A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2008 University of Washington
3  * Copyright (c) 2011 Atishay Jain
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  */
19 #include "ipv6-address-generator.h"
21 #include "ns3/abort.h"
22 #include "ns3/assert.h"
23 #include "ns3/log.h"
24 #include "ns3/simulation-singleton.h"
26 #include <list>
28 namespace ns3
29 {
31 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE("Ipv6AddressGenerator");
43 {
44  public:
46  virtual ~Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl();
58  void Init(const Ipv6Address net, const Ipv6Prefix prefix, const Ipv6Address interfaceId);
72  Ipv6Address NextNetwork(const Ipv6Prefix prefix);
83  Ipv6Address GetNetwork(const Ipv6Prefix prefix) const;
91  void InitAddress(const Ipv6Address interfaceId, const Ipv6Prefix prefix);
102  Ipv6Address GetAddress(const Ipv6Prefix prefix) const;
113  Ipv6Address NextAddress(const Ipv6Prefix prefix);
118  void Reset();
130  bool AddAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr);
138  bool IsAddressAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr);
147  bool IsNetworkAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr, const Ipv6Prefix prefix);
152  void TestMode();
154  private:
155  static const uint32_t N_BITS = 128;
156  static const uint32_t MOST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT = 0x80;
163  uint32_t PrefixToIndex(Ipv6Prefix prefix) const;
169  {
170  public:
171  uint8_t prefix[16];
172  uint32_t shift;
173  uint8_t network[16];
174  uint8_t addr[16];
175  uint8_t addrMax[16];
176  };
183  class Entry
184  {
185  public:
186  uint8_t addrLow[16];
187  uint8_t addrHigh[16];
188  };
190  std::list<Entry> m_entries;
192  bool m_test;
193 };
196  : m_entries(),
197  m_base("::1"),
198  m_test(false)
199 {
200  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
201  Reset();
202 }
204 void
206 {
207  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
209  uint8_t prefix[16] = {0};
211  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N_BITS; ++i)
212  {
213  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
214  {
215  m_netTable[i].prefix[j] = prefix[j];
216  }
217  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; ++j)
218  {
219  prefix[15 - j] >>= 1;
220  prefix[15 - j] |= (prefix[15 - j - 1] & 1);
221  }
222  prefix[0] |= MOST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT;
223  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; ++j)
224  {
225  m_netTable[i].network[j] = 0;
226  }
227  m_netTable[i].network[15] = 1;
228  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; ++j)
229  {
230  m_netTable[i].addr[j] = 0;
231  }
232  m_netTable[i].addr[15] = 1;
233  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
234  {
235  m_netTable[i].addrMax[j] = ~prefix[j];
236  }
237  m_netTable[i].shift = N_BITS - i;
238  }
239  m_entries.clear();
240  m_base = Ipv6Address("::1");
241  m_test = false;
242 }
245 {
246  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
247 }
249 void
251  const Ipv6Prefix prefix,
252  const Ipv6Address interfaceId)
253 {
254  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << net << prefix << interfaceId);
256  m_base = interfaceId;
257  //
258  // We're going to be playing with the actual bits in the network and prefix so
259  // pull them out into ints.
260  //
261  uint8_t prefixBits[16];
262  prefix.GetBytes(prefixBits);
263  uint8_t netBits[16];
264  net.GetBytes(netBits);
265  uint8_t interfaceIdBits[16];
266  interfaceId.GetBytes(interfaceIdBits);
267  //
268  // Some quick reasonableness testing.
269  //
270  // Convert the network prefix into an index into the network number table.
271  // The network number comes in to us properly aligned for the prefix and so
272  // needs to be shifted right into the normalized position (lowest bit of the
273  // network number at bit zero of the int that holds it).
