A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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All Attributes

This is a list of all Attributes classes.

For more information see the Attributes section of this API documentation and the Attributes sections in the Tutorial and Manual.


  • ServingCellThreshold: If the RSRQ of the serving cell is worse than this threshold, neighbour cells are consider for handover. Expressed in quantized range of [0..34] as per Section 9.1.7 of 3GPP TS 36.133.
  • NeighbourCellOffset: Minimum offset between the serving and the best neighbour cell to trigger the handover. Expressed in quantized range of [0..34] as per Section 9.1.7 of 3GPP TS 36.133.


  • Hysteresis: Handover margin (hysteresis) in dB (rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.5 dB)
  • TimeToTrigger: Time during which neighbour cell's RSRP must continuously higher than serving cell's RSRP in order to trigger a handover


  • SuccessK: Multiplication factor for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • TimerK: Multiplication factor for the timer threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MaxSuccessThreshold: Maximum value of the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MinTimerThreshold: The minimum value for the 'timer' threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MinSuccessThreshold: The minimum value for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MinRtsWnd: Minimum value for RTS window of AARF-CD
  • MaxRtsWnd: Maximum value for RTS window of AARF-CD
  • TurnOffRtsAfterRateDecrease: If true the RTS mechanism will be turned off when the rate will be decreased
  • TurnOnRtsAfterRateIncrease: If true the RTS mechanism will be turned on when the rate will be increased


  • SuccessK: Multiplication factor for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • TimerK: Multiplication factor for the timer threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MaxSuccessThreshold: Maximum value of the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MinTimerThreshold: The minimum value for the 'timer' threshold in the AARF algorithm.
  • MinSuccessThreshold: The minimum value for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.


  • TxPowerW: The modem Tx power in Watts
  • RxPowerW: The modem Rx power in Watts
  • IdlePowerW: The modem Idle power in Watts
  • SleepPowerW: The modem Sleep power in Watts


  • Address: The MAC address of this device.
  • Queue: packets being transmitted get queued here
  • Mtu: The Maximum Transmission Unit
  • Phy: The PHY layer attached to this device.


  • UpdatePeriod: The interval between decisions about rate control changes
  • FailureRatio: Ratio of minimum erroneous transmissions needed to switch to a lower rate
  • SuccessRatio: Ratio of maximum erroneous transmissions needed to switch to a higher rate
  • MaxSuccessThreshold: Maximum number of consecutive success periods needed to switch to a higher rate
  • MinSuccessThreshold: Minimum number of consecutive success periods needed to switch to a higher rate


  • HelloInterval: HELLO messages emission interval.
  • TtlStart: Initial TTL value for RREQ.
  • TtlIncrement: TTL increment for each attempt using the expanding ring search for RREQ dissemination.
  • TtlThreshold: Maximum TTL value for expanding ring search, TTL = NetDiameter is used beyond this value.
  • TimeoutBuffer: Provide a buffer for the timeout.
  • RreqRetries: Maximum number of retransmissions of RREQ to discover a route
  • RreqRateLimit: Maximum number of RREQ per second.
  • RerrRateLimit: Maximum number of RERR per second.
  • NodeTraversalTime: Conservative estimate of the average one hop traversal time for packets and should include queuing delays, interrupt processing times and transfer times.
  • NextHopWait: Period of our waiting for the neighbour's RREP_ACK = 10 ms + NodeTraversalTime
  • ActiveRouteTimeout: Period of time during which the route is considered to be valid
  • MyRouteTimeout: Value of lifetime field in RREP generating by this node = 2 * max(ActiveRouteTimeout, PathDiscoveryTime)
  • BlackListTimeout: Time for which the node is put into the blacklist = RreqRetries * NetTraversalTime
  • DeletePeriod: DeletePeriod is intended to provide an upper bound on the time for which an upstream node A can have a neighbor B as an active next hop for destination D, while B has invalidated the route to D. = 5 * max (HelloInterval, ActiveRouteTimeout)
  • NetDiameter: Net diameter measures the maximum possible number of hops between two nodes in the network
  • NetTraversalTime: Estimate of the average net traversal time = 2 * NodeTraversalTime * NetDiameter
  • PathDiscoveryTime: Estimate of maximum time needed to find route in network = 2 * NetTraversalTime
  • MaxQueueLen: Maximum number of packets that we allow a routing protocol to buffer.
  • MaxQueueTime: Maximum time packets can be queued (in seconds)
  • AllowedHelloLoss: Number of hello messages which may be loss for valid link.
  • GratuitousReply: Indicates whether a gratuitous RREP should be unicast to the node originated route discovery.
  • DestinationOnly: Indicates only the destination may respond to this RREQ.
  • EnableHello: Indicates whether a hello messages enable.
  • EnableBroadcast: Indicates whether a broadcast data packets forwarding enable.
  • UniformRv: Access to the underlying UniformRandomVariable


  • SuccessThreshold1: The minimum number of successful transmissions in "High" state to try a new power or rate.
  • SuccessThreshold2: The minimum number of successful transmissions in "Low" state to try a new power or rate.
  • FailThreshold: The minimum number of failed transmissions to try a new power or rate.
  • PowerThreshold: The maximum number of power changes.
  • PowerDecrementStep: Step size for decrement the power.
  • PowerIncrementStep: Step size for increment the power.
  • RateDecrementStep: Step size for decrement the rate.
  • RateIncrementStep: Step size for increment the rate.


  • StartTime: Time at which the application will start
  • StopTime: Time at which the application will stop


  • BeaconInterval: Delay between two beacons
  • BeaconJitter: A uniform random variable to cause the initial beacon starting time (after simulation time 0) to be distributed between 0 and the BeaconInterval.
  • EnableBeaconJitter: If beacons are enabled, whether to jitter the initial send event.
  • BeaconGeneration: Whether or not beacons are generated.
  • EnableNonErpProtection: Whether or not protection mechanism should be used when non-ERP STAs are present within the BSS.This parameter is only used when ERP is supported by the AP.
  • BsrLifetime: Lifetime of Buffer Status Reports received from stations.


  • TimerThreshold: The 'timer' threshold in the ARF algorithm.
  • SuccessThreshold: The minimum number of successful transmissions to try a new rate.


  • AliveTimeout: When this timeout expires, the matching cache entry needs refreshing
  • DeadTimeout: When this timeout expires, a new attempt to resolve the matching entry is made
  • WaitReplyTimeout: When this timeout expires, the cache entries will be scanned and entries in WaitReply state will resend ArpRequest unless MaxRetries has been exceeded, in which case the entry is marked dead
  • MaxRetries: Number of retransmissions of ArpRequest before marking dead
  • PendingQueueSize: The size of the queue for packets pending an arp reply.


  • CacheList: The list of ARP caches
  • RequestJitter: The jitter in ms a node is allowed to wait before sending an ARP request. Some jitter aims to prevent collisions. By default, the model will wait for a duration in ms defined by a uniform random-variable between 0 and RequestJitter


  • Interval: Time interval between reports


  • BSScheduler: Downlink Scheduler for BS
  • InitialRangInterval: Time between Initial Ranging regions assigned by the BS. Maximum is 2s
  • DcdInterval: Time between transmission of DCD messages. Maximum value is 10s.
  • UcdInterval: Time between transmission of UCD messages. Maximum value is 10s.
  • IntervalT8: Wait for DSA/DSC Acknowledge timeout. Maximum 300ms.
  • RangReqOppSize: The ranging opportunity size in symbols
  • BwReqOppSize: The bandwidth request opportunity size in symbols
  • MaxRangCorrectionRetries: Number of retries on contention Ranging Requests
  • SSManager: The ss manager attached to this device.
  • Scheduler: The BS scheduler attached to this device.
  • LinkManager: The link manager attached to this device.
  • UplinkScheduler: The uplink scheduler attached to this device.
  • BsIpcsPacketClassifier: The uplink IP packet classifier attached to this device.
  • ServiceFlowManager: The service flow manager attached to this device.


  • PeriodicHarvestedPowerUpdateInterval: Time between two consecutive periodic updates of the harvested power. By default, the value is updated every 1 s
  • HarvestablePower: The harvestable power [Watts] that the energy harvester is allowed to harvest. By default, the model will allow to harvest an amount of power defined by a uniformly distributed random variable in 0 and 2.0 Watts


  • BasicEnergySourceInitialEnergyJ: Initial energy stored in basic energy source.
  • BasicEnergySupplyVoltageV: Initial supply voltage for basic energy source.
  • BasicEnergyLowBatteryThreshold: Low battery threshold for basic energy source.
  • BasicEnergyHighBatteryThreshold: High battery threshold for basic energy source.
  • PeriodicEnergyUpdateInterval: Time between two consecutive periodic energy updates.


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • EnableLearning: Enable the learning mode of the Learning Bridge
  • ExpirationTime: Time it takes for learned MAC state entry to expire.


  • NRoomsX: The number of rooms in the X axis.
  • NRoomsY: The number of rooms in the Y axis.
  • NFloors: The number of floors of this building.
  • Id: The id (unique integer) of this Building.
  • Boundaries: The boundaries of this Building as a value of type ns3::Box
  • Type: The type of building
  • ExternalWallsType: The type of material of which the external walls are made


  • BuildingList: The list of all buildings created during the simulation.


  • ShadowSigmaOutdoor: Standard deviation of the normal distribution used for calculate the shadowing for outdoor nodes
  • ShadowSigmaIndoor: Standard deviation of the normal distribution used for calculate the shadowing for indoor nodes
  • ShadowSigmaExtWalls: Standard deviation of the normal distribution used for calculate the shadowing due to ext walls
  • InternalWallLoss: Additional loss for each internal wall [dB]


  • SendSize: The amount of data to send each time.
  • Remote: The address of the destination
  • Local: The Address on which to bind the socket. If not set, it is generated automatically.
  • MaxBytes: The total number of bytes to send. Once these bytes are sent, no data is sent again. The value zero means that there is no limit.
  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use.
  • EnableSeqTsSizeHeader: Add SeqTsSizeHeader to each packet


  • ErrorRate: The burst error event.
  • BurstStart: The decision variable attached to this error model.
  • BurstSize: The number of packets being corrupted at one drop.


  • Reverse: Store events in reverse chronological order


  • ProbeThreshold: The number of consecutive transmissions failure to activate the RTS probe.
  • FailureThreshold: The number of consecutive transmissions failure to decrease the rate.
  • SuccessThreshold: The minimum number of successful transmissions to try a new rate.
  • Timeout: The 'timer' in the CARA algorithm


  • NumberOfComponentCarriers: Set the number of Component Carriers to setup per eNodeBCurrently the maximum Number of Component Carriers allowed is 2
  • UlEarfcn: Set Ul Channel [EARFCN] for the first carrier component
  • DlEarfcn: Set Dl Channel [EARFCN] for the first carrier component
  • DlBandwidth: Set Dl Bandwidth for the first carrier component
  • UlBandwidth: Set Dl Bandwidth for the first carrier component


  • Id: The id (unique integer) of this Channel.


  • CchInterval: CCH Interval, default value is 50ms.
  • SchInterval: SCH Interval, default value is 50ms.
  • GuardInterval: Guard Interval, default value is 4ms.


  • ChannelList: The list of all channels created during the simulation.


  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets/bytes accepted by this queue disc.
  • Interval: The Cobalt algorithm interval
  • Target: The Cobalt algorithm target queue delay
  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • Pdrop: Marking Probability
  • Increment: Pdrop increment value
  • Decrement: Pdrop decrement Value
  • CeThreshold: The CoDel CE threshold for marking packets
  • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)
  • BlueThreshold: The Threshold after which Blue is enabled


  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)
  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets/bytes accepted by this queue disc.
  • MinBytes: The CoDel algorithm minbytes parameter.
  • Interval: The CoDel algorithm interval
  • Target: The CoDel algorithm target queue delay
  • CeThreshold: The CoDel CE threshold for marking packets


  • UlBandwidth: Uplink Transmission Bandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Blocks
  • DlBandwidth: Downlink Transmission Bandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Blocks
  • DlEarfcn: Downlink E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) as per 3GPP 36.101 Section 5.7.3.
  • UlEarfcn: Uplink E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) as per 3GPP 36.101 Section 5.7.3.
  • CsgId: The Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) identity that this eNodeB belongs to
  • CsgIndication: If true, only UEs which are members of the CSG (i.e. same CSG ID) can gain access to the eNodeB, therefore enforcing closed access mode. Otherwise, the eNodeB operates as a non-CSG cell and implements open access mode.
  • PrimaryCarrier: If true, this Carrier Component will be the Primary Carrier Component (PCC) Only one PCC per eNodeB is (currently) allowed


  • LteEnbPhy: The PHY associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteEnbMac: The MAC associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • FfMacScheduler: The scheduler associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteFfrAlgorithm: The FFR algorithm associated to this EnbNetDevice


  • LteUePhy: The PHY associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteUeMac: The MAC associated to this UeNetDevice


  • Mode: Configuration mode
  • Filename: The file where the configuration should be saved to or loaded from.
  • FileFormat: Type of file format
  • SaveDeprecated: Save DEPRECATED attributes


  • Constant: The constant value returned by this RNG stream.


  • DataMode: The transmission mode to use for every data packet transmission
  • ControlMode: The transmission mode to use for every RTS packet transmission.


  • Loss: Path loss (dB) between transmitter and receiver


  • Speed: The propagation speed (m/s) in the propagation medium being considered. The default value is the propagation speed of light in the vacuum.


  • VerticalBeamwidth: The 3 dB vertical beamwidth (degrees). A beamwidth of 360 deg corresponds to constant gain
  • HorizontalBeamwidth: The 3 dB horizontal beamwidth (degrees). A beamwidth of 360 deg corresponds to constant gain
  • Orientation: The angle (degrees) that expresses the orientation of the antenna on the x-y plane relative to the x axis
  • MaxGain: The gain (dB) at the antenna boresight (the direction of maximum gain)


  • Lambda: The wavelength (default is 2.3 GHz at 300 000 km/s).
  • Frequency: The Frequency (default is 2.3 GHz).
  • BSAntennaHeight: BS Antenna Height (default is 50m).
  • SSAntennaHeight: SS Antenna Height (default is 3m).
  • MinDistance: The distance under which the propagation model refuses to give results (m)


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • CqaMetric: CqaFfMacScheduler metric type that can be: CqaFf, CqaPf
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • DataRate: The transmission data rate to be provided to devices connected to the channel
  • Delay: Transmission delay through the channel


  • Address: The MAC address of this device.
  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • EncapsulationMode: The link-layer encapsulation type to use.
  • SendEnable: Enable or disable the transmitter section of the device.
  • ReceiveEnable: Enable or disable the receiver section of the device.
  • ReceiveErrorModel: The receiver error model used to simulate packet loss
  • TxQueue: A queue to use as the transmit queue in the device.


