A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2020 Orange Labs
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Authors: Rediet <getachew.redieteab@orange.com>
19  * Sébastien Deronne <sebastien.deronne@gmail.com> (for logic ported from wifi-phy)
20  * Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr> (for logic ported from wifi-phy)
21  */
23 #include <array>
24 #include "dsss-phy.h"
25 #include "dsss-ppdu.h"
26 #include "ns3/wifi-psdu.h"
27 #include "ns3/wifi-phy.h" //only used for static mode constructor
28 #include "ns3/wifi-utils.h"
29 #include "ns3/interference-helper.h"
30 #include "ns3/simulator.h"
31 #include "ns3/log.h"
33 namespace ns3 {
37 /*******************************************************
38  * HR/DSSS PHY (IEEE 802.11-2016, clause 16)
39  *******************************************************/
49 };
52  // Unique name Code rate Constellation size
53  { "DsssRate1Mbps", { WIFI_CODE_RATE_UNDEFINED, 2 } },
54  { "DsssRate2Mbps", { WIFI_CODE_RATE_UNDEFINED, 4 } },
55  { "DsssRate5_5Mbps", { WIFI_CODE_RATE_UNDEFINED, 16 } },
56  { "DsssRate11Mbps", { WIFI_CODE_RATE_UNDEFINED, 256 } }
57 };
58 /* *NS_CHECK_STYLE_ON* */
61 static const std::array<uint64_t, 4> s_dsssRatesBpsList = {1000000, 2000000, 5500000, 11000000};
68 const std::array<uint64_t, 4>& GetDsssRatesBpsList (void)
69 {
70  return s_dsssRatesBpsList;
71 };
74 {
75  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
76  for (const auto & rate : GetDsssRatesBpsList ())
77  {
78  WifiMode mode = GetDsssRate (rate);
79  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Add " << mode << " to list");
80  m_modeList.emplace_back (mode);
81  }
82 }
85 {
86  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
87 }
90 DsssPhy::GetSigMode (WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
91 {
92  switch (field)
93  {
94  case WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_PREAMBLE: //consider header mode for preamble (useful for InterferenceHelper)
96  return GetHeaderMode (txVector);
97  default:
98  return PhyEntity::GetSigMode (field, txVector);
99  }
100 }
102 WifiMode
103 DsssPhy::GetHeaderMode (const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
104 {
105  if (txVector.GetPreambleType () == WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG
106  || txVector.GetMode () == GetDsssRate1Mbps ())
107  {
108  //Section 16.2.3 "PPDU field definitions" and Section "Long PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2016
109  return GetDsssRate1Mbps ();
110  }
111  else
112  {
113  //Section "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2016
114  return GetDsssRate2Mbps ();
115  }
116 }
120 {
121  return m_dsssPpduFormats;
122 }
124 Time
125 DsssPhy::GetDuration (WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector& txVector) const
126 {
127  if (field == WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_PREAMBLE)
128  {
129  return GetPreambleDuration (txVector); //SYNC + SFD or shortSYNC + shortSFD
130  }
131  else if (field == WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_NON_HT_HEADER)
132  {
133  return GetHeaderDuration (txVector); //PHY header or short PHY header
134  }
135  else
136  {
137  return PhyEntity::GetDuration (field, txVector);
138  }
139 }
141 Time
143 {
144  if (txVector.GetPreambleType () == WIFI_PREAMBLE_SHORT
145  && (txVector.GetMode ().GetDataRate (22) > 1000000))
146  {
147  //Section "Short PPDU format" Figure 16-2 "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2016
148  return MicroSeconds (72);
149  }
150  else
151  {
152  //Section "Long PPDU format" Figure 16-1 "Long PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2016
153  return MicroSeconds (144);
154  }
155 }
157 Time
159 {
160  if (txVector.GetPreambleType () == WIFI_PREAMBLE_SHORT
161  && (txVector.GetMode ().GetDataRate (22) > 1000000))
162  {
163  //Section "Short PPDU format" and Figure 16-2 "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2016
164  return MicroSeconds (24);
165  }
166  else
167  {