274  //
275  uint32_t index = PrefixToIndex(prefix);
276  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Index " << index);
277  uint32_t a = m_netTable[index].shift / 8;
278  uint32_t b = m_netTable[index].shift % 8;
279  for (int32_t j = 15 - a; j >= 0; j--)
280  {
281  m_netTable[index].network[j + a] = netBits[j];
282  }
283  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < a; j++)
284  {
285  m_netTable[index].network[j] = 0;
286  }
287  for (uint32_t j = 15; j >= a; j--)
288  {
289  m_netTable[index].network[j] = m_netTable[index].network[j] >> b;
290  m_netTable[index].network[j] |= m_netTable[index].network[j - 1] << (8 - b);
291  }
292  for (int32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
293  {
294  m_netTable[index].addr[j] = interfaceIdBits[j];
295  }
296 }
300 {
301  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
302  uint8_t nw[16] = {0};
303  uint32_t index = PrefixToIndex(prefix);
304  uint32_t a = m_netTable[index].shift / 8;
305  uint32_t b = m_netTable[index].shift % 8;
306  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16 - a; ++j)
307  {
308  nw[j] = m_netTable[index].network[j + a];
309  }
310  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; j++)
311  {
312  nw[j] = nw[j] << b;
313  nw[j] |= nw[j + 1] >> (8 - b);
314  }
315  nw[15] = nw[15] << b;
317  return Ipv6Address(nw);
318 }
322 {
323  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
325  uint32_t index = PrefixToIndex(prefix);
326  // Reset the base to what was initialized
327  uint8_t interfaceIdBits[16];
328  m_base.GetBytes(interfaceIdBits);
329  for (int32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
330  {
331  m_netTable[index].addr[j] = interfaceIdBits[j];
332  }
334  for (int32_t j = 15; j >= 0; j--)
335  {
336  if (m_netTable[index].network[j] < 0xff)
337  {
338  ++m_netTable[index].network[j];
339  break;
340  }
341  else
342  {
343  ++m_netTable[index].network[j];
344  }
345  }
347  uint8_t nw[16];
348  uint32_t a = m_netTable[index].shift / 8;
349  uint32_t b = m_netTable[index].shift % 8;
350  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16 - a; ++j)
351  {
352  nw[j] = m_netTable[index].network[j + a];
353  }
354  for (uint32_t j = 16 - a; j < 16; ++j)
355  {
356  nw[j] = 0;
357  }
358  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; j++)
359  {
360  nw[j] = nw[j] << b;
361  nw[j] |= nw[j + 1] >> (8 - b);
362  }
363  nw[15] = nw[15] << b;
365  return Ipv6Address(nw);
366 }
368 void
370 {
371  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
373  uint32_t index = PrefixToIndex(prefix);
374  uint8_t interfaceIdBits[16];
375  interfaceId.GetBytes(interfaceIdBits);
377  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
378  {
379  m_netTable[index].addr[j] = interfaceIdBits[j];
380  }
381 }
385 {
386  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
388  uint32_t index = PrefixToIndex(prefix);
390  uint8_t nw[16] = {0};
391  uint32_t a = m_netTable[index].shift / 8;
392  uint32_t b = m_netTable[index].shift % 8;
393  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16 - a; ++j)
394  {
395  nw[j] = m_netTable[index].network[j + a];
396  }
397  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; j++)
398  {
399  nw[j] = nw[j] << b;
400  nw[j] |= nw[j + 1] >> (8 - b);
401  }
402  nw[15] = nw[15] << b;
403  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
404  {
405  nw[j] |= m_netTable[index].addr[j];
406  }
408  return Ipv6Address(nw);
409 }
413 {
414  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
416  uint32_t index = PrefixToIndex(prefix);
418  uint8_t ad[16] = {0};
419  uint32_t a = m_netTable[index].shift / 8;
420  uint32_t b = m_netTable[index].shift % 8;
421  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16 - a; ++j)
422  {
423  ad[j] = m_netTable[index].network[j + a];
424  }
425  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 15; j++)
426  {
427  ad[j] = ad[j] << b;
428  ad[j] |= ad[j + 1] >> (8 - b);
429  }
430  ad[15] = ad[15] << b;
431  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
432  {
433  ad[j] |= m_netTable[index].addr[j];
434  }
435  Ipv6Address addr = Ipv6Address(ad);
437  for (int32_t j = 15; j >= 0; j--)
438  {
439  if (m_netTable[index].addr[j] < 0xff)
440  {
441  ++m_netTable[index].addr[j];
442  break;
443  }
444  else
445  {
446  ++m_netTable[index].addr[j];
447  }
448  }
450  //
451  // Make a note that we've allocated this address -- used for address collision
452  // detection.
