A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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vanet-routing-compare.cc File Reference
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
#include "ns3/aodv-module.h"
#include "ns3/olsr-module.h"
#include "ns3/dsdv-module.h"
#include "ns3/dsr-module.h"
#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
#include "ns3/itu-r-1411-los-propagation-loss-model.h"
#include "ns3/ocb-wifi-mac.h"
#include "ns3/wifi-80211p-helper.h"
#include "ns3/wave-mac-helper.h"
#include "ns3/flow-monitor-module.h"
#include "ns3/config-store-module.h"
#include "ns3/integer.h"
#include "ns3/wave-bsm-helper.h"
#include "ns3/wave-helper.h"
#include "ns3/yans-wifi-helper.h"
+ Include dependency graph for vanet-routing-compare.cc:

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ConfigStoreHelper
 The ConfigStoreHelper class simplifies config-store raw text load and save. More...
class  RoutingHelper
 The RoutingHelper class generates routing data between nodes (vehicles) and uses the RoutingStats class to collect statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts). More...
class  RoutingStats
 The RoutingStats class manages collects statistics on routing data (application-data packet and byte counts) for the vehicular network. More...
class  VanetRoutingExperiment
 The VanetRoutingExperiment class implements a wifi app that allows VANET routing experiments to be simulated. More...
class  WifiApp
 The WifiApp class enforces program flow for ns-3 wifi applications. More...
class  WifiPhyStats
 The WifiPhyStats class collects Wifi MAC/PHY statistics. More...


static std::string PrintReceivedRoutingPacket (Ptr< Socket > socket, Ptr< Packet > packet, Address srcAddress)
 Print a received routing packet on a string. More...


static ns3::GlobalValue g_80211mode ("VRC80211mode", "802.11 mode (0=802.11a;1=802.11p)", ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 802.11 mode (0=802.11a;1=802.11p) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_asciiTrace ("VRCasciiTrace", "Dump ASCII trace 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Dump ASCII trace 0=no;1=yes. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_CSVfileName ("VRCCSVfileName", "CSV filename (for time series data)", ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing.output.csv"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 CSV filename (for time series data) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_CSVfileName2 ("VRCCSVfileName2", "CSV filename 2 (for overall simulation scenario results)", ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing.output2.csv"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 CSV filename 2 (for overall simulation scenario results) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_cumulativeBsmCaptureStart ("VRCcumulativeBsmCaptureStart", "Simulation start time for capturing cumulative BSM", ns3::TimeValue(Seconds(0)), ns3::MakeTimeChecker())
 Simulation start time for capturing cumulative BSM. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_fading ("VRCfading", "Fast Fading Model", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Fast Fading Model. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_gpsAccuracyNs ("VRCgpsAccuracyNs", "GPS sync accuracy (ns)", ns3::DoubleValue(40), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 GPS sync accuracy (ns) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_logFile ("VRClogFile", "Log filename", ns3::StringValue("low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.log"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 Log filename. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_lossModel ("VRClossModel", "Propagation Loss Model", ns3::UintegerValue(3), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Propagation Loss Model. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_mobility ("VRCmobility", "Mobility mode 0=random waypoint;1=mobility trace file", ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Mobility mode 0=random waypoint;1=mobility trace file. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_nNodes ("VRCnNodes", "Number of nodes (vehicles)", ns3::UintegerValue(156), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Number of nodes (vehicles) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_nodePause ("VRCnodePause", "Node pause time (s) for RWP model", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Node pause time (s) for RWP model. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_nodeSpeed ("VRCnodeSpeed", "Node speed (m/s) for RWP model", ns3::UintegerValue(20), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Node speed (m/s) for RWP model. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_nSinks ("VRCnSinks", "Number of sink nodes for routing non-BSM traffic", ns3::UintegerValue(10), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Number of sink nodes for routing non-BSM traffic. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_pcap ("VRCpcap", "Generate PCAP files 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Generate PCAP files 0=no;1=yes. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_phyMode ("VRCphyMode", "PHY mode (802.11p)", ns3::StringValue("OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 PHY mode (802.11p) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_phyModeB ("VRCphyModeB", "PHY mode (802.11a)", ns3::StringValue("DsssRate11Mbps"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 PHY mode (802.11a) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_port ("VRCport", "Port", ns3::UintegerValue(9), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Port. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_protocol ("VRCprotocol", "Routing protocol", ns3::UintegerValue(2), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Routing protocol. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_rate ("VRCrate", "Data rate", ns3::StringValue("2048bps"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 Data rate. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_routingTables ("VRCroutingTables", "Dump routing tables at t=5 seconds 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Dump routing tables at t=5 seconds 0=no;1=yes. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_scenario ("VRCscenario", "Scenario", ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Scenario. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_totalTime ("VRCtotalTime", "Total simulation time (s)", ns3::DoubleValue(300.01), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 Total simulation time (s) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_traceFile ("VRCtraceFile", "Mobility trace filename", ns3::StringValue("./src/wave/examples/low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.mob"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 Mobility trace filename. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_traceMobility ("VRCtraceMobility", "Trace mobility 1=yes;0=no", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Trace mobility 1=yes;0=no. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_trName ("VRCtrName", "Trace name", ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing-compare"), ns3::MakeStringChecker())
 Trace name) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txMaxDelayMs ("VRCtxMaxDelayMs", "Tx May Delay (ms)", ns3::DoubleValue(10), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 Tx May Delay (ms) More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txp ("VRCtxp", "Transmission power dBm", ns3::DoubleValue(7.5), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 Transmission power dBm. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange1 ("VRCtxSafetyRange1", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(50.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange10 ("VRCtxSafetyRange10", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(500.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange2 ("VRCtxSafetyRange2", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(100.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange3 ("VRCtxSafetyRange3", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(150.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange4 ("VRCtxSafetyRange4", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(200.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange5 ("VRCtxSafetyRange5", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(250.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange6 ("VRCtxSafetyRange6", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(300.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange7 ("VRCtxSafetyRange7", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(350.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange8 ("VRCtxSafetyRange8", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(400.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange9 ("VRCtxSafetyRange9", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(450.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 BSM range for PDR inclusion. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_verbose ("VRCverbose", "Verbose 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Verbose 0=no;1=yes. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_waveInterval ("VRCwaveInterval", "Interval (s) between WAVE BSMs", ns3::DoubleValue(0.1), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >())
 Interval (s) between WAVE BSMs. More...
static ns3::GlobalValue g_wavePacketSize ("VRCwavePacketSize", "Size in bytes of WAVE BSM", ns3::UintegerValue(200), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >())
 Size in bytes of WAVE BSM. More...

