A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2006 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6 // published by the Free Software Foundation;
7 //
8 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // GNU General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 //
17 // Author: George F. Riley<riley@ece.gatech.edu>
18 //
20 #ifndef IPV4_L3_PROTOCOL_H
21 #define IPV4_L3_PROTOCOL_H
23 #include "ipv4-header.h"
24 #include "ipv4-routing-protocol.h"
25 #include "ipv4.h"
27 #include "ns3/deprecated.h"
28 #include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
29 #include "ns3/net-device.h"
30 #include "ns3/nstime.h"
31 #include "ns3/ptr.h"
32 #include "ns3/simulator.h"
33 #include "ns3/traced-callback.h"
35 #include <list>
36 #include <map>
37 #include <stdint.h>
38 #include <vector>
42 namespace ns3
43 {
45 class Packet;
46 class NetDevice;
47 class Ipv4Interface;
48 class Ipv4Address;
49 class Ipv4Header;
50 class Ipv4RoutingTableEntry;
51 class Ipv4Route;
52 class Node;
53 class Socket;
54 class Ipv4RawSocketImpl;
55 class IpL4Protocol;
56 class Icmpv4L4Protocol;
83 class Ipv4L3Protocol : public Ipv4
84 {
85  public:
90  static TypeId GetTypeId();
91  static const uint16_t PROT_NUMBER;
94  ~Ipv4L3Protocol() override;
96  // Delete copy constructor and assignment operator to avoid misuse
97  Ipv4L3Protocol(const Ipv4L3Protocol&) = delete;
105  {
113  };
119  void SetNode(Ptr<Node> node);
121  // functions defined in base class Ipv4
123  void SetRoutingProtocol(Ptr<Ipv4RoutingProtocol> routingProtocol) override;
126  Ptr<Socket> CreateRawSocket() override;
127  void DeleteRawSocket(Ptr<Socket> socket) override;
129  void Insert(Ptr<IpL4Protocol> protocol) override;
130  void Insert(Ptr<IpL4Protocol> protocol, uint32_t interfaceIndex) override;
132  void Remove(Ptr<IpL4Protocol> protocol) override;
133  void Remove(Ptr<IpL4Protocol> protocol, uint32_t interfaceIndex) override;
135  Ptr<IpL4Protocol> GetProtocol(int protocolNumber) const override;
136  Ptr<IpL4Protocol> GetProtocol(int protocolNumber, int32_t interfaceIndex) const override;
138  Ipv4Address SourceAddressSelection(uint32_t interface, Ipv4Address dest) override;
146  void SetDefaultTtl(uint8_t ttl);
161  void Receive(Ptr<NetDevice> device,
163  uint16_t protocol,
164  const Address& from,
165  const Address& to,
166  NetDevice::PacketType packetType);
178  void Send(Ptr<Packet> packet,
179  Ipv4Address source,
180  Ipv4Address destination,
181  uint8_t protocol,
182  Ptr<Ipv4Route> route) override;
191  void SendWithHeader(Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv4Header ipHeader, Ptr<Ipv4Route> route) override;
193  uint32_t AddInterface(Ptr<NetDevice> device) override;
199  Ptr<Ipv4Interface> GetInterface(uint32_t i) const;
200  uint32_t GetNInterfaces() const override;
202  int32_t GetInterfaceForAddress(Ipv4Address addr) const override;
203  int32_t GetInterfaceForPrefix(Ipv4Address addr, Ipv4Mask mask) const override;
204  int32_t GetInterfaceForDevice(Ptr<const NetDevice> device) const override;
205  bool IsDestinationAddress(Ipv4Address address, uint32_t iif) const override;
207  bool AddAddress(uint32_t i, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address) override;
208  Ipv4InterfaceAddress GetAddress(uint32_t interfaceIndex, uint32_t addressIndex) const override;
209  uint32_t GetNAddresses(uint32_t interface) const override;
210  bool RemoveAddress(uint32_t interfaceIndex, uint32_t addressIndex) override;
211  bool RemoveAddress(uint32_t interface, Ipv4Address address) override;
213  Ipv4Address dst,
216  void SetMetric(uint32_t i, uint16_t metric) override;
217  uint16_t GetMetric(uint32_t i) const override;
218  uint16_t GetMtu(uint32_t i) const override;
219  bool IsUp(uint32_t i) const override;
220  void SetUp(uint32_t i) override;
221  void SetDown(uint32_t i) override;
222  bool IsForwarding(uint32_t i) const override;
223  void SetForwarding(uint32_t i, bool val) override;
225  Ptr<NetDevice> GetNetDevice(uint32_t i) override;
237  bool IsUnicast(Ipv4Address ad) const;
246  typedef void (*SentTracedCallback)(const Ipv4Header& header,
247  Ptr<const Packet> packet,
248  uint32_t interface);
259  typedef void (*TxRxTracedCallback)(Ptr<const Packet> packet,
260  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4,
