A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
qkdnetsim_etsi_014 @ (+)
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1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
5  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
6  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.
11  *
12  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
14  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
15  *
16  * Author: Duy Nguyen <duy@soe.ucsc.edu>
17  */
51 #include "ns3/gnuplot.h"
52 #include "ns3/command-line.h"
53 #include "ns3/config.h"
54 #include "ns3/uinteger.h"
55 #include "ns3/boolean.h"
56 #include "ns3/double.h"
57 #include "ns3/string.h"
58 #include "ns3/log.h"
59 #include "ns3/yans-wifi-helper.h"
60 #include "ns3/mobility-helper.h"
61 #include "ns3/internet-stack-helper.h"
62 #include "ns3/ipv4-address-helper.h"
63 #include "ns3/on-off-helper.h"
64 #include "ns3/yans-wifi-channel.h"
65 #include "ns3/mobility-model.h"
66 #include "ns3/olsr-helper.h"
67 #include "ns3/ipv4-static-routing-helper.h"
68 #include "ns3/ipv4-list-routing-helper.h"
69 #include "ns3/rectangle.h"
70 #include "ns3/flow-monitor-helper.h"
72 using namespace ns3;
74 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("multirate");
76 class Experiment
77 {
78 public:
80  Experiment (std::string name);
81  Gnuplot2dDataset Run (const WifiHelper &wifi, const YansWifiPhyHelper &wifiPhy,
82  const WifiMacHelper &wifiMac, const YansWifiChannelHelper &wifiChannel, const MobilityHelper &mobility);
84  bool CommandSetup (int argc, char **argv);
85  bool IsRouting ()
86  {
87  return (enableRouting == 1) ? 1 : 0;
88  }
89  bool IsMobility ()
90  {
91  return (enableMobility == 1) ? 1 : 0;
92  }
94  uint32_t GetScenario ()
95  {
96  return scenario;
97  }
99  std::string GetRtsThreshold ()
100  {
101  return rtsThreshold;
102  }
103  std::string GetOutputFileName ()
104  {
105  return outputFileName;
106  }
107  std::string GetRateManager ()
108  {
109  return rateManager;
110  }
112 private:
114  NodeContainer GenerateNeighbors (NodeContainer c, uint32_t senderId);
116  void ApplicationSetup (Ptr<Node> client, Ptr<Node> server, double start, double stop);
117  void AssignNeighbors (NodeContainer c);
118  void SelectSrcDest (NodeContainer c);
119  void ReceivePacket (Ptr<Socket> socket);
120  void CheckThroughput ();
121  void SendMultiDestinations (Ptr<Node> sender, NodeContainer c);
123  Gnuplot2dDataset m_output;
125  double totalTime;
126  double expMean;
129  uint32_t bytesTotal;
130  uint32_t packetSize;
131  uint32_t gridSize;
132  uint32_t nodeDistance;
133  uint32_t port;
134  uint32_t scenario;
142  NodeContainer containerA, containerB, containerC, containerD;
143  std::string rtsThreshold, rateManager, outputFileName;
144 };
147 {
148 }
150 Experiment::Experiment (std::string name)
151  : m_output (name),
152  totalTime (0.3),
153  expMean (0.1),
154  //flows being exponentially distributed
155  samplingPeriod (0.1),
156  bytesTotal (0),
157  packetSize (2000),
158  gridSize (10),
159  //10x10 grid for a total of 100 nodes
160  nodeDistance (30),
161  port (5000),
162  scenario (4),
163  enablePcap (false),
164  enableTracing (true),
165  enableFlowMon (false),
166  enableRouting (false),
167  enableMobility (false),
168  rtsThreshold ("2200"),
169  //0 for enabling rts/cts
170  rateManager ("ns3::MinstrelWifiManager"),
171  outputFileName ("minstrel")
172 {
173  m_output.SetStyle (Gnuplot2dDataset::LINES);
174 }
178 {
179  TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory");
180  Ptr<Socket> sink = Socket::CreateSocket (node, tid);
181  InetSocketAddress local = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port);
182  sink->Bind (local);
183  sink->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback (&Experiment::ReceivePacket, this));
185  return sink;
186 }
188 void
190 {
191  Ptr<Packet> packet;
192  while ((packet = socket->Recv ()))
193  {
194  bytesTotal += packet->GetSize ();
195  }
196 }
198 void
200 {
201  double mbs = ((bytesTotal * 8.0) / 1000000 / samplingPeriod);
202  bytesTotal = 0;
