A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2020 Orange Labs
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
7  *
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  * GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16  *
17  * Authors: Rediet <getachew.redieteab@orange.com>
18  * Sébastien Deronne <sebastien.deronne@gmail.com> (for logic ported from wifi-phy)
19  */
21 #include "vht-phy.h"
23 #include "vht-configuration.h"
24 #include "vht-ppdu.h"
26 #include "ns3/assert.h"
27 #include "ns3/interference-helper.h"
28 #include "ns3/log.h"
29 #include "ns3/wifi-net-device.h"
30 #include "ns3/wifi-phy.h" //only used for static mode constructor
31 #include "ns3/wifi-psdu.h"
32 #include "ns3/wifi-utils.h"
34 namespace ns3
35 {
39 /*******************************************************
40  * VHT PHY (IEEE 802.11-2016, clause 21)
41  *******************************************************/
43 // clang-format off
57 };
60  /* {BW,Nss,MCS} Nes */
61  { std::make_tuple ( 80, 7, 2), 3 }, // instead of 2
62  { std::make_tuple ( 80, 7, 7), 6 }, // instead of 4
63  { std::make_tuple ( 80, 7, 8), 6 }, // instead of 5
64  { std::make_tuple ( 80, 8, 7), 6 }, // instead of 5
65  { std::make_tuple (160, 4, 7), 6 }, // instead of 5
66  { std::make_tuple (160, 5, 8), 8 }, // instead of 7
67  { std::make_tuple (160, 6, 7), 8 }, // instead of 7
68  { std::make_tuple (160, 7, 3), 4 }, // instead of 3
69  { std::make_tuple (160, 7, 4), 6 }, // instead of 5
70  { std::make_tuple (160, 7, 5), 7 }, // instead of 6
71  { std::make_tuple (160, 7, 7), 9 }, // instead of 8
72  { std::make_tuple (160, 7, 8), 12 }, // instead of 9
73  { std::make_tuple (160, 7, 9), 12 }, // instead of 10
74 };
79 const std::map<WifiChannelListType, double> channelTypeToScalingFactorDbm {
84 };
89 const std::map<uint16_t, WifiChannelListType> secondaryChannels {
93 };
95 // clang-format on
97 VhtPhy::VhtPhy(bool buildModeList /* = true */)
98  : HtPhy(1, false) // don't add HT modes to list
99 {
100  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << buildModeList);
102  m_maxMcsIndexPerSs = 9;
104  if (buildModeList)
105  {
106  BuildModeList();
107  }
108 }
111 {
112  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
113 }
115 void
117 {
118  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
119  NS_ASSERT(m_modeList.empty());
121  for (uint8_t index = 0; index <= m_maxSupportedMcsIndexPerSs; ++index)
122  {
123  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Add VhtMcs" << +index << " to list");
124  m_modeList.emplace_back(CreateVhtMcs(index));
125  }
126 }
130 {
131  return m_vhtPpduFormats;
132 }
134 WifiMode
135 VhtPhy::GetSigMode(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
136 {
137  switch (field)
138  {
139  case WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_TRAINING: // consider SIG-A mode for training (useful for
140  // InterferenceHelper)
142  return GetSigAMode();
144  return GetSigBMode(txVector);
145  default:
146  return HtPhy::GetSigMode(field, txVector);
147  }
148 }
150 WifiMode
152 {
155  return WifiMode();
156 }
158 WifiMode
160 {
161  return GetLSigMode(); // same number of data tones as OFDM (i.e. 48)
162 }
164 WifiMode
165 VhtPhy::GetSigBMode(const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
166 {
168  "VHT-SIG-B only available for VHT MU");
169  return GetVhtMcs0();
170 }
172 Time
173 VhtPhy::GetDuration(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
174 {
175  switch (field)
176  {
178  return GetSigADuration(txVector.GetPreambleType());
