21 #ifndef EPC_ENB_S1_SAP_H
22 #define EPC_ENB_S1_SAP_H
25 #include <ns3/eps-bearer.h>
26 #include <ns3/ipv4-address.h>
205 m_owner->DoInitialUeMessage (imsi, rnti);
211 m_owner->DoReleaseIndication (imsi, rnti, bearerId);
217 m_owner->DoPathSwitchRequest (params);
223 m_owner->DoUeContextRelease (rnti);
266 m_owner->DoInitialContextSetupRequest (params);
272 m_owner->DoDataRadioBearerSetupRequest (params);
278 m_owner->DoPathSwitchRequestAcknowledge (params);
This class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) between the LteEnbRrc and the EpcEnbApplication.
virtual void UeContextRelease(uint16_t rnti)=0
release UE context at the S1 Application of the source eNB after reception of the UE CONTEXT RELEASE ...
virtual ~EpcEnbS1SapProvider()
virtual void DoSendReleaseIndication(uint64_t imsi, uint16_t rnti, uint8_t bearerId)=0
Triggers epc-enb-application to send ERAB Release Indication message towards MME.
virtual void PathSwitchRequest(PathSwitchRequestParameters params)=0
Path Switch Request.
virtual void InitialUeMessage(uint64_t imsi, uint16_t rnti)=0
This class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) between the LteEnbRrc and the EpcEnbApplication.
virtual void PathSwitchRequestAcknowledge(PathSwitchRequestAcknowledgeParameters params)=0
request a path switch acknowledge
virtual ~EpcEnbS1SapUser()
virtual void DataRadioBearerSetupRequest(DataRadioBearerSetupRequestParameters params)=0
request the setup of a DataRadioBearer
virtual void InitialContextSetupRequest(InitialContextSetupRequestParameters params)=0
Initial context setup request.
This class contains the specification of EPS Bearers.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Template for the implementation of the EpcEnbS1SapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to...
virtual void DoSendReleaseIndication(uint64_t imsi, uint16_t rnti, uint8_t bearerId)
Triggers epc-enb-application to send ERAB Release Indication message towards MME.
virtual void UeContextRelease(uint16_t rnti)
release UE context at the S1 Application of the source eNB after reception of the UE CONTEXT RELEASE ...
virtual void PathSwitchRequest(PathSwitchRequestParameters params)
Path Switch Request.
virtual void InitialUeMessage(uint64_t imsi, uint16_t rnti)
Template for the implementation of the EpcEnbS1SapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to whi...
virtual void InitialContextSetupRequest(InitialContextSetupRequestParameters params)
Initial context setup request.
virtual void PathSwitchRequestAcknowledge(PathSwitchRequestAcknowledgeParameters params)
request a path switch acknowledge
virtual void DataRadioBearerSetupRequest(DataRadioBearerSetupRequestParameters params)
request the setup of a DataRadioBearer
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
BearerToBeSwitched structure.
uint8_t epsBearerId
Bearer ID.
PathSwitchRequestParameters structure.
std::list< BearerToBeSwitched > bearersToBeSwitched
list of bearers to be switched
uint32_t mmeUeS1Id
mmeUeS1Id in practice, we use the IMSI
Parameters passed to DataRadioBearerSetupRequest ()
EpsBearer bearer
the characteristics of the bearer to be setup
uint16_t rnti
the RNTI identifying the UE for which the DataRadioBearer is to be created
uint32_t gtpTeid
S1-bearer GTP tunnel endpoint identifier, see 36.423 9.2.1.
uint8_t bearerId
the EPS Bearer Identifier
Ipv4Address transportLayerAddress
IP Address of the SGW, see 36.423 9.2.1.
Parameters passed to InitialContextSetupRequest ()
uint16_t rnti
the RNTI identifying the UE
PathSwitchRequestAcknowledgeParameters structure.