A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
qkdnetsim_etsi_014 @ (+)
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1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2001 Pierre L'Ecuyer (lecuyer@iro.umontreal.ca)
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7 // published by the Free Software Foundation;
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17 //
18 // Modified for ns-3 by:
19 // - Rajib Bhattacharjea<raj.b@gatech.edu>
20 // - Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@gmail.com>
21 //
23 #include <cstdlib>
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include "rng-stream.h"
26 #include "fatal-error.h"
27 #include "log.h"
35 namespace ns3 {
37 // Note: Logging in this file is largely avoided due to the
38 // number of calls that are made to these functions and the possibility
39 // of causing recursions leading to stack overflow
42 } // namespace ns3
50 namespace MRG32k3a {
55 typedef double Matrix[3][3];
58 const double m1 = 4294967087.0;
61 const double m2 = 4294944443.0;
64 const double norm = 1.0 / (m1 + 1.0);
67 const double a12 = 1403580.0;
70 const double a13n = 810728.0;
73 const double a21 = 527612.0;
76 const double a23n = 1370589.0;
79 const double two17 = 131072.0;
82 const double two53 = 9007199254740992.0;
85 const Matrix A1p0 = {
86  { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
87  { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
88  { -810728.0, 1403580.0, 0.0 }
89 };
92 const Matrix A2p0 = {
93  { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
94  { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
95  { -1370589.0, 0.0, 527612.0 }
96 };
99 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 double MultModM (double a, double s, double c, double m)
113 {
114  double v;
115  int32_t a1;
117  v = a * s + c;
119  if (v >= two53 || v <= -two53)
120  {
121  a1 = static_cast<int32_t> (a / two17);
122  a -= a1 * two17;
123  v = a1 * s;
124  a1 = static_cast<int32_t> (v / m);
125  v -= a1 * m;
126  v = v * two17 + a * s + c;
127  }
129  a1 = static_cast<int32_t> (v / m);
130  /* in case v < 0)*/
131  if ((v -= a1 * m) < 0.0)
132  {
133  return v += m;
134  }
135  else
136  {
137  return v;
138  }
139 }
142 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 void MatVecModM (const Matrix A, const double s[3], double v[3],
153  double m)
154 {
155  int i;
156  double x[3]; // Necessary if v = s
158  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
159  {
160  x[i] = MultModM (A[i][0], s[0], 0.0, m);
161  x[i] = MultModM (A[i][1], s[1], x[i], m);
162  x[i] = MultModM (A[i][2], s[2], x[i], m);
163  }
164  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
165  {
166  v[i] = x[i];
167  }
168 }
171 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 void MatMatModM (const Matrix A, const Matrix B,
182  Matrix C, double m)
183 {
184  int i, j;
185  double V[3];
186  Matrix W;
188  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
189  {
190  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
191  {
192  V[j] = B[j][i];
193  }
194  MatVecModM (A, V, V, m);
195  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
196  {
197  W[j][i] = V[j];
198  }
199  }
200  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
201  {
202  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
203  {
204  C[i][j] = W[i][j];
205  }
206  }
207 }
210 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 void MatTwoPowModM (const Matrix src, Matrix dst, double m, int32_t e)
220 {
221  int i, j;
223  /* initialize: dst = src */
224  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
225  {
226  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
227  {
228  dst[i][j] = src[i][j];
229  }
230  }
231  /* Compute dst = src^(2^e) mod m */
232  for (i = 0; i < e; i++)
233  {
234  MatMatModM (dst, dst, dst, m);
235  }
236 }
239 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 void MatPowModM (const double A[3][3], double B[3][3], double m, int32_t n)
249 {
250  int i, j;
251  double W[3][3];
253  // initialize: W = A; B = I
254  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
255  {
256  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
257  {
258  W[i][j] = A[i][j];
259  B[i][j] = 0.0;
260  }
261  }
262  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
263  {
264  B[j][j] = 1.0;
265  }
267  // Compute B = A^n mod m using the binary decomposition of n
268  while (n > 0)
269  {
270  if (n % 2)
271  {
272  MatMatModM (W, B, B, m);
273  }
274  MatMatModM (W, W, W, m);
275  n /= 2;
276  }
277 }
284 {
285  Matrix a1[190];
286  Matrix a2[190];
287 };
296 {
297  struct Precalculated precalculated;
298  for (int i = 0; i < 190; i++)
299  {
300  int power = i + 1;
301  MatTwoPowModM (A1p0, precalculated.a1[i], m1, power);
302  MatTwoPowModM (A2p0, precalculated.a2[i], m2, power);
303  }
304  return precalculated;
305 }
313 void PowerOfTwoMatrix (int n, Matrix a1p, Matrix a2p)
314 {
315  static struct Precalculated constants = PowerOfTwoConstants ();
316  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
317  {
318  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
319  {
320  a1p[i][j] = constants.a1[n-1][i][j];
321  a2p[i][j] = constants.a2[n-1][i][j];
322  }
323  }
324 }
326 } // namespace MRG32k3a
331 namespace ns3 {
333 using namespace MRG32k3a;
336 {
337  int32_t k;
338  double p1, p2, u;
340  /* Component 1 */
341  p1 = a12 * m_currentState[1] - a13n * m_currentState[0];
342  k = static_cast<int32_t> (p1 / m1);
343  p1 -= k * m1;
344  if (p1 < 0.0)
345  {