180  return GetSigBDuration(txVector);
181  default:
182  return HtPhy::GetDuration(field, txVector);
183  }
184 }
186 Time
188 {
189  return MicroSeconds(4); // L-SIG
190 }
192 Time
194 {
195  return MicroSeconds(0); // no HT-SIG
196 }
198 Time
200  uint8_t nDataLtf,
201  uint8_t nExtensionLtf /* = 0 */) const
202 {
203  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(nDataLtf > 8, "Unsupported number of LTFs " << +nDataLtf << " for VHT");
204  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(nExtensionLtf > 0, "No extension LTFs expected for VHT");
205  return MicroSeconds(4 + 4 * nDataLtf); // VHT-STF + VHT-LTFs
206 }
208 Time
210 {
211  return MicroSeconds(8); // VHT-SIG-A (first and second symbol)
212 }
214 Time
215 VhtPhy::GetSigBDuration(const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
216 {
217  return (txVector.GetPreambleType() == WIFI_PREAMBLE_VHT_MU)
218  ? MicroSeconds(4)
219  : MicroSeconds(0); // HE-SIG-B only for MU
220 }
222 uint8_t
224 {
225  WifiMode payloadMode = txVector.GetMode();
234  double maxRatePerCoder = (txVector.GetGuardInterval() == 800) ? 540e6 : 600e6;
235  uint8_t nes = ceil(payloadMode.GetDataRate(txVector) / maxRatePerCoder);
237  // Handle exceptions to the rule
238  auto iter = m_exceptionsMap.find(
239  std::make_tuple(txVector.GetChannelWidth(), txVector.GetNss(), payloadMode.GetMcsValue()));
240  if (iter != m_exceptionsMap.end())
241  {
242  nes = iter->second;
243  }
244  return nes;
245 }
248 VhtPhy::BuildPpdu(const WifiConstPsduMap& psdus, const WifiTxVector& txVector, Time ppduDuration)
249 {
250  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << psdus << txVector << ppduDuration);
251  return Create<VhtPpdu>(psdus.begin()->second,
252  txVector,
254  ppduDuration,
255  ObtainNextUid(txVector));
256 }
260 {
261  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << field << *event);
262  switch (field)
263  {
265  [[fallthrough]];
267  return EndReceiveSig(event, field);
268  default:
269  return HtPhy::DoEndReceiveField(field, event);
270  }
271 }
275 {
276  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << *event << field);
277  SnrPer snrPer = GetPhyHeaderSnrPer(field, event);
278  NS_LOG_DEBUG(field << ": SNR(dB)=" << RatioToDb(snrPer.snr) << ", PER=" << snrPer.per);
279  PhyFieldRxStatus status(GetRandomValue() > snrPer.per);
280  if (status.isSuccess)
281  {
282  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Received " << field);
283  if (!IsAllConfigSupported(WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_SIG_A, event->GetPpdu()))
284  {
285  status = PhyFieldRxStatus(false, UNSUPPORTED_SETTINGS, DROP);
286  }
287  status = ProcessSig(event, status, field);
288  }
289  else
290  {
291  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Drop packet because " << field << " reception failed");
292  status.reason = GetFailureReason(field);
293  status.actionIfFailure = DROP;
294  }
295  return status;
296 }
300 {
301  switch (field)
302  {
304  return SIG_A_FAILURE;
306  return SIG_B_FAILURE;
307  default:
308  NS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unknown PPDU field");
309  return UNKNOWN;
310  }
311 }
315 {
316  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this << *event << status << field);
317  NS_ASSERT(event->GetPpdu()->GetTxVector().GetPreambleType() >= WIFI_PREAMBLE_VHT_SU);
318  // TODO see if something should be done here once MU-MIMO is supported
319  return status; // nothing special for VHT
320 }
322 bool
324 {