261  uint32_t interface);
274  typedef void (*DropTracedCallback)(const Ipv4Header& header,
275  Ptr<const Packet> packet,
276  DropReason reason,
277  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4,
278  uint32_t interface);
280  protected:
281  void DoDispose() override;
287  void NotifyNewAggregate() override;
289  private:
294  friend class ::Ipv4L3ProtocolTestCase;
296  // class Ipv4 attributes
297  void SetIpForward(bool forward) override;
298  bool GetIpForward() const override;
300  NS_DEPRECATED_3_41("Use SetStrongEndSystemModel instead")
301  void SetWeakEsModel(bool model) override;
303  bool GetWeakEsModel() const override;
305  void SetStrongEndSystemModel(bool model) override;
306  bool GetStrongEndSystemModel() const override;
314  void DecreaseIdentification(Ipv4Address source, Ipv4Address destination, uint8_t protocol);
328  Ipv4Address destination,
329  uint8_t protocol,
330  uint16_t payloadSize,
331  uint8_t ttl,
332  uint8_t tos,
333  bool mayFragment);
341  void SendRealOut(Ptr<Ipv4Route> route, Ptr<Packet> packet, const Ipv4Header& ipHeader);
349  void IpForward(Ptr<Ipv4Route> rtentry, Ptr<const Packet> p, const Ipv4Header& header);
358  Ptr<const Packet> p,
359  const Ipv4Header& header);
367  void LocalDeliver(Ptr<const Packet> p, const Ipv4Header& ip, uint32_t iif);
375  void RouteInputError(Ptr<const Packet> p,
376  const Ipv4Header& ipHeader,
377  Socket::SocketErrno sockErrno);
384  uint32_t AddIpv4Interface(Ptr<Ipv4Interface> interface);
389  void SetupLoopback();
395  Ptr<Icmpv4L4Protocol> GetIcmp() const;
403  bool IsUnicast(Ipv4Address ad, Ipv4Mask interfaceMask) const;
417  void DoFragmentation(Ptr<Packet> packet,
418  const Ipv4Header& ipv4Header,
419  uint32_t outIfaceMtu,
420  std::list<Ipv4PayloadHeaderPair>& listFragments);
429  bool ProcessFragment(Ptr<Packet>& packet, Ipv4Header& ipHeader, uint32_t iif);
441  void CallTxTrace(const Ipv4Header& ipHeader,
442  Ptr<Packet> packet,
443  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4,
444  uint32_t interface);
449  typedef std::vector<Ptr<Ipv4Interface>> Ipv4InterfaceList;
453  typedef std::map<Ptr<const NetDevice>, uint32_t> Ipv4InterfaceReverseContainer;
462  typedef std::pair<int, int32_t> L4ListKey_t;
467  typedef std::map<L4ListKey_t, Ptr<IpL4Protocol>> L4List_t;
469  bool m_ipForward;
475  uint8_t m_defaultTtl;
476  std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint8_t>, uint16_t>
489  // The following two traces pass a packet with an IP header
493  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet>, Ptr<Ipv4>, uint32_t> m_txTrace;
497  TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet>, Ptr<Ipv4>, uint32_t> m_rxTrace;
498  // <ip-header, payload, reason, ifindex> (ifindex not valid if reason is DROP_NO_ROUTE)
502  TracedCallback<const Ipv4Header&, Ptr<const Packet>, DropReason, Ptr<Ipv4>, uint32_t>
510  typedef std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t> FragmentKey_t;
513  typedef std::list<std::tuple<Time, FragmentKey_t, Ipv4Header, uint32_t>>
516  typedef std::list<std::tuple<Time, FragmentKey_t, Ipv4Header, uint32_t>>::iterator
525  void HandleFragmentsTimeout(FragmentKey_t key, Ipv4Header& ipHeader, uint32_t iif);
534  FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t SetTimeout(FragmentKey_t key, Ipv4Header ipHeader, uint32_t iif);
539  void HandleTimeout();
549  {
550  public:
554  Fragments();
562  void AddFragment(Ptr<Packet> fragment, uint16_t fragmentOffset, bool moreFragment);
568  bool IsEntire() const;
574  Ptr<Packet> GetPacket() const;
580  Ptr<Packet> GetPartialPacket() const;
586  void SetTimeoutIter(FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t iter);
592  FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t GetTimeoutIter();
594  private:
603  std::list<std::pair<Ptr<Packet>, uint16_t>> m_fragments;
609  };
612  typedef std::map<FragmentKey_t, Ptr<Fragments>> MapFragments_t;
620  typedef std::tuple<uint64_t, uint8_t, Ipv4Address, Ipv4Address> DupTuple_t;
622  typedef std::map<DupTuple_t, Time> DupMap_t;
630  bool UpdateDuplicate(Ptr<const Packet> p, const Ipv4Header& header);
634  void RemoveDuplicates();
636  bool m_enableDpd;
646 };
648 } // Namespace ns3
650 #endif /* IPV4_L3_PROTOCOL_H */
a polymophic address class
Definition: address.h:101
An identifier for simulation events.
