string s(buffer, buffer + size);
221  return std::hash<std::string>{}(s);
222 }
bool IsGroup() const
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Definition: ptr.h:77
static Time Now()
Return the current simulation virtual time.
Definition: simulator.cc:208
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
Implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC header.
uint8_t GetQosTid() const
Return the Traffic ID of a QoS header.
Mac48Address GetAddr1() const
Return the address in the Address 1 field.
bool IsMgt() const
Return true if the Type is Management.
bool IsCtl() const
Return true if the Type is Control.
Mac48Address GetAddr2() const
Return the address in the Address 2 field.
bool IsQosData() const
Return true if the Type is DATA and Subtype is one of the possible values for QoS Data.
const ContainerQueue & GetQueue(const WifiContainerQueueId &queueId) const
Get a const reference to the container queue identified by the given QueueId.
void clear()
Erase all elements from the container.
static WifiContainerQueueId GetQueueId(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
Return the QueueId identifying the container queue in which the given MPDU is (or is to be) enqueued.
ContainerQueue::iterator iterator
iterator over elements in a container queue
std::unordered_map< WifiContainerQueueId, uint32_t > m_nBytesPerQueue
size in bytes of the container queues
uint32_t GetNBytes(const WifiContainerQueueId &queueId) const
Get the total size of the MPDUs stored in the queue identified by the given QueueId.
Ptr< WifiMpdu > GetItem(const const_iterator it) const
Return the WifiMpdu included in the element pointed to by the given iterator.
std::pair< iterator, iterator > ExtractAllExpiredMpdus() const
Transfer non-inflight MPDUs with expired lifetime in all the container queues to the container queue ...
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, Ptr< WifiMpdu > item)
Insert the given item at the specified location in the container.
std::unordered_map< WifiContainerQueueId, ContainerQueue > m_queues
the container queues
std::list< WifiMacQueueElem > ContainerQueue
Type of a queue held by the container.
iterator erase(const_iterator pos)
Erase the specified elements from the container.
std::pair< iterator, iterator > GetAllExpiredMpdus() const
Get the range [first, last) of iterators pointing to all the MPDUs queued in the container queue stor...
ContainerQueue::const_iterator const_iterator
const iterator over elements in a container queue
ContainerQueue m_expiredQueue
queue storing MPDUs with expired lifetime
std::pair< iterator, iterator > ExtractExpiredMpdus(const WifiContainerQueueId &queueId) const
Transfer non-inflight MPDUs with expired lifetime in the container queue identified by the given Queu...
std::pair< iterator, iterator > DoExtractExpiredMpdus(ContainerQueue &queue) const
Transfer non-inflight MPDUs with expired lifetime in the given container queue to the container queue...
#define NS_ASSERT(condition)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the source file,...
Definition: assert.h:66
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_UNLESS(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is false, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:144
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is true, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:108
Total number of ACs.
Definition: qos-utils.h:87
Definition: first.py:47
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
std::tuple< WifiContainerQueueType, WifiReceiverAddressType, Mac48Address, std::optional< uint8_t > > WifiContainerQueueId
Tuple (queue type, receiver address type, Address, TID) identifying a container queue.
std::size_t operator()(ns3::WifiContainerQueueId queueId) const
The functor.