20 #include "ns3/constant-position-mobility-model.h"
21 #include "ns3/spectrum-wifi-helper.h"
22 #include "ns3/wifi-spectrum-value-helper.h"
23 #include "ns3/multi-model-spectrum-channel.h"
24 #include "ns3/spectrum-wifi-phy.h"
25 #include "ns3/interference-helper.h"
26 #include "ns3/nist-error-rate-model.h"
27 #include "ns3/wifi-mac-header.h"
28 #include "ns3/wifi-spectrum-signal-parameters.h"
29 #include "ns3/wifi-phy-listener.h"
31 #include "ns3/wifi-net-device.h"
32 #include "ns3/wifi-psdu.h"
33 #include "ns3/ofdm-ppdu.h"
34 #include "ns3/wifi-utils.h"
35 #include "ns3/he-phy.h"
72 void DoSetup (
73 void DoTeardown (
85 void SendSignal (
double txPowerWatts);
103 void DoRun (
139 txParams->psd = txPowerSpectrum;
141 txParams->duration = txDuration;
142 txParams->ppdu = ppdu;
178 m_phy = CreateObject<SpectrumWifiPhy> ();
200 double txPowerWatts = 0.010;
209 Simulator::Destroy ();
295 void DoRun (
319 double txPowerWatts = 0.010;
328 Simulator::Destroy ();
353 void DoRun (
382 :
TestCase (
"SpectrumWifiPhy test RX filters"),
383 m_txChannelWidth (20),
384 m_rxChannelWidth (20)
416 for (
auto const& pair : rxPowersW)
"band: (" << pair.first.first <<
";" << pair.first.second <<
") -> powerW=" << pair.second <<
" (" <<
WToDbm (pair.second) <<
" dBm)");
421 size_t numBands = rxPowersW.size ();
428 NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (numBands, expectedNumBands,
"Total number of bands handled by the receiver is incorrect");
432 auto it = rxPowersW.find (band);
"powerW total band: " << it->second <<
" (" <<
WToDbm (it->second) <<
" dBm)");
434 int totalRxPower =
static_cast<int> (
WToDbm (it->second) + 0.5);
435 int expectedTotalRxPower;
439 expectedTotalRxPower = 16;
451 it = rxPowersW.find (band);
"powerW in primary 20 MHz channel: " << it->second <<
" (" <<
WToDbm (it->second) <<
" dBm)");
453 int rxPowerPrimaryChannel20 =
static_cast<int> (
WToDbm (it->second) + 0.5);
454 int expectedRxPowerPrimaryChannel20 = 16 -
static_cast<int> (
RatioToDb (channelWidth / 20));
455 NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (rxPowerPrimaryChannel20, expectedRxPowerPrimaryChannel20,
"Received power in the primary 20 MHz band is not correct");
467 lossModel->SetFrequency (5.180e9);
468 spectrumChannel->AddPropagationLossModel (lossModel);
470 spectrumChannel->SetPropagationDelayModel (delayModel);
472 Ptr<Node> txNode = CreateObject<Node> ();
474 m_txPhy = CreateObject<ExtSpectrumWifiPhy> ();
489 Ptr<Node> rxNode = CreateObject<Node> ();
491 m_rxPhy = CreateObject<ExtSpectrumWifiPhy> ();
519 uint16_t txFrequency;
536 auto txChannelNum = std::get<0> (*WifiPhyOperatingChannel::FindFirst (0, txFrequency,
542 uint16_t rxFrequency;
559 auto rxChannelNum = std::get<0> (*WifiPhyOperatingChannel::FindFirst (0, rxFrequency,
566 for (uint16_t bw = 160; bw >= 20; bw = bw / 2)
570 for (
unsigned int type = 0; type < 7; type++)
573 for (std::size_t index = 1; index <= HeRu::GetNRus (bw, ruType); index++)
657 Simulator::Destroy ();
673 :
TestSuite (
"wifi-spectrum-wifi-phy", UNIT)
Spectrum Wifi Phy Basic Test.
Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > MakeSignal(double txPowerWatts)
Make signal function.
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void SpectrumWifiPhyRxSuccess(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector, std::vector< bool > statusPerMpdu)
Spectrum wifi receive success function.
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void SendSignal(double txPowerWatts)
Send signal function.
virtual ~SpectrumWifiPhyBasicTest()
void SpectrumWifiPhyRxFailure(Ptr< WifiPsdu > psdu)
Spectrum wifi receive failure function.
uint64_t m_uid
the UID to use for the PPDU
Ptr< SpectrumWifiPhy > m_phy
Spectrum Wifi Phy Filter Test.
void SendPpdu(void)
Send PPDU function.
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
void RxCallback(Ptr< const Packet > p, RxPowerWattPerChannelBand rxPowersW)
Callback triggered when a packet is received by the PHYs.
uint16_t m_txChannelWidth
TX channel width (MHz)
void DoTeardown(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
void RunOne()
Run one function.
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
std::set< WifiSpectrumBand > m_ruBands
spectrum bands associated to all the RUs
Ptr< ExtSpectrumWifiPhy > m_rxPhy
virtual ~SpectrumWifiPhyFilterTest()
uint16_t m_rxChannelWidth
RX channel width (MHz)
Ptr< ExtSpectrumWifiPhy > m_txPhy
Spectrum Wifi Phy Listener Test.
void DoSetup(void) override
Implementation to do any local setup required for this TestCase.
virtual ~SpectrumWifiPhyListenerTest()
void DoRun(void) override
Implementation to actually run this TestCase.