453  //
454  AddAllocated(addr);
455  return addr;
456 }
458 bool
460 {
461  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << address);
463  uint8_t addr[16];
464  address.GetBytes(addr);
466  std::list<Entry>::iterator i;
468  for (i = m_entries.begin(); i != m_entries.end(); ++i)
469  {
470  NS_LOG_LOGIC("examine entry: " << Ipv6Address((*i).addrLow) << " to "
471  << Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh));
472  //
473  // First things first. Is there an address collision -- that is, does the
474  // new address fall in a previously allocated block of addresses.
475  //
476  if (!(Ipv6Address(addr) < Ipv6Address((*i).addrLow)) &&
477  ((Ipv6Address(addr) < Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh)) ||
478  (Ipv6Address(addr) == Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh))))
479  {
481  "Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::Add(): Address Collision: " << Ipv6Address(addr));
482  if (!m_test)
483  {
485  "Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::Add(): Address Collision: " << Ipv6Address(addr));
486  }
487  return false;
488  }
489  //
490  // If the new address is less than the lowest address in the current
491  // block and can't be merged into to the current block, then insert it
492  // as a new block before the current block.
493  //
494  uint8_t taddr[16];
495  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
496  {
497  taddr[j] = (*i).addrLow[j];
498  }
499  taddr[15] -= 1;
500  if (Ipv6Address(addr) < Ipv6Address(taddr))
501  {
502  break;
503  }
504  //
505  // If the new address fits at the end of the block, look ahead to the next
506  // block and make sure it's not a collision there. If we won't overlap,
507  // then just extend the current block by one address. We expect that
508  // completely filled network ranges will be a fairly rare occurrence,
509  // so we don't worry about collapsing address range blocks.
510  //
511  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
512  {
513  taddr[j] = (*i).addrLow[j];
514  }
515  taddr[15] += 1;
516  if (Ipv6Address(addr) == Ipv6Address(taddr))
517  {
518  auto j = i;
519  ++j;
521  if (j != m_entries.end())
522  {
523  if (Ipv6Address(addr) == Ipv6Address((*j).addrLow))
524  {
525  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::Add(): "
526  "Address Collision: "
527  << Ipv6Address(addr));
528  if (!m_test)
529  {
530  NS_FATAL_ERROR("Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::Add(): Address Collision: "
531  << Ipv6Address(addr));
532  }
533  return false;
534  }
535  }
537  NS_LOG_LOGIC("New addrHigh = " << Ipv6Address(addr));
538  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
539  {
540  (*i).addrHigh[j] = addr[j];
541  }
542  return true;
543  }
544  //
545  // If we get here, we know that the next lower block of addresses
546  // couldn't have been extended to include this new address since the
547  // code immediately above would have been executed and that next lower
548  // block extended upward. So we know it's safe to extend the current
549  // block down to include the new address.