Definition: event-id.h:55
This is the implementation of the ICMP protocol as described in RFC 792.
L4 Protocol abstract base class.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Definition: ipv4-address.h:42
Packet header for IPv4.
Definition: ipv4-header.h:34
Access to the IPv4 forwarding table, interfaces, and configuration.
Definition: ipv4.h:80
a class to store IPv4 address information on an interface
The IPv4 representation of a network interface.
A Set of Fragment belonging to the same packet (src, dst, identification and proto)
std::list< std::pair< Ptr< Packet >, uint16_t > > m_fragments
The current fragments.
bool m_moreFragment
True if other fragments will be sent.
FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t m_timeoutIter
Timeout iterator to "event" handler.
Implement the IPv4 layer.
static const uint16_t PROT_NUMBER
Protocol number (0x0800)
std::tuple< uint64_t, uint8_t, Ipv4Address, Ipv4Address > DupTuple_t
IETF RFC 6621, Section 6.2 de-duplication w/o IPSec RFC 6621 recommended duplicate packet tuple: {IPV...
void CallTxTrace(const Ipv4Header &ipHeader, Ptr< Packet > packet, Ptr< Ipv4 > ipv4, uint32_t interface)
Make a copy of the packet, add the header and invoke the TX trace callback.
Reason why a packet has been dropped.
Bad checksum.
No route to host.
Interface is down so can not send packet.
Duplicate packet received.
Packet TTL has expired.
Route error.
Fragment timeout exceeded.
void DecreaseIdentification(Ipv4Address source, Ipv4Address destination, uint8_t protocol)
Decrease the identification value for a dropped or recursed packet.
std::map< FragmentKey_t, Ptr< Fragments > > MapFragments_t
Container of fragments, stored as pairs(src+dst addr, src+dst port) / fragment.
Ipv4InterfaceList m_interfaces
List of IPv4 interfaces.
void DeleteRawSocket(Ptr< Socket > socket) override
Deletes a particular raw socket.
MapFragments_t m_fragments
Fragmented packets.
void LocalDeliver(Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &ip, uint32_t iif)
Deliver a packet.
bool IsDestinationAddress(Ipv4Address address, uint32_t iif) const override
Determine whether address and interface corresponding to received packet can be accepted for local de...
std::pair< uint64_t, uint32_t > FragmentKey_t
Key identifying a fragmented packet.
std::list< std::tuple< Time, FragmentKey_t, Ipv4Header, uint32_t > > FragmentsTimeoutsList_t
Container for fragment timeouts.
Time m_expire
duplicate entry expiration delay
bool m_strongEndSystemModel
Strong End System Model state.
Ipv4RoutingProtocol::ErrorCallback m_ecb
Error callback.
Ipv4L3Protocol & operator=(const Ipv4L3Protocol &)=delete
std::pair< Ptr< Packet >, Ipv4Header > Ipv4PayloadHeaderPair
Pair of a packet and an Ipv4 header.
bool m_ipForward
Forwarding packets (i.e.
void(* DropTracedCallback)(const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, DropReason reason, Ptr< Ipv4 > ipv4, uint32_t interface)
TracedCallback signature for packet drop events.
void Receive(Ptr< NetDevice > device, Ptr< const Packet > p, uint16_t protocol, const Address &from, const Address &to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType)
Lower layer calls this method after calling L3Demux::Lookup The ARP subclass needs to know from which...
void SetUp(uint32_t i) override
uint32_t GetNInterfaces() const override
Ipv4Header BuildHeader(Ipv4Address source, Ipv4Address destination, uint8_t protocol, uint16_t payloadSize, uint8_t ttl, uint8_t tos, bool mayFragment)
Construct an IPv4 header.
void RouteInputError(Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &ipHeader, Socket::SocketErrno sockErrno)
Fallback when no route is found.
std::list< Ptr< Ipv4RawSocketImpl > > SocketList
Container of the IPv4 Raw Sockets.
void SetMetric(uint32_t i, uint16_t metric) override
std::list< std::tuple< Time, FragmentKey_t, Ipv4Header, uint32_t > >::iterator FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t
Container Iterator for fragment timeouts..