168  //Section "Long PPDU format" and Figure 16-1 "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2016
169  return MicroSeconds (48);
170  }
171 }
173 Time
174 DsssPhy::GetPayloadDuration (uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector& txVector, WifiPhyBand /* band */, MpduType /* mpdutype */,
175  bool /* incFlag */, uint32_t & /* totalAmpduSize */, double & /* totalAmpduNumSymbols */,
176  uint16_t /* staId */) const
177 {
178  return MicroSeconds (lrint (ceil ((size * 8.0) / (txVector.GetMode ().GetDataRate (22) / 1.0e6))));
179 }
182 DsssPhy::BuildPpdu (const WifiConstPsduMap & psdus, const WifiTxVector& txVector, Time ppduDuration)
183 {
184  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << psdus << txVector << ppduDuration);
185  return Create<DsssPpdu> (psdus.begin ()->second, txVector, ppduDuration,
186  ObtainNextUid (txVector));
187 }
191 {
192  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << field << *event);
193  if (field == WIFI_PPDU_FIELD_NON_HT_HEADER)
194  {
195  return EndReceiveHeader (event); //PHY header or short PHY header
196  }
197  return PhyEntity::DoEndReceiveField (field, event);
198 }
202 {
203  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *event);
205  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Long/Short PHY header: SNR(dB)=" << RatioToDb (snrPer.snr) << ", PER=" << snrPer.per);
206  PhyFieldRxStatus status (GetRandomValue () > snrPer.per);
207  if (status.isSuccess)
208  {
209  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Received long/short PHY header");
210  if (!IsConfigSupported (event->GetPpdu ()))
211  {
212  status = PhyFieldRxStatus (false, UNSUPPORTED_SETTINGS, DROP);
213  }
214  }
215  else
216  {
217  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Abort reception because long/short PHY header reception failed");
218  status.reason = L_SIG_FAILURE;
219  status.actionIfFailure = ABORT;
220  }
221  return status;
222 }
224 uint16_t
226 {
227  if (m_wifiPhy->GetChannelWidth () > 20)
228  {
229  /*
230  * This is a workaround necessary with HE-capable PHYs,
231  * since their DSSS entity will reuse its RxSpectrumModel.
232  * Without this hack, SpectrumWifiPhy::GetBand will crash.
233  * FIXME: see issue #402 for a better solution.
234  */
235  return 20;
236  }
237  return PhyEntity::GetRxChannelWidth (txVector);
238 }
242 {
243  const WifiTxVector& txVector = ppdu->GetTxVector ();
244  uint16_t centerFrequency = GetCenterFrequencyForChannelWidth (txVector);
245  uint16_t channelWidth = txVector.GetChannelWidth ();
246  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << centerFrequency << channelWidth << txPowerW);
247  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF (channelWidth != 22, "Invalid channel width for DSSS");
249  return v;
250 }
252 void
254 {
255  for (const auto & rate : GetDsssRatesBpsList ())
256  {
257  GetDsssRate (rate);
258  }
259 }
261 WifiMode
262 DsssPhy::GetDsssRate (uint64_t rate)
263 {
264  switch (rate)
265  {
266  case 1000000:
267  return GetDsssRate1Mbps ();
268  case 2000000:
269  return GetDsssRate2Mbps ();
270  case 5500000:
271  return GetDsssRate5_5Mbps ();
272  case 11000000:
273  return GetDsssRate11Mbps ();
274  default:
275  NS_ABORT_MSG ("Inexistent rate (" << rate << " bps) requested for HR/DSSS");
276  return WifiMode ();
277  }
278 }
280 #define GET_DSSS_MODE(x, m) \
281 WifiMode \
282 DsssPhy::Get ## x (void) \
283 { \
284  static WifiMode mode = CreateDsssMode (#x, WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ ## m); \
285  return mode; \
286 }; \
288 // Clause 15 rates (DSSS)
289 GET_DSSS_MODE (DsssRate1Mbps, DSSS)
290 GET_DSSS_MODE (DsssRate2Mbps, DSSS)
291 // Clause 16 rates (HR/DSSS)
292 GET_DSSS_MODE (DsssRate5_5Mbps, HR_DSSS)
293 GET_DSSS_MODE (DsssRate11Mbps, HR_DSSS)
294 #undef GET_DSSS_MODE
296 WifiMode
297 DsssPhy::CreateDsssMode (std::string uniqueName,
298  WifiModulationClass modClass)
299 {
300  // Check whether uniqueName is in lookup table
301  const auto it = m_dsssModulationLookupTable.find (uniqueName);