Detailed Description


$ ./ns3 run "vanet-routing-compare [Program Options]"

Program Options

The name of the CSV output file name [vanet-routing.output.csv]
The name of the CSV output file name2 [vanet-routing.output2.csv]
Simulation end time [300.01]
Number of nodes (i.e. vehicles) [156]
Number of routing sinks [10]
Transmit power (dB), e.g. txp=7.5 [20]
Enable mobility tracing [false]
1=OLSR;2=AODV;3=DSDV;4=DSR [2]
1=Friis;2=ItuR1411Los;3=TwoRayGround;4=LogDistance [3]
0=None;1=Nakagami;(buildings=1 overrides) [0]
Wifi Phy mode [OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz]
1=802.11p; 2=802.11b; 3=WAVE-PHY [1]
Ns2 movement trace file
Log file [low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.log]
1=trace;2=RWP [1]
Rate [2048bps]
Phy mode 802.11b [DsssRate11Mbps]
Node speed (m/s) [20]
Node pause (s) [0]
0=quiet;1=verbose [0]
(WAVE) BSM size (bytes) [200]
(WAVE) BSM interval (s) [0.1]
1=synthetic, 2=playback-trace [1]
Expected BSM tx range, m [50]
Expected BSM tx range, m [100]
Expected BSM tx range, m [150]
Expected BSM tx range, m [200]
Expected BSM tx range, m [250]
Expected BSM tx range, m [300]
Expected BSM tx range, m [350]
Expected BSM tx range, m [350]
Expected BSM tx range, m [350]
Expected BSM tx range, m [350]
GPS time accuracy, in ns [40]
Tx max delay, in ms [10]
Dump routing tables at t=5 seconds [0]
Dump ASCII Trace data [0]
Create PCAP files for all nodes [0]
Config-store filename to load [load-config.txt]
Config-store filename to save
Start time to begin capturing pkts for cumulative Bsm [+0fs]

Definition in file vanet-routing-compare.cc.

Function Documentation

◆ PrintReceivedRoutingPacket()

static std::string PrintReceivedRoutingPacket ( Ptr< Socket socket,
Ptr< Packet packet,
Address  srcAddress 

Print a received routing packet on a string.

socketRx socket
packetRx packet
srcAddresssource address
the built string

Definition at line 652 of file vanet-routing-compare.cc.

References ns3::Time::As(), ns3::Node::GetId(), ns3::InetSocketAddress::GetIpv4(), ns3::Socket::GetNode(), and ns3::Now().