325  if (ppdu->GetType() == WIFI_PPDU_TYPE_DL_MU && field == WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_SIG_A)
326  {
327  return IsChannelWidthSupported(ppdu); // perform the full check after SIG-B
328  }
329  return HtPhy::IsAllConfigSupported(field, ppdu);
330 }
332 void
334 {
335  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
336  {
337  GetVhtMcs(i);
338  }
339 }
341 WifiMode
342 VhtPhy::GetVhtMcs(uint8_t index)
343 {
344 #define CASE(x) \
345  case x: \
346  return GetVhtMcs##x();
348  switch (index)
349  {
350  CASE(0)
351  CASE(1)
352  CASE(2)
353  CASE(3)
354  CASE(4)
355  CASE(5)
356  CASE(6)
357  CASE(7)
358  CASE(8)
359  CASE(9)
360  default:
361  NS_ABORT_MSG("Inexistent index (" << +index << ") requested for VHT");
362  return WifiMode();
363  }
364 #undef CASE
365 }
367 #define GET_VHT_MCS(x) \
368  WifiMode VhtPhy::GetVhtMcs##x() \
369  { \
370  static WifiMode mcs = CreateVhtMcs(x); \
371  return mcs; \
372  }
374 GET_VHT_MCS(0)
375 GET_VHT_MCS(1)
376 GET_VHT_MCS(2)
377 GET_VHT_MCS(3)
378 GET_VHT_MCS(4)
379 GET_VHT_MCS(5)
380 GET_VHT_MCS(6)
381 GET_VHT_MCS(7)
382 GET_VHT_MCS(8)
383 GET_VHT_MCS(9)
384 #undef GET_VHT_MCS
386 WifiMode
387 VhtPhy::CreateVhtMcs(uint8_t index)
388 {
389  NS_ASSERT_MSG(index <= 9, "VhtMcs index must be <= 9!");
390  return WifiModeFactory::CreateWifiMcs("VhtMcs" + std::to_string(index),
391  index,
393  false,
400 }
403 VhtPhy::GetCodeRate(uint8_t mcsValue)
404 {
405  switch (mcsValue)
406  {
407  case 8:
408  return WIFI_CODE_RATE_3_4;
409  case 9:
410  return WIFI_CODE_RATE_5_6;
411  default:
412  return HtPhy::GetCodeRate(mcsValue);
413  }
414 }
416 uint16_t
418 {
419  switch (mcsValue)
420  {
421  case 8:
422  case 9:
423  return 256;
424  default:
425  return HtPhy::GetConstellationSize(mcsValue);
426  }
427 }
429 uint64_t
430 VhtPhy::GetPhyRate(uint8_t mcsValue, uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss)
431 {
432  WifiCodeRate codeRate = GetCodeRate(mcsValue);
433  uint64_t dataRate = GetDataRate(mcsValue, channelWidth, guardInterval, nss);
434  return HtPhy::CalculatePhyRate(codeRate, dataRate);
435 }
437 uint64_t
438 VhtPhy::GetPhyRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector& txVector, uint16_t /* staId */)
439 {
440  return GetPhyRate(txVector.GetMode().GetMcsValue(),
441  txVector.GetChannelWidth(),
442  txVector.GetGuardInterval(),
443  txVector.GetNss());
444 }
446 uint64_t
447 VhtPhy::GetDataRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector& txVector, uint16_t /* staId */)
448 {
449  return GetDataRate(txVector.GetMode().GetMcsValue(),
450  txVector.GetChannelWidth(),
451  txVector.GetGuardInterval(),
452  txVector.GetNss());
453 }
455 uint64_t
456 VhtPhy::GetDataRate(uint8_t mcsValue, uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss)
457 {
458  NS_ASSERT(guardInterval == 800 || guardInterval == 400);
459  NS_ASSERT(nss <= 8);
460  NS_ASSERT_MSG(IsCombinationAllowed(mcsValue, channelWidth, nss),
461  "VHT MCS " << +mcsValue << " forbidden at " << channelWidth << " MHz when NSS is "
462  << +nss);
464  GetUsableSubcarriers(channelWidth),
465  static_cast<uint16_t>(log2(GetConstellationSize(mcsValue))),
466  HtPhy::GetCodeRatio(GetCodeRate(mcsValue)),
467  nss);
468 }
470 uint16_t
471 VhtPhy::GetUsableSubcarriers(uint16_t channelWidth)
472 {
473  switch (channelWidth)
474  {
475  case 80:
476  return 234;
477  case 160:
478  return 468;
479  default:
480  return HtPhy::GetUsableSubcarriers(channelWidth);
481  }
482 }
484 uint64_t
486 {