203  m_output.Add ((Simulator::Now ()).GetSeconds (), mbs);
205  //check throughput every samplingPeriod second
206  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (samplingPeriod), &Experiment::CheckThroughput, this);
207 }
215 void
217 {
218  uint32_t totalNodes = c.GetN ();
219  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++)
220  {
221  if ( (i % gridSize) <= (gridSize / 2 - 1))
222  {
223  //lower left quadrant
224  if ( i < totalNodes / 2 )
225  {
226  containerA.Add (c.Get (i));
227  }
229  //upper left quadrant
230  if ( i >= (uint32_t)(4 * totalNodes) / 10 )
231  {
232  containerC.Add (c.Get (i));
233  }
234  }
235  if ( (i % gridSize) >= (gridSize / 2 - 1))
236  {
237  //lower right quadrant
238  if ( i < totalNodes / 2 )
239  {
240  containerB.Add (c.Get (i));
241  }
243  //upper right quadrant
244  if ( i >= (uint32_t)(4 * totalNodes) / 10 )
245  {
246  containerD.Add (c.Get (i));
247  }
248  }
249  }
250 }
258 {
259  NodeContainer nc;
260  uint32_t limit = senderId + 2;
261  for (uint32_t i = senderId - 2; i <= limit; i++)
262  {
263  //must ensure the boundaries for other topologies
264  nc.Add (c.Get (i));
265  nc.Add (c.Get (i + 10));
266  nc.Add (c.Get (i + 20));
267  nc.Add (c.Get (i - 10));
268  nc.Add (c.Get (i - 20));
269  }
270  return nc;
271 }
278 void
280 {
281  uint32_t totalNodes = c.GetN ();
282  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> uvSrc = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> ();
283  uvSrc->SetAttribute ("Min", DoubleValue (0));
284  uvSrc->SetAttribute ("Max", DoubleValue (totalNodes / 2 - 1));
285  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> uvDest = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> ();
286  uvDest->SetAttribute ("Min", DoubleValue (totalNodes / 2));
287  uvDest->SetAttribute ("Max", DoubleValue (totalNodes));
289  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < totalNodes / 3; i++)
290  {
291  ApplicationSetup (c.Get (uvSrc->GetInteger ()), c.Get (uvDest->GetInteger ()), 0, totalTime);
292  }
293 }
301 void
303 {
305  // UniformRandomVariable params: (Xrange, Yrange)
306  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> uv = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> ();
307  uv->SetAttribute ("Min", DoubleValue (0));
308  uv->SetAttribute ("Max", DoubleValue (c.GetN ()));
310  // ExponentialRandomVariable params: (mean, upperbound)
311  Ptr<ExponentialRandomVariable> ev = CreateObject<ExponentialRandomVariable> ();
312  ev->SetAttribute ("Mean", DoubleValue (expMean));
313  ev->SetAttribute ("Bound", DoubleValue (totalTime));
315  double start = 0.0, stop;
316  uint32_t destIndex;
318  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.GetN (); i++)
319  {
320  stop = start + ev->GetValue ();
321  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Start=" << start << " Stop=" << stop);
323  do
324  {
325  destIndex = (uint32_t) uv->GetValue ();
326  }
327  while ( (c.Get (destIndex))->GetId () == sender->GetId ());
329  ApplicationSetup (sender, c.Get (destIndex), start, stop);
331  start = stop;
333  if (start > totalTime)
334  {
335  break;
336  }
337  }
338 }
340 static inline Vector
342 {
344  return mobility->GetPosition ();
345 }
347 static inline std::string
349 {
350  Vector serverPos = GetPosition (server);
351  Vector clientPos = GetPosition (client);
353  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4Server = server->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
354  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4Client = client->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
356  Ipv4InterfaceAddress iaddrServer = ipv4Server->GetAddress (1,0);
357  Ipv4InterfaceAddress iaddrClient = ipv4Client->GetAddress (1,0);
359  Ipv4Address ipv4AddrServer = iaddrServer.GetLocal ();
360  Ipv4Address ipv4AddrClient = iaddrClient.GetLocal ();
362  std::ostringstream oss;
363  oss << "Set up Server Device " << (server->GetDevice (0))->GetAddress ()
364  << " with ip " << ipv4AddrServer
365  << " position (" << serverPos.x << "," << serverPos.y << "," << serverPos.z << ")";