  • Name: Object's name
  • Enabled: Object's enabled status


  • RTRS: Time for retransmission of Discover message
  • Collect: Time for which offer collection starts
  • ReRequest: Time after which request will be resent to next server
  • Transactions: The possible value of transaction numbers


  • LeaseTime: Lease for which address will be leased.
  • RenewTime: Time after which client should renew.
  • RebindTime: Time after which client should rebind.
  • PoolAddresses: Pool of addresses to provide on request.
  • FirstAddress: The First valid address that can be given.
  • LastAddress: The Last valid address that can be given.
  • PoolMask: Mask of the pool of addresses.
  • Gateway: Address of default gateway


  • TestLength: Number of bytes in test frame (a constant 1024 in the standard)
  • Dot11MetricTid: TID used to calculate metric (data rate)


  • RandomStart: Random delay at first proactive PREQ
  • MaxQueueSize: Maximum number of packets we can store when resolving route
  • Dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries: Maximum number of retries before we suppose the destination to be unreachable
  • Dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime: Time we suppose the packet to go from one edge of the network to another
  • Dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval: Minimal interval between to successive PREQs
  • Dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval: Minimal interval between to successive PREQs
  • Dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout: Lifetime of proactive routing information
  • Dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout: Lifetime of reactive routing information
  • Dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval: Interval between two successive proactive PREQs
  • Dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval: Lifetime of proactive routing information
  • MaxTtl: Initial value of Time To Live field
  • UnicastPerrThreshold: Maximum number of PERR receivers, when we send a PERR as a chain of unicasts
  • UnicastPreqThreshold: Maximum number of PREQ receivers, when we send a PREQ as a chain of unicasts
  • UnicastDataThreshold: Maximum number of broadcast receivers, when we send a broadcast as a chain of unicasts
  • DoFlag: Destination only HWMP flag
  • RfFlag: Reply and forward flag


  • RetryTimeout: Retry timeout
  • HoldingTimeout: Holding timeout
  • ConfirmTimeout: Confirm timeout
  • MaxRetries: Maximum number of retries
  • MaxBeaconLoss: Maximum number of lost beacons before link will be closed
  • MaxPacketFailure: Maximum number of failed packets before link will be closed


  • MaxNumberOfPeerLinks: Maximum number of peer links
  • MaxBeaconShiftValue: Maximum number of TUs for beacon shifting
  • EnableBeaconCollisionAvoidance: Enable/Disable Beacon collision avoidance.


  • Root: The MAC address of root mesh point.


  • MaxSize: The max queue size


  • MaxSize: The max queue size


  • PeriodicUpdateInterval: Periodic interval between exchange of full routing tables among nodes.
  • SettlingTime: Minimum time an update is to be stored in adv table before sending outin case of change in metric (in seconds)
  • MaxQueueLen: Maximum number of packets that we allow a routing protocol to buffer.
  • MaxQueuedPacketsPerDst: Maximum number of packets that we allow per destination to buffer.
  • MaxQueueTime: Maximum time packets can be queued (in seconds)
  • EnableBuffering: Enables buffering of data packets if no route to destination is available
  • EnableWST: Enables Weighted Settling Time for the updates before advertising
  • Holdtimes: Times the forwarding Interval to purge the route.
  • WeightedFactor: WeightedFactor for the settling time if Weighted Settling Time is enabled
  • EnableRouteAggregation: Enables Weighted Settling Time for the updates before advertising
  • RouteAggregationTime: Time to aggregate updates before sending them out (in seconds)


  • OptionNumber: The Dsr option number.


  • RouteCache: The route cache for saving routes from route discovery process.
  • RreqTable: The request table to manage route requests.
  • PassiveBuffer: The passive buffer to manage promisucously received passive ack.
  • MaxSendBuffLen: Maximum number of packets that can be stored in send buffer.
  • MaxSendBuffTime: Maximum time packets can be queued in the send buffer .
  • MaxMaintLen: Maximum number of packets that can be stored in maintenance buffer.
  • MaxMaintTime: Maximum time packets can be queued in maintenance buffer.
  • MaxCacheLen: Maximum number of route entries that can be stored in route cache.
  • RouteCacheTimeout: Maximum time the route cache can be queued in route cache.
  • MaxEntriesEachDst: Maximum number of route entries for a single destination to respond.
  • SendBuffInterval: How often to check send buffer for packet with route.
  • NodeTraversalTime: The time it takes to traverse two neighboring nodes.
  • RreqRetries: Maximum number of retransmissions for request discovery of a route.
  • MaintenanceRetries: Maximum number of retransmissions for data packets from maintenance buffer.
  • RequestTableSize: Maximum number of request entries in the request table, set this as the number of nodes in the simulation.
  • RequestIdSize: Maximum number of request source Ids in the request table.
  • UniqueRequestIdSize: Maximum number of request Ids in the request table for a single destination.
  • NonPropRequestTimeout: The timeout value for non-propagation request.
  • DiscoveryHopLimit: The max discovery hop limit for route requests.
  • MaxSalvageCount: The max salvage count for a single data packet.
  • BlacklistTimeout: The time for a neighbor to stay in blacklist.
  • GratReplyHoldoff: The time for gratuitous reply entry to expire.
  • BroadcastJitter: The jitter time to avoid collision for broadcast packets.
  • LinkAckTimeout: The time a packet in maintenance buffer wait for link acknowledgment.
  • TryLinkAcks: The number of link acknowledgment to use.
  • PassiveAckTimeout: The time a packet in maintenance buffer wait for passive acknowledgment.
  • TryPassiveAcks: The number of passive acknowledgment to use.
  • RequestPeriod: The base time interval between route requests.
  • MaxRequestPeriod: The max time interval between route requests.
  • GraReplyTableSize: The gratuitous reply table size.
  • CacheType: Use Link Cache or use Path Cache
  • StabilityDecrFactor: The stability decrease factor for link cache
  • StabilityIncrFactor: The stability increase factor for link cache
  • InitStability: The initial stability factor for link cache
  • MinLifeTime: The minimal life time for link cache
  • UseExtends: The extension time for link cache
  • EnableSubRoute: Enables saving of sub route when receiving route error messages, only available when using path route cache
  • RetransIncr: The increase time for retransmission timer when facing network congestion
  • MaxNetworkQueueSize: The max number of packet to save in the network queue.
  • MaxNetworkQueueDelay: The max time for a packet to stay in the network queue.
  • NumPriorityQueues: The max number of packet to save in the network queue.
  • LinkAcknowledgment: Enable Link layer acknowledgment mechanism


  • HoldTime: The DQL algorithm hold time
  • MaxLimit: Maximum limit
  • MinLimit: Minimum limit


  • Interpolate: Treat the CDF as a smooth distribution and interpolate, default is to treat the CDF as a histogram and sample.


  • SgwDeviceName: The name of the device used for the S1-U interface of the SGW
  • EnbDeviceName: The name of the device used for the S1-U interface of the eNB
  • SgwMacAddress: MAC address used for the SGW
  • EnbMacAddressBase: First 5 bytes of the eNB MAC address base


  • Release: Change from 11 to 15 if you need bearer definition as per Release 15. Reference document: TS 23.203. The change does not impact other LTE code than bearers definition.


  • rnti: The rnti that indicates the UE which packet belongs
  • bid: The EPS bearer id within the UE to which the packet belongs


  • K: The k value for the Erlang distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Lambda: The lambda value for the Erlang distribution returned by this RNG stream.


  • IsEnabled: Whether this ErrorModel is enabled or not.


  • Mean: The mean of the values returned by this RNG stream.
  • Bound: The upper bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • Address: The MAC address of this device.
  • Start: The simulation time at which to spin up the device thread.
  • Stop: The simulation time at which to tear down the device thread.
  • EncapsulationMode: The link-layer encapsulation type to use.
  • RxQueueSize: Maximum size of the read queue. This value limits number of packets that have been read from the network into a memory buffer but have not yet been processed by the simulator.


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • DebtLimit: Flow debt limit (default -625000 bytes)
  • CreditLimit: Flow credit limit (default 625000 bytes)
  • TokenPoolSize: The maximum value of flow token pool (default 1 bytes)
  • CreditableThreshold: Threshold of flow credit (default 0 bytes)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • UlCqiFilter: The filter to apply on UL CQIs received


  • MaxSize: The max queue size


  • Rss: The fixed receiver Rss.


  • BroadcastInterval: How often we must send broadcast packets
  • MaxCost: Cost threshold after which packet will be dropped


  • Lifetime: The lifetime of the routing entry


  • MaxPerHopDelay: The maximum per-hop delay that should be considered. Packets still not received after this delay are to be considered lost.
  • StartTime: The time when the monitoring starts.
  • DelayBinWidth: The width used in the delay histogram.
  • JitterBinWidth: The width used in the jitter histogram.
  • PacketSizeBinWidth: The width used in the packetSize histogram.
  • FlowInterruptionsBinWidth: The width used in the flowInterruptions histogram.
  • FlowInterruptionsMinTime: The minimum inter-arrival time that is considered a flow interruption.


  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • Interval: The CoDel algorithm interval for each FqCobalt queue
  • Target: The CoDel algorithm target queue delay for each FqCobalt queue
  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc
  • Flows: The number of queues into which the incoming packets are classified
  • DropBatchSize: The maximum number of packets dropped from the fat flow
  • Perturbation: The salt used as an additional input to the hash function used to classify packets
  • CeThreshold: The FqCobalt CE threshold for marking packets
  • EnableSetAssociativeHash: Enable/Disable Set Associative Hash
  • SetWays: The size of a set of queues (used by set associative hash)
  • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)
  • Pdrop: Marking Probability
  • Increment: Pdrop increment value
  • Decrement: Pdrop decrement Value
  • BlueThreshold: The Threshold after which Blue is enabled


  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • Interval: The CoDel algorithm interval for each FQCoDel queue
  • Target: The CoDel algorithm target queue delay for each FQCoDel queue
  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc
  • Flows: The number of queues into which the incoming packets are classified
  • DropBatchSize: The maximum number of packets dropped from the fat flow
  • Perturbation: The salt used as an additional input to the hash function used to classify packets
  • CeThreshold: The FqCoDel CE threshold for marking packets
  • EnableSetAssociativeHash: Enable/Disable Set Associative Hash
  • SetWays: The size of a set of queues (used by set associative hash)
  • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)


  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • MarkEcnThreshold: ECN marking threshold (RFC 8033 suggests 0.1 (i.e., 10%) default)
  • CeThreshold: The FqPie CE threshold for marking packets
  • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)
  • MeanPktSize: Average of packet size
  • A: Value of alpha
  • B: Value of beta
  • Tupdate: Time period to calculate drop probability
  • Supdate: Start time of the update timer
  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc
  • DequeueThreshold: Minimum queue size in bytes before dequeue rate is measured
  • QueueDelayReference: Desired queue delay
  • MaxBurstAllowance: Current max burst allowance before random drop
  • UseDequeueRateEstimator: Enable/Disable usage of Dequeue Rate Estimator
  • UseCapDropAdjustment: Enable/Disable Cap Drop Adjustment feature mentioned in RFC 8033
  • UseDerandomization: Enable/Disable Derandomization feature mentioned in RFC 8033
  • Flows: The number of queues into which the incoming packets are classified
  • DropBatchSize: The maximum number of packets dropped from the fat flow
  • Perturbation: The salt used as an additional input to the hash function used to classify packets
  • EnableSetAssociativeHash: Enable/Disable Set Associative Hash
  • SetWays: The size of a set of queues (used by set associative hash)


  • CaptureWindow: The duration of the capture window.


  • Frequency: The carrier frequency (in Hz) at which propagation occurs (default is 5.15 GHz).
  • SystemLoss: The system loss
  • MinLoss: The minimum value (dB) of the total loss, used at short ranges. Note:


  • Alpha: The alpha value for the gamma distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Beta: The beta value for the gamma distribution returned by this RNG stream.


  • Bounds: Bounds of the area to cruise.
  • TimeStep: Change current direction and speed after moving for this time.
  • Alpha: A constant representing the tunable parameter in the Gauss-Markov model.
  • MeanVelocity: A random variable used to assign the average velocity.
  • MeanDirection: A random variable used to assign the average direction.
  • MeanPitch: A random variable used to assign the average pitch.
  • NormalVelocity: A gaussian random variable used to calculate the next velocity value.
  • NormalDirection: A gaussian random variable used to calculate the next direction value.
  • NormalPitch: A gaussian random variable used to calculate the next pitch value.


  • GridWidth: The number of objects laid out on a line.
  • MinX: The x coordinate where the grid starts.
  • MinY: The y coordinate where the grid starts.
  • LengthX: The length of the wall of each building along the X axis.
  • LengthY: The length of the wall of each building along the X axis.
  • DeltaX: The x space between buildings.
  • DeltaY: The y space between buildings.
  • Height: The height of the building (roof level)
  • LayoutType: The type of layout.


  • GridWidth: The number of objects laid out on a line.
  • MinX: The x coordinate where the grid starts.
  • MinY: The y coordinate where the grid starts.
  • Z: The z coordinate of all the positions allocated.
  • DeltaX: The x space between objects.
  • DeltaY: The y space between objects.
  • LayoutType: The type of layout.


  • Rate: The PHY rate used by this device


  • GuardInterval: Specify the shortest guard interval duration that can be used for HE transmissions.Possible values are 800ns, 1600ns or 3200ns.
  • BssColor: The BSS color
  • MpduBufferSize: The MPDU buffer size for receiving A-MPDUs
  • MuBeAifsn: AIFSN used by BE EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be either zero (EDCA disabled) or a value from 2 to 15.
  • MuBkAifsn: AIFSN used by BK EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be either zero (EDCA disabled) or a value from 2 to 15.
  • MuViAifsn: AIFSN used by VI EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be either zero (EDCA disabled) or a value from 2 to 15.
  • MuVoAifsn: AIFSN used by VO EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be either zero (EDCA disabled) or a value from 2 to 15.
  • MuBeCwMin: CWmin used by BE EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuBkCwMin: CWmin used by BK EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuViCwMin: CWmin used by VI EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuVoCwMin: CWmin used by VO EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuBeCwMax: CWmax used by BE EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuBkCwMax: CWmax used by BK EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuViCwMax: CWmax used by VI EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • MuVoCwMax: CWmax used by VO EDCA when the MU EDCA Timer is running. It must be a power of 2 minus 1 in the range from 0 to 32767.
  • BeMuEdcaTimer: The MU EDCA Timer used by BE EDCA. It must be a multiple of 8192 us and must be in the range from 8.192 ms to 2088.96 ms. 0 is a reserved value, but we allow to use this value to indicate that an MU EDCA Parameter Set element must not be sent. Therefore, 0 can only be used if the MU EDCA Timer for all ACs is set to 0.
  • BkMuEdcaTimer: The MU EDCA Timer used by BK EDCA. It must be a multiple of 8192 us and must be in the range from 8.192 ms to 2088.96 ms.0 is a reserved value, but we allow to use this value to indicate that an MU EDCA Parameter Set element must not be sent. Therefore, 0 can only be used if the MU EDCA Timer for all ACs is set to 0.
  • ViMuEdcaTimer: The MU EDCA Timer used by VI EDCA. It must be a multiple of 8192 us and must be in the range from 8.192 ms to 2088.96 ms.0 is a reserved value, but we allow to use this value to indicate that an MU EDCA Parameter Set element must not be sent. Therefore, 0 can only be used if the MU EDCA Timer for all ACs is set to 0.
  • VoMuEdcaTimer: The MU EDCA Timer used by VO EDCA. It must be a multiple of 8192 us and must be in the range from 8.192 ms to 2088.96 ms.0 is a reserved value, but we allow to use this value to indicate that an MU EDCA Parameter Set element must not be sent. Therefore, 0 can only be used if the MU EDCA Timer for all ACs is set to 0.