487  WifiCodeRate codeRate = GetCodeRate(mcsValue);
488  uint16_t constellationSize = GetConstellationSize(mcsValue);
489  return CalculateNonHtReferenceRate(codeRate, constellationSize);
490 }
492 uint64_t
493 VhtPhy::CalculateNonHtReferenceRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint16_t constellationSize)
494 {
495  uint64_t dataRate;
496  switch (constellationSize)
497  {
498  case 256:
499  if (codeRate == WIFI_CODE_RATE_3_4 || codeRate == WIFI_CODE_RATE_5_6)
500  {
501  dataRate = 54000000;
502  }
503  else
504  {
505  NS_FATAL_ERROR("Trying to get reference rate for a MCS with wrong combination of "
506  "coding rate and modulation");
507  }
508  break;
509  default:
510  dataRate = HtPhy::CalculateNonHtReferenceRate(codeRate, constellationSize);
511  }
512  return dataRate;
513 }
515 bool
517 {
518  return IsCombinationAllowed(txVector.GetMode().GetMcsValue(),
519  txVector.GetChannelWidth(),
520  txVector.GetNss());
521 }
523 bool
524 VhtPhy::IsCombinationAllowed(uint8_t mcsValue, uint16_t channelWidth, uint8_t nss)
525 {
526  if (mcsValue == 9 && channelWidth == 20 && nss != 3)
527  {
528  return false;
529  }
530  if (mcsValue == 6 && channelWidth == 80 && nss == 3)
531  {
532  return false;
533  }
534  return true;
535 }
537 uint32_t
539 {
540  return 4692480;
541 }
543 double
545 {
546  if (ppdu)
547  {
548  const uint16_t ppduBw = ppdu->GetTxVector().GetChannelWidth();
549  switch (channelType)
550  {
552  // Start of a PPDU for which its power measured within the primary 20 MHz channel is at
553  // or above the CCA sensitivity threshold.
555  }
557  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ppduBw == 20, "Invalid channel width " << ppduBw);
558  break;
560  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ppduBw <= 40, "Invalid channel width " << ppduBw);
561  break;
563  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ppduBw <= 80, "Invalid channel width " << ppduBw);
564  break;
565  default:
566  NS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Invalid channel list type");
567  }
568  auto vhtConfiguration = m_wifiPhy->GetDevice()->GetVhtConfiguration();
569  NS_ASSERT(vhtConfiguration);
570  const auto thresholds = vhtConfiguration->GetSecondaryCcaSensitivityThresholdsPerBw();
571  const auto it = thresholds.find(ppduBw);
572  NS_ASSERT_MSG(it != std::end(thresholds), "Invalid channel width " << ppduBw);
573  return it->second;
574  }
575  else
576  {
577  const auto it = channelTypeToScalingFactorDbm.find(channelType);
578  NS_ASSERT_MSG(it != std::end(channelTypeToScalingFactorDbm), "Invalid channel list type");
579  return m_wifiPhy->GetCcaEdThreshold() + it->second;
580  }
581 }
585 {
586  NS_LOG_FUNCTION(this);
588  if (m_wifiPhy->GetChannelWidth() < 80)
589  {
590  return HtPhy::GetCcaIndication(ppdu);
591  }
593  double ccaThresholdDbm = GetCcaThreshold(ppdu, WIFI_CHANLIST_PRIMARY);
594  Time delayUntilCcaEnd = GetDelayUntilCcaEnd(ccaThresholdDbm, GetPrimaryBand(20));
595  if (delayUntilCcaEnd.IsStrictlyPositive())
596  {
597  return std::make_pair(
598  delayUntilCcaEnd,
599  WIFI_CHANLIST_PRIMARY); // if Primary is busy, ignore CCA for Secondary
600  }
602  if (ppdu)
603  {
604  const uint16_t primaryWidth = 20;
605  uint16_t p20MinFreq =
607  (primaryWidth / 2);
608  uint16_t p20MaxFreq =
610  (primaryWidth / 2);
611  if (ppdu->DoesOverlapChannel(p20MinFreq, p20MaxFreq))
612  {
613  /*
614  * PPDU occupies primary 20 MHz channel, hence we skip CCA sensitivity rules
615  * for signals not occupying the primary 20 MHz channel.
