28 #include <ns3/object.h>
29 #include <ns3/traced-callback.h>
30 #include <ns3/traced-value.h>
31 #include <ns3/mac16-address.h>
32 #include <ns3/mac64-address.h>
33 #include <ns3/sequence-number.h>
34 #include <ns3/lr-wpan-phy.h>
35 #include <ns3/lr-wpan-fields.h>
36 #include <ns3/event-id.h>
108 namespace TracedValueCallback {
An identifier for simulation events.
Represent the GTS information fields.
Class that implements the LR-WPAN MAC state machine.
uint32_t m_incomingBeaconInterval
Indication of the interval a node should receive a superframe expressed in symbols.
uint32_t GetIfsSize()
Get the size of the Interframe Space according to MPDU size (m_txPkt).
Ptr< LrWpanCsmaCa > m_csmaCa
The CSMA/CA implementation used by this MAC.
virtual void DoDispose(void)
Destructor implementation.
McpsDataConfirmCallback m_mcpsDataConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report data transmission request status to the upper layers.
static const uint32_t aBaseSlotDuration
Length of a superframe slot in symbols.
Time m_macBeaconRxTime
The time that the device received its last bit of the beacon frame.
Ptr< LrWpanPhy > GetPhy(void)
Get the underlying PHY of the MAC.
Mac16Address GetShortAddress(void) const
Get the short address of this MAC.
void PlmeCcaConfirm(LrWpanPhyEnumeration status)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-CCA.confirm status.
bool m_macRxOnWhenIdle
Indication of whether the MAC sublayer is to enable its receiver during idle periods.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxOkTrace
The trace source fired when packets where successfully transmitted, that is an acknowledgment was rec...
void SetMlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback(MlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication of an incoming beacon packet.
uint64_t m_rxBeaconSymbols
The total size of the received beacon in symbols.
void SetRxOnWhenIdle(bool rxOnWhenIdle)
Set if the receiver should be enabled when the MAC is idle.
bool m_panCoor
Indication of whether the current device is the PAN coordinator.
void BeaconSearchTimeout(void)
Called if the device is unable to locate a beacon in the time set by MLME-SYNC.request.
void PlmeSetTRXStateConfirm(LrWpanPhyEnumeration status)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.confirm Set PHY state.
uint8_t m_numCsmacaRetry
The number of CSMA/CA retries used for sending the current packet.
void MlmeSyncRequest(MlmeSyncRequestParams params)
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-SYNC.request Request to synchronize with the coordinator by...
void SendOneBeacon(void)
Called to send a single beacon frame.
MlmeStartConfirmCallback m_mlmeStartConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the start of a new PAN or the begin of a new superframe configuration...
uint64_t GetMacAckWaitDuration(void) const
Get the macAckWaitDuration attribute value.
uint8_t m_deviceCapability
Indication of current device capability (FFD or RFD)
uint8_t GetMacMaxFrameRetries(void) const
Get the macMaxFrameRetries attribute value.
EventId m_trackingEvent
Scheduler event to track the incoming beacons.
void CheckQueue(void)
Check the transmission queue.
void SetMlmePollConfirmCallback(MlmePollConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
void RemoveFirstTxQElement()
Remove the tip of the transmission queue, including clean up related to the last packet transmission.
void PlmeEdConfirm(LrWpanPhyEnumeration status, uint8_t energyLevel)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-ED.confirm status and energy level.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macRxTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device immediately before being forwa...
bool GetRxOnWhenIdle(void)
Check if the receiver will be enabled when the MAC is idle.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_promiscSnifferTrace
A trace source that emulates a promiscuous mode protocol sniffer connected to the device.
void SetExtendedAddress(Mac64Address address)
Set the extended address of this MAC.
void MlmeStartRequest(MlmeStartRequestParams params)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section MLME-START.request Request to allow a PAN coordinator to initiat...
uint16_t GetPanId(void) const
Get the PAN id used by this MAC.