302  NS_ASSERT_MSG (it != m_dsssModulationLookupTable.end (), "DSSS or HR/DSSS mode cannot be created because it is not in the lookup table!");
305  return WifiModeFactory::CreateWifiMode (uniqueName,
306  modClass,
307  true,
308  MakeBoundCallback (&GetCodeRate, uniqueName),
310  MakeCallback (&GetDataRateFromTxVector), //PhyRate is equivalent to DataRate
313 }
316 DsssPhy::GetCodeRate (const std::string& name)
317 {
318  return m_dsssModulationLookupTable.at (name).first;
319 }
321 uint16_t
322 DsssPhy::GetConstellationSize (const std::string& name)
323 {
324  return m_dsssModulationLookupTable.at (name).second;
325 }
327 uint64_t
328 DsssPhy::GetDataRateFromTxVector (const WifiTxVector& txVector, uint16_t /* staId */)
329 {
330  WifiMode mode = txVector.GetMode ();
331  return DsssPhy::GetDataRate (mode.GetUniqueName (),
332  mode.GetModulationClass ());
333 }
335 uint64_t
336 DsssPhy::GetDataRate (const std::string& name, WifiModulationClass modClass)
337 {
338  uint16_t constellationSize = GetConstellationSize (name);
339  uint16_t divisor = 0;
340  if (modClass == WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS)
341  {
342  divisor = 11;
343  }
344  else if (modClass == WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HR_DSSS)
345  {
346  divisor = 8;
347  }
348  else
349  {
350  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Incorrect modulation class, must specify either WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS or WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HR_DSSS!");
351  }
352  uint16_t numberOfBitsPerSubcarrier = static_cast<uint16_t> (log2 (constellationSize));
353  uint64_t dataRate = ((11000000 / divisor) * numberOfBitsPerSubcarrier);
354  return dataRate;
355 }
357 bool
358 DsssPhy::IsAllowed (const WifiTxVector& /*txVector*/)
359 {
360  return true;
361 }
363 uint32_t
365 {
366  return 4095;
367 }
369 } //namespace ns3
371 namespace {
376 static class ConstructorDsss
377 {
378 public:
380  {
382  ns3::Ptr<ns3::DsssPhy> phyEntity = ns3::Create<ns3::DsssPhy> ();
384  ns3::WifiPhy::AddStaticPhyEntity (ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS, phyEntity); //use same entity when plain DSSS modes are used
385  }
388 }
Constructor class for DSSS modes.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:377
uint32_t GetMaxPsduSize(void) const override
Get the maximum PSDU size in bytes.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:364
PhyFieldRxStatus DoEndReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) override
End receiving a given field, perform amendment-specific actions, and provide the status of the recept...
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:190
static uint16_t GetConstellationSize(const std::string &name)
Return the constellation size from the DSSS or HR/DSSS mode's unique name using ModulationLookupTable...
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:322
static const PpduFormats m_dsssPpduFormats
DSSS and HR/DSSS PPDU formats.
Definition: dsss-phy.h:196
PhyFieldRxStatus EndReceiveHeader(Ptr< Event > event)
End receiving the header, perform DSSS-specific actions, and provide the status of the reception.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:201
static WifiMode CreateDsssMode(std::string uniqueName, WifiModulationClass modClass)
Create a DSSS or HR/DSSS mode from a unique name, the unique name must already be contained inside Mo...
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:297
static WifiMode GetDsssRate2Mbps(void)
Return a WifiMode for DSSS at 2 Mbps.
static WifiCodeRate GetCodeRate(const std::string &name)
Return the WifiCodeRate from the DSSS or HR/DSSS mode's unique name using ModulationLookupTable.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:316
static WifiMode GetDsssRate5_5Mbps(void)
Return a WifiMode for HR/DSSS at 5.5 Mbps.
static const ModulationLookupTable m_dsssModulationLookupTable
lookup table to retrieve code rate and constellation size corresponding to a unique name of modulatio...