616  */
617  return std::nullopt;
618  }
619  }
621  std::vector<uint16_t> secondaryWidthsToCheck;
622  if (ppdu)
623  {
624  for (const auto& secondaryChannel : secondaryChannels)
625  {
626  uint16_t secondaryWidth = secondaryChannel.first;
627  uint16_t secondaryMinFreq =
629  secondaryWidth) -
630  (secondaryWidth / 2);
631  uint16_t secondaryMaxFreq =
633  secondaryWidth) +
634  (secondaryWidth / 2);
635  if ((m_wifiPhy->GetChannelWidth() > secondaryWidth) &&
636  ppdu->DoesOverlapChannel(secondaryMinFreq, secondaryMaxFreq))
637  {
638  secondaryWidthsToCheck.push_back(secondaryWidth);
639  }
640  }
641  }
642  else
643  {
644  secondaryWidthsToCheck.push_back(20);
645  secondaryWidthsToCheck.push_back(40);
646  if (m_wifiPhy->GetChannelWidth() > 80)
647  {
648  secondaryWidthsToCheck.push_back(80);
649  }
650  }
652  for (auto secondaryWidth : secondaryWidthsToCheck)
653  {
654  auto channelType = secondaryChannels.at(secondaryWidth);
655  ccaThresholdDbm = GetCcaThreshold(ppdu, channelType);
656  delayUntilCcaEnd = GetDelayUntilCcaEnd(ccaThresholdDbm, GetSecondaryBand(secondaryWidth));
657  if (delayUntilCcaEnd.IsStrictlyPositive())
658  {
659  return std::make_pair(delayUntilCcaEnd, channelType);
660  }
661  }
663  return std::nullopt;
664 }
666 } // namespace ns3
668 namespace
669 {
675 {
676  public:
678  {
680  ns3::WifiPhy::AddStaticPhyEntity(ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT, ns3::Create<ns3::VhtPhy>());
681  }
684 } // namespace
Constructor class for VHT modes.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:675
PHY entity for HT (11n)
Definition: ht-phy.h:54
static uint64_t CalculatePhyRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint64_t dataRate)
Return the PHY rate corresponding to the supplied code rate and data rate.
Definition: ht-phy.cc:657
CcaIndication GetCcaIndication(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) override
Get CCA end time and its corresponding channel list type when a new signal has been received by the P...
Definition: ht-phy.cc:822
static uint16_t GetConstellationSize(uint8_t mcsValue)
Return the constellation size corresponding to the supplied HT MCS index between 0 and 7,...
Definition: ht-phy.cc:627
uint8_t m_bssMembershipSelector
the BSS membership selector
Definition: ht-phy.h:561
PhyFieldRxStatus DoEndReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) override
End receiving a given field, perform amendment-specific actions, and provide the status of the recept...
Definition: ht-phy.cc:390
static WifiMode GetLSigMode()
Definition: ht-phy.cc:154
uint8_t m_maxMcsIndexPerSs
the maximum MCS index per spatial stream as defined by the standard
Definition: ht-phy.h:559
bool IsAllConfigSupported(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override
Checks if the signaled configuration (including bandwidth) is supported by the PHY.
Definition: ht-phy.cc:432
static uint64_t CalculateNonHtReferenceRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint16_t constellationSize)
Return the rate (in bps) of the non-HT Reference Rate which corresponds to the supplied code rate and...
Definition: ht-phy.cc:738
Time GetDuration(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Get the duration of the PPDU field (or group of fields) used by this entity for the given transmissio...
Definition: ht-phy.cc:210
static WifiCodeRate GetCodeRate(uint8_t mcsValue)
Return the coding rate corresponding to the supplied HT MCS index between 0 and 7,...
Definition: ht-phy.cc:599
WifiMode GetSigMode(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Get the WifiMode for the SIG field specified by the PPDU field.
Definition: ht-phy.cc:136
static uint64_t CalculateDataRate(Time symbolDuration, uint16_t usableSubCarriers, uint16_t numberOfBitsPerSubcarrier, double codingRate, uint8_t nss)
Calculates data rate from the supplied parameters.
Definition: ht-phy.cc:705
static double GetCodeRatio(WifiCodeRate codeRate)
Convert WifiCodeRate to a ratio, e.g., code ratio of WIFI_CODE_RATE_1_2 is 0.5.