367  oss << "Set up Client Device " << (client->GetDevice (0))->GetAddress ()
368  << " with ip " << ipv4AddrClient
369  << " position (" << clientPos.x << "," << clientPos.y << "," << clientPos.z << ")"
370  << "\n";
371  return oss.str ();
372 }
374 void
375 Experiment::ApplicationSetup (Ptr<Node> client, Ptr<Node> server, double start, double stop)
376 {
377  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4Server = server->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
379  Ipv4InterfaceAddress iaddrServer = ipv4Server->GetAddress (1,0);
380  Ipv4Address ipv4AddrServer = iaddrServer.GetLocal ();
382  NS_LOG_DEBUG (PrintPosition (client, server));
384  // Equipping the source node with OnOff Application used for sending
385  OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", Address (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address (""), port)));
386  onoff.SetConstantRate (DataRate (60000000));
387  onoff.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (packetSize));
388  onoff.SetAttribute ("Remote", AddressValue (InetSocketAddress (ipv4AddrServer, port)));
390  ApplicationContainer apps = onoff.Install (client);
391  apps.Start (Seconds (start));
392  apps.Stop (Seconds (stop));
396 }
400  const WifiMacHelper &wifiMac, const YansWifiChannelHelper &wifiChannel, const MobilityHelper &mobility)
401 {
404  uint32_t nodeSize = gridSize * gridSize;
405  NodeContainer c;
406  c.Create (nodeSize);
408  YansWifiPhyHelper phy = wifiPhy;
409  phy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
411  WifiMacHelper mac = wifiMac;
412  NetDeviceContainer devices = wifi.Install (phy, mac, c);
416  Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper staticRouting;
420  if (enableRouting)
421  {
422  list.Add (staticRouting, 0);
423  list.Add (olsr, 10);
424  }
426  InternetStackHelper internet;
428  if (enableRouting)
429  {
430  internet.SetRoutingHelper (list); // has effect on the next Install ()
431  }
432  internet.Install (c);
436  address.SetBase ("", "");
438  Ipv4InterfaceContainer ipInterfaces;
439  ipInterfaces = address.Assign (devices);
441  MobilityHelper mobil = mobility;
442  mobil.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::GridPositionAllocator",
443  "MinX", DoubleValue (0.0),
444  "MinY", DoubleValue (0.0),
445  "DeltaX", DoubleValue (nodeDistance),
446  "DeltaY", DoubleValue (nodeDistance),
447  "GridWidth", UintegerValue (gridSize),
448  "LayoutType", StringValue ("RowFirst"));
450  mobil.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
453  {
454  //Rectangle (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
455  mobil.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel",
456  "Bounds", RectangleValue (Rectangle (0, 500, 0, 500)),
457  "Speed", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=10]"),
458  "Pause", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.2]"));
459  }
460  mobil.Install (c);
462  if ( scenario == 1 && enableRouting)
463  {
464  SelectSrcDest (c);
465  }
466  else if ( scenario == 2)
467  {
468  //All flows begin at the same time
469  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodeSize - 1; i = i + 2)
470  {
471  ApplicationSetup (c.Get (i), c.Get (i + 1), 0, totalTime);
472  }
473  }
474  else if ( scenario == 3)
475  {
476  AssignNeighbors (c);
477  //Note: these senders are hand-picked in order to ensure good coverage
478  //for 10x10 grid, basically one sender for each quadrant
479  //you might have to change these values for other grids
480  NS_LOG_DEBUG (">>>>>>>>>region A<<<<<<<<<");
483  NS_LOG_DEBUG (">>>>>>>>>region B<<<<<<<<<");
486  NS_LOG_DEBUG (">>>>>>>>>region C<<<<<<<<<");
489  NS_LOG_DEBUG (">>>>>>>>>region D<<<<<<<<<");
491  }
492  else if ( scenario == 4)
493  {
494  //GenerateNeighbors(NodeContainer, uint32_t sender)
495  //Note: these senders are hand-picked in order to ensure good coverage
496  //you might have to change these values for other grids
497  NodeContainer c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9;
499  c1 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 22);