  • Child: The child mobility model.
  • Parent: The parent mobility model.


  • ShortGuardIntervalSupported: Whether or not short guard interval is supported.
  • LdpcSupported: Whether or not LDPC coding is supported.


  • Frequency: The Frequency (default is 2.106 GHz).
  • Los2NlosThr: Threshold from LoS to NLoS in ITU 1411 [m].
  • Environment: Environment Scenario
  • CitySize: Dimension of the city
  • RooftopLevel: The height of the rooftop level in meters


  • DAD: Always do DAD check.
  • SolicitationJitter: The jitter in ms a node is allowed to wait before sending any solicitation. Some jitter aims to prevent collisions. By default, the model will wait for a duration in ms defined by a uniform random-variable between 0 and SolicitationJitter
  • MaxMulticastSolicit: Neighbor Discovery node constants: max multicast solicitations.
  • MaxUnicastSolicit: Neighbor Discovery node constants: max unicast solicitations.
  • ReachableTime: Neighbor Discovery node constants: reachable time.
  • RetransmissionTime: Neighbor Discovery node constants: retransmission timer.
  • DelayFirstProbe: Neighbor Discovery node constants: delay for the first probe.


  • BerThreshold: The maximum Bit Error Rate acceptable at any transmission mode


  • ProtocolNumber: The IP protocol number.


  • IpForward: Globally enable or disable IP forwarding for all current and future Ipv4 devices.
  • WeakEsModel: RFC1122 term for whether host accepts datagram with a dest. address on another interface


  • RandomEcmpRouting: Set to true if packets are randomly routed among ECMP; set to false for using only one route consistently
  • RespondToInterfaceEvents: Set to true if you want to dynamically recompute the global routes upon Interface notification events (up/down, or add/remove address)


  • ArpCache: The arp cache for this ipv4 interface


  • DefaultTtl: The TTL value set by default on all outgoing packets generated on this node.
  • FragmentExpirationTimeout: When this timeout expires, the fragments will be cleared from the buffer.
  • EnableDuplicatePacketDetection: Enable multicast duplicate packet detection based on RFC 6621
  • DuplicateExpire: Expiration delay for duplicate cache entries
  • PurgeExpiredPeriod: Time between purges of expired duplicate packet entries, 0 means never purge
  • InterfaceList: The set of Ipv4 interfaces associated to this Ipv4 stack.


  • Protocol: Protocol number to match.
  • IcmpFilter: Any icmp header whose type field matches a bit in this filter is dropped. Type must be less than 32.
  • IpHeaderInclude: Include IP Header information (a.k.a setsockopt (IP_HDRINCL)).


  • IpForward: Globally enable or disable IP forwarding for all current and future IPv6 devices.
  • MtuDiscover: If disabled, every interface will have its MTU set to 1280 bytes.


  • ExtensionNumber: The IPv6 extension number.


  • Extensions: The set of IPv6 extensions registered with this demux.


  • FragmentExpirationTimeout: When this timeout expires, the fragments will be cleared from the buffer.


  • RoutingExtensions: The set of IPv6 Routing extensions registered with this demux.


  • DefaultTtl: The TTL value set by default on all outgoing packets generated on this node.
  • DefaultTclass: The TCLASS value set by default on all outgoing packets generated on this node.
  • InterfaceList: The set of IPv6 interfaces associated to this IPv6 stack.
  • SendIcmpv6Redirect: Send the ICMPv6 Redirect when appropriate.
  • StrongEndSystemModel: Reject packets for an address not configured on the interface they're coming from (RFC1222).


  • OptionNumber: The IPv6 option number.


  • Options: The set of IPv6 options registered with this demux.


  • CacheExpiryTime: Validity time for a Path MTU entry. Default is 10 minutes, minimum is 5 minutes.


  • Protocol: Protocol number to match.


  • Gain: The gain of the antenna in dB


  • Frequency: The Frequency (default is 2.106 GHz).


  • Frequency: The propagation frequency in Hz


  • Frequency: The Frequency (default is 2.106 GHz).
  • Environment: Environment Scenario
  • CitySize: Dimension of the city
  • RooftopLevel: The height of the rooftop level in meters
  • StreetsOrientation: The orientation of streets in degrees [0,90] with respect to the direction of propagation
  • StreetsWidth: The width of streets
  • BuildingsExtend: The distance over which the buildings extend
  • BuildingSeparation: The separation between buildings


  • DopplerFrequencyHz: Corresponding doppler frequency[Hz]
  • NumberOfOscillators: The number of oscillators


  • LiIonEnergySourceInitialEnergyJ: Initial energy stored in basic energy source.
  • LiIonEnergyLowBatteryThreshold: Low battery threshold for LiIon energy source.
  • InitialCellVoltage: Initial (maximum) voltage of the cell (fully charged).
  • NominalCellVoltage: Nominal voltage of the cell.
  • ExpCellVoltage: Cell voltage at the end of the exponential zone.
  • RatedCapacity: Rated capacity of the cell.
  • NomCapacity: Cell capacity at the end of the nominal zone.
  • ExpCapacity: Cell Capacity at the end of the exponential zone.
  • InternalResistance: Internal resistance of the cell
  • TypCurrent: Typical discharge current used to fit the curves
  • ThresholdVoltage: Minimum threshold voltage to consider the battery depleted.
  • PeriodicEnergyUpdateInterval: Time between two consecutive periodic energy updates.


  • Eta: The efficiency of the power amplifier.
  • Voltage: The supply voltage (in Volts).
  • IdleCurrent: The current in the IDLE state (in Ampere).


  • Exponent: The exponent of the Path Loss propagation model
  • ReferenceDistance: The distance at which the reference loss is calculated (m)
  • ReferenceLoss: The reference loss at reference distance (dB). (Default is Friis at 1m with 5.15 GHz)


  • Mu: The mu value for the log-normal distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Sigma: The sigma value for the log-normal distribution returned by this RNG stream.


  • Lqi: The lqi of the last packet received


  • PanId: 16-bit identifier of the associated PAN


  • Channel: The channel attached to this device
  • Phy: The PHY layer attached to this device.
  • Mac: The MAC layer attached to this device.
  • UseAcks: Request acknowledgments for data frames.
  • PseudoMacAddressMode: Build the pseudo-MAC Address according to RFC 4944 or RFC 6282 (default: RFC 6282).


  • Ber: The requested BER in assigning MCS (default is 0.00005).
  • AmcModel: AMC model used to assign CQI


  • Threshold: Minimum RSRQ range value required for detecting a neighbour cell


  • DrbIdentity: The id of this Data Radio Bearer
  • EpsBearerIdentity: The id of the EPS bearer corresponding to this Data Radio Bearer
  • logicalChannelIdentity: The id of the Logical Channel corresponding to this Data Radio Bearer
  • LteRlc: RLC instance of the radio bearer.
  • LtePdcp: PDCP instance of the radio bearer.


  • NumberOfRaPreambles: how many random access preambles are available for the contention based RACH process
  • PreambleTransMax: Maximum number of random access preamble transmissions
  • RaResponseWindowSize: length of the window (in TTIs) for the reception of the random access response (RAR); the resulting RAR timeout is this value + 3 ms
  • ConnEstFailCount: how many time T300 timer can expire on the same cell
  • ComponentCarrierId: ComponentCarrier Id, needed to reply on the appropriate sap.


  • LteEnbRrc: The RRC associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteHandoverAlgorithm: The handover algorithm associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteAnr: The automatic neighbour relation function associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteFfrAlgorithm: The FFR algorithm associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • LteEnbComponentCarrierManager: The RRC associated to this EnbNetDevice
  • ComponentCarrierMap: List of component carriers.
  • UlBandwidth: Uplink Transmission Bandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Blocks
  • DlBandwidth: Downlink Transmission Bandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Blocks
  • CellId: Cell Identifier
  • DlEarfcn: Downlink E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) as per 3GPP 36.101 Section 5.7.3.
  • UlEarfcn: Uplink E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) as per 3GPP 36.101 Section 5.7.3.
  • CsgId: The Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) identity that this eNodeB belongs to
  • CsgIndication: If true, only UEs which are members of the CSG (i.e. same CSG ID) can gain access to the eNodeB, therefore enforcing closed access mode. Otherwise, the eNodeB operates as a non-CSG cell and implements open access mode.


  • TxPower: Transmission power in dBm
  • NoiseFigure: Loss (dB) in the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio due to non-idealities in the receiver. According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_figure), this is "the difference in decibels (dB) between the noise output of the actual receiver to the noise output of an ideal receiver with the same overall gain and bandwidth when the receivers are connected to sources at the standard noise temperature T0." In this model, we consider T0 = 290K.
  • MacToChannelDelay: The delay in TTI units that occurs between a scheduling decision in the MAC and the actual start of the transmission by the PHY. This is intended to be used to model the latency of real PHY and MAC implementations.
  • UeSinrSamplePeriod: The sampling period for reporting UEs' SINR stats.
  • InterferenceSamplePeriod: The sampling period for reporting interference stats
  • DlSpectrumPhy: The downlink LteSpectrumPhy associated to this LtePhy
  • UlSpectrumPhy: The uplink LteSpectrumPhy associated to this LtePhy


  • UeMap: List of UeManager by C-RNTI.
  • DefaultTransmissionMode: The default UEs' transmission mode (0: SISO)
  • EpsBearerToRlcMapping: Specify which type of RLC will be used for each type of EPS bearer.
  • SystemInformationPeriodicity: The interval for sending system information (Time value)
  • SrsPeriodicity: The SRS periodicity in milliseconds
  • ConnectionRequestTimeoutDuration: After a RA attempt, if no RRC CONNECTION REQUEST is received before this time, the UE context is destroyed. Must account for reception of RAR and transmission of RRC CONNECTION REQUEST over UL GRANT. The value of thistimer should not be greater than T300 timer at UE RRC
  • ConnectionSetupTimeoutDuration: After accepting connection request, if no RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE is received before this time, the UE context is destroyed. Must account for the UE's reception of RRC CONNECTION SETUP and transmission of RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE.
  • ConnectionRejectedTimeoutDuration: Time to wait between sending a RRC CONNECTION REJECT and destroying the UE context
  • HandoverJoiningTimeoutDuration: After accepting a handover request, if no RRC CONNECTION RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE is received before this time, the UE context is destroyed. Must account for reception of X2 HO REQ ACK by source eNB, transmission of the Handover Command, non-contention-based random access and reception of the RRC CONNECTION RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE message.
  • HandoverLeavingTimeoutDuration: After issuing a Handover Command, if neither RRC CONNECTION RE-ESTABLISHMENT nor X2 UE Context Release has been previously received, the UE context is destroyed.
  • QRxLevMin: One of information transmitted within the SIB1 message, indicating the required minimum RSRP level that any UE must receive from this cell before it is allowed to camp to this cell. The default value -70 corresponds to -140 dBm and is the lowest possible value as defined by Section 6.3.4 of 3GPP TS 36.133. This restriction, however, only applies to initial cell selection and EPC-enabled simulation.
  • NumberOfComponentCarriers: Number of Component Carriers
  • AdmitHandoverRequest: Whether to admit an X2 handover request from another eNB
  • AdmitRrcConnectionRequest: Whether to admit a connection request from a UE
  • RsrpFilterCoefficient: Determines the strength of smoothing effect induced by layer 3 filtering of RSRP in all attached UE; if set to 0, no layer 3 filtering is applicable
  • RsrqFilterCoefficient: Determines the strength of smoothing effect induced by layer 3 filtering of RSRQ in all attached UE; if set to 0, no layer 3 filtering is applicable


  • FrCellTypeId: Downlink FR cell type ID for automatic configuration,default value is 0 and it means that user needs to configure FR algorithm manually,if it is set to 1,2 or 3 FR algorithm will be configured automatically
  • EnabledInUplink: If FR algorithm will also work in Uplink, default value true


  • CalculationInterval: Time interval between calculation of Edge sub-band, Default value 1 second
  • RsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Edge sub-band
  • RsrpDifferenceThreshold: If the difference between the power of the signal received by UE from the serving cell and the power of the signal received from the adjacent cell is less than a RsrpDifferenceThreshold value, the cell weight is incremented
  • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • EdgeRbNum: Number of RB that can be used in edge Sub-band
  • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
  • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table


  • UlSubBandOffset: Uplink SubBand Offset for this cell in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlReuse3SubBandwidth: Uplink Reuse 3 SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlReuse1SubBandwidth: Uplink Reuse 1 SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlSubBandOffset: Downlink SubBand Offset for this cell in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlReuse3SubBandwidth: Downlink Reuse 3 SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlReuse1SubBandwidth: Downlink Reuse 1 SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • RsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Edge sub-band
  • CenterAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Center Sub-band, default value dB0
  • EdgeAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • DlCqiThreshold: If the DL-CQI for RBG of is higher than this threshold, transmission on RBG is possible
  • UlCqiThreshold: If the UL-CQI for RBG of is higher than this threshold, transmission on RBG is possible
  • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
  • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table


  • UlCommonSubBandwidth: Uplink Medium (Common) SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlEdgeSubBandOffset: Uplink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlEdgeSubBandwidth: Uplink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlCommonSubBandwidth: Downlink Medium (Common) SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlEdgeSubBandOffset: Downlink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlEdgeSubBandwidth: Downlink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • CenterRsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Medium sub-band
  • EdgeRsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Edge sub-band
  • CenterAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Center Sub-band, default value dB0
  • MediumAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Medium Sub-band, default value dB0
  • EdgeAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
  • MediumAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in medium areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
  • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table


  • UlSubBandOffset: Uplink Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlSubBandwidth: Uplink Transmission SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlSubBandOffset: Downlink Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlSubBandwidth: Downlink Transmission SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups


  • UlEdgeSubBandOffset: Uplink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlEdgeSubBandwidth: Uplink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlEdgeSubBandOffset: Downlink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlEdgeSubBandwidth: Downlink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • AllowCenterUeUseEdgeSubBand: If true center UEs can receive on Edge SubBand RBGs
  • RsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Edge sub-band
  • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
  • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table


  • UlCommonSubBandwidth: Uplink Common SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlEdgeSubBandOffset: Uplink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • UlEdgeSubBandwidth: Uplink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlCommonSubBandwidth: Downlink Common SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlEdgeSubBandOffset: Downlink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups
  • DlEdgeSubBandwidth: Downlink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource Block Groups
  • RsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in Edge sub-band
  • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for Edge Sub-band, default value dB0
  • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table
  • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge areaAbsolute mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according toTS36.213 Table


  • Scheduler: The type of scheduler to be used for eNBs. The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting from ns3::FfMacScheduler.
  • FfrAlgorithm: The type of FFR algorithm to be used for eNBs. The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting from ns3::LteFfrAlgorithm.
  • HandoverAlgorithm: The type of handover algorithm to be used for eNBs. The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting from ns3::LteHandoverAlgorithm.
  • PathlossModel: The type of pathloss model to be used. The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting from ns3::PropagationLossModel.
  • FadingModel: The type of fading model to be used.The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting from ns3::SpectrumPropagationLossModel.If the type is set to an empty string, no fading model is used.
  • UseIdealRrc: If true, LteRrcProtocolIdeal will be used for RRC signaling. If false, LteRrcProtocolReal will be used.
  • AnrEnabled: Activate or deactivate Automatic Neighbour Relation function
  • UsePdschForCqiGeneration: If true, DL-CQI will be calculated from PDCCH as signal and PDSCH as interference If false, DL-CQI will be calculated from PDCCH as signal and PDCCH as interference
  • EnbComponentCarrierManager: The type of Component Carrier Manager to be used for eNBs. The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting ns3::LteEnbComponentCarrierManager.
  • UeComponentCarrierManager: The type of Component Carrier Manager to be used for UEs. The allowed values for this attributes are the type names of any class inheriting ns3::LteUeComponentCarrierManager.
  • UseCa: If true, Carrier Aggregation feature is enabled and a valid Component Carrier Map is expected.If false, single carrier simulation.
  • NumberOfComponentCarriers: Set the number of Component carrier to use If it is more than one and m_useCa is false, it will raise an error


  • InterSiteDistance: The distance [m] between nearby sites
  • SectorOffset: The offset [m] in the position for the node of each sector with respect to the center of the three-sector site
  • SiteHeight: The height [m] of each site
  • MinX: The x coordinate where the hex grid starts.
  • MinY: The y coordinate where the hex grid starts.
  • GridWidth: The number of sites in even rows (odd rows will have one additional site).


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit


  • rnti: The rnti that indicates the UE to which packet belongs
  • lcid: The id within the UE identifying the logical channel to which the packet belongs


  • PollRetransmitTimer: Value of the t-PollRetransmit timer (See section 7.3 of 3GPP TS 36.322)
  • ReorderingTimer: Value of the t-Reordering timer (See section 7.3 of 3GPP TS 36.322)
  • StatusProhibitTimer: Value of the t-StatusProhibit timer (See section 7.3 of 3GPP TS 36.322)
  • ReportBufferStatusTimer: How much to wait to issue a new Report Buffer Status since the last time a new SDU was received
  • TxOpportunityForRetxAlwaysBigEnough: If true, always pretend that the size of a TxOpportunity is big enough for retransmission. If false (default and realistic behavior), no retx is performed unless the corresponding TxOpportunity is big enough.
  • MaxTxBufferSize: Maximum Size of the Transmission Buffer (in Bytes). If zero is configured, the buffer is unlimited.


  • MaxTxBufferSize: Maximum Size of the Transmission Buffer (in Bytes)


  • MaxTxBufferSize: Maximum Size of the Transmission Buffer (in Bytes)
  • ReorderingTimer: Value of the t-Reordering timer (See section 7.3 of 3GPP TS 36.322)


  • SrbIdentity: The id of this Signaling Radio Bearer
  • LteRlc: RLC instance of the radio bearer.
  • LtePdcp: PDCP instance of the radio bearer.


  • DataErrorModelEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the error model of data (TBs of PDSCH and PUSCH) [by default is active].
  • CtrlErrorModelEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the error model of control (PCFICH-PDCCH decodification) [by default is active].


  • EpcUeNas: The NAS associated to this UeNetDevice
  • LteUeRrc: The RRC associated to this UeNetDevice
  • LteUeComponentCarrierManager: The ComponentCarrierManager associated to this UeNetDevice
  • ComponentCarrierMapUe: List of all component Carrier.
  • Imsi: International Mobile Subscriber Identity assigned to this UE
  • DlEarfcn: Downlink E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) as per 3GPP 36.101 Section 5.7.3.
  • CsgId: The Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) identity that this UE is associated with, i.e., giving the UE access to cells which belong to this particular CSG. This restriction only applies to initial cell selection and EPC-enabled simulation. This does not revoke the UE's access to non-CSG cells.


  • TxPower: Transmission power in dBm
  • NoiseFigure: Loss (dB) in the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio due to non-idealities in the receiver. According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_figure), this is "the difference in decibels (dB) between the noise output of the actual receiver to the noise output of an ideal receiver with the same overall gain and bandwidth when the receivers are connected to sources at the standard noise temperature T0." In this model, we consider T0 = 290K.
  • TxMode1Gain: Transmission mode 1 gain in dB
  • TxMode2Gain: Transmission mode 2 gain in dB
  • TxMode3Gain: Transmission mode 3 gain in dB
  • TxMode4Gain: Transmission mode 4 gain in dB
  • TxMode5Gain: Transmission mode 5 gain in dB
  • TxMode6Gain: Transmission mode 6 gain in dB
  • TxMode7Gain: Transmission mode 7 gain in dB
  • RsrpSinrSamplePeriod: The sampling period for reporting RSRP-SINR stats (default value 1)
  • DlSpectrumPhy: The downlink LteSpectrumPhy associated to this LtePhy
  • UlSpectrumPhy: The uplink LteSpectrumPhy associated to this LtePhy
  • RsrqUeMeasThreshold: Receive threshold for PSS on RSRQ [dB]
  • UeMeasurementsFilterPeriod: Time period for reporting UE measurements, i.e., thelength of layer-1 filtering.
  • DownlinkCqiPeriodicity: Periodicity in milliseconds for reporting thewideband and subband downlink CQIs to the eNB
  • EnableUplinkPowerControl: If true, Uplink Power Control will be enabled.
  • Qout: corresponds to 10% block error rate of a hypothetical PDCCH transmissiontaking into account the PCFICH errors with transmission parameters.see 3GPP TS 36.213 4.2.1 and TS 36.133 7.6
  • Qin: corresponds to 2% block error rate of a hypothetical PDCCH transmissiontaking into account the PCFICH errors with transmission parameters.see 3GPP TS 36.213 4.2.1 and TS 36.133 7.6
  • NumQoutEvalSf: This specifies the total number of consecutive subframeswhich corresponds to the Qout evaluation period
  • NumQinEvalSf: This specifies the total number of consecutive subframeswhich corresponds to the Qin evaluation period
  • EnableRlfDetection: If true, RLF detection will be enabled.


  • ClosedLoop: If true Closed Loop mode will be active, otherwise Open Loop
  • AccumulationEnabled: If true TCP accumulation mode will be active, otherwise absolute mode will be active
  • Alpha: Value of Alpha parameter
  • Pcmax: Max Transmission power in dBm, Default value 23 dBmTS36.101 section 6.2.3
  • Pcmin: Min Transmission power in dBm, Default value -40 dBmTS36.101 section 6.2.3
  • PoNominalPusch: P_O_NOMINAL_PUSCH INT (-126 ... 24), Default value -80
  • PoUePusch: P_O_UE_PUSCH INT(-8...7), Default value 0
  • PsrsOffset: P_SRS_OFFSET INT(0...15), Default value 7


  • DataRadioBearerMap: List of UE RadioBearerInfo for Data Radio Bearers by LCID.
  • Srb0: SignalingRadioBearerInfo for SRB0
  • Srb1: SignalingRadioBearerInfo for SRB1
  • CellId: Serving cell identifier
  • C-RNTI: Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier
  • T300: Timer for the RRC Connection Establishment procedure (i.e., the procedure is deemed as failed if it takes longer than this). Standard values: 100ms, 200ms, 300ms, 400ms, 600ms, 1000ms, 1500ms, 2000ms
  • T310: Timer for detecting the Radio link failure (i.e., the radio link is deemed as failed if this timer expires). Standard values: 0ms 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1000ms, 2000ms
  • N310: This specifies the maximum number of out-of-sync indications. Standard values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20
  • N311: This specifies the maximum number of in-sync indications. Standard values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10


  • DlOutputFilename: Name of the file where the downlink results will be saved.
  • UlOutputFilename: Name of the file where the uplink results will be saved.


  • DefaultLoss: The default value for propagation loss, dB.


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • RoutingProtocol: The mesh routing protocol used by this mesh point.
  • ForwardingDelay: A random variable to account for processing time (microseconds) to forward a frame.


  • BeaconInterval: Beacon Interval
  • RandomStart: Window when beacon generating starts (uniform random) in seconds
  • BeaconGeneration: Enable/Disable Beaconing.


  • UpdateStatistics: The interval between updating statistics table
  • LegacyUpdateStatistics: The interval between updating statistics table (for legacy Minstrel)
  • LookAroundRate: The percentage to try other rates (for legacy Minstrel)
  • EWMA: EWMA level
  • SampleColumn: The number of columns used for sampling
  • PacketLength: The packet length used for calculating mode TxTime (bytes)
  • UseLatestAmendmentOnly: Use only the latest amendment when it is supported by both peers
  • PrintStats: Control the printing of the statistics table


  • UpdateStatistics: The interval between updating statistics table
  • LookAroundRate: The percentage to try other rates
  • EWMA: EWMA level
  • SampleColumn: The number of columns used for sampling
  • PacketLength: The packet length used for calculating mode TxTime
  • PrintStats: Print statistics table
  • PrintSamples: Print samples table


  • Position: The current position of the mobility model.
  • Velocity: The current velocity of the mobility model.


  • Distance1: Beginning of the second distance field. Default is 80m.
  • Distance2: Beginning of the third distance field. Default is 200m.
  • m0: m0 for distances smaller than Distance1. Default is 1.5.
  • m1: m1 for distances smaller than Distance2. Default is 0.75.
  • m2: m2 for distances greater than Distance2. Default is 0.75.
  • ErlangRv: Access to the underlying ErlangRandomVariable
  • GammaRv: Access to the underlying GammaRandomVariable


  • UnresolvedQueueSize: Size of the queue for packets pending an NA reply.


  • TxQueuesType: The type of transmission queues to be used
  • NTxQueues: The number of device transmission queues


  • S5LinkDataRate: The data rate to be used for the next S5 link to be created
  • S5LinkDelay: The delay to be used for the next S5 link to be created
  • S5LinkMtu: The MTU of the next S5 link to be created
  • S11LinkDataRate: The data rate to be used for the next S11 link to be created
  • S11LinkDelay: The delay to be used for the next S11 link to be created
  • S11LinkMtu: The MTU of the next S11 link to be created.
  • X2LinkDataRate: The data rate to be used for the next X2 link to be created
  • X2LinkDelay: The delay to be used for the next X2 link to be created
  • X2LinkMtu: The MTU of the next X2 link to be created. Note that, because of some big X2 messages, you need a big MTU.
  • X2LinkPcapPrefix: Prefix for Pcap generated by X2 link
  • X2LinkEnablePcap: Enable Pcap for X2 link


  • DeviceList: The list of devices associated to this Node.
  • ApplicationList: The list of applications associated to this Node.
  • Id: The id (unique integer) of this Node.
  • SystemId: The systemId of this node: a unique integer used for parallel simulations.


  • NodeList: The list of all nodes created during the simulation.


  • Phy: The PHY layer attached to this device.


  • Mean: The mean value for the normal distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Variance: The variance value for the normal distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Bound: The bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.


  • SchedulerTune: Null Message scheduler tuning parameter


  • ObssPdLevel: The current OBSS PD level (dBm).
  • ObssPdLevelMin: Minimum value (dBm) of OBSS PD level.
  • ObssPdLevelMax: Maximum value (dBm) of OBSS PD level.
  • TxPowerRefSiso: The SISO reference TX power level (dBm).
  • TxPowerRefMimo: The MIMO reference TX power level (dBm).


  • Frequency: The propagation frequency in Hz
  • Environment: Environment Scenario
  • CitySize: Dimension of the city


  • HelloInterval: HELLO messages emission interval.
  • TcInterval: TC messages emission interval.
  • MidInterval: MID messages emission interval. Normally it is equal to TcInterval.
  • HnaInterval: HNA messages emission interval. Normally it is equal to TcInterval.
  • Willingness: Willingness of a node to carry and forward traffic for other nodes.


  • UpdatePeriod: The interval between decisions about rate control changes
  • RaiseThreshold: Attempt to raise the rate if we hit that threshold
  • AddCreditThreshold: Add credit threshold


  • DataRate: The data rate in on state.
  • PacketSize: The size of packets sent in on state
  • Remote: The address of the destination
  • Local: The Address on which to bind the socket. If not set, it is generated automatically.
  • OnTime: A RandomVariableStream used to pick the duration of the 'On' state.
  • OffTime: A RandomVariableStream used to pick the duration of the 'Off' state.
  • MaxBytes: The total number of bytes to send. Once these bytes are sent, no packet is sent again, even in on state. The value zero means that there is no limit.
  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use. This should be a subclass of ns3::SocketFactory
  • EnableSeqTsSizeHeader: Enable use of SeqTsSizeHeader for sequence number and timestamp


  • X: A random variable which represents the x coordinate of a position in a random box.
  • Y: A random variable which represents the y coordinate of a position in a random box.
  • Z: A random variable which represents the z coordinate of a position in a random box.
  • MaxAttempts: Maximum number of attempts for the rejection sampling before giving up.


  • Local: The Address on which to Bind the rx socket.
  • Protocol: The type id of the protocol to use for the rx socket.
  • EnableSeqTsSizeHeader: Enable optional header tracing of SeqTsSizeHeader


  • RcvBufSize: PacketSocket maximum receive buffer size (bytes)


  • MaxPackets: The maximum number of packets the application will send (zero means infinite)
  • Interval: The time to wait between packets
  • PacketSize: Size of packets generated (bytes).
  • Priority: Priority assigned to the packets generated.


  • Beamwidth: The 3dB beamwidth (degrees)
  • Orientation: The angle (degrees) that expresses the orientation of the antenna on the x-y plane relative to the x axis
  • MaxAttenuation: The maximum attenuation (dB) of the antenna radiation pattern.