Definition: ht-phy.cc:672
uint8_t m_maxSupportedMcsIndexPerSs
the maximum supported MCS index per spatial stream
Definition: ht-phy.h:560
virtual Time GetSymbolDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Definition: ht-phy.cc:371
static uint16_t GetUsableSubcarriers()
Definition: ofdm-phy.cc:631
virtual bool IsChannelWidthSupported(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const
Checks if the PPDU's bandwidth is supported by the PHY.
Definition: ofdm-phy.cc:342
virtual uint64_t ObtainNextUid(const WifiTxVector &txVector)
Obtain the next UID for the PPDU to transmit.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1281
Time GetDelayUntilCcaEnd(double thresholdDbm, const WifiSpectrumBandInfo &band)
Return the delay until CCA busy is ended for a given sensitivity threshold (in dBm) and a given band.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1227
Ptr< WifiPhy > m_wifiPhy
Pointer to the owning WifiPhy.
Definition: phy-entity.h:981
WifiSpectrumBandInfo GetSecondaryBand(uint16_t bandWidth) const
If the channel bonding is used, return the info corresponding to the secondary channel of the given b...
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1206
std::map< WifiPreamble, std::vector< WifiPpduField > > PpduFormats
A map of PPDU field elements per preamble type.
Definition: phy-entity.h:561
std::optional< std::pair< Time, WifiChannelListType > > CcaIndication
CCA end time and its corresponding channel list type (can be std::nullopt if IDLE)
Definition: phy-entity.h:969
std::list< WifiMode > m_modeList
the list of supported modes
Definition: phy-entity.h:985
double GetRandomValue() const
Obtain a random value from the WifiPhy's generator.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1177
SnrPer GetPhyHeaderSnrPer(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) const
Obtain the SNR and PER of the PPDU field from the WifiPhy's InterferenceHelper class.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:268
drop PPDU and set CCA_BUSY
Definition: phy-entity.h:103
WifiSpectrumBandInfo GetPrimaryBand(uint16_t bandWidth) const
If the operating channel width is a multiple of 20 MHz, return the info corresponding to the primary ...
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1195
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Definition: ptr.h:77
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
bool IsStrictlyPositive() const
Exactly equivalent to t > 0.
Definition: nstime.h:351
static bool IsAllowed(const WifiTxVector &txVector)
Check whether the combination in TXVECTOR is allowed.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:516
static WifiMode GetVhtMcs0()
Return MCS 0 from VHT MCS values.
static WifiCodeRate GetCodeRate(uint8_t mcsValue)
Return the coding rate corresponding to the supplied VHT MCS index.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:403
static bool IsCombinationAllowed(uint8_t mcsValue, uint16_t channelWidth, uint8_t nss)
Check whether the combination of <MCS, channel width, NSS> is allowed.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:524
Time GetDuration(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Get the duration of the PPDU field (or group of fields) used by this entity for the given transmissio...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:173
static const NesExceptionMap m_exceptionsMap
exception map for number of BCC encoders (extracted from VHT-MCS tables)
Definition: vht-phy.h:358
~VhtPhy() override
Destructor for VHT PHY.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:110
double GetCcaThreshold(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, WifiChannelListType channelType) const override
Return the CCA threshold in dBm for a given channel type.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:544
static const PpduFormats m_vhtPpduFormats
VHT PPDU formats.
Definition: vht-phy.h:360
std::map< std::tuple< uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t >, uint8_t > NesExceptionMap
Typedef for storing exceptions in the number of BCC encoders for VHT MCSs.
