40 #include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
41 #include "ns3/ipv4-routing-protocol.h"
42 #include "ns3/ipv4-interface.h"
43 #include "ns3/ipv4-l3-protocol.h"
44 #include "ns3/output-stream-wrapper.h"
double f(double x, void *params)
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
a class to store IPv4 address information on an interface
Abstract base class for IPv4 routing protocols.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Enumeration of the possible errors returned by a socket.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
The unit to use to interpret a number representing time.
A simple virtual Timer class.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Timer m_triggeredExpireTimer
Timer used by the trigger updates in case of Weighted Settling Time is used.
void Send(Ptr< Ipv4Route > route, Ptr< const Packet > packet, const Ipv4Header &header)
Send a packet.
bool GetWSTFlag() const
Get weighted settling time (WST) flag.
virtual ~RoutingProtocol()
static const uint32_t DSDV_PORT
UDP Port for DSDV control traffic.
Time m_periodicUpdateInterval
PeriodicUpdateInterval specifies the periodic time interval between which the a node broadcasts its e...
void Start()
Start protocol operation.
bool EnableBuffering
Flag that is used to enable or disable buffering.
virtual void NotifyRemoveAddress(uint32_t interface, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address)
uint32_t m_maxQueuedPacketsPerDst
The maximum number of packets that we allow per destination to buffer.
void SetEnableRAFlag(bool f)
Set enable route aggregation (RA) flag.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_uniformRandomVariable
Provides uniform random variables.
UnicastForwardCallback m_scb
Unicast callback for own packets.
void SendPeriodicUpdate()
Broadcasts the entire routing table for every PeriodicUpdateInterval.
PacketQueue m_queue
A "drop front on full" queue used by the routing layer to buffer packets to which it does not have a ...
void SetEnableBufferFlag(bool f)
Set enable buffer flag.
virtual void NotifyInterfaceDown(uint32_t interface)
void Drop(Ptr< const Packet > packet, const Ipv4Header &header, Socket::SocketErrno err)
Notify that packet is dropped for some reason.
void DeferredRouteOutput(Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &header, UnicastForwardCallback ucb, ErrorCallback ecb)
Queue packet until we find a route.
void LookForQueuedPackets(void)
Look for any queued packets to send them out.
Ptr< NetDevice > m_lo
Loopback device used to defer route requests until a route is found.
bool GetEnableBufferFlag() const
Get enable buffer flag.
void SetWSTFlag(bool f)
Set weighted settling time (WST) flag.
Time GetSettlingTime(Ipv4Address dst)
Get settlingTime for a destination.
Timer m_periodicUpdateTimer
Timer to trigger periodic updates from a node.
virtual void PrintRoutingTable(Ptr< OutputStreamWrapper > stream, Time::Unit unit=Time::S) const
Print the Routing Table entries.
Time m_routeAggregationTime
Parameter that holds the route aggregation time interval.
bool EnableRouteAggregation
This is a flag to enable route aggregation.
void SendPacketFromQueue(Ipv4Address dst, Ptr< Ipv4Route > route)
Send packet from queue.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
Ptr< Ipv4 > m_ipv4
IP protocol.
ErrorCallback m_ecb
Error callback for own packets.
Time m_maxQueueTime
The maximum period of time that a routing protocol is allowed to buffer a packet for.
virtual void NotifyInterfaceUp(uint32_t interface)
std::map< Ptr< Socket >, Ipv4InterfaceAddress > m_socketAddresses
Raw socket per each IP interface, map socket -> iface address (IP + mask)
Ptr< Ipv4Route > LoopbackRoute(const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr< NetDevice > oif) const
Create loopback route for given header.
virtual void SetIpv4(Ptr< Ipv4 > ipv4)
virtual void NotifyAddAddress(uint32_t interface, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address)
bool GetEnableRAFlag() const
Get enable route aggregation (RA) flag.
bool EnableWST
Flag that is used to enable or disable Weighted Settling Time.
Time m_settlingTime
SettlingTime specifies the time for which a node waits before propagating an update.
Ptr< Socket > FindSocketWithInterfaceAddress(Ipv4InterfaceAddress iface) const
Find socket with local interface address iface.
RoutingTable m_routingTable
Main Routing table for the node.
uint32_t Holdtimes
Holdtimes is the multiplicative factor of PeriodicUpdateInterval for which the node waits since the l...
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
void RecvDsdv(Ptr< Socket > socket)
Receive and process dsdv control packet.
virtual void DoDispose()
Destructor implementation.
void SendTriggeredUpdate()
Sends trigger update from a node.
RoutingTable m_advRoutingTable
Advertised Routing table for the node.
uint32_t m_maxQueueLen
The maximum number of packets that we allow a routing protocol to buffer.
Ptr< Ipv4Route > RouteOutput(Ptr< Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr< NetDevice > oif, Socket::SocketErrno &sockerr)
Query routing cache for an existing route, for an outbound packet.
bool RouteInput(Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr< const NetDevice > idev, UnicastForwardCallback ucb, MulticastForwardCallback mcb, LocalDeliverCallback lcb, ErrorCallback ecb)
Route input packet.
Ipv4Address m_mainAddress
Nodes IP address.
void MergeTriggerPeriodicUpdates()
Merge periodic updates.
double m_weightedFactor
This is the wighted factor to determine the weighted settling time.
The Routing table used by DSDV protocol.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.