  • Scale: The scale parameter for the Pareto distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Shape: The shape parameter for the Pareto distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Bound: The upper bound on the values returned by this RNG stream (if non-zero).


  • AttemptThreshold: The minimum number of transmission attempts to try a new power or rate.
  • SuccessThreshold: The minimum number of successful transmissions to try a new power or rate.


  • CaptureSize: Maximum length of captured packets (cf. pcap snaplen)
  • NanosecMode: Whether packet timestamps in the PCAP file are nanoseconds or microseconds(default).


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc.


  • AntennaElement: A pointer to the antenna element used by the phased array


  • DlRxOutputFilename: Name of the file where the downlink results will be saved.
  • UlRxOutputFilename: Name of the file where the uplink results will be saved.


  • DlRsrpSinrFilename: Name of the file where the RSRP/SINR statistics will be saved.
  • UlSinrFilename: Name of the file where the UE SINR statistics will be saved.
  • UlInterferenceFilename: Name of the file where the interference statistics will be saved.


  • DlTxOutputFilename: Name of the file where the downlink results will be saved.
  • UlTxOutputFilename: Name of the file where the uplink results will be saved.


  • MeanPktSize: Average of packet size
  • A: Value of alpha
  • B: Value of beta
  • Tupdate: Time period to calculate drop probability
  • Supdate: Start time of the update timer
  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc
  • DequeueThreshold: Minimum queue size in bytes before dequeue rate is measured
  • QueueDelayReference: Desired queue delay
  • MaxBurstAllowance: Current max burst allowance before random drop
  • UseDequeueRateEstimator: Enable/Disable usage of Dequeue Rate Estimator
  • UseCapDropAdjustment: Enable/Disable Cap Drop Adjustment feature mentioned in RFC 8033
  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • MarkEcnThreshold: ECN marking threshold (RFC 8033 suggests 0.1 (i.e., 10%) default)
  • UseDerandomization: Enable/Disable Derandomization feature mentioned in RFC 8033
  • ActiveThreshold: Threshold for activating PIE (disabled by default)
  • CeThreshold: The FqPie CE threshold for marking packets
  • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)


  • MaxPackets: The maximum number of packets the application will send
  • Interval: The time to wait between packets
  • RemoteIpv6: The Ipv6Address of the outbound packets
  • LocalIpv6: Local Ipv6Address of the sender
  • PacketSize: Size of packets generated


  • Delay: Propagation delay through the channel


  • S1uLinkDataRate: The data rate to be used for the next S1-U link to be created
  • S1uLinkDelay: The delay to be used for the next S1-U link to be created
  • S1uLinkMtu: The MTU of the next S1-U link to be created. Note that, because of the additional GTP/UDP/IP tunneling overhead, you need a MTU larger than the end-to-end MTU that you want to support.
  • S1uLinkPcapPrefix: Prefix for Pcap generated by S1-U link
  • S1uLinkEnablePcap: Enable Pcap for X2 link


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • Address: The MAC address of this device.
  • DataRate: The default data rate for point to point links
  • ReceiveErrorModel: The receiver error model used to simulate packet loss
  • InterframeGap: The time to wait between packet (frame) transmissions
  • TxQueue: A queue to use as the transmit queue in the device.


  • Priomap: The priority to band mapping.


  • Density: Specifies the density of the vehicles in the scenario.It can be set to Low, Medium or High.


  • Density: Specifies the density of the vehicles in the scenario.It can be set to Low, Medium or High.


  • Start: Time data collection starts
  • Stop: Time when data collection stops. The special time value of 0 disables this attribute


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • PssFdSchedulerType: FD scheduler in PSS (default value is PFsch)
  • nMux: The number of UE selected by TD scheduler (default value is 0)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use.
  • LengthOfAuthenticationTag: The default length of the authentication tag
  • EncryptionType: The type of encryption to be used (0-unencrypted, 1-OTP, 2-AES)
  • AuthenticationType: The type of authentication to be used (0-unauthenticated, 1-VMAC, 2-MD5, 3-SHA1)
  • AESLifetime: Lifetime of AES key expressed in number of packets
  • UseCrypto: Should crypto functions be performed (0-No, 1-Yes)
  • LengthOfKeyBufferForEncryption: How many keys to store in local buffer of QKDApp004 for encryption?
  • LengthOfKeyBufferForAuthentication: How many keys to store in local buffer of QKDApp004 for authentication?
  • SocketToKMSHoldTime: How long (seconds) should QKDApp004 wait to close socket to KMS after receiving REST response?
  • MaliciousApplication: Is this application malicious?
  • DoSAttackIntensity: The time elapsed between successive malicious requests; For testing DoS/DDoS attacks;
  • MinDataRate: The minimal data key rate (encryption+authentication) of the app (QoS settings).
  • Priority: QoS Priority (0 - default, 1 - premium)
  • TTL: QoS TTL - defines duration (seconds) of ETSI004 association


  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use.
  • NumberOfKeyToFetchFromKMS: The total number of keys per request to LKMS (ESTI QKD 014)
  • LengthOfAuthenticationTag: The default length of the authentication tag
  • EncryptionType: The type of encryption to be used (0-unencrypted, 1-OTP, 2-AES)
  • AuthenticationType: The type of authentication to be used (0-unauthenticated, 1-VMAC, 2-MD5, 3-SHA1)
  • AESLifetime: Lifetime of AES key expressed in bytes
  • UseCrypto: Should crypto functions be performed (0-No, 1-Yes)
  • WaitInsufficient: Penalty time (in seconds) when there is insufficient amount of key
  • WaitTransform: Penalty time (in seconds) when keys are being transformed


  • Minimal: The minimal amount of key material in QKD storage (bits)
  • Maximal: The maximal amount of key material in QKD storage (bits)
  • Threshold: The threshold amount of key material in QKD (bits)
  • Current: The current amount of key material in QKD storage (bits)
  • CalculationTimePeriod: The period of time (in seconds) to calculate average amount of the key in the buffer
  • MaxNumberOfRecordedKeyCharingTimePeriods: The maximal number of values which are stored for calculation of average key charging rate
  • MaxNumberOfRecordedKeyConsumptionTimePeriods: The maximal number of values which are stored for calculation of average key consumption rate.
  • DefaultKeySize: The default key size
  • MinimalKeyCount: The minimal number of keys to be stored in the buffer (count of keys)
  • MaximalKeyCount: The maximal number of keys to be stored in the buffer (count of keys)


  • BufferList: The list of buffers associated to this QKD Control.


  • CompressionEnabled: Indicates whether a compression of packets is enabled.
  • EncryptionEnabled: Indicates whether a real encryption of packets is enabled.


  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use.
  • LocalAddress: The ipv4 address of the application
  • MaximalKeysPerRequest: The maximal number of keys per request (ESTI QKD 014)
  • MinimalKeySize: The minimal size of key QKDApp can request
  • MaximalKeySize: The maximal size of key QKDApp can request
  • DefaultKeySize: The default size of the key
  • MaliciousRequestBlocking: Does KMS detects and blocks malicious get_key_004 request?
  • ETSI004_DefaultTTL: Default value of ETSI004 TTL (in seconds)
  • MaxKeyRate: The maximal key rate (encryption+authentication) provided by the KMS (QoS settings).
  • MinKeyRate: The minimal key rate (encryption+authentication) provided by the KMS (QoS settings).
  • QoS_maxrate_threshold: The treshold for processing low-priority requests


  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc.
  • NumberOfQueues: The number of priority queues used.


  • KeySizeInBits: The amount of data to be added to QKD Buffer (in bits).
  • KeyRate: The average QKD key rate in bps.
  • DataRate: The average data rate of communication.
  • PacketSize: The size of packets sent in post-processing state
  • MaxSiftingPackets: The size of packets sent in sifting state
  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use (TCP by default).
  • ProtocolSifting: The type of protocol to use for sifting (UDP by default).
  • Remote: The address of the destination
  • Local: The local address on which to bind the listening socket.
  • Remote_Sifting: The address of the destination for sifting traffic.
  • Local_Sifting: The local address on which to bind the listening sifting socket.
  • Local_KMS: The local KSM address.


  • Protocol: The type of protocol to use.
  • LocalAddress: The ipv4 address of the application
  • MaximalKeysPerRequest: The maximal number of keys per request (ESTI QKD 014)
  • MinimalKeySize: The minimal size of key QKDApp can request
  • MaximalKeySize: The maximal size of key QKDApp can request
  • DefaultKeySize: The default size of the key
  • MaliciousRequestBlocking: Does SDN detects and blocks malicious get_key_004 request?
  • QKDLinkUpdateInterval: Default value of QKD link status update interval (in seconds)


  • PifsRecovery: Perform a PIFS recovery as a response to transmission failure within a TXOP
  • SetQueueSize: Whether to set the Queue Size subfield of the QoS Control field of QoS data frames sent by non-AP stations


  • UseExplicitBarAfterMissedBlockAck: Specify whether explicit BlockAckRequest should be sent upon missed BlockAck Response.
  • AddBaResponseTimeout: The timeout to wait for ADDBA response after the Ack to ADDBA request is received.
  • FailedAddBaTimeout: The timeout after a failed BA agreement. During this timeout, the originator resumes sending packets using normal MPDU. After that, BA agreement is reset and the originator will retry BA negotiation.
  • BlockAckManager: The BlockAckManager object.


  • Quota: The maximum number of packets dequeued in a qdisc run
  • InternalQueueList: The list of internal queues.
  • PacketFilterList: The list of packet filters.
  • QueueDiscClassList: The list of queue disc classes.


  • QueueDisc: The queue disc attached to the class


  • StartTime: Start time of the on going epoch.
  • EpochDuration: Epoch duration.
  • DlRlcOutputFilename: Name of the file where the downlink results will be saved.
  • UlRlcOutputFilename: Name of the file where the uplink results will be saved.
  • DlPdcpOutputFilename: Name of the file where the downlink results will be saved.
  • UlPdcpOutputFilename: Name of the file where the uplink results will be saved.


  • Channel: The DL spectrum channel for which the RadioEnvironment Map is to be generated. Alternatively ChannelPath attribute can be used.Only one of the two (Channel or ChannelPath) should be set.
  • ChannelPath: The path to the channel for which the Radio Environment Map is to be generated.This attribute is an alternative to Channel attribute and is only used if Channel is not set (equal to nullptr). Only one of the two (Channel or ChannelPath) should be set.
  • OutputFile: the filename to which the Radio Environment Map is saved
  • XMin: The min x coordinate of the map.
  • YMin: The min y coordinate of the map.
  • XMax: The max x coordinate of the map.
  • YMax: The max y coordinate of the map.
  • XRes: The resolution (number of points) of the map along the x axis.
  • YRes: The resolution (number of points) of the map along the y axis.
  • Z: The value of the z coordinate for which the map is to be generated
  • StopWhenDone: If true, Simulator::Stop () will be called as soon as the REM has been generated
  • NoisePower: the power of the measuring instrument noise, in Watts. Default to a kT of -174 dBm with a noise figure of 9 dB and a bandwidth of 25 LTE Resource Blocks
  • MaxPointsPerIteration: Maximum number of REM points to be calculated per iteration. Every point consumes approximately 5KB of memory.
  • Earfcn: E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) as per 3GPP 36.101 Section 5.7.3.
  • Bandwidth: Transmission Bandwidth Configuration (in number of RBs) over which the SINR will be calculated
  • UseDataChannel: If true, REM will be generated for PDSCH and for PDCCH otherwise
  • RbId: Resource block Id, for which REM will be generated,default value is -1, what means REM will be averaged from all RBs


  • AdvertisementJitter: Uniform variable to provide jitter between min and max values of AdvInterval


  • X: A random variable which represents the x coordinate of a position in a random box.
  • Y: A random variable which represents the y coordinate of a position in a random box.
  • Z: A random variable which represents the z coordinate of a position in a random box.


  • WithReplacement: If true, the building will be randomly selected with replacement. If false, no replacement will occur, until the list of buildings to select becomes empty, at which point it will be filled again with the list of all buildings.


  • Bounds: The 2d bounding area
  • Speed: A random variable to control the speed (m/s).
  • Pause: A random variable to control the pause (s).


  • Theta: A random variable which represents the angle (gradients) of a position in a random disc.
  • Rho: A random variable which represents the radius of a position in a random disc.
  • X: The x coordinate of the center of the random position disc.
  • Y: The y coordinate of the center of the random position disc.
  • Z: The z coordinate of all the positions in the disc.


  • Variable: The random variable which generates random delays (s).


  • Variable: The random variable used to pick a loss every time CalcRxPower is invoked.


  • X: A random variable which represents the x coordinate of a position in a random rectangle.
  • Y: A random variable which represents the y coordinate of a position in a random rectangle.
  • Z: The z coordinate of all the positions allocated.


  • Stream: The stream number for this RNG stream. -1 means "allocate a stream automatically". Note that if -1 is set, Get will return -1 so that it is not possible to know which value was automatically allocated.
  • Antithetic: Set this RNG stream to generate antithetic values


  • Bounds: Bounds of the area to cruise.
  • Time: Change current direction and speed after moving for this delay.
  • Distance: Change current direction and speed after moving for this distance.
  • Mode: The mode indicates the condition used to change the current speed and direction
  • Direction: A random variable used to pick the direction (radians).
  • Speed: A random variable used to pick the speed (m/s).


  • Bounds: Bounds of the area to cruise.
  • Time: Change current direction and speed after moving for this delay.
  • Distance: Change current direction and speed after moving for this distance.
  • Mode: The mode indicates the condition used to change the current speed and direction
  • Direction: A random variable used to pick the direction (radians).
  • Speed: A random variable used to pick the speed (m/s).The default value is taken from Figure 1 of the paperHenderson, L.F., 1971. The statistics of crowd fluids. nature, 229(5284), p.381.
  • Tolerance: Tolerance for the intersection point with buildings (m).It represents a small distance from where the building limitis actually placed, for example to represent a sidewalk.
  • MaxIterations: Maximum number of attempts to find an alternative next positionif the original one is inside a building.


  • Speed: A random variable used to pick the speed of a random waypoint model.
  • Pause: A random variable used to pick the pause of a random waypoint model.
  • PositionAllocator: The position model used to pick a destination point.


  • MaxRange: Maximum Transmission Range (meters)


  • ErrorUnit: The error unit
  • ErrorRate: The error rate.
  • RanVar: The decision variable attached to this error model.