500  c2 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 24);
501  c3 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 26);
502  c4 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 42);
503  c5 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 44);
504  c6 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 46);
505  c7 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 62);
506  c8 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 64);
507  c9 = GenerateNeighbors (c, 66);
509  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (22), c1);
510  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (24), c2);
511  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (26), c3);
512  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (42), c4);
513  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (44), c5);
514  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (46), c6);
515  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (62), c7);
516  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (64), c8);
517  SendMultiDestinations (c.Get (66), c9);
518  }
520  CheckThroughput ();
522  if (enablePcap)
523  {
524  phy.EnablePcapAll (GetOutputFileName ());
525  }
527  if (enableTracing)
528  {
529  AsciiTraceHelper ascii;
530  phy.EnableAsciiAll (ascii.CreateFileStream (GetOutputFileName () + ".tr"));
531  }
533  FlowMonitorHelper flowmonHelper;
535  if (enableFlowMon)
536  {
537  flowmonHelper.InstallAll ();
538  }
540  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (totalTime));
541  Simulator::Run ();
543  if (enableFlowMon)
544  {
545  flowmonHelper.SerializeToXmlFile ((GetOutputFileName () + ".flomon"), false, false);
546  }
548  Simulator::Destroy ();
550  return m_output;
551 }
553 bool
554 Experiment::CommandSetup (int argc, char **argv)
555 {
556  // for commandline input
557  CommandLine cmd (__FILE__);
558  cmd.AddValue ("packetSize", "packet size", packetSize);
559  cmd.AddValue ("totalTime", "simulation time", totalTime);
560  // according to totalTime, select an appropriate samplingPeriod automatically.
561  if (totalTime < 1.0)
562  {
563  samplingPeriod = 0.1;
564  }
565  else
566  {
567  samplingPeriod = 1.0;
568  }
569  // or user selects a samplingPeriod.
570  cmd.AddValue ("samplingPeriod", "sampling period", samplingPeriod);
571  cmd.AddValue ("rtsThreshold", "rts threshold", rtsThreshold);
572  cmd.AddValue ("rateManager", "type of rate", rateManager);
573  cmd.AddValue ("outputFileName", "output filename", outputFileName);
574  cmd.AddValue ("enableRouting", "enable Routing", enableRouting);
575  cmd.AddValue ("enableMobility", "enable Mobility", enableMobility);
576  cmd.AddValue ("scenario", "scenario ", scenario);
578  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
579  return true;
580 }
582 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
583 {
586  experiment = Experiment ("multirate");
588  //for commandline input
589  experiment.CommandSetup (argc, argv);
591  std::ofstream outfile ((experiment.GetOutputFileName () + ".plt").c_str ());
594  Gnuplot gnuplot;
595  Gnuplot2dDataset dataset;
598  WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
599  YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy;
600  YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
602  wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::AdhocWifiMac",
603  "Ssid", StringValue ("Testbed"));
604  wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_holland);
605  wifi.SetRemoteStationManager (experiment.GetRateManager ());
607  NS_LOG_INFO ("Scenario: " << experiment.GetScenario ());
608  NS_LOG_INFO ("Rts Threshold: " << experiment.GetRtsThreshold ());
609  NS_LOG_INFO ("Name: " << experiment.GetOutputFileName ());
610  NS_LOG_INFO ("Rate: " << experiment.GetRateManager ());
611  NS_LOG_INFO ("Routing: " << experiment.IsRouting ());
612  NS_LOG_INFO ("Mobility: " << experiment.IsMobility ());
614  dataset = experiment.Run (wifi, wifiPhy, wifiMac, wifiChannel, mobility);
616  gnuplot.AddDataset (dataset);
617  gnuplot.GenerateOutput (outfile);
619  return 0;
620 }
Helper class for UAN CW MAC example.