Referenced by RoutingHelper::ReceiveRoutingPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ g_80211mode

ns3::GlobalValue g_80211mode("VRC80211mode", "802.11 mode (0=802.11a;1=802.11p)", ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRC80211mode"  ,
"802.11 mode (0=802.11a;1=802.11p)"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(1)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

802.11 mode (0=802.11a;1=802.11p)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_asciiTrace

ns3::GlobalValue g_asciiTrace("VRCasciiTrace", "Dump ASCII trace 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCasciiTrace"  )

Dump ASCII trace 0=no;1=yes.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_CSVfileName

ns3::GlobalValue g_CSVfileName("VRCCSVfileName", "CSV filename (for time series data)", ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing.output.csv"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCCSVfileName"  ,
"CSV filename (for time series data)"  ,
ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing.output.csv")  ,

CSV filename (for time series data)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_CSVfileName2

ns3::GlobalValue g_CSVfileName2("VRCCSVfileName2", "CSV filename 2 (for overall simulation scenario results)", ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing.output2.csv"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCCSVfileName2"  ,
"CSV filename 2 (for overall simulation scenario results)"  ,
ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing.output2.csv")  ,

CSV filename 2 (for overall simulation scenario results)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_cumulativeBsmCaptureStart

ns3::GlobalValue g_cumulativeBsmCaptureStart("VRCcumulativeBsmCaptureStart", "Simulation start time for capturing cumulative BSM", ns3::TimeValue(Seconds(0)), ns3::MakeTimeChecker()) ( "VRCcumulativeBsmCaptureStart"  ,
"Simulation start time for capturing cumulative BSM"  ,
ns3::TimeValue(Seconds(0))  ,

Simulation start time for capturing cumulative BSM.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_fading

ns3::GlobalValue g_fading("VRCfading", "Fast Fading Model", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCfading"  ,
"Fast Fading Model"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(0)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Fast Fading Model.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_gpsAccuracyNs

ns3::GlobalValue g_gpsAccuracyNs("VRCgpsAccuracyNs", "GPS sync accuracy (ns)", ns3::DoubleValue(40), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCgpsAccuracyNs"  ,
"GPS sync accuracy (ns)"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(40)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

GPS sync accuracy (ns)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_logFile

ns3::GlobalValue g_logFile("VRClogFile", "Log filename", ns3::StringValue("low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.log"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRClogFile"  ,
"Log filename"  ,
ns3::StringValue("low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.log")  ,

Log filename.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_lossModel

ns3::GlobalValue g_lossModel("VRClossModel", "Propagation Loss Model", ns3::UintegerValue(3), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRClossModel"  ,
"Propagation Loss Model"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(3)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Propagation Loss Model.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_mobility

ns3::GlobalValue g_mobility("VRCmobility", "Mobility mode 0=random waypoint;1=mobility trace file", ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCmobility"  )

Mobility mode 0=random waypoint;1=mobility trace file.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_nNodes

ns3::GlobalValue g_nNodes("VRCnNodes", "Number of nodes (vehicles)", ns3::UintegerValue(156), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCnNodes"  ,
"Number of nodes (vehicles)"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(156)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Number of nodes (vehicles)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_nodePause

ns3::GlobalValue g_nodePause("VRCnodePause", "Node pause time (s) for RWP model", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCnodePause"  ,
"Node pause time (s) for RWP model"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(0)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Node pause time (s) for RWP model.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_nodeSpeed

ns3::GlobalValue g_nodeSpeed("VRCnodeSpeed", "Node speed (m/s) for RWP model", ns3::UintegerValue(20), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCnodeSpeed"  ,
"Node speed (m/s) for RWP model"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(20)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Node speed (m/s) for RWP model.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_nSinks

ns3::GlobalValue g_nSinks("VRCnSinks", "Number of sink nodes for routing non-BSM traffic", ns3::UintegerValue(10), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCnSinks"  ,
"Number of sink nodes for routing non-BSM traffic"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(10)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Number of sink nodes for routing non-BSM traffic.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_pcap

ns3::GlobalValue g_pcap("VRCpcap", "Generate PCAP files 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCpcap"  )

Generate PCAP files 0=no;1=yes.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_phyMode

ns3::GlobalValue g_phyMode("VRCphyMode", "PHY mode (802.11p)", ns3::StringValue("OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCphyMode"  ,
"PHY mode (802.11p)"  ,
ns3::StringValue("OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz")  ,

PHY mode (802.11p)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_phyModeB

ns3::GlobalValue g_phyModeB("VRCphyModeB", "PHY mode (802.11a)", ns3::StringValue("DsssRate11Mbps"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCphyModeB"  ,
"PHY mode (802.11a)"  ,
ns3::StringValue("DsssRate11Mbps")  ,

PHY mode (802.11a)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_port

ns3::GlobalValue g_port("VRCport", "Port", ns3::UintegerValue(9), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCport"  ,
"Port"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(9)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