Definition: vht-phy.h:357
bool IsAllConfigSupported(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override
Checks if the signaled configuration (including bandwidth) is supported by the PHY.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:323
static uint64_t GetDataRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId)
Return the data rate corresponding to the supplied TXVECTOR.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:447
PhyFieldRxStatus EndReceiveSig(Ptr< Event > event, WifiPpduField field)
End receiving the SIG-A or SIG-B, perform VHT-specific actions, and provide the status of the recepti...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:274
uint8_t GetNumberBccEncoders(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Definition: vht-phy.cc:223
Time GetTrainingDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint8_t nDataLtf, uint8_t nExtensionLtf=0) const override
Definition: vht-phy.cc:199
virtual Time GetSigBDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Definition: vht-phy.cc:215
static uint64_t GetPhyRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId)
Return the PHY rate corresponding to the supplied TXVECTOR.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:438
CcaIndication GetCcaIndication(const Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) override
Get CCA end time and its corresponding channel list type when a new signal has been received by the P...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:584
static WifiMode GetVhtMcs(uint8_t index)
Return the VHT MCS corresponding to the provided index.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:342
static uint64_t CalculateNonHtReferenceRate(WifiCodeRate codeRate, uint16_t constellationSize)
Return the rate (in bps) of the non-HT Reference Rate which corresponds to the supplied code rate and...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:493
Ptr< WifiPpdu > BuildPpdu(const WifiConstPsduMap &psdus, const WifiTxVector &txVector, Time ppduDuration) override
Build amendment-specific PPDU.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:248
static uint64_t GetPhyRate(uint8_t mcsValue, uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss)
Return the PHY rate corresponding to the supplied VHT MCS index, channel width, guard interval,...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:430
void BuildModeList() override
Build mode list.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:116
virtual WifiMode GetSigAMode() const
Definition: vht-phy.cc:159
Time GetLSigDuration(WifiPreamble preamble) const override
Definition: vht-phy.cc:187
virtual PhyFieldRxStatus ProcessSig(Ptr< Event > event, PhyFieldRxStatus status, WifiPpduField field)
Process SIG-A or SIG-B, perform amendment-specific actions, and provide an updated status of the rece...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:314
PhyFieldRxStatus DoEndReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) override
End receiving a given field, perform amendment-specific actions, and provide the status of the recept...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:259
static void InitializeModes()
Initialize all VHT modes.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:333
static uint64_t GetDataRate(uint8_t mcsValue, uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss)
Return the data rate corresponding to the supplied VHT MCS index, channel width, guard interval,...
Definition: vht-phy.cc:456
static WifiMode CreateVhtMcs(uint8_t index)
Return the VHT MCS corresponding to the provided index.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:387
static uint16_t GetConstellationSize(uint8_t mcsValue)
Return the constellation size corresponding to the supplied VHT MCS index.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:417
uint32_t GetMaxPsduSize() const override
Get the maximum PSDU size in bytes.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:538
static uint64_t GetNonHtReferenceRate(uint8_t mcsValue)
Calculate the rate in bps of the non-HT Reference Rate corresponding to the supplied VHT MCS index.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:485
virtual Time GetSigADuration(WifiPreamble preamble) const
Definition: vht-phy.cc:209
const PpduFormats & GetPpduFormats() const override
Return the PPDU formats of the PHY.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:129
WifiMode GetHtSigMode() const override
Definition: vht-phy.cc:151
VhtPhy(bool buildModeList=true)
Constructor for VHT PHY.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:97
virtual WifiMode GetSigBMode(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Definition: vht-phy.cc:165
virtual WifiPhyRxfailureReason GetFailureReason(WifiPpduField field) const
Get the failure reason corresponding to the unsuccessful processing of a given PPDU field.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:299
Time GetHtSigDuration() const override
Definition: vht-phy.cc:193
WifiMode GetSigMode(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Get the WifiMode for the SIG field specified by the PPDU field.
Definition: vht-phy.cc:135
static WifiMode CreateWifiMcs(std::string uniqueName, uint8_t mcsValue, WifiModulationClass modClass, bool isMandatory, CodeRateCallback codeRateCallback, ConstellationSizeCallback constellationSizeCallback, PhyRateCallback phyRateCallback, DataRateCallback dataRateCallback, NonHtReferenceRateCallback nonHtReferenceRateCallback, AllowedCallback isAllowedCallback)
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:318
represent a single transmission mode
Definition: wifi-mode.h:51
uint64_t GetDataRate(uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss) const
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:122
uint8_t GetMcsValue() const
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:163
Ptr< VhtConfiguration > GetVhtConfiguration() const
double GetCcaEdThreshold() const
Return the CCA energy detection threshold (dBm).