  • SynchronizationMode: What to do if the simulation cannot keep up with real time.
  • HardLimit: Maximum acceptable real-time jitter (used in conjunction with SynchronizationMode=HardLimit)


  • MeanPktSize: Average of packet size
  • IdlePktSize: Average packet size used during idle times. Used when m_cautions = 3
  • Wait: True for waiting between dropped packets
  • Gentle: True to increases dropping probability slowly when average queue exceeds maxthresh
  • ARED: True to enable ARED
  • AdaptMaxP: True to adapt m_curMaxP
  • FengAdaptive: True to enable Feng's Adaptive RED
  • NLRED: True to enable Nonlinear RED
  • MinTh: Minimum average length threshold in packets/bytes
  • MaxTh: Maximum average length threshold in packets/bytes
  • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by this queue disc
  • QW: Queue weight related to the exponential weighted moving average (EWMA)
  • LInterm: The maximum probability of dropping a packet
  • TargetDelay: Target average queuing delay in ARED
  • Interval: Time interval to update m_curMaxP
  • Top: Upper bound for m_curMaxP in ARED
  • Bottom: Lower bound for m_curMaxP in ARED
  • Alpha: Increment parameter for m_curMaxP in ARED
  • Beta: Decrement parameter for m_curMaxP in ARED
  • FengAlpha: Decrement parameter for m_curMaxP in Feng's Adaptive RED
  • FengBeta: Increment parameter for m_curMaxP in Feng's Adaptive RED
  • LastSet: Store the last time m_curMaxP was updated
  • Rtt: Round Trip Time to be considered while automatically setting m_bottom
  • Ns1Compat: NS-1 compatibility
  • LinkBandwidth: The RED link bandwidth
  • LinkDelay: The RED link delay
  • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)
  • UseHardDrop: True to always drop packets above max threshold


  • UnsolicitedRoutingUpdate: The time between two Unsolicited Routing Updates.
  • StartupDelay: Maximum random delay for protocol startup (send route requests).
  • TimeoutDelay: The delay to invalidate a route.
  • GarbageCollectionDelay: The delay to delete an expired route.
  • MinTriggeredCooldown: Min cooldown delay after a Triggered Update.
  • MaxTriggeredCooldown: Max cooldown delay after a Triggered Update.
  • SplitHorizon: Split Horizon strategy.
  • LinkDownValue: Value for link down in count to infinity.


  • UnsolicitedRoutingUpdate: The time between two Unsolicited Routing Updates.
  • StartupDelay: Maximum random delay for protocol startup (send route requests).
  • TimeoutDelay: The delay to invalidate a route.
  • GarbageCollectionDelay: The delay to delete an expired route.
  • MinTriggeredCooldown: Min cooldown delay after a Triggered Update.
  • MaxTriggeredCooldown: Max cooldown delay after a Triggered Update.
  • SplitHorizon: Split Horizon strategy.
  • LinkDownValue: Value for link down in count to infinity.


  • Basic: If true the RRAA-BASIC algorithm will be used, otherwise the RRAA will be used
  • Timeout: Timeout for the RRAA BASIC loss estimation block
  • FrameLength: The Data frame length (in bytes) used for calculating mode TxTime.
  • AckFrameLength: The Ack frame length (in bytes) used for calculating mode TxTime.
  • Alpha: Constant for calculating the MTL threshold.
  • Beta: Constant for calculating the ORI threshold.
  • Tau: Constant for calculating the EWND size.


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • NStations: The maximum number of stations that can be granted an RU in a DL MU OFDMA transmission
  • EnableTxopSharing: If enabled, allow A-MPDUs of different TIDs in a DL MU PPDU.
  • ForceDlOfdma: If enabled, return DL_MU_TX even if no DL MU PPDU could be built.
  • EnableUlOfdma: If enabled, return UL_MU_TX if DL_MU_TX was returned the previous time.
  • EnableBsrp: If enabled, send a BSRP Trigger Frame before an UL MU transmission.
  • UlPsduSize: The default size in bytes of the solicited PSDU (to be sent in a TB PPDU)
  • UseCentral26TonesRus: If enabled, central 26-tone RUs are allocated, too, when the selected RU type is at least 52 tones.
  • MaxCredits: Maximum amount of credits a station can have. When transmitting a DL MU PPDU, the amount of credits received by each station equals the TX duration (in microseconds) divided by the total number of stations. Stations that are the recipient of the DL MU PPDU have to pay a number of credits equal to the TX duration (in microseconds) times the allocated bandwidth share


  • Basic: If true the RRPAA-BASIC algorithm will be used, otherwise the RRPAA will be used.
  • Timeout: Timeout for the RRPAA-BASIC loss estimation block.
  • FrameLength: The Data frame length (in bytes) used for calculating mode TxTime.
  • AckFrameLength: The Ack frame length (in bytes) used for calculating mode TxTime.
  • Alpha: Constant for calculating the MTL threshold.
  • Beta: Constant for calculating the ORI threshold.
  • Tau: Constant for calculating the EWND size.
  • Gamma: Constant for Probabilistic Decision Table decrements.
  • Delta: Constant for Probabilistic Decision Table increments.


  • InitialEstimation: Initial RTT estimate


  • Alpha: Gain used in estimating the RTT, must be 0 <= alpha <= 1
  • Beta: Gain used in estimating the RTT variation, must be 0 <= beta <= 1


  • RvBatteryModelPeriodicEnergyUpdateInterval: RV battery model sampling interval.
  • RvBatteryModelLowBatteryThreshold: Low battery threshold.
  • RvBatteryModelOpenCircuitVoltage: RV battery model open circuit voltage.
  • RvBatteryModelCutoffVoltage: RV battery model cutoff voltage.
  • RvBatteryModelAlphaValue: RV battery model alpha value.
  • RvBatteryModelBetaValue: RV battery model beta value.
  • RvBatteryModelNumOfTerms: The number of terms of the infinite sum for estimating battery level.


  • Min: The first value of the sequence.
  • Max: One more than the last value of the sequence.
  • Increment: The sequence random variable increment.
  • Consecutive: The number of times each member of the sequence is repeated.


  • Delay: Transmission delay through the channel


  • Margin: Reception is switched if the newly arrived frame has a power higher than this value above the frame currently being received (expressed in dB).


  • ReceiveErrorModel: The receiver error model used to simulate packet loss
  • PointToPointMode: The device is configured in Point to Point mode
  • TxQueue: A queue to use as the transmit queue in the device.
  • DataRate: The default data rate for point to point links. Zero means infinite


  • NoiseFigure: Loss (dB) in the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio due to non-idealities in the receiver.
  • TxPower: Transmission power (dB).
  • G: This is the ratio of CP time to useful time.
  • TxGain: Transmission gain (dB).
  • RxGain: Reception gain (dB).
  • Nfft: FFT size
  • TraceFilePath: Path to the directory containing SNR to block error rate files


  • Rfc6282: Use RFC6282 (IPHC) if true, RFC4944 (HC1) otherwise.
  • OmitUdpChecksum: Omit the UDP checksum in IPHC compression.
  • FragmentReassemblyListSize: The maximum size of the reassembly buffer (in packets). Zero meaning infinite.
  • FragmentExpirationTimeout: When this timeout expires, the fragments will be cleared from the buffer.
  • CompressionThreshold: The minimum MAC layer payload size.
  • ForceEtherType: Force a specific EtherType in L2 frames.
  • EtherType: The specific EtherType to be used in L2 frames.
  • UseMeshUnder: Use a mesh-under routing protocol.
  • MeshUnderRadius: Hops Left to use in mesh-under.
  • MeshCacheLength: Length of the cache for each source.
  • MeshUnderJitter: The jitter in ms a node uses to forward mesh-under packets - used to prevent collisions


  • Snr: The SNR of the last packet received


  • Resolution: The length of the time interval over which the power spectral density of incoming signals is averaged
  • NoisePowerSpectralDensity: The power spectral density of the measuring instrument noise, in Watt/Hz. Mostly useful to make spectrograms look more similar to those obtained by real devices. Defaults to the value for thermal noise at 300K.


  • MaxLossDb: If a single-frequency PropagationLossModel is used, this value represents the maximum loss in dB for which transmissions will be passed to the receiving PHY. Signals for which the PropagationLossModel returns a loss bigger than this value will not be propagated to the receiver. This parameter is to be used to reduce the computational load by not propagating signals that are far beyond the interference range. Note that the default value corresponds to considering all signals for reception. Tune this value with care.
  • PropagationLossModel: A pointer to the propagation loss model attached to this channel.


  • DisableWifiReception: Prevent Wi-Fi frame sync from ever happening
  • TxMaskInnerBandMinimumRejection: Minimum rejection (dBr) for the inner band of the transmit spectrum mask
  • TxMaskOuterBandMinimumRejection: Minimum rejection (dBr) for the outer band of the transmit spectrum mask
  • TxMaskOuterBandMaximumRejection: Maximum rejection (dBr) for the outer band of the transmit spectrum mask


  • ProbeRequestTimeout: The duration to actively probe the channel.
  • WaitBeaconTimeout: The duration to dwell on a channel while passively scanning for beacon
  • AssocRequestTimeout: The interval between two consecutive association request attempts.
  • MaxMissedBeacons: Number of beacons which much be consecutively missed before we attempt to restart association.
  • ActiveProbing: If true, we send probe requests. If false, we don't.NOTE: if more than one STA in your simulation is using active probing, you should enable it at a different simulation time for each STA, otherwise all the STAs will start sending probes at the same time resulting in collisions. See bug 1060 for more info.


  • MinSpeed: Minimum speed value, [m/s]
  • MaxSpeed: Maximum speed value, [m/s]
  • MinPause: Minimum pause value, [s]
  • MaxPause: Maximum pause value, [s]
  • MinX: Minimum X value of traveling region, [m]
  • MaxX: Maximum X value of traveling region, [m]
  • MinY: Minimum Y value of traveling region, [m]
  • MaxY: Maximum Y value of traveling region, [m]
  • Z: Z value of traveling region (fixed), [m]


  • BasicConnection: Basic connection
  • PrimaryConnection: Primary connection
  • LostDlMapInterval: Time since last received DL-MAP message before downlink synchronization is considered lost. Maximum is 600ms
  • LostUlMapInterval: Time since last received UL-MAP before uplink synchronization is considered lost, maximum is 600.
  • MaxDcdInterval: Maximum time between transmission of DCD messages. Maximum is 10s
  • MaxUcdInterval: Maximum time between transmission of UCD messages. Maximum is 10s
  • IntervalT1: Wait for DCD timeout. Maximum is 5*maxDcdInterval
  • IntervalT2: Wait for broadcast ranging timeout, i.e., wait for initial ranging opportunity. Maximum is 5*Ranging interval
  • IntervalT3: ranging Response reception timeout following the transmission of a ranging request. Maximum is 200ms
  • IntervalT7: wait for DSA/DSC/DSD Response timeout. Maximum is 1s
  • IntervalT12: Wait for UCD descriptor.Maximum is 5*MaxUcdInterval
  • IntervalT20: Time the SS searches for preambles on a given channel. Minimum is 2 MAC frames
  • IntervalT21: time the SS searches for (decodable) DL-MAP on a given channel
  • MaxContentionRangingRetries: Number of retries on contention Ranging Requests
  • SSScheduler: The ss scheduler attached to this device.
  • LinkManager: The ss link manager attached to this device.
  • Classifier: The ss classifier attached to this device.


  • FallbackErrorRateModel: Ptr to the fallback error rate model to be used when no matching value is found in a table
  • SizeThreshold: Threshold in bytes over which the table for large size frames is used


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • DeviceName: The name of the tap device to create.
  • Gateway: The IP address of the default gateway to assign to the host machine, when in ConfigureLocal mode.
  • IpAddress: The IP address to assign to the tap device, when in ConfigureLocal mode. This address will override the discovered IP address of the simulated device.
  • MacAddress: The MAC address to assign to the tap device, when in ConfigureLocal mode. This address will override the discovered MAC address of the simulated device.
  • Netmask: The network mask to assign to the tap device, when in ConfigureLocal mode. This address will override the discovered MAC address of the simulated device.
  • Start: The simulation time at which to spin up the tap device read thread.
  • Stop: The simulation time at which to tear down the tap device read thread.
  • Mode: The operating and configuration mode to use.
  • Verbose: Enable verbose output from tap-creator child process


  • MaxSize: The max queue size
  • Burst: Size of the first bucket in bytes
  • Mtu: Size of the second bucket in bytes. If null, it is initialized to the MTU of the receiving NetDevice (if any)
  • Rate: Rate at which tokens enter the first bucket in bps or Bps.
  • PeakRate: Rate at which tokens enter the second bucket in bps or Bps.If null, there is no second bucket


  • Stream: Random number stream (default is set to 4 to align with Linux results)
  • HighGain: Value of high gain
  • BwWindowLength: Length of bandwidth windowed filter
  • RttWindowLength: Length of RTT windowed filter
  • ProbeRttDuration: Time to be spent in PROBE_RTT phase
  • ExtraAckedRttWindowLength: Window length of extra acked window
  • AckEpochAckedResetThresh: Max allowed val for m_ackEpochAcked, after which sampling epoch is reset


  • FastConvergence: Turn on/off fast convergence.
  • Beta: Beta for multiplicative decrease
  • MaxIncr: Limit on increment allowed during binary search
  • LowWnd: Threshold window size (in segments) for engaging BIC response
  • SmoothPart: Number of RTT needed to approach cWnd_max from cWnd_max-BinarySearchCoefficient. It can be viewed as the gradient of the slow start AIM phase: less this value is, more steep the increment will be.
  • BinarySearchCoefficient: Inverse of the coefficient for the binary search. Default 4, as in Linux


  • FastConvergence: Enable (true) or disable (false) fast convergence
  • Beta: Beta for multiplicative decrease
  • HyStart: Enable (true) or disable (false) hybrid slow start algorithm
  • HyStartLowWindow: Lower bound cWnd for hybrid slow start (segments)
  • HyStartDetect: Hybrid Slow Start detection mechanisms:1: packet train, 2: delay, 3: both
  • HyStartMinSamples: Number of delay samples for detecting the increase of delay
  • HyStartAckDelta: Spacing between ack's indicating train
  • HyStartDelayMin: Minimum time for hystart algorithm
  • HyStartDelayMax: Maximum time for hystart algorithm
  • CubicDelta: Delta Time to wait after fast recovery before adjusting param
  • CntClamp: Counter value when no losses are detected (counter is used when incrementing cWnd in congestion avoidance, to avoid floating point arithmetic). It is the modulo of the (avoided) division
  • C: Cubic Scaling factor


  • DctcpShiftG: Parameter G for updating dctcp_alpha
  • DctcpAlphaOnInit: Initial alpha value
  • UseEct0: Use ECT(0) for ECN codepoint, if false use ECT(1)


  • DefaultBackoff: The default AIMD backoff factor
  • ThroughputRatio: Threshold value for updating beta
  • DeltaL: Delta_L parameter in increase function


  • RRTT: Reference RTT


  • AlphaMin: Minimum alpha threshold
  • AlphaMax: Maximum alpha threshold
  • AlphaBase: Alpha base threshold
  • BetaMin: Minimum beta threshold
  • BetaMax: Maximum beta threshold
  • BetaBase: Beta base threshold
  • WinThresh: Window threshold
  • Theta: Theta threshold


  • RttEstimatorType: Type of RttEstimator objects.
  • SocketType: Socket type of TCP objects.
  • RecoveryType: Recovery type of TCP objects.
  • SocketList: The list of sockets associated to this protocol.


