129 virtual std::string
GetName ()
140 uint32_t bytesInFlight);
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
An implementation of TCP Illinois algorithm.
virtual std::string GetName() const
Get the name of the congestion control algorithm.
double m_alphaBase
Base value of alpha for standard AIMD.
double m_beta
Multiplicative decrease factor.
uint32_t m_ackCnt
Number of received ACK.
void RecalcParam(uint32_t cWnd)
Recalculate alpha and beta every RTT.
Time CalculateMaxDelay() const
Calculate maximum queueing delay.
bool m_rttAbove
True when da > d1.
Create an unbound tcp socket.
double m_betaMin
Minimum beta threshold.
virtual Ptr< TcpCongestionOps > Fork()
Copy the congestion control algorithm across sockets.
void CalculateAlpha(double da, double dm)
Calculate additive increase factor alpha.
Time m_baseRtt
Minimum of all RTT measurements.
virtual void CongestionStateSet(Ptr< TcpSocketState > tcb, const TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t newState)
Reset Illinois parameters to default values upon a loss.
double m_alphaMin
Minimum alpha threshold.
uint32_t m_winThresh
Window threshold for adaptive sizing.
virtual uint32_t GetSsThresh(Ptr< const TcpSocketState > tcb, uint32_t bytesInFlight)
Get slow start threshold after congestion event.
uint32_t m_cntRtt
Number of RTT measurements during last RTT.
virtual ~TcpIllinois(void)
uint8_t m_rttLow
Number of RTTs da has stayed below d1.
void CalculateBeta(double da, double dm)
Calculate multiplicative decrease factor beta.
Time m_maxRtt
Maximum of all RTT measurements.
double m_alpha
Additive increase factor.
double m_betaMax
Maximum beta threshold.
double m_betaBase
Base value of beta for standard AIMD.
uint32_t m_theta
Number of RTTs required before setting alpha to its max.
virtual void PktsAcked(Ptr< TcpSocketState > tcb, uint32_t segmentsAcked, const Time &rtt)
Measure RTT for each ACK Keep track of min and max RTT.
Time m_sumRtt
Sum of all RTT measurements during last RTT.
double m_alphaMax
Maximum alpha threshold.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
void Reset(const SequenceNumber32 &nextTxSequence)
Reset Illinois parameters.
virtual void IncreaseWindow(Ptr< TcpSocketState > tcb, uint32_t segmentsAcked)
Adjust cwnd following Illinois congestion avoidance algorithm.
Time CalculateAvgDelay() const
Calculate average queueing delay.
SequenceNumber32 m_endSeq
Right edge of current RTT.
The NewReno implementation.
Definition of the Congestion state machine.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.