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:499
uint16_t GetChannelWidth() const
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:1051
static void AddStaticPhyEntity(WifiModulationClass modulation, Ptr< PhyEntity > phyEntity)
Add the PHY entity to the map of implemented PHY entities for the given modulation class.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:752
Ptr< WifiNetDevice > GetDevice() const
Return the device this PHY is associated with.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:613
const WifiPhyOperatingChannel & GetOperatingChannel() const
Get a const reference to the operating channel.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:1033
double GetCcaSensitivityThreshold() const
Return the CCA sensitivity threshold (dBm).
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:512
uint16_t GetSecondaryChannelCenterFrequency(uint16_t secondaryChannelWidth) const
Get the center frequency of the secondary channel of the given width.
uint16_t GetPrimaryChannelCenterFrequency(uint16_t primaryChannelWidth) const
Get the center frequency of the primary channel of the given width.
This class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters whi...
uint16_t GetGuardInterval() const
WifiMode GetMode(uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) const
If this TX vector is associated with an SU PPDU, return the selected payload transmission mode.
WifiPreamble GetPreambleType() const
uint8_t GetNss(uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) const
If this TX vector is associated with an SU PPDU, return the number of spatial streams.
uint16_t GetChannelWidth() const
#define NS_ASSERT(condition)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the source file,...
Definition: assert.h:66
#define NS_ASSERT_MSG(condition, message)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the message to out...
Definition: assert.h:86
#define NS_FATAL_ERROR(msg)
Report a fatal error with a message and terminate.
Definition: fatal-error.h:179
#define NS_ABORT_MSG(msg)
Unconditional abnormal program termination with a message.
Definition: abort.h:49
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is true, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:108
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:202
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:268
#define NS_LOG_LOGIC(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_LOGIC.
Definition: log.h:282
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by ",...
auto MakeBoundCallback(R(*fnPtr)(Args...), BArgs &&... bargs)
Make Callbacks with varying number of bound arguments.
Definition: callback.h:765
Time MicroSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1350
Time NanoSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1362
Enumeration of the possible reception failure reasons.
The type of preamble to be used by an IEEE 802.11 transmission.
Enumeration of the possible channel-list parameter elements defined in Table 8-5 of IEEE 802....
The type of PPDU field (grouped for convenience)
VHT (Clause 22)
SIG-B field.
STF + LTF fields (excluding those in preamble for HT-GF)
PHY header field for DSSS or ERP, short PHY header field for HR/DSSS or ERP, field not present for HT...
SYNC + SFD fields for DSSS or ERP, shortSYNC + shortSFD fields for HR/DSSS or ERP,...
data field
SIG-A field.
#define HT_PHY
This defines the BSS membership value for HT PHY.
Definition: ht-phy.h:38
class anonymous_namespace{vht-phy.cc}::ConstructorVht g_constructor_vht
the constructor for VHT modes
user-defined to_string function for JSON values
Definition: json.h:25255
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
double RatioToDb(double ratio)
Convert from ratio to dB.
Definition: wifi-utils.cc:52
std::unordered_map< uint16_t, Ptr< const WifiPsdu > > WifiConstPsduMap
Map of const PSDUs indexed by STA-ID.
const std::map< uint16_t, WifiChannelListType > secondaryChannels
map a given secondary channel width to its channel list type
Definition: vht-phy.cc:89
Callback< R, Args... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Args...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Definition: callback.h:704
const std::map< WifiChannelListType, double > channelTypeToScalingFactorDbm
map a given channel list type to the corresponding scaling factor in dBm
Definition: vht-phy.cc:79
These constants define the various convolutional coding rates used for the OFDM transmission modes in...
3/4 coding rate
5/6 coding rate
Status of the reception of the PPDU field.
Definition: phy-entity.h:112
WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason
failure reason
Definition: phy-entity.h:114
PhyRxFailureAction actionIfFailure
action to perform in case of failure
Definition: phy-entity.h:115
bool isSuccess
outcome (true if success) of the reception
Definition: phy-entity.h:113
A struct for both SNR and PER.
Definition: phy-entity.h:147
double snr
SNR in linear scale.
Definition: phy-entity.h:148
#define CASE(x)
#define GET_VHT_MCS(x)
Definition: vht-phy.cc:367
Declaration of ns3::VhtPhy class.
#define VHT_PHY
This defines the BSS membership value for VHT PHY.
Definition: vht-phy.h:38
Declaration of ns3::VhtPpdu class.