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:41
uint32_t packetSize
void ApplicationSetup(Ptr< Node > client, Ptr< Node > server, double start, double stop)
Gnuplot2dDataset Run(const WifiHelper &wifi, const YansWifiPhyHelper &wifiPhy, const WifiMacHelper &wifiMac, const YansWifiChannelHelper &wifiChannel)
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:119
uint32_t bytesTotal
uint32_t nodeDistance
NodeContainer containerD
void AssignNeighbors(NodeContainer c)
Take the grid map, divide it into 4 quadrants Assign all nodes from each quadrant to a specific conta...
NodeContainer containerA
std::string outputFileName
void SelectSrcDest(NodeContainer c)
Sources and destinations are randomly selected such that a node may be the source for multiple destin...
uint32_t GetScenario()
double totalTime
uint32_t gridSize
void ReceivePacket(Ptr< Socket > socket)
void CheckThroughput()
uint32_t port
std::string GetRateManager()
NodeContainer GenerateNeighbors(NodeContainer c, uint32_t senderId)
Generate 1-hop and 2-hop neighbors of a node in grid topology.
Gnuplot2dDataset m_output
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:55
NodeContainer containerB
std::string GetRtsThreshold()
bool CommandSetup(int argc, char **argv)
std::string rtsThreshold
Ptr< Socket > SetupPacketReceive(Ptr< Node > node)
bool IsMobility()
double samplingPeriod
Ptr< Socket > SetupPacketReceive(Ptr< Node > node)
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:109
std::string rateManager
void SendMultiDestinations(Ptr< Node > sender, NodeContainer c)
A sender node will set up a flow to each of the its neighbors in its quadrant randomly.
uint32_t scenario
NodeContainer containerC
bool IsRouting()
Experiment(std::string name)
std::string GetOutputFileName()
a polymophic address class
Definition: address.h:91
AttributeValue implementation for Address.
Definition: address.h:278
holds a vector of ns3::Application pointers.
void Start(Time start)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Start() at the Time given as a parameter.
void Stop(Time stop)
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Stop() at the Time given as a parameter.
Manage ASCII trace files for device models.
Definition: trace-helper.h:163
Ptr< OutputStreamWrapper > CreateFileStream(std::string filename, std::ios::openmode filemode=std::ios::out)
Create and initialize an output stream object we'll use to write the traced bits.
Parse command-line arguments.
Definition: command-line.h:229
Class for representing data rates.
Definition: data-rate.h:89
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as 'double' or 'float'.
Definition: double.h:41
double GetValue(double mean, double bound)
Get the next random value, as a double from the exponential distribution with the specified mean and ...
Helper to enable IP flow monitoring on a set of Nodes.
Ptr< FlowMonitor > InstallAll()
Enable flow monitoring on all nodes.
void SerializeToXmlFile(std::string fileName, bool enableHistograms, bool enableProbes)
Same as SerializeToXmlStream, but writes to a file instead.
Class to represent a 2D points plot.
Definition: gnuplot.h:118
void SetStyle(enum Style style)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:346
void Add(double x, double y)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:363
a simple class to generate gnuplot-ready plotting commands from a set of datasets.
Definition: gnuplot.h:373
void AddDataset(const GnuplotDataset &dataset)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:760
void GenerateOutput(std::ostream &os)
Writes gnuplot commands and data values to a single output stream.