TestPhyListener * m_listener
Spectrum Wifi Phy Test Suite.
virtual ~TestPhyListener()
void NotifyRxEndError(void) override
We have received the last bit of a packet for which NotifyRxStart was invoked first and,...
Create a test PhyListener.
void NotifySleep(void) override
Notify listeners that we went to sleep.
void NotifyMaybeCcaBusyStart(Time duration) override
void NotifySwitchingStart(Time duration) override
uint32_t m_notifyMaybeCcaBusyStart
notify maybe CCA busy start
void NotifyOn(void) override
Notify listeners that we went to switch on.
uint32_t m_notifyRxStart
notify receive start
void NotifyTxStart(Time duration, double txPowerDbm) override
void NotifyRxStart(Time duration) override
void NotifyOff(void) override
Notify listeners that we went to switch off.
void NotifyWakeup(void) override
Notify listeners that we woke up.
uint32_t m_notifyRxEndOk
notify receive end OK
uint32_t m_notifyRxEndError
notify receive end error
void NotifyRxEndOk(void) override
We have received the last bit of a packet for which NotifyRxStart was invoked first and,...
std::vector< SubcarrierRange > SubcarrierGroup
a vector of subcarrier ranges defining a subcarrier group
std::pair< int16_t, int16_t > SubcarrierRange
(lowest index, highest index) pair defining a subcarrier range
The different HE Resource Unit (RU) types.
uint32_t AddDevice(Ptr< NetDevice > device)
Associate a NetDevice to this node.
bool TraceConnectWithoutContext(std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context.
void AggregateObject(Ptr< Object > other)
Aggregate two Objects together.
void Dispose(void)
Dispose of this Object.
void SetChannel(const Ptr< SpectrumChannel > channel)
Set the SpectrumChannel this SpectrumWifiPhy is to be connected to.
uint16_t GetGuardBandwidth(uint16_t currentChannelWidth) const override
WifiSpectrumBand ConvertHeRuSubcarriers(uint16_t bandWidth, uint16_t guardBandwidth, HeRu::SubcarrierRange range, uint8_t bandIndex=0) const override
WifiSpectrumBand GetBand(uint16_t bandWidth, uint8_t bandIndex=0) override
Get the start band index and the stop band index for a given band.
void StartRx(Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > rxParams)
Input method for delivering a signal from the spectrum channel and low-level PHY interface to this Sp...
void CreateWifiSpectrumPhyInterface(Ptr< NetDevice > device)
Method to encapsulate the creation of the WifiSpectrumPhyInterface object (used to bind the WifiSpect...
void AddTestCase(TestCase *testCase, TestDuration duration=QUICK)
Add an individual child TestCase to this test suite.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
void SetPhy(const Ptr< WifiPhy > phy)
virtual void SetInterferenceHelper(const Ptr< InterferenceHelper > helper)
Sets the interference helper.
void Send(Ptr< const WifiPsdu > psdu, const WifiTxVector &txVector)
This function is a wrapper for the Send variant that accepts a WifiConstPsduMap as first argument.
void SetErrorRateModel(const Ptr< ErrorRateModel > model)
Sets the error rate model.
WifiPhyBand GetPhyBand(void) const
Get the configured Wi-Fi band.
void SetReceiveErrorCallback(RxErrorCallback callback)
virtual void ConfigureStandard(WifiStandard standard)
Configure the PHY-level parameters for different Wi-Fi standard.
static Time CalculateTxDuration(uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID)
void SetOperatingChannel(const ChannelTuple &channelTuple)
If the standard for this object has not been set yet, store the given channel settings.
void SetDevice(const Ptr< WifiNetDevice > device)
Sets the device this PHY is associated with.
void SetMobility(const Ptr< MobilityModel > mobility)
assign a mobility model to this device
void RegisterListener(WifiPhyListener *listener)
void SetReceiveOkCallback(RxOkCallback callback)
std::tuple< uint8_t, uint16_t, int, uint8_t > ChannelTuple
Tuple identifying an operating channel.
receive notifications about PHY events.
uint32_t GetSize(void) const
Return the size of the PSDU in bytes.
This class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters whi...
Define a Log component with a specific name.
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by ",...
#define NS_LOG_INFO(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_INFO.
#define NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ(actual, limit, msg)
Test that an actual and expected (limit) value are equal and report and abort if not.
Time MicroSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
The 5 GHz band.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
double RatioToDb(double ratio)
Convert from ratio to dB.
std::unordered_map< uint16_t, Ptr< const WifiPsdu > > WifiConstPsduMap
Map of const PSDUs indexed by STA-ID.
double WToDbm(double w)
Convert from Watts to dBm.
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > WifiSpectrumBand
typedef for a pair of start and stop sub-band indexes
std::map< WifiSpectrumBand, double > RxPowerWattPerChannelBand
A map of the received power (Watts) for each band.
Callback< R, Ts... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Ts...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
static const uint8_t CHANNEL_NUMBER
static SpectrumWifiPhyTestSuite spectrumWifiPhyTestSuite
the test suite
static const uint16_t GUARD_WIDTH
static const uint16_t CHANNEL_WIDTH
static const uint32_t FREQUENCY
RxSignalInfo structure containing info on the received signal.