◆ g_protocol

ns3::GlobalValue g_protocol("VRCprotocol", "Routing protocol", ns3::UintegerValue(2), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCprotocol"  ,
"Routing protocol"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(2)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Routing protocol.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_rate

ns3::GlobalValue g_rate("VRCrate", "Data rate", ns3::StringValue("2048bps"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCrate"  ,
"Data rate"  ,
ns3::StringValue("2048bps")  ,

◆ g_routingTables

ns3::GlobalValue g_routingTables("VRCroutingTables", "Dump routing tables at t=5 seconds 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCroutingTables"  )

Dump routing tables at t=5 seconds 0=no;1=yes.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_scenario

ns3::GlobalValue g_scenario("VRCscenario", "Scenario", ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCscenario"  ,
"Scenario"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(1)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

◆ g_totalTime

ns3::GlobalValue g_totalTime("VRCtotalTime", "Total simulation time (s)", ns3::DoubleValue(300.01), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtotalTime"  ,
"Total simulation time (s)"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(300.01)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

Total simulation time (s)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_traceFile

ns3::GlobalValue g_traceFile("VRCtraceFile", "Mobility trace filename", ns3::StringValue("./src/wave/examples/low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.mob"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCtraceFile"  ,
"Mobility trace filename"  ,
ns3::StringValue("./src/wave/examples/low99-ct-unterstrass-1day.filt.7.adj.mob")  ,

Mobility trace filename.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_traceMobility

ns3::GlobalValue g_traceMobility("VRCtraceMobility", "Trace mobility 1=yes;0=no", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCtraceMobility"  )

Trace mobility 1=yes;0=no.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_trName

ns3::GlobalValue g_trName("VRCtrName", "Trace name", ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing-compare"), ns3::MakeStringChecker()) ( "VRCtrName"  ,
"Trace name"  ,
ns3::StringValue("vanet-routing-compare")  ,

◆ g_txMaxDelayMs

ns3::GlobalValue g_txMaxDelayMs("VRCtxMaxDelayMs", "Tx May Delay (ms)", ns3::DoubleValue(10), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxMaxDelayMs"  ,
"Tx May Delay (ms)"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(10)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

Tx May Delay (ms)

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txp

ns3::GlobalValue g_txp("VRCtxp", "Transmission power dBm", ns3::DoubleValue(7.5), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxp"  ,
"Transmission power dBm"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(7.5)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

Transmission power dBm.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange1

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange1("VRCtxSafetyRange1", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(50.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange1"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(50.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange10

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange10("VRCtxSafetyRange10", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(500.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange10"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(500.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange2

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange2("VRCtxSafetyRange2", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(100.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange2"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(100.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange3

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange3("VRCtxSafetyRange3", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(150.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange3"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(150.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange4

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange4("VRCtxSafetyRange4", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(200.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange4"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(200.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange5

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange5("VRCtxSafetyRange5", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(250.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange5"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(250.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange6

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange6("VRCtxSafetyRange6", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(300.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange6"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(300.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange7

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange7("VRCtxSafetyRange7", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(350.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange7"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(350.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange8

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange8("VRCtxSafetyRange8", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(400.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange8"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(400.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_txSafetyRange9

ns3::GlobalValue g_txSafetyRange9("VRCtxSafetyRange9", "BSM range for PDR inclusion", ns3::DoubleValue(450.0), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCtxSafetyRange9"  ,
"BSM range for PDR inclusion"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(450.0)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

BSM range for PDR inclusion.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_verbose

ns3::GlobalValue g_verbose("VRCverbose", "Verbose 0=no;1=yes", ns3::UintegerValue(0), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCverbose"  )

Verbose 0=no;1=yes.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_waveInterval

ns3::GlobalValue g_waveInterval("VRCwaveInterval", "Interval (s) between WAVE BSMs", ns3::DoubleValue(0.1), ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >()) ( "VRCwaveInterval"  ,
"Interval (s) between WAVE BSMs"  ,
ns3::DoubleValue(0.1)  ,
ns3::MakeDoubleChecker< double >  () 

Interval (s) between WAVE BSMs.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().

◆ g_wavePacketSize

ns3::GlobalValue g_wavePacketSize("VRCwavePacketSize", "Size in bytes of WAVE BSM", ns3::UintegerValue(200), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >()) ( "VRCwavePacketSize"  ,
"Size in bytes of WAVE BSM"  ,
ns3::UintegerValue(200)  ,
ns3::MakeUintegerChecker< uint32_t >  () 

Size in bytes of WAVE BSM.

Referenced by VanetRoutingExperiment::SetGlobalsFromConfig().