  • TargetDelay: Targeted Queue Delay
  • BaseHistoryLen: Number of Base delay samples
  • NoiseFilterLen: Number of Current delay samples
  • Gain: Offset Gain
  • SSParam: Possibility of Slow Start
  • MinCwnd: Minimum cWnd for Ledbat


  • ReductionBound: Type of Reduction Bound


  • AIFactor: Additive Increase Factor
  • MDFactor: Multiplicative Decrease Factor


  • SndBufSize: TcpSocket maximum transmit buffer size (bytes)
  • RcvBufSize: TcpSocket maximum receive buffer size (bytes)
  • SegmentSize: TCP maximum segment size in bytes (may be adjusted based on MTU discovery)
  • InitialSlowStartThreshold: TCP initial slow start threshold (bytes)
  • InitialCwnd: TCP initial congestion window size (segments)
  • ConnTimeout: TCP retransmission timeout when opening connection (seconds)
  • ConnCount: Number of connection attempts (SYN retransmissions) before returning failure
  • DataRetries: Number of data retransmission attempts
  • DelAckTimeout: Timeout value for TCP delayed acks, in seconds
  • DelAckCount: Number of packets to wait before sending a TCP ack
  • TcpNoDelay: Set to true to disable Nagle's algorithm
  • PersistTimeout: Persist timeout to probe for rx window


  • MaxSegLifetime: Maximum segment lifetime in seconds, use for TIME_WAIT state transition to CLOSED state
  • MaxWindowSize: Max size of advertised window
  • IcmpCallback: Callback invoked whenever an icmp error is received on this socket.
  • IcmpCallback6: Callback invoked whenever an icmpv6 error is received on this socket.
  • WindowScaling: Enable or disable Window Scaling option
  • Sack: Enable or disable Sack option
  • Timestamp: Enable or disable Timestamp option
  • MinRto: Minimum retransmit timeout value
  • ClockGranularity: Clock Granularity used in RTO calculations
  • TxBuffer: TCP Tx buffer
  • RxBuffer: TCP Rx buffer
  • CongestionOps: Pointer to TcpCongestionOps object
  • ReTxThreshold: Threshold for fast retransmit
  • LimitedTransmit: Enable limited transmit
  • UseEcn: Parameter to set ECN functionality


  • EnablePacing: Enable Pacing
  • MaxPacingRate: Set Max Pacing Rate
  • PacingSsRatio: Percent pacing rate increase for slow start conditions
  • PacingCaRatio: Percent pacing rate increase for congestion avoidance conditions
  • PaceInitialWindow: Perform pacing for initial window of data


  • Alpha: Lower bound of packets in network
  • Beta: Upper bound of packets in network
  • Gamma: Limit on increase


  • Beta: Threshold for congestion detection


  • FilterType: Use this to choose no filter or Tustin's approximation filter
  • ProtocolType: Use this to let the code run as Westwood or WestwoodPlus


  • Alpha: Maximum backlog allowed at the bottleneck queue
  • Gamma: Fraction of queue to be removed per RTT
  • Delta: Log minimum fraction of cwnd to be removed on loss
  • Epsilon: Log maximum fraction to be removed on early decongestion
  • Phy: Maximum delta from base
  • Rho: Minimum # of consecutive RTT to consider competition on loss
  • Zeta: Minimum # of state switches to reset m_renoCount
  • StcpAiFactor: STCP additive increase factor


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • DebtLimit: Flow debt limit (default -625000 bytes)
  • CreditLimit: Flow credit limit (default 625000 bytes)
  • TokenPoolSize: The maximum value of flow token pool (default 1 bytes)
  • CreditableThreshold: Threshold of flow credit (default 0 bytes)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • Decay: Exponential decay coefficient, Hz; zero is a valid value for static scenarios


  • UpdatePeriod: Specifies the time period after which the channel condition is recomputed. If set to 0, the channel condition is never updated.


  • Frequency: The operating Frequency in Hz
  • Scenario: The 3GPP scenario (RMa, UMa, UMi-StreetCanyon, InH-OfficeOpen, InH-OfficeMixed)
  • ChannelConditionModel: Pointer to the channel condition model
  • UpdatePeriod: Specify the channel coherence time
  • Blockage: Enable blockage model A (sec
  • NumNonselfBlocking: number of non-self-blocking regions
  • PortraitMode: true for portrait mode, false for landscape mode
  • BlockerSpeed: The speed of moving blockers, the unit is m/s
  • vScatt: Maximum speed of the vehicle in the layout (see 3GPP TR 37.885 v15.3.0, Sec. 6.2.3).Used to compute the additional contribution for the Doppler ofdelayed (reflected) paths


  • Variables: Variable collection, which is used to control e.g. timing and HTTP request size.
  • RemoteServerAddress: The address of the destination server.
  • RemoteServerPort: The destination port of the outbound packets.


  • Variables: Variable collection, which is used to control e.g. processing and object generation delays.
  • LocalAddress: The local address of the server, i.e., the address on which to bind the Rx socket.
  • LocalPort: Port on which the application listen for incoming packets.
  • Mtu: Maximum transmission unit (in bytes) of the TCP sockets used in this application, excluding the compulsory 40 bytes TCP header. Typical values are 1460 and 536 bytes. The attribute is read-only because the value is randomly determined.


  • RequestSize: The constant size of HTTP request packet (in bytes).
  • MainObjectGenerationDelay: The constant time needed by HTTP server to generate a main object as a response.
  • MainObjectSizeMean: The mean of main object sizes (in bytes).
  • MainObjectSizeStdDev: The standard deviation of main object sizes (in bytes).
  • MainObjectSizeMin: The minimum value of main object sizes (in bytes).
  • MainObjectSizeMax: The maximum value of main object sizes (in bytes).
  • EmbeddedObjectGenerationDelay: The constant time needed by HTTP server to generate an embedded object as a response.
  • EmbeddedObjectSizeMean: The mean of embedded object sizes (in bytes).
  • EmbeddedObjectSizeStdDev: The standard deviation of embedded object sizes (in bytes).
  • EmbeddedObjectSizeMin: The minimum value of embedded object sizes (in bytes).
  • EmbeddedObjectSizeMax: The maximum value of embedded object sizes (in bytes).
  • NumOfEmbeddedObjectsMax: The upper bound parameter of Pareto distribution for the number of embedded objects per web page. The actual maximum value is this value subtracted by the scale parameter.
  • NumOfEmbeddedObjectsShape: The shape parameter of Pareto distribution for the number of embedded objects per web page.
  • NumOfEmbeddedObjectsScale: The scale parameter of Pareto distribution for the number of embedded objects per web page.
  • ReadingTimeMean: The mean of reading time.
  • ParsingTimeMean: The mean of parsing time.
  • LowMtuSize: The lower MTU size.
  • HighMtuSize: The higher MTU size.
  • HighMtuProbability: The probability that higher MTU size is used.


  • Frequency: The centre frequency in Hz.
  • ShadowingEnabled: Enable/disable shadowing.
  • ChannelConditionModel: Pointer to the channel condition model.


  • AvgBuildingHeight: The average building height in meters.
  • AvgStreetWidth: The average street width in meters.


  • ChannelModel: The channel model. It needs to implement the MatrixBasedChannelModel interface


  • PercType3Vehicles: The percentage of vehicles of type 3 (i.e., trucks) in the scenario


  • Distance0: Beginning of the first (near) distance field
  • Distance1: Beginning of the second (middle) distance field.
  • Distance2: Beginning of the third (far) distance field.
  • Exponent0: The exponent for the first field.
  • Exponent1: The exponent for the second field.
  • Exponent2: The exponent for the third field.
  • ReferenceLoss: The reference loss at distance d0 (dB). (Default is Friis at 1m with 5.15 GHz)


  • Threshold: Preamble is successfully detection if the SNR is at or above this value (expressed in dB).
  • MinimumRssi: Preamble is dropped if the RSSI is below this value (expressed in dBm).


  • TraceFilename: Name of file to load a trace from.
  • TraceLength: The total length of the fading trace (default value 10 s.)
  • SamplesNum: The number of samples the trace is made of (default 10000)
  • WindowSize: The size of the window for the fading trace (default value 0.5 s.)
  • RbNum: The number of RB the trace is made of (default 100)
  • RngStreamSetSize: The number of RNG streams reserved for the fading model. The maximum number of streams that are needed for an LTE FDD scenario is 2 * numUEs * numeNBs.


  • RootQueueDiscList: The list of root queue discs associated to this Traffic Control layer.


  • Mean: The mean value for the triangular distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Min: The lower bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.
  • Max: The upper bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.


  • CqiTimerThreshold: The number of TTIs a CQI is valid (default 1000 - 1 sec.)
  • HarqEnabled: Activate/Deactivate the HARQ [by default is active].
  • UlGrantMcs: The MCS of the UL grant, must be [0..15] (default 0)


  • TvType: The type of TV transmitter/modulation to be used.
  • StartFrequency: The lower end frequency (in Hz) of the TV transmitter's signal. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
  • ChannelBandwidth: The bandwidth (in Hz) of the TV transmitter's signal. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
  • BasePsd: The base power spectral density (in dBm/Hz) of the TV transmitter's transmitted spectrum. Base PSD is the maximum PSD of the spectrum excluding pilots. For analog and COFDM transmitters this is the maximum PSD, but for 8-VSB transmitters this is the maximum PSD of the main signal spectrum (flat-top segment) since the pilot actually has the maximum PSD overall.
  • Antenna: The AntennaModel to be used. Allows classes inherited from ns3::AntennaModel. Defaults to ns3::IsotropicAntennaModel.
  • StartingTime: The time point after the simulation begins in which the TV transmitter will begin transmitting.
  • TransmitDuration: The duration of time that the TV transmitter will transmit for.


  • Frequency: The carrier frequency (in Hz) at which propagation occurs (default is 5.15 GHz).
  • SystemLoss: The system loss
  • MinDistance: The distance under which the propagation model refuses to give results (m)
  • HeightAboveZ: The height of the antenna (m) above the node's Z coordinate


  • MinCw: The minimum value of the contention window.
  • MaxCw: The maximum value of the contention window.
  • Aifsn: The AIFSN: the default value conforms to non-QOS.
  • TxopLimit: The TXOP limit: the default value conforms to non-QoS.
  • Queue: The WifiMacQueue object


  • PropagationModel: A pointer to the propagation model.
  • NoiseModel: A pointer to the model of the channel ambient noise.


  • CW: The MAC parameter CW.
  • SlotTime: Time slot duration for MAC backoff.


  • RetryRate: Number of retry attempts per second (of RTS/GWPING).
  • MaxFrames: Maximum number of frames to include in a single RTS.
  • QueueLimit: Maximum packets to queue at MAC.
  • SIFS: Spacing to give between frames (this should match gateway).
  • NumberOfRates: Number of rate divisions supported by each PHY.
  • MinRetryRate: Smallest allowed RTS retry rate.
  • RetryStep: Retry rate increment.
  • MaxPropDelay: Maximum possible propagation delay to gateway.


  • MaxReservations: Maximum number of reservations to accept per cycle.
  • NumberOfRates: Number of rates per Phy layer.
  • MaxPropDelay: Maximum propagation delay between gateway and non-gateway nodes.
  • SIFS: Spacing between frames to account for timing error and processing delay.
  • NumberOfNodes: Number of non-gateway nodes in this gateway's neighborhood.
  • MinRetryRate: Smallest allowed RTS retry rate.
  • RetryStep: Retry rate increment.
  • TotalRate: Total available channel rate in bps (for a single channel, without splitting reservation channel).
  • RateStep: Increments available for rate assignment in bps.
  • FrameSize: Size of data frames in bytes.


  • Channel: The channel attached to this device.
  • Phy: The PHY layer attached to this device.
  • Mac: The MAC layer attached to this device.
  • Transducer: The Transducer attached to this device.


  • Wind: Wind speed in m/s.
  • Shipping: Shipping contribution to noise between 0 and 1.


  • NumberOfHops: Number of frequencies in hopping pattern.


  • CcaThresholdPhy1: Aggregate energy of incoming signals to move to CCA Busy state dB of Phy1.
  • CcaThresholdPhy2: Aggregate energy of incoming signals to move to CCA Busy state dB of Phy2.
  • TxPowerPhy1: Transmission output power in dB of Phy1.
  • TxPowerPhy2: Transmission output power in dB of Phy2.
  • SupportedModesPhy1: List of modes supported by Phy1.
  • SupportedModesPhy2: List of modes supported by Phy2.
  • PerModelPhy1: Functor to calculate PER based on SINR and TxMode for Phy1.
  • PerModelPhy2: Functor to calculate PER based on SINR and TxMode for Phy2.
  • SinrModelPhy1: Functor to calculate SINR based on pkt arrivals and modes for Phy1.
  • SinrModelPhy2: Functor to calculate SINR based on pkt arrivals and modes for Phy2.


  • CcaThreshold: Aggregate energy of incoming signals to move to CCA Busy state dB.
  • RxThreshold: Required SNR for signal acquisition in dB.
  • TxPower: Transmission output power in dB.
  • SupportedModes: List of modes supported by this PHY.
  • PerModel: Functor to calculate PER based on SINR and TxMode.
  • SinrModel: Functor to calculate SINR based on pkt arrivals and modes.


  • Threshold: SINR cutoff for good packet reception.


  • SpreadCoef: Spreading coefficient used in calculation of Thorp's approximation.


  • RxGainDb: Gain in Db added to incoming signal at receiver.


  • MaxPackets: The maximum number of packets the application will send
  • Interval: The time to wait between packets
  • RemoteAddress: The destination Address of the outbound packets
  • RemotePort: The destination port of the outbound packets
  • PacketSize: Size of packets generated. The minimum packet size is 12 bytes which is the size of the header carrying the sequence number and the time stamp.


  • MaxPackets: The maximum number of packets the application will send
  • Interval: The time to wait between packets
  • RemoteAddress: The destination Address of the outbound packets
  • RemotePort: The destination port of the outbound packets
  • PacketSize: Size of echo data in outbound packets


  • Port: Port on which we listen for incoming packets.


  • SocketList: The list of sockets associated to this protocol.


  • Port: Port on which we listen for incoming packets.
  • PacketWindowSize: The size of the window used to compute the packet loss. This value should be a multiple of 8.


  • RcvBufSize: UdpSocket maximum receive buffer size (bytes)
  • IpTtl: socket-specific TTL for unicast IP packets (if non-zero)
  • IpMulticastTtl: socket-specific TTL for multicast IP packets (if non-zero)
  • IpMulticastIf: interface index for outgoing multicast on this socket; -1 indicates to use default interface
  • IpMulticastLoop: whether outgoing multicast sent also to loopback interface
  • MtuDiscover: If enabled, every outgoing ip packet will have the DF flag set.