uint32_t m_macLIFSPeriod
The minimum time forming a Long InterFrame Spacing (LIFS) period.
void StartInactivePeriod(SuperframeType superframeType)
Start the Inactive Period in a beacon-enabled mode.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxDropTrace
The trace source fired when packets are dropped due to missing ACKs or because of transmission failur...
void SetMcpsDataIndicationCallback(McpsDataIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the indication of an incoming data packet.
virtual void DoInitialize(void)
Initialize() implementation.
void SetMlmeStartConfirmCallback(MlmeStartConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
EventId m_cfpEvent
Scheduler event for the end of the outgoing superframe CFP.
static const uint32_t aMinMPDUOverhead
The minimum number of octets added by the MAC sublayer to the PSDU.
void PrintTransmitQueueSize(void)
Print the number of elements in the packet transmit queue.
uint8_t m_macMaxFrameRetries
The maximum number of retries allowed after a transmission failure.
Mac64Address m_macCoordExtendedAddress
The extended address of the coordinator through which the device is associated.
MlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback m_mlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback
This callback is used to indicate the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
MlmePollConfirmCallback m_mlmePollConfirmCallback
This callback is used to report the status after a device send data command request to the coordinato...
SequenceNumber8 m_macBsn
Sequence number added to transmitted beacon frame, 00-ff.
LrWpanAssociationStatus m_associationStatus
The current association status of the MAC layer.
void SetLrWpanMacState(LrWpanMacState macState)
CSMA-CA algorithm calls back the MAC after executing channel assessment.
Mac16Address m_shortAddress
The short address used by this MAC.
uint8_t m_macSuperframeOrder
Used by a PAN coordinator or coordinator.
void(* StateTracedCallback)(LrWpanMacState oldState, LrWpanMacState newState)
TracedCallback signature for LrWpanMacState change events.
void SetCsmaCa(Ptr< LrWpanCsmaCa > csmaCa)
Set the CSMA/CA implementation to be used by the MAC.
void PdDataIndication(uint32_t psduLength, Ptr< Packet > p, uint8_t lqi)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PD-DATA.indication Indicates the transfer of an MPDU from PHY to M...
Time m_macBeaconTxTime
The time that the device transmitted its last beacon frame.
SuperframeField GetSuperframeField(void)
Constructs a Superframe specification field from the local information, the superframe Specification ...
MlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback m_mlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback
This callback is used to notify incoming beacon packets to the upper layers.
TracedCallback< LrWpanMacState, LrWpanMacState > m_macStateLogger
A trace source that fires when the LrWpanMac changes states.
EventId m_setMacState
Scheduler event for a deferred MAC state change.
void StartCFP(SuperframeType superframeType)
Called to begin the Contention Free Period (CFP) in a beacon-enabled mode.
void SetMcpsDataConfirmCallback(McpsDataConfirmCallback c)
Set the callback for the confirmation of a data transmission request.
uint16_t m_macTransactionPersistanceTime
The maximum time (in superframe periods) that a transaction is stored by a coordinator and indicated ...
void SetAssociationStatus(LrWpanAssociationStatus status)
Set the current association status.
void SetPanId(uint16_t panId)
Set the PAN id used by this MAC.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_snifferTrace
A trace source that emulates a non-promiscuous protocol sniffer connected to the device.
uint8_t m_incomingBeaconOrder
The beaconOrder value of the INCOMING frame.
SequenceNumber8 m_macDsn
Sequence number added to transmitted data or MAC command frame, 00-ff.
void SetMlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback(MlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback c)
Set the callback for the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
uint32_t m_ifs
The value of the necessary InterFrame Space after the transmission of a packet.
std::deque< TxQueueElement * > m_txQueue
The transmit queue used by the MAC.
std::deque< IndTxQueueElement * > m_indTxQueue
The indirect transmit queue used by the MAC pending messages.
void ChangeMacState(LrWpanMacState newState)
Change the current MAC state to the given new state.
void(* SentTracedCallback)(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint8_t retries, uint8_t backoffs)
TracedCallback signature for sent packets.
void PlmeGetAttributeConfirm(LrWpanPhyEnumeration status, LrWpanPibAttributeIdentifier id, LrWpanPhyPibAttributes *attribute)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-GET.confirm Get attributes per definition from Table 23 in se...
uint8_t m_macBeaconOrder
Used by a PAN coordinator or coordinator.