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void Remove(Ptr< IpL4Protocol > protocol) override
void SetIpForward(bool forward) override
Set or unset the IP forwarding state.
bool AddAddress(uint32_t i, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address) override
TracedCallback< const Ipv4Header &, Ptr< const Packet >, uint32_t > m_unicastForwardTrace
Trace of unicast forwarded packets.
bool GetWeakEsModel() const override
Get the Weak Es Model status.
TracedCallback< const Ipv4Header &, Ptr< const Packet >, uint32_t > m_localDeliverTrace
Trace of locally delivered packets.
bool IsUnicast(Ipv4Address ad) const
Check if an IPv4 address is unicast according to the node.
void HandleFragmentsTimeout(FragmentKey_t key, Ipv4Header &ipHeader, uint32_t iif)
Process the timeout for packet fragments.
uint16_t GetMtu(uint32_t i) const override
Ptr< Icmpv4L4Protocol > GetIcmp() const
Get ICMPv4 protocol.
Ptr< IpL4Protocol > GetProtocol(int protocolNumber) const override
void RemoveDuplicates()
Remove expired duplicates packet entry.
void DoFragmentation(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Ipv4Header &ipv4Header, uint32_t outIfaceMtu, std::list< Ipv4PayloadHeaderPair > &listFragments)
Fragment a packet.
SocketList m_sockets
List of IPv4 raw sockets.
bool m_enableDpd
Enable multicast duplicate packet detection.
std::map< std::pair< uint64_t, uint8_t >, uint16_t > m_identification
Identification (for each {src, dst, proto} tuple)
bool IsUp(uint32_t i) const override
Time m_fragmentExpirationTimeout
Expiration timeout.
TracedCallback< const Ipv4Header &, Ptr< const Packet >, uint32_t > m_sendOutgoingTrace
Trace of sent packets.
EventId m_timeoutEvent
Event for the next scheduled timeout.
int32_t GetInterfaceForPrefix(Ipv4Address addr, Ipv4Mask mask) const override
Return the interface number of first interface found that has an Ipv4 address within the prefix speci...
void SetWeakEsModel(bool model) override
Set or unset the Weak Es Model.
Time m_purge
time between purging expired duplicate entries
std::map< Ptr< const NetDevice >, uint32_t > Ipv4InterfaceReverseContainer
Container of NetDevices registered to IPv4 and their interface indexes.
void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node)
Set node associated with this stack.
void IpMulticastForward(Ptr< Ipv4MulticastRoute > mrtentry, Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &header)
Forward a multicast packet.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, Ptr< Ipv4 >, uint32_t > m_rxTrace
Trace of received packets.
uint16_t GetMetric(uint32_t i) const override
FragmentsTimeoutsList_t m_timeoutEventList
Timeout "events" container.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, Ptr< Ipv4 >, uint32_t > m_txTrace
Trace of transmitted packets.
Ptr< Socket > CreateRawSocket() override
Creates a raw socket.
bool ProcessFragment(Ptr< Packet > &packet, Ipv4Header &ipHeader, uint32_t iif)
Process a packet fragment.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
Ipv4RoutingProtocol::UnicastForwardCallback m_ucb
Unicast forward callback.
void HandleTimeout()
Handles a fragmented packet timeout.
Ipv4Address SourceAddressSelection(uint32_t interface, Ipv4Address dest) override
Choose the source address to use with destination address.
void NotifyNewAggregate() override
This function will notify other components connected to the node that a new stack member is now conne...
Ipv4InterfaceReverseContainer m_reverseInterfacesContainer
Container of NetDevice / Interface index associations.
uint32_t AddInterface(Ptr< NetDevice > device) override
EventId m_cleanDpd
event to cleanup expired duplicate entries
void SendWithHeader(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv4Header ipHeader, Ptr< Ipv4Route > route) override
bool IsForwarding(uint32_t i) const override
void Send(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv4Address source, Ipv4Address destination, uint8_t protocol, Ptr< Ipv4Route > route) override
Ptr< NetDevice > GetNetDevice(uint32_t i) override
L4List_t m_protocols
List of transport protocol.
uint32_t GetNAddresses(uint32_t interface) const override
void SetDown(uint32_t i) override
void SetRoutingProtocol(Ptr< Ipv4RoutingProtocol > routingProtocol) override
Register a new routing protocol to be used by this Ipv4 stack.
void(* TxRxTracedCallback)(Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< Ipv4 > ipv4, uint32_t interface)
TracedCallback signature for packet transmission or reception events.
