23 #ifndef STA_WIFI_MAC_H
24 #define STA_WIFI_MAC_H
36 class CapabilityInformation;
110 friend class ::TwoLevelAggregationTest;
112 friend class ::AmpduAggregationTest;
114 friend class ::HeAggregationTest;
802.11ax aggregation test which permits 64 or 256 MPDUs in A-MPDU according to the negociated buffer ...
Two Level Aggregation Test.
An identifier for simulation events.
The Wifi MAC high model for a non-AP STA in a BSS.
Time m_waitBeaconTimeout
wait beacon timeout
CapabilityInformation GetCapabilities(void) const
Return the Capability information of the current STA.
void ScanningTimeout(void)
This method is called after wait beacon timeout or wait probe request timeout has occurred.
bool m_activeProbing
active probing
bool CanForwardPacketsTo(Mac48Address to) const override
Return true if packets can be forwarded to the given destination, false otherwise.
void SetEdcaParameters(AcIndex ac, uint32_t cwMin, uint32_t cwMax, uint8_t aifsn, Time txopLimit)
Set the EDCA parameters.
void SetState(MacState value)
Set the current MAC state.
Time m_beaconWatchdogEnd
beacon watchdog end
void UpdateApInfoFromProbeResp(MgtProbeResponseHeader probeResp, Mac48Address apAddr, Mac48Address bssid)
Update AP's information from probe response.
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_deAssocLogger
disassociation logger
void NotifyChannelSwitching(void) override
Notify that channel has been switched.
void SendProbeRequest(void)
Forward a probe request packet to the DCF.
void UpdateApInfoFromBeacon(MgtBeaconHeader beacon, Mac48Address apAddr, Mac48Address bssid)
Update associated AP's information from beacon.
The current MAC state of the STA.
EventId m_beaconWatchdog
beacon watchdog
uint16_t GetAssociationId(void) const
Return the association ID.
void UpdateCandidateApList(ApInfo newApInfo)
Update list of candidate AP to associate.
void UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(MgtAssocResponseHeader assocResp, Mac48Address apAddr)
Update AP's information from association response.
bool IsWaitAssocResp(void) const
Return whether we are waiting for an association response from an AP.
SupportedRates GetSupportedRates(void) const
Return an instance of SupportedRates that contains all rates that we support including HT rates.
void TryToEnsureAssociated(void)
Try to ensure that we are associated with an AP by taking an appropriate action depending on the curr...
bool IsAssociated(void) const
Return whether we are associated with an AP.
void Disassociated(void)
Take actions after disassociation.
uint32_t m_maxMissedBeacons
maximum missed beacons
EventId m_waitBeaconEvent
wait beacon event
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_assocLogger
association logger
void AssocRequestTimeout(void)
This method is called after the association timeout occurred.
void Receive(Ptr< WifiMacQueueItem > mpdu) override
Handle a received packet.
void RestartBeaconWatchdog(Time delay)
Restarts the beacon timer.
void MissedBeacons(void)
This method is called after we have not received a beacon from the AP.
EventId m_probeRequestEvent
probe request event
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
void StartScanning(void)
Start the scanning process which trigger active or passive scanning based on the active probing flag.
uint16_t m_aid
Association AID.
MacState m_state
MAC state.
void Enqueue(Ptr< Packet > packet, Mac48Address to) override
void SetMuEdcaParameters(AcIndex ac, uint16_t cwMin, uint16_t cwMax, uint8_t aifsn, Time muEdcaTimer)
Set the MU EDCA parameters.
void SetWifiPhy(const Ptr< WifiPhy > phy) override
void PhyCapabilitiesChanged(void)
Indicate that PHY capabilities have changed.
TracedCallback< Time > m_beaconArrival
beacon arrival logger
Time m_assocRequestTimeout
association request timeout
void DoInitialize(void) override
Initialize() implementation.
Time m_probeRequestTimeout
probe request timeout
void SetActiveProbing(bool enable)
Enable or disable active probing.
std::vector< ApInfo > m_candidateAps
list of candidate APs to associate to
EventId m_assocRequestEvent
association request event
bool GetActiveProbing(void) const
Return whether active probing is enabled.
void SendAssociationRequest(bool isReassoc)
Forward an association or reassociation request packet to the DCF.
The Supported Rates Information Element.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
base class for all MAC-level wifi objects.
This enumeration defines the Access Categories as an enumeration with values corresponding to the AC ...
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Struct to hold information regarding observed AP through active/passive scanning.
double m_snr
SNR in linear scale.
Mac48Address m_bssid
MgtProbeResponseHeader m_probeResp
Probe Response header.
Mac48Address m_apAddr
AP MAC address.
MgtBeaconHeader m_beacon
Beacon header.
bool m_activeProbing
Flag whether active probing is used or not.