TracedCallback< Time > m_macIfsEndTrace
The trace source is fired at the end of any Interframe Space (IFS).
TracedValue< SuperframeStatus > m_outSuperframeStatus
The current period of the outgoing superframe.
GtsFields GetGtsFields(void)
Constructs the Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) Fields from local information.
void PlmeSetAttributeConfirm(LrWpanPhyEnumeration status, LrWpanPibAttributeIdentifier id)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section PLME-SET.confirm Set attributes per definition from Table 23 in s...
static const uint32_t aBaseSuperframeDuration
Length of a superframe in symbols.
EventId m_ackWaitTimeout
Scheduler event for the ACK timeout of the currently transmitted data packet.
bool m_macPromiscuousMode
Indicates if MAC sublayer is in receive all mode.
uint8_t m_fnlCapSlot
Indication of the Slot where the CAP portion of the OUTGOING Superframe ends.
uint32_t m_macSIFSPeriod
The minimum time forming a Short InterFrame Spacing (SIFS) period.
void IfsWaitTimeout(Time ifsTime)
After a successful transmission of a frame (beacon, data) or an ack frame reception,...
bool PrepareRetransmission(void)
Check for remaining retransmissions for the packet currently being sent.
static const uint32_t aMaxLostBeacons
The number of consecutive lost beacons that will cause the MAC sublayer of a receiving device to decl...
uint32_t m_beaconInterval
Indication of the Interval used by the coordinator to transmit beacon frames expressed in symbols.
TracedValue< LrWpanMacState > m_lrWpanMacState
The current state of the MAC layer.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxEnqueueTrace
The trace source fired when packets come into the "top" of the device at the L3/L2 transition,...
EventId m_capEvent
Scheduler event for the end of the outgoing superframe CAP.
Mac64Address GetExtendedAddress(void) const
Get the extended address of this MAC.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxTrace
The trace source fired when packets are being sent down to L1.
uint16_t m_macPanId
16 bits id of PAN on which this device is operating.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macRxDropTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device but dropped before being forwa...
bool m_macAutoRequest
Indication of whether a device automatically sends data request command if its address is listed in t...
uint8_t m_incomingSuperframeOrder
Used by all devices that have a parent.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, uint8_t, uint8_t > m_sentPktTrace
The trace source fired when packets are considered as successfully sent or the transmission has been ...
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macTxDequeueTrace
The trace source fired when packets are dequeued from the L3/l2 transmission queue.
void PdDataConfirm(LrWpanPhyEnumeration status)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 section Confirm the end of transmission of an MPDU to MAC.
uint8_t m_numLostBeacons
The number of consecutive loss beacons in a beacon tracking operation.
Ptr< Packet > m_txPkt
The packet which is currently being sent by the MAC layer.
void McpsDataRequest(McpsDataRequestParams params, Ptr< Packet > p)
IEEE 802.15.4-2006, section MCPS-DATA.request Request to transfer a MSDU.
void SetPhy(Ptr< LrWpanPhy > phy)
Set the underlying PHY for the MAC.
LrWpanAssociationStatus GetAssociationStatus(void) const
Get the current association status.
void AwaitBeacon(void)
Called after the end of an INCOMING superframe to start the moment a device waits for a new incoming ...
Mac64Address m_selfExt
The extended address used by this MAC.
EventId m_incCapEvent
Scheduler event for the end of the incoming superframe CAP.
McpsDataIndicationCallback m_mcpsDataIndicationCallback
This callback is used to notify incoming packets to the upper layers.
bool m_beaconTrackingOn
Indication of whether the current device is tracking incoming beacons.
uint32_t m_superframeDuration
Indication of the superframe duration in symbols.
