24 #include "ns3/uinteger.h"
28 #define UL_PUSCH_TTIS_DELAY 4
BufferSizeLevelBsr class.
static int m_bufferSizeLevelBsr[64]
buffer size level BSR
static uint8_t BufferSize2BsrId(uint32_t val)
Convert Buffer size to BSR ID.
static uint32_t BsrId2BufferSize(uint8_t val)
Convert BSR ID to buffer size.
Implements the E-UTRA measurement mappings defined in 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9.1 E-UTRAN measurements...
static double QuantizeRsrp(double v)
Quantize an RSRP value according to the measurement mapping of TS 36.133.
static int8_t ActualA3Offset2IeValue(double a3OffsetDb)
Returns the IE value of a3-Offset.
static uint8_t Dbm2RsrpRange(double dbm)
convert an RSRP value in dBm to the corresponding range as per 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9....
static uint8_t ActualHysteresis2IeValue(double hysteresisDb)
Returns the IE value of hysteresis.
static double RsrpRange2Dbm(uint8_t range)
converts an RSRP range to dBm as per 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9.1.4 RSRP Measurement Report Mapping
static double RsrqRange2Db(uint8_t range)
converts an RSRQ range to dB as per 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9.1.7 RSRQ Measurement Report Mapping
static double QuantizeRsrq(double v)
Quantize an RSRQ value according to the measurement mapping of TS 36.133.
static double IeValue2ActualQQualMin(int8_t qQualMinIeValue)
Returns the actual value of an Q-QualMin parameter.
static double IeValue2ActualQRxLevMin(int8_t qRxLevMinIeValue)
Returns the actual value of an Q-RxLevMin parameter.
static double IeValue2ActualHysteresis(uint8_t hysteresisIeValue)
Returns the actual value of a hysteresis parameter.
static uint8_t Db2RsrqRange(double db)
convert an RSRQ value in dB to the corresponding range as per 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9....
static double IeValue2ActualA3Offset(int8_t a3OffsetIeValue)
Returns the actual value of an a3-Offset parameter.
static double getMinFpS11dot3Value()
Get minimum fixed point S11.3 value.
static uint16_t double2fpS11dot3(double val)
Convert from double to fixed point S11.3 notation.
static double fpS11dot3toDouble(uint16_t val)
Convert from fixed point S11.3 notation to double.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
TransmissionModesLayers class.
static uint8_t TxMode2LayerNum(uint8_t txMode)
Transmit mode 2 layer number.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
DlSchedulingCallbackInfo structure.
uint32_t subframeNo
subframe number
uint8_t componentCarrierId
component carrier ID
uint32_t frameNo
frame number
friend bool operator<(const ImsiLcidPair_t &a, const ImsiLcidPair_t &b)
Less than operator.
friend bool operator==(const ImsiLcidPair_t &a, const ImsiLcidPair_t &b)
Equaity operator.
friend bool operator<(const LteFlowId_t &a, const LteFlowId_t &b)
Less than operator.
friend bool operator==(const LteFlowId_t &a, const LteFlowId_t &b)
Equality operator.
Parameters for configuring the UE.
friend bool operator==(const LteUeConfig_t &a, const LteUeConfig_t &b)
Equality operator.
bool m_reconfigureFlag
When false means that the message is intended for configuring a new UE.
uint16_t m_srsConfigurationIndex
Srs Configuration index for UE specific SRS, see section 8.2 of TS 36.213.
friend bool operator<(const LteUeConfig_t &a, const LteUeConfig_t &b)
Less than operator.
uint8_t m_transmissionMode
Transmission mode 1..7
PhyReceptionStatParameters structure.
uint8_t m_txMode
the transmission Mode
uint8_t m_rv
the redundancy version (HARQ)
uint8_t m_layer
the layer (cw) of the transmission
uint64_t m_imsi
IMSI of the scheduled UE.
uint8_t m_correctness
correctness of the TB received
uint16_t m_rnti
C-RNTI scheduled.
uint16_t m_cellId
Cell ID of the attached Enb.
uint8_t m_ndi
new data indicator flag
uint8_t m_mcs
MCS for transport block.
int64_t m_timestamp
in millisecond
uint16_t m_size
Size of transport block.
uint8_t m_ccId
component carrier id
PhyTransmissionStatParameters structure.
uint8_t m_ndi
new data indicator flag
int64_t m_timestamp
in millisecond
uint8_t m_layer
the layer (cw) of the transmission
uint16_t m_size
Size of transport block.
uint64_t m_imsi
IMSI of the scheduled UE.
uint16_t m_rnti
C-RNTI scheduled.
uint8_t m_txMode
the transmission Mode
uint8_t m_rv
the redundancy version (HARQ)
uint16_t m_cellId
Cell ID of the attached Enb.
uint8_t m_ccId
component carrier id
uint8_t m_mcs
MCS for transport block.