Ptr< Ipv4RoutingProtocol > GetRoutingProtocol() const override
Get the routing protocol to be used by this Ipv4 stack.
Ptr< Ipv4RoutingProtocol > m_routingProtocol
Routing protocol associated with the stack.
Ipv4RoutingProtocol::MulticastForwardCallback m_mcb
Multicast forward callback.
TracedCallback< const Ipv4Header &, Ptr< const Packet >, uint32_t > m_multicastForwardTrace
Trace of multicast forwarded packets.
bool GetStrongEndSystemModel() const override
Get the Strong End System Model status.
uint8_t m_defaultTtl
Default TTL.
std::map< L4ListKey_t, Ptr< IpL4Protocol > > L4List_t
Container of the IPv4 L4 instances.
DupMap_t m_dups
map of packet duplicate tuples to expiry event
void SendRealOut(Ptr< Ipv4Route > route, Ptr< Packet > packet, const Ipv4Header &ipHeader)
Send packet with route.
Ptr< Node > m_node
Node attached to stack.
bool UpdateDuplicate(Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &header)
Registers duplicate entry, return false if new.
Ipv4Address SelectSourceAddress(Ptr< const NetDevice > device, Ipv4Address dst, Ipv4InterfaceAddress::InterfaceAddressScope_e scope) override
Return the first primary source address with scope less than or equal to the requested scope,...
bool RemoveAddress(uint32_t interfaceIndex, uint32_t addressIndex) override
Remove the address at addressIndex on named interface.
std::vector< Ptr< Ipv4Interface > > Ipv4InterfaceList
Container of the IPv4 Interfaces.
Ipv4InterfaceAddress GetAddress(uint32_t interfaceIndex, uint32_t addressIndex) const override
Because addresses can be removed, the addressIndex is not guaranteed to be static across calls to thi...
int32_t GetInterfaceForAddress(Ipv4Address addr) const override
Return the interface number of the interface that has been assigned the specified IP address.
Ipv4L3Protocol(const Ipv4L3Protocol &)=delete
Ptr< Ipv4Interface > GetInterface(uint32_t i) const
Get an interface.
void IpForward(Ptr< Ipv4Route > rtentry, Ptr< const Packet > p, const Ipv4Header &header)
Forward a packet.
void SetForwarding(uint32_t i, bool val) override
void SetupLoopback()
Setup loopback interface.
void SetStrongEndSystemModel(bool model) override
Set or unset the Strong End System Model.
void(* SentTracedCallback)(const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t interface)
TracedCallback signature for packet send, forward, or local deliver events.
void SetDefaultTtl(uint8_t ttl)
int32_t GetInterfaceForDevice(Ptr< const NetDevice > device) const override
std::map< DupTuple_t, Time > DupMap_t
Maps packet duplicate tuple to expiration time.
Ipv4RoutingProtocol::LocalDeliverCallback m_lcb
Local delivery callback.
void Insert(Ptr< IpL4Protocol > protocol) override
TracedCallback< const Ipv4Header &, Ptr< const Packet >, DropReason, Ptr< Ipv4 >, uint32_t > m_dropTrace
Trace of dropped packets.
FragmentsTimeoutsListI_t SetTimeout(FragmentKey_t key, Ipv4Header ipHeader, uint32_t iif)
Set a new timeout "event" for a fragmented packet.
bool GetIpForward() const override
Get the IP forwarding state.
std::pair< int, int32_t > L4ListKey_t
Container of the IPv4 L4 keys: protocol number, interface index.
uint32_t AddIpv4Interface(Ptr< Ipv4Interface > interface)
Add an IPv4 interface to the stack.
a class to represent an Ipv4 address mask
Definition: ipv4-address.h:257
Ipv4 multicast route cache entry (similar to Linux struct mfc_cache)
Definition: ipv4-route.h:115
IPv4 route cache entry (similar to Linux struct rtable)
Definition: ipv4-route.h:42
Abstract base class for IPv4 routing protocols.
Network layer to device interface.
Definition: net-device.h:98
Packet types are used as they are in Linux.
Definition: net-device.h:300
A network Node.
Definition: node.h:57
network packets
Definition: packet.h:239
A template-based reference counting class.
A low-level Socket API based loosely on the BSD Socket API.
Definition: socket.h:68
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:59
#define NS_DEPRECATED_3_41(msg)
Tag for things deprecated in version ns-3.41.
Definition: deprecated.h:82
Definition: first.py:47
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
#define list