Mac16Address m_macCoordShortAddress
The short address of the coordinator through which the device is associated.
void AckWaitTimeout(void)
Handle an ACK timeout with a packet retransmission, if there are retransmission left,...
Ptr< LrWpanPhy > m_phy
The PHY associated with this MAC.
uint64_t m_macSyncSymbolOffset
Symbol boundary is same as m_macBeaconTxTime.
static const uint32_t aMaxSIFSFrameSize
The maximum size of an MPDU, in octets, that can be followed by a Short InterFrame Spacing (SIFS) per...
Default constructor.
bool isTxAckReq(void)
Check if the packet to transmit requires acknowledgment.
static const uint32_t aNumSuperframeSlots
Number of a superframe slots per superframe.
uint64_t GetTxPacketSymbols(void)
Obtain the number of symbols in the packet which is currently being sent by the MAC layer.
void StartCAP(SuperframeType superframeType)
Called to begin the Contention Access Period (CAP) in a beacon-enabled mode.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_macPromiscRxTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device immediately before being forwa...
void MlmePollRequest(MlmePollRequestParams params)
IEEE 802.15.4-2011, section MLME-POLL.request Prompts the device to request data from the co...
EventId m_ifsEvent
Scheduler event for Interframe spacing wait time.
EventId m_beaconEvent
Scheduler event for generation of one beacon.
uint32_t m_incomingSuperframeDuration
Indication of the superframe duration in symbols (e.g.
void SetShortAddress(Mac16Address address)
Set the short address of this MAC.
void SetMacMaxFrameRetries(uint8_t retries)
Set the macMaxFrameRetries attribute value.
uint8_t m_retransmission
The number of already used retransmission for the currently transmitted packet.
PendingAddrFields GetPendingAddrFields(void)
Constructs Pending Address Fields from the local information, the Pending Address Fields are part of ...
bool isCoordDest(void)
Check if the packet destination is its coordinator.
EventId m_incCfpEvent
Scheduler event for the end of the incoming superframe CFP.
void SendAck(uint8_t seqno)
Send an acknowledgment packet for the given sequence number.
uint8_t m_incomingFnlCapSlot
Indication of the Slot where the CAP portion of the INCOMING Superframe ends.
TracedValue< SuperframeStatus > m_incSuperframeStatus
The current period of the incoming superframe.
void SetAssociatedCoor(Mac16Address mac)
Check if the packet destination is its coordinator.
This class can contain 16 bit addresses.
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Represent the Pending Address Specification field.
Represent the Superframe Specification information field.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Callback< void, McpsDataConfirmParams > McpsDataConfirmCallback
This callback is called after a McpsDataRequest has been called from the higher layer.
Table 39 of IEEE 802.15.4-2011.
MAC states.
Callback< void, McpsDataIndicationParams, Ptr< Packet > > McpsDataIndicationCallback
This callback is called after a Mcps has successfully received a frame and wants to deliver it to the...
Callback< void, MlmeStartConfirmParams > MlmeStartConfirmCallback
This callback is called after a MlmeStartRequest has been called from the higher layer.
Table 42 of 802.15.4-2006.
Superframe status.
IEEE802.15.4-2006 PHY Emumerations Table 18 in section 6.2.3.
Tx options.
table 83 of 802.15.4
Callback< void, MlmePollConfirmParams > MlmePollConfirmCallback
This callback is called after a Mlme-Poll.Request has been called from the higher layer.
Table 35 of IEEE 802.15.4-2011.
table 80 of 802.15.4
Superframe type.
Callback< void, MlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationParams, Ptr< Packet > > MlmeBeaconNotifyIndicationCallback
This callback is called after a Mlme has successfully received a beacon frame and wants to deliver it...
Callback< void, MlmeSyncLossIndicationParams > MlmeSyncLossIndicationCallback
This callback is called to indicate the loss of synchronization with a coordinator.
IEEE802.15.4-2006 PHY PIB Attribute Identifiers Table 23 in section 6.4.2.