550  //
551  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
552  {
553  taddr[j] = (*i).addrLow[j];
554  }
555  taddr[15] -= 1;
556  if (Ipv6Address(addr) == Ipv6Address(taddr))
557  {
558  NS_LOG_LOGIC("New addrLow = " << Ipv6Address(addr));
559  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
560  {
561  (*i).addrLow[j] = addr[j];
562  }
563  return true;
564  }
565  }
567  Entry entry;
568  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
569  {
570  entry.addrLow[j] = entry.addrHigh[j] = addr[j];
571  }
572  m_entries.insert(i, entry);
573  return true;
574 }
576 bool
578 {
579  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << address);
581  uint8_t addr[16];
582  address.GetBytes(addr);
584  for (auto i = m_entries.begin(); i != m_entries.end(); ++i)
585  {
586  NS_LOG_LOGIC("examine entry: " << Ipv6Address((*i).addrLow) << " to "
587  << Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh));
589  if (!(Ipv6Address(addr) < Ipv6Address((*i).addrLow)) &&
590  ((Ipv6Address(addr) < Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh)) ||
591  (Ipv6Address(addr) == Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh))))
592  {
593  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::IsAddressAllocated(): Address Collision: "
594  << Ipv6Address(addr));
595  return true;
596  }
597  }
598  return false;
599 }
601 bool
603 {
604  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << address << prefix);
607  address == address.CombinePrefix(prefix),
608  "Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::IsNetworkAllocated(): network address and mask don't match "
609  << address << " " << prefix);
611  for (auto i = m_entries.begin(); i != m_entries.end(); ++i)
612  {
613  NS_LOG_LOGIC("examine entry: " << Ipv6Address((*i).addrLow) << " to "
614  << Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh));
615  Ipv6Address low = Ipv6Address((*i).addrLow);
616  Ipv6Address high = Ipv6Address((*i).addrHigh);
618  if (address == low.CombinePrefix(prefix) || address == high.CombinePrefix(prefix))
619  {
621  "Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl::IsNetworkAllocated(): Network already allocated: "
622  << address << " " << low << "-" << high);
623  return false;
624  }
625  }
626  return true;
627 }
629 void
631 {
632  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
633  m_test = true;
634 }
636 uint32_t
638 {
639  //
640  // We've been given a prefix that has a higher order bit set for each bit of
641  // the network number. In order to translate this prefix into an index,
642  // we just need to count the number of zero bits in the prefix. We do this
643  // in a loop in which we shift the prefix right until we find the first
644  // nonzero bit. This tells us the number of zero bits, and from this we
645  // infer the number of nonzero bits which is the number of bits in the prefix.
646  //
647  // We use the number of bits in the prefix as the number of bits in the
648  // network number and as the index into the network number state table.
649  //
650  uint8_t prefixBits[16];
651  prefix.GetBytes(prefixBits);
653  for (int32_t i = 15; i >= 0; --i)
654  {
655  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
656  {
657  if (prefixBits[i] & 1)
658  {
659  uint32_t index = N_BITS - (15 - i) * 8 - j;
660  NS_ABORT_MSG_UNLESS(index > 0 && index < N_BITS,
661  "Ip64AddressGenerator::PrefixToIndex(): Illegal Prefix");
662  return index;
663  }
664  prefixBits[i] >>= 1;
665  }
666  }
667  NS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Ipv6AddressGenerator::PrefixToIndex(): Impossible");
668  return 0;
669 }
671 void
673  const Ipv6Prefix prefix,
674  const Ipv6Address interfaceId)
675 {
676  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(net << prefix << interfaceId);
678  SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->Init(net, prefix, interfaceId);
679 }
683 {
684  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(prefix);
686  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->NextNetwork(prefix);
687 }
691 {
692  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(prefix);
694  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->GetNetwork(prefix);
695 }
697 void
699 {
700  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(interfaceId << prefix);
702  SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->InitAddress(interfaceId, prefix);
703 }
707 {
708  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(prefix);
710  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->GetAddress(prefix);
711 }
715 {
716  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(prefix);
718  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->NextAddress(prefix);
719 }
721 void
723 {
727 }
729 bool
731 {
732  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(addr);
734  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->AddAllocated(addr);
735 }
737 bool
739 {
740  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(addr);
742  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->IsAddressAllocated(addr);
743 }
745 bool
747 {
748  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(addr << prefix);
750  return SimulationSingleton<Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl>::Get()->IsNetworkAllocated(addr, prefix);
751 }
753 void
755 {
759 }
761 } // namespace ns3
static void Init(const Ipv6Address net, const Ipv6Prefix prefix, const Ipv6Address interfaceId="::1")
Initialise the base network and interfaceId for the generator.