Definition: dsss-phy.h:198
static uint64_t GetDataRateFromTxVector(const WifiTxVector &txVector, uint16_t staId)
Return the data rate corresponding to the supplied TXVECTOR.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:328
const PpduFormats & GetPpduFormats(void) const override
Return the PPDU formats of the PHY.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:119
Ptr< SpectrumValue > GetTxPowerSpectralDensity(double txPowerW, Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const override
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:241
static WifiMode GetDsssRate1Mbps(void)
Return a WifiMode for DSSS at 1 Mbps.
WifiMode GetSigMode(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Get the WifiMode for the SIG field specified by the PPDU field.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:90
uint16_t GetRxChannelWidth(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Return the channel width used in the reception spectrum model.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:225
static uint64_t GetDataRate(const std::string &name, WifiModulationClass modClass)
Return the data rate from the DSSS or HR/DSSS mode's unique name and the supplied parameters.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:336
virtual ~DsssPhy()
Destructor for HR/DSSS PHY.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:84
static bool IsAllowed(const WifiTxVector &txVector)
Check whether the combination in TXVECTOR is allowed.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:358
Time GetHeaderDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:158
Time GetPayloadDuration(uint32_t size, const WifiTxVector &txVector, WifiPhyBand band, MpduType mpdutype, bool incFlag, uint32_t &totalAmpduSize, double &totalAmpduNumSymbols, uint16_t staId) const override
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:174
Constructor for HR/DSSS PHY.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:73
static WifiMode GetDsssRate(uint64_t rate)
Return a WifiMode for HR/DSSS corresponding to the provided rate.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:262
static void InitializeModes(void)
Initialize all HR/DSSS modes.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:253
Time GetPreambleDuration(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:142
WifiMode GetHeaderMode(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:103
static WifiMode GetDsssRate11Mbps(void)
Return a WifiMode for HR/DSSS at 11 Mbps.
Ptr< WifiPpdu > BuildPpdu(const WifiConstPsduMap &psdus, const WifiTxVector &txVector, Time ppduDuration) override
Build amendment-specific PPDU.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:182
Time GetDuration(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const override
Get the duration of the PPDU field (or group of fields) used by this entity for the given transmissio...
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:125
virtual Time GetDuration(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Get the duration of the PPDU field (or group of fields) used by this entity for the given transmissio...
Definition: phy-entity.cc:178
virtual uint64_t ObtainNextUid(const WifiTxVector &txVector)
Obtain the next UID for the PPDU to transmit.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1027
Ptr< WifiPhy > m_wifiPhy
Pointer to the owning WifiPhy.
Definition: phy-entity.h:791
std::map< std::string, CodeRateConstellationSizePair > ModulationLookupTable
A modulation lookup table using unique name of modulation as key.
Definition: phy-entity.h:487
double GetRandomValue(void) const
Obtain a random value from the WifiPhy's generator.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:997
std::map< WifiPreamble, std::vector< WifiPpduField > > PpduFormats
A map of PPDU field elements per preamble type.
Definition: phy-entity.h:477
virtual WifiMode GetSigMode(WifiPpduField field, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Get the WifiMode for the SIG field specified by the PPDU field.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:142
virtual uint16_t GetRxChannelWidth(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Return the channel width used in the reception spectrum model.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1021
uint16_t GetGuardBandwidth(uint16_t currentChannelWidth) const
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1074
std::list< WifiMode > m_modeList
the list of supported modes
Definition: phy-entity.h:794
SnrPer GetPhyHeaderSnrPer(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event) const
Obtain the SNR and PER of the PPDU field from the WifiPhy's InterferenceHelper class.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:252
uint16_t GetCenterFrequencyForChannelWidth(const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Get the center frequency of the channel corresponding the current TxVector rather than that of the su...
Definition: phy-entity.cc:1034
virtual bool IsConfigSupported(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) const
Checks if the signaled configuration (excluding bandwidth) is supported by the PHY.
Definition: phy-entity.cc:902
drop PPDU and set CCA_BUSY
Definition: phy-entity.h:102
abort reception of PPDU
Definition: phy-entity.h:103
virtual PhyFieldRxStatus DoEndReceiveField(WifiPpduField field, Ptr< Event > event)
End receiving a given field, perform amendment-specific actions, and provide the status of the recept...