Table 37 of IEEE 802.15.4-2011.
Contention Free Period.
Inactive Period or unslotted CSMA-CA.
Contention Access Period.
The Beacon transmission or reception Period.
Incoming Superframe.
Outgoing Superframe.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Helper structure for managing indirect transmission queue elements.
Time expireTime
The expiration time of the packet in the indirect transmission queue.
uint8_t txQMsduHandle
MSDU Handle.
Ptr< Packet > txQPkt
Queued packet.
Helper structure for managing transmission queue elements.
Ptr< Packet > txQPkt
Queued packet.
uint8_t txQMsduHandle
MSDU Handle.
IEEE802.15.4-2006 PHY PIB Attributes Table 23 in section 6.4.2.
MCPS-DATA.confirm params.
LrWpanMcpsDataConfirmStatus m_status
The status of the last MSDU transmission.
uint8_t m_msduHandle
MSDU handle.
MCPS-DATA.indication params.
Mac16Address m_dstAddr
Destination address.
uint8_t m_dstAddrMode
Destination address mode.
uint16_t m_dstPanId
Destination PAN identifier.
uint8_t m_dsn
The DSN of the received data frame.
uint8_t m_mpduLinkQuality
LQI value measured during reception of the MPDU.
uint16_t m_srcPanId
Source PAN identifier.
Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr
Destination extended address.
uint8_t m_srcAddrMode
Source address mode.
Mac64Address m_srcExtAddr
Source extended address.
Mac16Address m_srcAddr
Source address.
MCPS-DATA.request params.
LrWpanAddressMode m_srcAddrMode
Source address mode.
Mac64Address m_dstExtAddr
Destination extended address.
LrWpanAddressMode m_dstAddrMode
Destination address mode.
uint16_t m_dstPanId
Destination PAN identifier.
Mac16Address m_dstAddr
Destination address.
uint8_t m_msduHandle
MSDU handle.
uint8_t m_txOptions
Tx Options (bitfield)
MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication params.
uint8_t m_bsn
The beacon sequence number.
MLME-START.confirm params.
LrWpanMlmePollConfirmStatus m_status
The confirmation status resulting from a MLME-poll.request.
MLME-POLL.request params.
Mac16Address m_coorShortAddr
Coordintator short address.
uint16_t m_coorPanId
The PAN id of the coordinator to which the poll is intended.
Mac64Address m_coorExtAddr
Coordinator extended address.
LrWpanAddressMode m_coorAddrMode
The addressing mode of the coordinator to which the pool is intended.
MLME-START.confirm params.
LrWpanMlmeStartConfirmStatus m_status
The status of a MLME-start.request.
MLME-START.request params.
uint32_t m_logChPage
Logical channel page on which to start using the new superframe configuration.
uint8_t m_logCh
Logical channel on which to start using the new superframe configuration.
bool m_panCoor
On true this device will become coordinator.
bool m_coorRealgn
True if a realignment request command is to be transmitted prior changing the superframe.
uint8_t m_bcnOrd
Beacon Order, Used to calculate the beacon interval, a value of 15 indicates no periodic beacons will...
uint32_t m_startTime
Time at which to begin transmitting beacons (Used by Coordinator not PAN Coordinators).
uint16_t m_PanId
Pan Identifier used by the device.
uint8_t m_sfrmOrd
Superframe Order, indicates the length of the CAP in time slots.
bool m_battLifeExt
Flag indicating whether or not the Battery life extension (BLE) features are used.
MLME-SYNC-LOSS.indication params.
uint16_t m_panId
The PAN identifier with which the device lost synchronization or to which it was realigned.
uint8_t m_logCh
The channel number on which the device lost synchronization or to which it was realigned.
LrWpanSyncLossReason m_lossReason
The reason for the lost of synchronization.
MLME-SYNC.request params.
bool m_trackBcn
True if the mlme sync with the next beacon and attempts to track future beacons.
uint8_t m_logCh
The channel number on which to attempt coordinator synchronization.