static void TestMode()
Used to turn off fatal errors and assertions, for testing.
static Ipv6Address NextAddress(const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Allocate the next Ipv6Address for the configured network and prefix.
static Ipv6Address GetNetwork(const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Get the current network of the given Ipv6Prefix.
static void InitAddress(const Ipv6Address interfaceId, const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Set the interfaceId for the given Ipv6Prefix.
static bool IsNetworkAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr, const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Check if a network has already allocated addresses.
static bool AddAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr)
Add the Ipv6Address to the list of IPv6 entries.
static Ipv6Address GetAddress(const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Get the Ipv6Address that will be allocated upon NextAddress ()
static Ipv6Address NextNetwork(const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Get the next network according to the given Ipv6Prefix.
static bool IsAddressAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr)
Check the Ipv6Address allocation in the list of IPv6 entries.
static void Reset()
Reset the networks and Ipv6Address to zero.
This class holds the allocated addresses.
uint8_t addrLow[16]
the lowest allocated address
uint8_t addrHigh[16]
the highest allocated address
This class holds the state for a given network.
Implementation class of Ipv6AddressGenerator This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a pro...
void Reset()
Reset the networks and Ipv6Address to zero.
static const uint32_t MOST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT
MSB set to 1.
NetworkState m_netTable[N_BITS]
the available networks
bool AddAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr)
Add the Ipv6Address to the list of IPv6 entries.
Ipv6Address GetAddress(const Ipv6Prefix prefix) const
Get the Ipv6Address that will be allocated upon NextAddress ()
uint32_t PrefixToIndex(Ipv6Prefix prefix) const
Create an index number for the prefix.
Ipv6Address NextNetwork(const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Get the next network according to the given Ipv6Prefix.
void TestMode()
Used to turn off fatal errors and assertions, for testing.
std::list< Entry > m_entries
contained of allocated addresses
static const uint32_t N_BITS
the number of bits in the address
void Init(const Ipv6Address net, const Ipv6Prefix prefix, const Ipv6Address interfaceId)
Initialise the base network and interfaceId for the generator.
void InitAddress(const Ipv6Address interfaceId, const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Set the interfaceId for the given Ipv6Prefix.
bool IsNetworkAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr, const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Check if a network has already allocated addresses.
Ipv6Address GetNetwork(const Ipv6Prefix prefix) const
Get the current network of the given Ipv6Prefix.
bool IsAddressAllocated(const Ipv6Address addr)
Check the Ipv6Address allocation in the list of IPv6 entries.
Ipv6Address NextAddress(const Ipv6Prefix prefix)
Allocate the next Ipv6Address for the configured network and prefix.
Describes an IPv6 address.
Definition: ipv6-address.h:49
void GetBytes(uint8_t buf[16]) const
Get the bytes corresponding to the address.
Ipv6Address CombinePrefix(const Ipv6Prefix &prefix) const
Combine this address with a prefix.
Describes an IPv6 prefix.
Definition: ipv6-address.h:455
void GetBytes(uint8_t buf[16]) const
Get the bytes corresponding to the prefix.
static T * Get()
Get a pointer to the singleton instance.
#define NS_ASSERT_MSG(condition, message)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the message to out...
Definition: assert.h:86
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_UNLESS(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is false, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:144
#define NS_FATAL_ERROR(msg)
Report a fatal error with a message and terminate.
Definition: fatal-error.h:179
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:202
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:268
#define NS_LOG_LOGIC(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_LOGIC.
Definition: log.h:282
Output the name of the function.
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by ",...
Definition: first.py:47
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.