Definition: phy-entity.cc:352
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Definition: ptr.h:74
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:103
static WifiMode CreateWifiMode(std::string uniqueName, WifiModulationClass modClass, bool isMandatory, CodeRateCallback codeRateCallback, ConstellationSizeCallback constellationSizeCallback, PhyRateCallback phyRateCallback, DataRateCallback dataRateCallback, AllowedCallback isAllowedCallback)
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:260
represent a single transmission mode
Definition: wifi-mode.h:48
WifiModulationClass GetModulationClass() const
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:177
std::string GetUniqueName(void) const
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:140
uint64_t GetDataRate(uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss) const
Definition: wifi-mode.cc:114
static void AddStaticPhyEntity(WifiModulationClass modulation, Ptr< PhyEntity > phyEntity)
Add the PHY entity to the map of implemented PHY entities for the given modulation class.
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:652
uint16_t GetChannelWidth(void) const
Definition: wifi-phy.cc:918
static Ptr< SpectrumValue > CreateDsssTxPowerSpectralDensity(uint32_t centerFrequency, double txPowerW, uint16_t guardBandwidth)
Create a transmit power spectral density corresponding to DSSS.
This class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters whi...
WifiMode GetMode(uint16_t staId=SU_STA_ID) const
If this TX vector is associated with an SU PPDU, return the selected payload transmission mode.
WifiPreamble GetPreambleType(void) const
uint16_t GetChannelWidth(void) const
#define GET_DSSS_MODE(x, m)
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:280
Declaration of ns3::DsssPhy class.
Declaration of ns3::DsssPpdu class.
#define NS_ASSERT_MSG(condition, message)
At runtime, in debugging builds, if this condition is not true, the program prints the message to out...
Definition: assert.h:88
#define NS_FATAL_ERROR(msg)
Report a fatal error with a message and terminate.
Definition: fatal-error.h:165
#define NS_ABORT_MSG(msg)
Unconditional abnormal program termination with a message.
Definition: abort.h:50
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is true, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:108
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:273
#define NS_LOG_LOGIC(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_LOGIC.
Definition: log.h:289
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by ",...
Callback< R > MakeBoundCallback(R(*fnPtr)(TX), ARG a1)
Make Callbacks with one bound argument.
Definition: callback.h:1709
Time MicroSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1260
Identifies the PHY band.
Definition: wifi-phy-band.h:33
This enumeration defines the modulation classes per (Table 10-6 "Modulation classes"; IEEE 802....
The type of PPDU field (grouped for convenience)
The type of an MPDU.
HR/DSSS (Clause 16)
DSSS (Clause 15)
PHY header field for DSSS or ERP, short PHY header field for HR/DSSS or ERP, field not present for HT...
SYNC + SFD fields for DSSS or ERP, shortSYNC + shortSFD fields for HR/DSSS or ERP,...
data field
static class anonymous_namespace{dsss-phy.cc}::ConstructorDsss g_constructor_dsss
the constructor for DSSS modes
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
undefined coding rate
double RatioToDb(double ratio)
Convert from ratio to dB.
Definition: wifi-utils.cc:49
std::unordered_map< uint16_t, Ptr< const WifiPsdu > > WifiConstPsduMap
Map of const PSDUs indexed by STA-ID.
static const std::array< uint64_t, 4 > s_dsssRatesBpsList
DSSS rates in bits per second.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:61
uint16_t WifiCodeRate
These constants define the various convolutional coding rates used for the OFDM transmission modes in...
const std::array< uint64_t, 4 > & GetDsssRatesBpsList(void)
Get the array of possible DSSS rates.
Definition: dsss-phy.cc:68
Callback< R, Ts... > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(Ts...), OBJ objPtr)
Build Callbacks for class method members which take varying numbers of arguments and potentially retu...
Definition: callback.h:1648
Status of the reception of the PPDU field.
Definition: phy-entity.h:111
WifiPhyRxfailureReason reason
failure reason
Definition: phy-entity.h:114
PhyRxFailureAction actionIfFailure
action to perform in case of failure
Definition: phy-entity.h:115
bool isSuccess
outcome (true if success) of the reception
Definition: phy-entity.h:113
A struct for both SNR and PER.
Definition: phy-entity.h:137
double snr
SNR in linear scale.
Definition: phy-entity.h:138