Definition: gnuplot.cc:766
an Inet address class
aggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes.
void Install(std::string nodeName) const
Aggregate implementations of the ns3::Ipv4, ns3::Ipv6, ns3::Udp, and ns3::Tcp classes onto the provid...
void SetRoutingHelper(const Ipv4RoutingHelper &routing)
A helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Definition: ipv4-address.h:41
Access to the IPv4 forwarding table, interfaces, and configuration.
Definition: ipv4.h:77
a class to store IPv4 address information on an interface
Ipv4Address GetLocal(void) const
Get the local address.
Ipv4Address GetAddress(void) const
Get the local address.
holds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index.
Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv4ListRouting objects.
Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv4StaticRouting objects.
Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes.
void SetMobilityModel(std::string type, std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n8="", const AttributeValue &v8=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n9="", const AttributeValue &v9=EmptyAttributeValue())
void Install(Ptr< Node > node) const
"Layout" a single node according to the current position allocator type.
void SetPositionAllocator(Ptr< PositionAllocator > allocator)
Set the position allocator which will be used to allocate the initial position of every node initiali...
Keep track of the current position and velocity of an object.
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
keep track of a set of node pointers.
uint32_t GetN(void) const
Get the number of Ptr<Node> stored in this container.
void Create(uint32_t n)
Create n nodes and append pointers to them to the end of this NodeContainer.
void Add(NodeContainer other)
Append the contents of another NodeContainer to the end of this container.
Ptr< Node > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Node> stored in this container at a given index.
uint32_t GetId(void) const
Definition: node.cc:109
Ptr< NetDevice > GetDevice(uint32_t index) const
Retrieve the index-th NetDevice associated to this node.
Definition: node.cc:144
void SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
Definition: object-base.cc:256
Ptr< T > GetObject(void) const
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object.
Definition: object.h:470
Helper class that adds OLSR routing to nodes.
Definition: olsr-helper.h:41
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes.
Definition: on-off-helper.h:43
void SetConstantRate(DataRate dataRate, uint32_t packetSize=512)
Helper function to set a constant rate source.
ApplicationContainer Install(NodeContainer c) const
Install an ns3::OnOffApplication on each node of the input container configured with all the attribut...
void SetAttribute(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Helper function used to set the underlying application attributes.
uint32_t GetSize(void) const
Returns the the size in bytes of the packet (including the zero-filled initial payload).
Definition: packet.h:856
a 2d rectangle
Definition: rectangle.h:35
AttributeValue implementation for Rectangle.
Definition: rectangle.h:97
virtual Ptr< Packet > Recv(uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags)=0
Read data from the socket.
Hold variables of type string.
Definition: string.h:41
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:59
Hold an unsigned integer type.
Definition: uinteger.h:44
double GetValue(double min, double max)
Get the next random value, as a double in the specified range .
uint32_t GetInteger(uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
Get the next random value, as an unsigned integer in the specified range .
Vector3D Vector
Vector alias typedef for compatibility with mobility models.
Definition: vector.h:324
helps to create WifiNetDevice objects
Definition: wifi-helper.h:274
create MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice.
void SetType(std::string type, Args &&... args)
manage and create wifi channel objects for the YANS model.
Ptr< YansWifiChannel > Create(void) const
Make it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the YANS model.
void experiment(std::string queue_disc_type)
uint16_t port
Definition: dsdv-manet.cc:45
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:273
#define NS_LOG_INFO(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_INFO.
Definition: log.h:281
Time Now(void)
create an ns3::Time instance which contains the current simulation time.
Definition: simulator.cc:287
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1244
Definition: first.py:44
Definition: first.py:39
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Callback< R, Ts... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Ts...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Definition: callback.h:1648
Definition: olsr.py:1
Definition: second.py:35
Definition: third.py:99
Definition: third.py:96
Definition: third.py:108
Definition: third.py:93
def start()
Definition: core.py:1853
#define list
bool enablePcap
static std::string PrintPosition(Ptr< Node > client, Ptr< Node > server)
static Vector GetPosition(Ptr< Node > node)
static const uint32_t packetSize
Ptr< PacketSink > sink
Definition: wifi-tcp.cc:56