218UUIDm_app_id; // !< This value uniquely identifies a QKD application consisting of a set of entities that are allowed to receive keys shared with each other from the SD-QKD nodes they connect to. This value is similar to a key ID or key handle.
219doublem_qos_max_bandwidth; // !< Maximum bandwidth (in bits per second) allowed for this specific application. Exceeding this value will raise an error from the local key store to the appl. This
220doublem_qos_min_bandwidth; // !< This value is an optional QoS parameter that enables a minimum key rate (in bits per second) for the application
221doublem_qos_jitter; // !< This value allows to specify the maximum jitter (in msec) to be provided by the key delivery API for applications requiring fast rekeying.
222doublem_qos_ttl; // !< This value is used to specify the maximum time (in seconds) that a key could be kept in the key store for a given application without being used.
223boolm_qos_clients_shared_path_enable; // !< If true, multiple clients for this application might share keys to reduce service impact (consumption)
224boolm_clients_shared_keys_required; // !< If true, multiple clients for this application might share keys to reduce service impact (consumption)
225QKDApplicationEntry::ConnectionTypem_app_type; // !< Type of the registered application. These values, defined within the types module, can be client (if an external application is requesting keys) or internal (if the application is defined to maintain the QKD - e.g. multi-hop, authentication or other encryption operations).
226UUIDm_client_app_id; // !< List of IDs that identifies the one or more entities that are allowed to receive keys from SD-QKD node(s) under the QKD application in addition to the initiating entity identified by server_app_id.
227UUIDm_server_app_id; // !< ID that identifies the entity that initiated the creation of the QKD application to receive keys shared with one or more specified target entity identified by client_app_id. It is a client in the interface to the SD-QKD node and the name server_app_id reflects that it requested the QKD application to be initiated
228UUIDm_backing_qkdl_id; // !< Unique ID of the key association link which is providing QKD keys to these applications
229 uint32_t m_local_qkdn_id; // !< Unique ID of the local SD-QKD node which is providing QKD keys to the local application.
230 uint32_t m_remote_qkdn_id; // !< Unique ID of the remote SD-QKD node which is providing QKD keys to the remote application. While unknown, the local SD-QKD will not be able to provide keys to the local application.