346  p1 += m1;
347  }
348  m_currentState[0] = m_currentState[1];
349  m_currentState[1] = m_currentState[2];
350  m_currentState[2] = p1;
352  /* Component 2 */
353  p2 = a21 * m_currentState[5] - a23n * m_currentState[3];
354  k = static_cast<int32_t> (p2 / m2);
355  p2 -= k * m2;
356  if (p2 < 0.0)
357  {
358  p2 += m2;
359  }
360  m_currentState[3] = m_currentState[4];
361  m_currentState[4] = m_currentState[5];
362  m_currentState[5] = p2;
364  /* Combination */
365  u = ((p1 > p2) ? (p1 - p2) * norm : (p1 - p2 + m1) * norm);
367  return u;
368 }
370 RngStream::RngStream (uint32_t seedNumber, uint64_t stream, uint64_t substream)
371 {
372  if (seedNumber >= m1 || seedNumber >= m2 || seedNumber == 0)
373  {
374  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("invalid Seed " << seedNumber);
375  }
376  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
377  {
378  m_currentState[i] = seedNumber;
379  }
380  AdvanceNthBy (stream, 127, m_currentState);
381  AdvanceNthBy (substream, 76, m_currentState);
382 }
385 {
386  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
387  {
388  m_currentState[i] = r.m_currentState[i];
389  }
390 }
392 void
393 RngStream::AdvanceNthBy (uint64_t nth, int by, double state[6])
394 {
395  Matrix matrix1,matrix2;
396  for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
397  {
398  int nbit = 63 - i;
399  int bit = (nth >> nbit) & 0x1;
400  if (bit)
401  {
402  PowerOfTwoMatrix (by + nbit, matrix1, matrix2);
403  MatVecModM (matrix1, state, state, m1);
404  MatVecModM (matrix2, &state[3], &state[3], m2);
405  }
406  }
407 }
409 } // namespace ns3
410  // \ingroup rngimpl
Combined Multiple-Recursive Generator MRG32k3a.
Definition: rng-stream.h:50
RngStream(uint32_t seed, uint64_t stream, uint64_t substream)
Construct from explicit seed, stream and substream values.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:370
double RandU01(void)
Generate the next random number for this stream.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:335
double m_currentState[6]
The RNG state vector.
Definition: rng-stream.h:85
void AdvanceNthBy(uint64_t nth, int by, double state[6])
Advance state of the RNG by leaps and bounds.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:393
NS_FATAL_x macro definitions.
#define NS_FATAL_ERROR(msg)
Report a fatal error with a message and terminate.
Definition: fatal-error.h:165
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
Debug message logging.
Namespace for MRG32k3a implementation details.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:50
const double a21
Second component multiplier of n - 1 value.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:73
struct Precalculated PowerOfTwoConstants(void)
Compute the transition matrices of the two MRG components raised to all powers of 2 from 1 to 191.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:295
const double m1
First component modulus, 232 - 209.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:58
void MatMatModM(const Matrix A, const Matrix B, Matrix C, double m)
Compute the matrix C = A*B MOD m.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:181
const Matrix A1p0
First component transition matrix.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:85
const double a23n
Second component multiplier of n - 3 value.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:76
const double two17
Decomposition factor for computing a*s in less than 53 bits, 217
Definition: rng-stream.cc:79
void PowerOfTwoMatrix(int n, Matrix a1p, Matrix a2p)
Get the transition matrices raised to a power of 2.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:313
const double norm
Normalization to obtain randoms on [0,1).
Definition: rng-stream.cc:64
const double a12
First component multiplier of n - 2 value.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:67
void MatPowModM(const double A[3][3], double B[3][3], double m, int32_t n)
Compute the matrix B = (A^n Mod m); works even if A = B.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:248
void MatTwoPowModM(const Matrix src, Matrix dst, double m, int32_t e)
Compute the matrix B = (A^(2^e) Mod m); works also if A = B.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:219
const Matrix A2p0
Second component transition matrix.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:92
double Matrix[3][3]
Type for 3x3 matrix of doubles.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:55
const double m2
Second component modulus, 232 - 22853.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:61
const double a13n
First component multiplier of n - 3 value.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:70
const double two53
IEEE-754 floating point precision, 253
Definition: rng-stream.cc:82
double MultModM(double a, double s, double c, double m)
Return (a*s + c) MOD m; a, s, c and m must be < 2^35.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:112
void MatVecModM(const Matrix A, const double s[3], double v[3], double m)
Compute the vector v = A*s MOD m.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:152
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
list x
Random number samples.
ns3::RngStream declaration.
The transition matrices of the two MRG components (in matrix form), raised to all powers of 2 from 1 ...
Definition: rng-stream.cc:284
Matrix a1[190]
First component transition matrix powers.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:285
Matrix a2[190]
Second component transition matrix powers.
Definition: rng-stream.cc:286