  • IcmpCallback: Callback invoked whenever an icmp error is received on this socket.
  • IcmpCallback6: Callback invoked whenever an icmpv6 error is received on this socket.


  • RemoteAddress: The destination Address of the outbound packets
  • RemotePort: The destination port of the outbound packets
  • MaxPacketSize: The maximum size of a packet (including the SeqTsHeader, 12 bytes).
  • TraceFilename: Name of file to load a trace from. By default, uses a hardcoded trace.
  • TraceLoop: Loops through the trace file, starting again once it is over.


  • DataRadioBearerMap: List of UE DataRadioBearerInfo by DRBID.
  • Srb0: SignalingRadioBearerInfo for SRB0
  • Srb1: SignalingRadioBearerInfo for SRB1
  • C-RNTI: Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier


  • rho: The radius of the disc
  • X: The x coordinate of the center of the disc.
  • Y: The y coordinate of the center of the disc.
  • Z: The z coordinate of all the positions in the disc.


  • AntennaHorizontalSpacing: Horizontal spacing between antenna elements, in multiples of wave length
  • AntennaVerticalSpacing: Vertical spacing between antenna elements, in multiples of wave length
  • NumColumns: Horizontal size of the array
  • NumRows: Vertical size of the array
  • BearingAngle: The bearing angle in radians
  • DowntiltAngle: The downtilt angle in radians
  • PolSlantAngle: The polarization slant angle in radians


  • Min: The lower bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.
  • Max: The upper bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.


  • WindowInterval: The time to wait to reset window


  • Remote: The address of the machine we want to ping.
  • Verbose: Produce usual output.
  • Interval: Wait interval seconds between sending each packet.
  • Size: The number of data bytes to be sent, real packet will be 8 (ICMP) + 20 (IP) bytes longer.


  • Remote: The address of the machine we want to trace.
  • Verbose: Produce usual output.
  • Interval: Wait interval between sent packets.
  • Size: The number of data bytes to be sent, real packet will be 8 (ICMP) + 20 (IP) bytes longer.
  • MaxHop: The maximum number of hops to trace.
  • ProbeNum: The number of packets send to each hop.
  • Timeout: The waiting time for a route response before a timeout.


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit


  • Period: the period (=1/frequency)
  • DutyCycle: the duty cycle of the generator, i.e., the fraction of the period that is occupied by a signal


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • Channel: The channel attached to this device
  • PhyEntities: The PHY entities attached to this device.
  • MacEntities: The MAC layer attached to this device.
  • ChannelScheduler: The channel scheduler attached to this device.
  • ChannelManager: The channel manager attached to this device.
  • ChannelCoordinator: The channel coordinator attached to this device.
  • VsaManager: The VSA manager attached to this device.


  • NextWaypoint: The next waypoint used to determine position.
  • WaypointsLeft: The number of waypoints remaining.
  • LazyNotify: Only call NotifyCourseChange when position is calculated.
  • InitialPositionIsWaypoint: Calling SetPosition with no waypoints creates a waypoint.


  • Scale: The scale parameter for the Weibull distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Shape: The shape parameter for the Weibull distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Bound: The upper bound on the values returned by this RNG stream.


  • UseExplicitBar: Specify whether to send Block Ack Requests (if true) or use Implicit Block Ack Request ack policy (if false).
  • BaThreshold: Immediate acknowledgment is requested upon transmission of a frame whose sequence number is distant at least BaThreshold multiplied by the transmit window size from the starting sequence number of the transmit window. Set to zero to request a response for every transmitted frame.
  • DlMuAckSequenceType: Type of the acknowledgment sequence for DL MU PPDUs.
  • MaxBlockAckMcs: The MCS used to send a BlockAck in a TB PPDU is the minimum between the MCS used for the PSDU sent in the preceding DL MU PPDU and the value of this attribute.


  • Ssid: The ssid we want to belong to.
  • QosSupported: This Boolean attribute is set to enable 802.11e/WMM-style QoS support at this STA.
  • CtsToSelfSupported: Use CTS to Self when using a rate that is not in the basic rate set.
  • ShortSlotTimeSupported: Whether or not short slot time is supported (only used by ERP APs or STAs).
  • Txop: The Txop object.
  • VO_Txop: Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_VO access class.
  • VI_Txop: Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_VI access class.
  • BE_Txop: Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_BE access class.
  • BK_Txop: Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_BK access class.
  • VO_MaxAmsduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MSDU for AC_VO access class (capped to 7935 for HT PPDUs and 11398 for VHT/HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MSDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • VI_MaxAmsduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MSDU for AC_VI access class (capped to 7935 for HT PPDUs and 11398 for VHT/HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MSDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • BE_MaxAmsduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MSDU for AC_BE access class (capped to 7935 for HT PPDUs and 11398 for VHT/HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MSDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • BK_MaxAmsduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MSDU for AC_BK access class (capped to 7935 for HT PPDUs and 11398 for VHT/HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MSDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • VO_MaxAmpduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MPDU for AC_VO access class (capped to 65535 for HT PPDUs, 1048575 for VHT PPDUs, and 6500631 for HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MPDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • VI_MaxAmpduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MPDU for AC_VI access class (capped to 65535 for HT PPDUs, 1048575 for VHT PPDUs, and 6500631 for HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MPDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • BE_MaxAmpduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MPDU for AC_BE access class (capped to 65535 for HT PPDUs, 1048575 for VHT PPDUs, and 6500631 for HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MPDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • BK_MaxAmpduSize: Maximum length in bytes of an A-MPDU for AC_BK access class (capped to 65535 for HT PPDUs, 1048575 for VHT PPDUs, and 6500631 for HE PPDUs). Value 0 means A-MPDU aggregation is disabled for that AC.
  • VO_BlockAckThreshold: If number of packets in VO queue reaches this value, block ack mechanism is used. If this value is 0, block ack is never used.When A-MPDU is enabled, block ack mechanism is used regardless of this value.
  • VI_BlockAckThreshold: If number of packets in VI queue reaches this value, block ack mechanism is used. If this value is 0, block ack is never used.When A-MPDU is enabled, block ack mechanism is used regardless of this value.
  • BE_BlockAckThreshold: If number of packets in BE queue reaches this value, block ack mechanism is used. If this value is 0, block ack is never used.When A-MPDU is enabled, block ack mechanism is used regardless of this value.
  • BK_BlockAckThreshold: If number of packets in BK queue reaches this value, block ack mechanism is used. If this value is 0, block ack is never used.When A-MPDU is enabled, block ack mechanism is used regardless of this value.
  • VO_BlockAckInactivityTimeout: Represents max time (blocks of 1024 microseconds) allowed for block ackinactivity for AC_VO. If this value isn't equal to 0 a timer start after that ablock ack setup is completed and will be reset every time that a block ackframe is received. If this value is 0, block ack inactivity timeout won't be used.
  • VI_BlockAckInactivityTimeout: Represents max time (blocks of 1024 microseconds) allowed for block ackinactivity for AC_VI. If this value isn't equal to 0 a timer start after that ablock ack setup is completed and will be reset every time that a block ackframe is received. If this value is 0, block ack inactivity timeout won't be used.
  • BE_BlockAckInactivityTimeout: Represents max time (blocks of 1024 microseconds) allowed for block ackinactivity for AC_BE. If this value isn't equal to 0 a timer start after that ablock ack setup is completed and will be reset every time that a block ackframe is received. If this value is 0, block ack inactivity timeout won't be used.
  • BK_BlockAckInactivityTimeout: Represents max time (blocks of 1024 microseconds) allowed for block ackinactivity for AC_BK. If this value isn't equal to 0 a timer start after that ablock ack setup is completed and will be reset every time that a block ackframe is received. If this value is 0, block ack inactivity timeout won't be used.


  • MaxSize: The max queue size
  • MaxDelay: If a packet stays longer than this delay in the queue, it is dropped.
  • DropPolicy: Upon enqueue with full queue, drop oldest (DropOldest) or newest (DropNewest) packet


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • Channel: The channel attached to this device
  • Phy: The PHY layer attached to this device.
  • Mac: The MAC layer attached to this device.
  • RemoteStationManager: The station manager attached to this device.
  • HtConfiguration: The HtConfiguration object.
  • VhtConfiguration: The VhtConfiguration object.
  • HeConfiguration: The HeConfiguration object.


  • ChannelSettings: Tuple {channel number, channel width (MHz), PHY band, primary20 index} describing the settings of the operating channel. The primary20 index is the index of the primary 20 MHz channel within the operating channel (0 indicates the 20 MHz subchannel with the lowest center frequency) and is only valid if the width of the operating channel is a multiple of 20 MHz. If the standard for this object has not been set yet, the value of this attribute is saved and will be used to set the operating channel when the standard is configured. If the PHY band is left unspecified, the default band for the configured standard is used. If the channel width and the channel number are both 0, the default channel width for the configured standard and band are used. If the channel number is 0, the default channel number for the configured standard, band and channel width is used.Note that the channel width can be left unspecified (0) if the channel number uniquely identify a frequency channel for the given standard and band.
  • Frequency: The center frequency (MHz) of the current operating channel.
  • ChannelNumber: The channel number of the current operating channel.
  • ChannelWidth: The width in MHz of the current operating channel (5, 10, 20, 22, 40, 80 or 160).
  • Primary20MHzIndex: The index of the primary 20 MHz channel within the current operating channel (0 indicates the 20 MHz subchannel with the lowest center frequency).
  • RxSensitivity: The energy of a received signal should be higher than this threshold (dBm) for the PHY to detect the signal. This threshold refers to a width of 20 MHz and will be scaled to match the width of the received signal.
  • CcaEdThreshold: The energy of a non Wi-Fi received signal should be higher than this threshold (dBm) to allow the PHY layer to declare CCA BUSY state. This check is performed on the 20 MHz primary channel only.
  • TxGain: Transmission gain (dB).
  • RxGain: Reception gain (dB).
  • TxPowerLevels: Number of transmission power levels available between TxPowerStart and TxPowerEnd included.
  • TxPowerEnd: Maximum available transmission level (dBm).
  • TxPowerStart: Minimum available transmission level (dBm).
  • RxNoiseFigure: Loss (dB) in the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio due to non-idealities in the receiver. According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_figure), this is "the difference in decibels (dB) between the noise output of the actual receiver to the noise output of an ideal receiver with the same overall gain and bandwidth when the receivers are connected to sources at the standard noise temperature T0 (usually 290 K)".
  • State: The state of the PHY layer.
  • ChannelSwitchDelay: Delay between two short frames transmitted on different frequencies.
  • Antennas: The number of antennas on the device.
  • MaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams: The maximum number of supported TX spatial streams.This parameter is only valuable for 802.11n/ac/ax STAs and APs.
  • MaxSupportedRxSpatialStreams: The maximum number of supported RX spatial streams.This parameter is only valuable for 802.11n/ac/ax STAs and APs.
  • ShortPlcpPreambleSupported: Whether or not short PHY preamble is supported.This parameter is only valuable for 802.11b STAs and APs.Note: 802.11g APs and STAs always support short PHY preamble.
  • FrameCaptureModel: Ptr to an object that implements the frame capture model
  • PreambleDetectionModel: Ptr to an object that implements the preamble detection model
  • PostReceptionErrorModel: An optional packet error model can be added to the receive packet process after any propagation-based (SNR-based) error models have been applied. Typically this is used to force specific packet drops, for testing purposes.
  • Sifs: The duration of the Short Interframe Space. NOTE that the default value is overwritten by the value defined by the standard; if you want to set this attribute, you have to do it after that the PHY object is initialized.
  • Slot: The duration of a slot. NOTE that the default value is overwritten by the value defined by the standard; if you want to set this attribute, you have to do it after that the PHY object is initialized.
  • Pifs: The duration of the PCF Interframe Space. NOTE that the default value is overwritten by the value defined by the standard; if you want to set this attribute, you have to do it after that the PHY object is initialized.
  • PowerDensityLimit: The mean equivalent isotropically radiated power densitylimit (in dBm/MHz) set by regulators.


  • IdleCurrentA: The default radio Idle current in Ampere.
  • CcaBusyCurrentA: The default radio CCA Busy State current in Ampere.
  • TxCurrentA: The radio TX current in Ampere.
  • RxCurrentA: The radio RX current in Ampere.
  • SwitchingCurrentA: The default radio Channel Switch current in Ampere.
  • SleepCurrentA: The radio Sleep current in Ampere.
  • TxCurrentModel: A pointer to the attached TX current model.


  • MaxSsrc: The maximum number of retransmission attempts for any packet with size <= RtsCtsThreshold. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
  • MaxSlrc: The maximum number of retransmission attempts for any packet with size > RtsCtsThreshold. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
  • RtsCtsThreshold: If the size of the PSDU is bigger than this value, we use an RTS/CTS handshake before sending the data frame.This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
  • FragmentationThreshold: If the size of the PSDU is bigger than this value, we fragment it such that the size of the fragments are equal or smaller. This value does not apply when it is carried in an A-MPDU. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
  • NonUnicastMode: Wifi mode used for non-unicast transmissions.
  • DefaultTxPowerLevel: Default power level to be used for transmissions. This is the power level that is used by all those WifiManagers that do not implement TX power control.
  • ErpProtectionMode: Protection mode used when non-ERP STAs are connected to an ERP AP: Rts-Cts or Cts-To-Self
  • HtProtectionMode: Protection mode used when non-HT STAs are connected to a HT AP: Rts-Cts or Cts-To-Self


  • Type: Connection type
  • TxQueue: Transmit queue


  • MaxSize: Maximum size


  • Mtu: The MAC-level Maximum Transmission Unit
  • Phy: The PHY layer attached to this device.
  • Channel: The channel attached to this device.
  • RTG: receive/transmit transition gap.
  • TTG: transmit/receive transition gap.
  • ConnectionManager: The connection manager attached to this device.
  • BurstProfileManager: The burst profile manager attached to this device.
  • BandwidthManager: The bandwidth manager attached to this device.
  • InitialRangingConnection: Initial ranging connection
  • BroadcastConnection: Broadcast connection


  • Channel: Wimax channel
  • FrameDuration: The frame duration in seconds.
  • Frequency: The central frequency in KHz.
  • Bandwidth: The channel bandwidth in Hz.


  • PropagationLossModel: A pointer to the propagation loss model attached to this channel.
  • PropagationDelayModel: A pointer to the propagation delay model attached to this channel.


  • Alpha: The alpha value for the zeta distribution returned by this RNG stream.


  • N: The n value for the Zipf distribution returned by this RNG stream.
  • Alpha: The alpha value for the Zipf distribution returned by this RNG stream.